West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 06, 1905, Image 3

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Ljwflef PromiM According
L i n . .lttnrt. to Tired
rw V
..v.-Uianofl of tha unlw
tliiiurl M oi I"" pan
.... nlava I" urniina
'.-.ur thing Prof Quaint-
l .... "The futur U full of
-inr tried farmers machln-
j.i.ihlr wrn ir inwtn
Llhl twenty-one men will.
..ini. crop, including
. ilc. cotton. corn.oets, liy
tV and wliMt, w
,, auui.l fifty
..nkitintilnK the fuel that wa
Tin to lw 'Ke'iy
tjilurf necessary frulU,
QwloUnM finds that w art
, bettor prouuci. imuh
hinry he tMi noi w,,h'
a. Influent upon the quality
ib matter ol preparing grain
tha tJvnUB of machinery
i.hl The lessen I gensration
I . ..Mil. I it loW til Ml
muli! of flour from wheal
I. u ,llnnf rinmaa fir
. . l-...lnnlli.M mi.
k2to IB lOilwVHy wi
t jo some cases baa worked
.v m id tht men displaced, in
I u liaa tuwtn a benefit to
un 1 -
ho hsra coniliiuJ In egrl.
H t
tasnsnl it till glrg on
Lsiktly to continue ao long at
ukk hi Inventive genius.
safeguard for tha indlvld.
in induatrlal education and
L should proflJe thla for
Kings Vntlry.
ind Mm. M. K-lmiaton spent
i.tlb Mr. ami Mm. Arnold.
irl Coaper U vUiting In
tchool hre clourd Friday
iitb sn entertainment and
ncitl. Mulo wae lurnbh-
i gramophone belonging to
brans. There waa a good
iesWheelock returned to
l ia Lane county Satur-
Pitiier bu ordered a 1125
poller. '
lie Daniel ia In California
Era Barnes ia out from
m visiting Mrs. Allen
NiwYear'i day Mr. and Mra.
i Herren gave a dinner for
mot their neighbors and
it being Mr. Herren'a
birthday. The house waa
' decorated with ever-
ofenry description, an ex
program was prepared! and
by the children in a
P thtt wan creditable to
rn and parents. At
w in the evening the
parted for their many
iibing Mr. and Mrs. Will-
wn many such enjoyable
i Mrs. W. II. Murphy
'to holidays with friends
iiveiat Howel prairie.
brothers put up their
F of logs 1 ant Monday.
"r from here attended
rl of the late Mr. Heath
tyderman and family of
'Jf'wnt the holidays with
Dts, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Murphy aold his prunes
r pound.
Prather is farniahinn wood
't?!n boats, at f 2.25 per
,jilt Aid of the Kvan
:afcbelected the following
: ffident'A." Anderson;
Pnt, Mrs. -'A. Rowe;
itt IL' J. Lao; assistant
Ml! II I
TheMamn lull we Krl.l.;
eva was well attended, Klma Wi.
taking thel.dy'. prM ,ml
w. v. uynrs the gKntlemaira
MNs Josephine Monker left for
Portland Hunday.
Dick Dunn of Kings Valley
Spent last Wonk here.
Miss Clara Troel of Corvallls
vlsiUd tho lat of the week with
fronds here.
Adona O'Kelley of Independence
visited at the boost. of V. E.
; Williams lat wank.
P. L Itose and F. A. Williama
slodonis of (he 0. A. C. at Corral
lie simnt New Year's with (heir
parenU at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bsgley of
Athena, Oreiron, spent the holidays
with relatives in these parts.
QulU a number of friends
gathered at the home of Bill
Williams 8unday evening and wart
eoterertaitiml by music and ting
' Kosoo Staatt is home from Inde
pendence with a sprained ankle,
caused by a horse falling with him.
Irma Btaats spent Xmas. with
Mra. Lulu Brown at Corvallis.
C. V. Johnson's father is visit
ing here this week.
Miss Lavern Fentou returned to
her home at McMlnovillt Tuesday.
Miss Loretta Smith reached
home last week after spending
aevaral months In California..
She, like a!t others, U glad to be
back In OrcRon. and ays there is
no place like Oregon.
K. Bogert wrnt to SanFrancisoo
last week to bring his brother,
Jake Bogert, here, he having sus
tained injuries in an accident at
8an Francisco ' that bare caused
partial paralysis.
All the students have returned
and school is again in full swing.
