West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 06, 1905, Image 4

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    Clearance Sale
Clearance Sale
Independence Leading Store
rs. i r i s i r i r i i l r
I II III I I I I . I II 111 II I Il k. ' l ,1 I . I I 111 I I mm I I I I I I I I I "III I I V ' I I I m
JilL ii w JlW 11 Mil Pii
: ' ; ,wi hniiur filwirt nf romn. it is necessary tn
nov:n mrwlo VPVV IlcaVV PUrC'lMSCS 101' SIirili,uim, ".V"b - , ....... "
J. ilia iiiwuiio
' . I H I I I
aj n CaU I H
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Thirimr thistle, 75c to 90c has Sesame. purchasing. power as 81.00 under regular prices.
S ESftd uTplain figures. Kcmcmbcr, Entire Stock, except articles named above,
. U i. .iLi 1 a ViVifinnt.R vour future wants, buy now, and save money.
isaiyourmspu. .v---. - - n A n n b-
fr : .. w v
a . . , I
Social andPersonal.
A. E. Mills was in Corvallis
R. G. Allen was in Portland
. last week. iv ' '
CarlDeArmond vieited at the
home of Mr. Barge. last reek. '
Ray Walker and Sam Damon
returned Tuesday to Corvallis. j
Homer White of Amity was in
the city the first of the week.
Arthur Allen of Corvallis is
visiting his brother Irley Allen of
this place. , ,', ' - i, .;
Mrs. A. .'Stump and son Fred
spent a few days at this place
last week. "
Mrs. M. Camming and daughter
visited at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. DeArmond.
Miss'Tressa Camp of Linn
county is visiting with her sister,
Mrs. H. T. Ridders.
Mrs. Kennedy aod children re
turned to Mr. Thurston's after a
week's visit at Crawfordsville.
Miss Ella Allen who is attend
ing school at Albany visited with
her parents here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Nelson of Port
land vUited friends in Independ
ence and Monmouth this week.
' Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Maxfield
returned to their home at Albany
Tuesday after , a , few days' visit
with relatives.
Mrs. Bohannon of Sea Side and
Mrs. Dell Jones and , daughter of
Corvallis are visiting Mrs. Bohan
non's sister, MrPave Boydston of
Hliig city. ,
HoJy Brown lormerly or chis
place but now of eastern Oregon
had the mkfortune to get both
legs and an arm broken by a
horse falling on him.
D. M. Hampton, the Monmouth
hotel man," has changed his bead
quarters. He has moved from the
comer building on Main street to
the Wilcox property on the motor
line. He has a number of comfort
able rooms and will be pleased to
entertain the traveling public at
his new place. ,
J. D. Morrison is in Salem to
.day.' ' '
Earl Race of Salem was in town
f, .nl Mr.. B. F. Saunders of
Arlington returned home the1 first
of the week, after a visit , with Mr,
and Mn. Rice of this city.
Miss Bertha Rowe is spending a
few weeks vacation at her home in
Buena Vista after teaching a term
at Nahalem. .
Miss Myrtle Scroggs returned to
her school in Olympia yesterday
after spending the holidays at-her
home in Independence.
J. T. Jones of ', Su ver was doing
business in town this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Dick Gaines re
turned from a visit in Portland
yesterday. , ' " '
Mrs. W. P. Ireland and Glen
Ireland are visiting relatives in
H. E. Lounsbury, judge of pretty
babies and traveling freight agent
of the Southern Pacific is in town.
Hon. J. S. Cooper, a member of
the coming state legislature, re
turned to Independence this noon
from a Salem trip. Albany Dem
ocrat. v
W. F. Middleham sold his fruit
ranch this week at Highland to J.
S. Compton of Lebanon, a brother
of John Compton. Mr. Compton
and family will move from Leban
on and take possession of the prop
erty next week.
A big fare at North Yakima
Tuesday night almost totally de
stroyed three stores among which
was the clothing store belonging to
C. 6. Staats,' a former Polk county
man. The entire loss will foot op
VI. N.Wood, the Pallas S. P.
agent Vt&a pone with his familv on
an extended vacation trip to Calif
ornia. Mr, Leonard of Portland
takes his place while abMnt.
State Senator Scott Laughary
passed through today enroute , to
Portland to join the gathering
tb rock of legislators that always
n.et In tbe Metropolis just before
legislature! The solois will leave
Portland for, Salem Sunday even
ing and k'onday rBorning. .
V. 0. Boots is in Portland
Asa Robinson was a Portland
visitor this week.
