lion. Frank Rutlor, ns district ormiitr is Mirrinj; tip interest in the grange in Folk 'county. It's a good order. Everyone in teresM in fanning;, directly or indirectly, should lend their support. Clonn olVtho mud once in ft while. That is all our streets need. Correspondence Salem Journal. That's what Independence's streets get. i Thoso good road reformer that wer going to build turn pikes all over Or.-gon with eon- ..J..!., .11... II VlWMltlOll. I'olk -.nutv uks for no of j , " , fieos for it d'.diration in thej Tmlonciidenc ha clean i i , i legislature. It aks for no an-i streets. Vigorous exercise of! propriation for military com- ihe scraper and hoe did panics; n hounties for coyote work, scalps; n fish hatcheries, no' ; , Lo,t we lorget i remei.i i lUe$t Side enterprise WALTKU LYON, F.iitoh Katxrvd at lnil(n1is ilea,, Kto(We miml-clnm raatuir Subscrption, $1.50 Per Year TKLKHIONK U. rifU!PTTTV II ATK (StnJuy In a.lvamvt r y.r II tIK monltia... , lul y... u H.liiwi mtlv 10 vntji xr Miw tlwlslii. BXiwon )miMy advrtlhxjt made kunvrn ... EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Kr al Knit, Vntet or luitUr not leva tlirv llnralll llU olninn, Sprouts: one 111011111 "S ct.l. FOR SALE Fresh milk cowa; alto some pig. Inqulra of Hill Rro. IndHiuieiu'e, Ore, FORSAKE Ctep, geMHl mare, weight 1K"0. Kmpiira of L. StapMon. t FOUND In Independence, ladie nndirelU, turned handle, cilver tip. En'ioirf Ht this oU'kh. TO I.KASK .V KK) acre form with god building, in Linn county, sixty acru of hp land ready tor liis. I.oi.ited across tlit river from th I-eepcr hop yard. Address J. P Maybcrry, U. F. t). No. 4. Albany Ore. the! W.WTKD Two or three furnish- r.l ramus for light hoiiHeUrpinjr. Addf-cit box l'.T city. THE no appropriation for Nation!. Sti.te,' District or! peuitentiary at Salem. County Fairs located within its' borders. All Folk isks worth I i that the appro .Notice Minora Curlew ordinance ef the Peerless Clothing Store s 1905 JANUARY 1905 During tin- mouth of January wo want to reduc our St.a k of t ..thing, nv,.N cats, etc. u.,1 as at. itnlumnnnt U) tho l'uMi. n.ako the.. v liat..lii,nry PRICES Men's Clot hi ns Suit -r Over (Vit ! nientio!iiii J eitv otiy if.;.. 1 1 .. i ..... mKiii ilia first i. . . . i ...... .fl jj tue .iu mi;,," Itiiltpemtf nee provisos mm I'Vj.-j three d.y brinR a criterion f',r ,,,,,,,. under "f 1S l Hoc,i; t; ... i i)u in l,Mit n iti 1 i ' . . i . i. . I Mate School located at mouth, be not ntecardlr. J TIih first Hay it raine.l, represent- 'injr Jantiarv. Februnry'n day I .-.n-iti lltf tviiK ii Ctw ihe Ureonian put on a .Nov;rajl(eilHU.i i ear s edition that reiict the ! ttirt ilrtr was a tviMCal ont for tho of the best advertisements of,' month which it was Hnpposed to Orpo-nn nn,! f ho T no.l Pt.,rl-f represent. Rose are tlooiuing country generally that has ever P'ofe-ely i the g.rdene all over been put out.' The Salem Stales man also put out an attractive number this year and is a most excellent advertisement of the Willamette valley. The Eu gene Register is another paper that showed the enterprise to get up a creditable New Year's number. - - - ' i inrsiiniee tnotius . .rv.-, j to raln ti10 atm.t or alleys ol Uie pnahon for the mother Normal have pllnlv of n,ring weather. u unIfM ;cipiiniaj ,y ,r- I im irt M-.lV 11 raineii. rr unii- ..... ... ... , o.. 7 nV ivk n j fill!1 IT MU! l i WIV. i 1 w . . - - v ... ! th efening during the months of :(Viol,t.r. Novenilwr. IiecintuT, Jan- bio winp in from the! February March. DurinK w-PPt in the afternoon. March!., resources of the Northwest in j opened up clear and warm, and t(jr0 Jn j,ouri ptgimug Mnday, January S. tin orti) nance will be enforcenl. The bell will be town, and the sweet pea vine have taken a tiew start and are climbing all over the fences, a mass of bright green. All vegetation is giving nndVa that if ome winter weather .,.. rwi .,vn i iku mnt v and jdoes not appear pretty eoon, it ,tlj.,iuu territorleu, to rep eneut and rung and all coming under ita pro isior.e will be required to observe them. By order of the Mayor. WanUMl. s. ;.o 10 IH 11 OO V2.M 13.tK) 1 4.00 FiOl !'