Mrs. E. H. Cattron, of Spokane,
who was called here to attend the
funeral of her father, II. J. Butler
returned home Monday.
The basket ball team is doing
regular work and Coach Thorp is
developing tome fine team work.
Tber will lay 0. A. C. at Corvall
is next Saturday.
The Monmouth post ojlice has
been designated an International
money order office and orders can
now be drawn on nearly all foreign
The Mat erowers of this locality
art making considerable prepara
tion for the Dallas goat snow ana j
v. nrndict thev will win theirl
w f -
share of the premiums
D. M. Hampton haa moved to
f!, Wilcox house on woior ei
and Hotel Hompton will hereafter
tythnre. The building he has va
cated is to be med as a racket store
Hfiwhinke of Oregon City is
" " - .. . u
vieiting friends at Huver tuis weea
Mr. Tonv Whitebeck is visiting
here after a year's aiwence
.. . . v.i,iIiia Bay
Winter nf --
Tn nrilnr to
accomodate the many
. i. ...:k tn in k a winter
people wno
rip toYaquina Bay, the Southern
K . -;n Hull on
Paeifio compau - - -
... . i a CanrdavB of eacn
Wednesdays iuu k.-'-
. ..MM.kSt. 1905. round
weeK, unvn v
trip tickets, a
r . i limited to euty
outna anu rovu"i ,
days from date of sale. Those who
..v- ..Ivantaee of this
desire w w -
rate should spply to eit South
...... tfortckett. Agts:
ern racmu ---
Oregon City, Harrisburg. Aurora,
r. :.8. . .r.,iKm. Newbere, Sa-
HillsDoro, " "
ox...:.. Jftflerson. Forest
IftlM. DOenuo", - ...
B.n..m, -ft,--
gene, Lebanon.
. Stockholder.' Meeunf
oual meeting o( he . toe
Independence 1905
held on Tuesday J ' - . Pu
at the Bank ft tMP J tnu)iM.
.Hoardori,.- " -- as "may
tlno of sum ov.,r. .
Peerless Clothing Store s
1905 JANUARY 1905
During the month of January wo want to reduce our Stock of Clothing, Over
coate, etc. and as an inducement to the Public, make these extraordinary
Men's Clothing Youths Clothing Boys Clothing
l7.60 8ultorOverCoatl5.50 Tuar. 'aZIZST!
I'm I! .: iS W Suit or $ M 8.U or Overcoat $1.40
10.00 .. ... 7.50 6-SO 400 2.50 .. .. 1.75
11.00 .. ' . 8.00 600 .. .. 4.25 2.75 .. .. 2.00
12.50 .. .. U.00 6-W 4.75 3.00 .. .. 2.15
13.00 .. .. 9.50 7.00 .. .. 5.00 3.50 .. .. 250
14.00 .. .. 10.00 7.50 .. .. 5.50 4.00 .. ,. 300
15.00 .. .. 10.75 8.00 .. .. 5.75 4.6O .. .. 3.25
19.00 .. .. 11.75 0 00 .. .. 6.75 5.00 .. - ... 3.50
16.50 .. .. 12.25 10.00 .. .. 7.50 5.50 4.00
17.00 .. .. 12.50 11.00 .. .. 8.00 6 00 .. .. 4.25
17.50 .. ..13.00 12.W .. .. 9-00 6.50 .. .. 4.75
18.00 .. .. 13.50 ' 7-00 5.00
18.50 .. .. 14.00 7.50 ... .. 5.50
2Q.C0 .. .. 15.00' 8.00 5.75
- $4.00 High Top Rubber Boot
2$.75 Boy High Top $2
$3.50 $3.50 Short Boot $3.00
35 $2.25 8hort Boot $1 90 $1
- $3.00 Short Boot $2.50
.75 Short Boot $1.40
Mens Jill Wool
$2.50 Suit For $1.75
3.50 .. 2.50
4.00 ... 3.00
5.00 .. 3.75
Mens Long Rubber
$2.50 kind for $1,75 ,
M01U and soyt cootH cloth f ish Brand Slickers
Rubb.rLlnd Coat, ghorl nm
$1.75 Short Coal 1.20 j Length 1.75
2 00 ... 1.40 ' Pants 1.00 '
2.50 .. 1.75 Hats .20
3.00 Long Coat . 2.10 '
4 00 2:75 Mens Mackintoshes
4.50 .. . '3.25 ,
500 .. 3.75 Regular $7.50 value $5.50
6.00- .. 4.25
6 50V ' 4-m
Peerless Clothing
North Half Douty Building
Independence, Oregon.