" Jesse WhiteakVr is making a
tour of eaBtern Oregon. '
Chas. Kennedy of Portland was
In Independence yesterday.
, Mrs. D. B.. Taylor was a pass
enger to Corvallis today. "
Lay ton Smith waa a passenger to
Portland to-day. !i .
Miss Bertha Osborn visited
fiends in Dallas several days this
J. F. Mayberry a prosperous
farmer of Linn county was in In
dependence yesterday.
Will Cork of Eugene visited rel
atives and old friends here thic
Miss Mable Cooper and Mies
Mollie Scott returned to school at
Eugene Tuesday after spending the
holidays in Independence.
P. Calpreath will have in a few
days an extra dynamo to be in
stalled at the present water plant
in this city. This will act as an
aid to the light plant at Sidney.
Mrs. L. H. Foster, accompanied
by her son, C. B. Cheesbro, who
has been visiting here, left for
Vancouver yesterday. Mrs. Foeter
will visit her daughter in that city.
There will be special services, at
Presbyterian church next Sunday.
In the morning Communion, bap
tism and reception of members.
In the evening Dr. Thompson will
give his sermon on the topic "The
American Boy." There will be
most excellent program ot muaio
for these services and, a very kind
welcome is extended to all.
Samuel Smi th, of HaUon, is
somewhat improved, but is st-ll
very low. Mr. J. F. Smith, of
Monmouth .Oregon, arrived on
Saturday last. Just prior to his
arrival his brother's life was de
spaired ;of, but since that date he
has slowly recovered, and on Mon
day Mr.' W. W. Smitlj was . in the
citr' for the purpose of taking
Artiat TT.rria nnt tn hi. ranch in
order that the brothers , might
lhree.Washtncna News,
Miss Flora McCallan of Dallas
visited Mirs Florence Burton' this
week. , ,
, Mr., and Mrs. Willard Ireland
returned to Corvallis Tuesday,
accompanied by Miss Elva Taylor.
Regular services at the Method
ist church Sunday.1 Morning
subject, "Faith;" evening object
"The Good Samaritan " A cor
dial welcome extended to all.
Another check with Clark Em
brees name forged has turned up.
This one was canned' by A. J.
Morgan at Fritz saloon in Portland
and through the regular channel
has returned to the Polk County
Bank at Monmouth. The amount
of the last check was $18.25. i
The Odd Fellows of Independ
ence installed the following officers
Thursdry night: G. A. Hurley N.
G;M.C. Williams. V. G; Elias
Ferguson, Warden; Arthur Moore,
Conductor; A. Huston, I. G;
L. Damon, O. G; Wallace Huntley,
R. 8. N. 0; W. II Walker, L. S. N.
G; J. E. Hubbard, L. S. V. G; Will
Mattison, Ii. S. V. G; P. A. Hodge,
R. 8. 8; Avery Murphy, L. S. 8;
J. R. Craven, Chaplain; Pr. E. L.
Ketchum, Secretary; A. S. Locke,
Treasurer; Geo. Conkey, Sitting
Past Grand,
F. L. Stewart of McCoy Deputy
Grand Marshal of the Grand
Lodge of Oregon was present and
installed the officers.
Moore's Hair Invigorator and
Newbro's Herpicide for dandruff
and falling hair or diseased scalp
Bold In bulk, 50c 8 oz., or applied if
necessary by Moore & Taylor's, the
barbers on C street.
If it is neat, up-to-date job print
ng you are looking for, stop at
this office.
Mrs. J. W. Richardson Sr. has
for sale, at her home on Monmouth
street in Independence, California
Medicated soap.' Price 10c per bar
or three bars for a quarter.
Dress Making.
Fashionable . dressmaking, at
reasonable rates. Children'! 1 suits
a specialty.1 Rooms at Mrs. Ml A.
Tetherow's, Monmouth Street.
The. Keystone FieldftK
I j j;,.-j-.':.,'f'ii !--' . ..',.,' -
ft. ? ' 1 ' ' ' ' '
I'lio Keystone Fence is"mad of good strong,
wire ntul it U u continuous and entirely inter
woven fence. This menus that there is no be
ginning and no end to tlio stays, but that they
are continuous with the long wires. And the
stay wires will not slip and are not made of
('fill ntd see our fence ns our stock is com
plete ami prices aro right.
Huston & Simon.
One Week Special Sale.
Rolls - - 4 for 25c (
Pocket 3 for 25c
Jrl"tclM Home' Accomodations
MonmouthVOregon.', Rates fl per
Scad No
tuns "
1 1