..() i(i..V) 17.00 lT.f.t) 1S.(H) 18..V) 20.00 .".,'.0 i Youths Clothing I'timt JfH0 .J to SO Vrir! '.i.tft !.'( pl.t Hi j It 1.7 ii.:.'.; 1 .'.:.! Moo' KVti Ii OO "(H " ;:0 800 l.0O 10.00 11. tw Ur) 0,1 f- v!t j Hoys Clc thing jf Jl to 13 Ytarf ' ? Oil H ! -r Ovrre ni 1X1 4 rl '-' .0O ...,. tf.OO! . . .. iii 3 I T'. I JT'. 'a : 3.15 .ti 2 it .. .. r.ut 4.'- . . .-, S.oo .. Y.V) , .. 4 00 ot) .. ., 4,25 S .'m . . 4.75 7.00 .. 3,00 7.5o .. .. 8.5i) t POO .. S.73 - 4.00 With Top Robber lloot - 3..V Short JU.t - 13,01 Short I Wi ;.: 5il - '21.7.". Hoy High Top - ."." - 2 J" Short Ikml II !K l.7f !iorl lt..l 1 40 - need not apply for recognition. McMinnville News Reporter. Tb United States buys mon 'diamonds than any other nation of A reasonable amount of fleas j the world. is'good for a dog. It. reminds t .1 . 1 j t-, llev Carlisle P.. Martin, L UI. him that he 13 a dog. The an- MVCW- nualreceint of garden seed is ! Of W.v.n,. Te. writ: -Of . 0 . . . I mnrntnir. when first arising, I often supposed to f srood for the nni, atrubIeiioiiieco,.' f r.h'ejtm advertise an oUl erttablishetl hou of ftolid ttnanewl ataodlng. Hilary te men f-l weekly, tn women f 12 to f 18 weekly with expense advanced taob Mn.lsy by cberk dire-t fn.iu head- quarteis. IIor and lrey furnialieU when ntwaaary; Millu iwrmuuent. Addret. Ulew Bro. Co., Dept. 5. Modoii Bldg., Chicago. III. Administrator Xotloa. v,.ii la linnoiv iriveiv (hat the lilt-I .......... ' j Ki ilerwtjtned htw len apiftliiretl lol.fltiiit- Mens Jill Wool Underwear 2.50 Suit For 1.75 3.50 . . 2 50 4.00 .. 3.0t 5.00 . . 3.75 Mens Long Rubber Coats 2.50 kind for 1,75 Af and Boy Cowrl Cloth Rubbtr Llnd Coatt horl Coal I IM) 1.40 1 hong Out 11.75 2 00 2.50 3.00 4.00 4 50 5u) COO il50 Fish Brand Slickers 2.10 2 75S ;i 2. ! 3751 4.25 4.V)! Short llm J length 1.75 I'al.U 1 o Ilata .W Mens Mackintoshes itegular 7.r lue 5.50 country editor. It rubs ii in on ! which pridueea a cougb and is very ; (rtorofihe ttai of UnrrN t,. Vmu'.,' him that he is a country editor. !"ur" 141 nis,""ri I ama, py "-ijj . J ... i nf ulluril k Horenound Syrut) will t 1 .L.h nflirMmn ftr Polk count, and H This offirfi arknowlftdp-es a lib- ODCe alHIOOge ii, auu me uuuuii in eral supply of congressional over. I know of no medicine tht is Never mind, Salem. Let Dal las claim the honor of being the home of the goat. When the final day comes and there is choosing between the sheep and the" goats, then you will be strictly in it. Eugene Register. That is right. We are all wool and a yard wide here. States man. And therefore you get fleeced once a year. The legislative committee of the Oregon Dairyman's Associ ation has decided to license dairies charging them 2.50 a year for a certificate of cleanli ness. The standard of milk is also to be raised to contain 3.2 ter cent butter fat instead of 3 per cent While doing a good turn for the west bound immigrants by cutting the rates in two, the Harriman people may as pell go a step further and direct them to check through to Folk county, Oregon. Senator Rand of Baker coun ty will introduce a bill to divide the Ninth judicial district mak ing two districts of the one. Governor Chamberlain would probably not object to such a law. lie would get to appoint the new judge. Well, don't care if I do. I'm on the irrigating committee Henry Ankeny. Jfanv aspirant for road su pervisor in Polk county got left, there are vacancies in 11-7. of Hallard.a Horenound Syrup will at once dislodge it, and the trouble is ni Uiual to it. and it is so pleasant to take i j ii u iu u I can most cordially recommend it to ages and dealt out by the bag M needJ)g m ,uw,jcine for full. Anyone desiring govern- throat or lung trouble," Sold by A. 8. ment seeds, please rush to our Locke rescue Chamberlain' Cough Keniedy the Jlest Made 'In my ' opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is tbe best made for colds," aaya Mrs. Cora Walker, of Pirt- erville, California. Tnere is no doubt about iU being tbe best. o other will cure a cold so quickly. Nootheriaao sure a preventative of pneumonia. No other Is so pleasant and sale to tane. Thews are eood reasons why It should be preerred to any other. Tbe fact is that few people are satisnea witn any other after having once used this rem edy. For aale by P. M. Kirkland, tne druggist. How's This? w.ofrerOna Hundred Dollar! Reward for any cae of Catarrh that canuet be cured by Hall'i Catarrh Cure. F. J . CHEN' EY A CO., Toledo, O. a' 11,0 nnrterftlt'ned. hare known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yar, and believe nlm perfectly honorable In all buluen trann actlon and flnani-lally able to carry out any obligations made oy nn nrm, Wai.diso, KinkaW fc Mabvih Wholesale lmitr:ristsi,To!eJ, O. Hall's CataiTb Cure Is taken Internally actinic directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 enU per boiue. noia oy an Druggist. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney-at-Law, CAMPBELL BUILDING, DALLAS, OREGON. ha mialitied. Ail persoua having claims against said. esk are hereby notified to prwient the same to nie at my at Lwivltlei Oretftin. with the prwpr vouches and duly verified wiHOu i moatha from the date hereof. A. WWfl, AdmlniBtrater. N.L. ElTTLrs, Attorney. Dated and fi-l published Deoembt, 23,1904. Contracted Chrunle Ilarrho While in the I'Mlllpplnei. "While with tbe C. S. Army in the Philippine, I contracted chronic diar rhoea. I suffered severely from thia terrlable disease for over three years and tried the prescriptions of numer ous physicians, but found nothing that did me auy good until t tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, two small bottles of which entirely cured me and I have since bad no return of tbe disease." Herman Stein, 212 N. Union Ave., Pueblo, Colorado. For sale by P. M. Kirkland tbe druggist. Cured ills Mother of Hheiimatisin "My mother has been a sufferer for many yeara from rheumatism, " says W. H. Howard of Husband, Pennsyl vanla. "At times she was unable to move at all, while at all times walking waspalnfnl, I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlin'a Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided It waa the most wonderful pain reliever Hhe had ever tried, In fact, she Is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Palo Balm keeps away tbe pain that she was formerly troubled with." For eale by P. M, Kirkland the druggist. , TOILET PAPEH One Week Special Sale. Rolls ' - 4 for 25c Pocket - - 3 for 25c AO T rr,T7'T7 PRESCRIPTION Oa lWVr.JCs DRUGGIST Peerless Clothing Store North llaif Juty Building JlHh'i'i mleiK't' Oregon, The Indtieiulen'e SJIOJS31AKJSH and REPAIR EH Carrlr the Cele brated Coggers J1sbc$fo$ fianJ m&fo SHOES none Better mm mm il iff G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore, 'Marble and Granite Monument aad Head stones Cemetery work eic. DR. NEHRBAS WILL I3E IN INDEPENDENCE I MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY OF EACH WEEK AND M0NM0MTH THURSDAY, FRIDAY.'AND SATURDAY & Reliable Dental Work AT REASONABLE PRICES KDEPEXDECE OFFICE OVER ID EPENDEWF KAT10N U.JK.IM Send No Money 0WMT TOCm HAM AMD ADDftsatt "Sn 51450 s Hdd Tw&on son A MATTER OF HEALTH si mu0 P0170EB aLaali,l Olivia IIA5 HO SUBSTITUTE W. G. SHARMAN, Merchant Tailor Hunk Uui.'tling, I.NDKPE.VDKNCK, OuK0. MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE 4 MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. leaves Indrlmn diiis. ft,r Moil, moiiili ami A n il 7:i a. m. M . in. Ixavri liidvrifn" 1iiw fhr Mun niontnanil Oailiu ll mi a. m. a 15 p. ttk Uymm Monmouth foralrllak TifiSa. tn. caVp. m. ! M sn aiovUl for 11 la. tU a, as, an avaa. l-avrs Alrlle f"J Jlliiiitiioiilh ' Jnlptnl'''ioe. i t-ni a. m. 1 . :( p. W. ! MM Dslla w i Moiimoiill) aa ! H p. m. ' b'TO Munmmit ar IndrfmlnI .n a, ia. i m p. to. t s n I g, UMl'S""- P- I