A New Departure on the South,
ern Pacltlo and CorvallU
& Eastern ICatlroada.
RecognWng a long felt want, and
rioairlnir to srlve the publio cheap rates
to the coast in the winter as well as the
summer, for persons who desire to see
ha hnundlnir billows In their wildest
moods asd Imbibe the pure oaone of
the winter air at the ooasi, me ooum
ern Taclflo Company in connection
with the Corvallls & Eastern Bail road
have placed on sale, taking effect Nov.
2, 1904, and continuing untill March,
81,1905, from all points on thetr lines,
round trip tiikets to Yaquloa at the
Mtue rat as during the summer.
n.. Hckflta will be sold on Wednes
day, and Saturdays only, and will be
good fr return sixty days from date of
Dr. Minthorn's sanitary baths wll
be in operation and aoyoue who de
alres a genuine health rasort during the
wiutt caunot do better than spend a
mouth or so at Yaquina.
Similar tickets will bs sold from Al
bany Corvallis,Phllomatn and all polnta
wtt ou the Corvallis A Eastern K. B.
Full information as to rates, baggage
etc, can lie obtained by applying to
the oeareat 8. P. agent or direct from
W. E. Oman, O. P. A., 8. P. Co, Port
land, er Edwin Stone managtr CAE
B. B. Co., Albany.
p g Through tickets to Portland
are 'sold by the C. A E. at
and by the S. P., Portland to Corvallis
via Albany snd the 0. A E. at the same
rale as via the west side, via: 2.60 C. A
E. trains oonuect at Albany with the
Albany-Portland local both ways. v
A Grim Tragedy
. .. ...1 1.. Ihrvnaanddof homes
ia daily ennui .
Jath claims, In each one, another
victim otConaanspnuu ,
um onH Pnlda are prop-
But wneu iws" -
erly treat, tht-tragedy la averted.
G Honuey,
. ' ..miir. hail the oonsump-
tlon,and three doctors gave her up.
" '.. t. .w n Vlnir'a New Dls-
oovery for CoD.umptloD, Cough, and
Sild which cuied ber. and today sh,
wall and strong.
all diseases, wu
,.intaedst50oand 11.00 by A. B.
ra drnwist. Trial bottto fttfc
The Original
Foley Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on aooount of the great
merit and popularity of Foley's Honey
aad Tar many Imitations are offered
for the genuine. Ask for FOLEY'S
Honey and Tar and refuse any sub
stitute offered as do other preparation
will give the sarue satisfaction. It is
miiiiv laxative. It eoctains no opiates
and is safest for children and delicate
persons. Bold by A. B. Locke. ,
Another Good Man Gone Wrong
He neglected to take Foley's Kidney
ri.r t the first elans oi Kidney troub
le, hoping it would wear away, and
he was soon a victim of Bright's dis
ease. There is danger in delay, but
if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at
ouoe the symptoms will disappear, me
ki.inva are strenittheued and you are
soon sound and well. A. R. Base of
Morgantown, Ind., bad to get up wn
r ,! times in the night, and had
a severe backache aud paIna lu th
kidneys and was cured oy foiey s
Kldoey Cure. Bold by A. S. Locke,
Four Hundred Babies.
a vinnnt's Infant Asylum,
Chicago, shelters homeless waifs await-
tog adoptiou, and mere are utr.jr
400 babies there . Sister Julia wniea:
I cannot say to much In praise ot
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs,
-.!.! ,,n and whooDinsr cough."
Ask for Foley's Honey aud Tar and In
.... huviinr it as it is a safe
Bin. U jrwu .
remedy and certain In resulta. Befuse
aubetitutes. Sold by A. 8. Locke.
Notice Minora
Curfew ordinance of the city of
ndependence provides that no
minor under age of 18 be allowed
. m v,a atrafita or alleys oi ine
vu lunui -
1 ViwT UUtVUB B7
ents or guardian, after 7 o'clock in
tha evening during ne mwuo
October, November, December, Jan
uary, February. March. During
the remaindar of the year 8 o'clock
ia the turn in hour. Beginning
Monday. January 9. this ordinate
will be enforeed. The bell will be
under its pro-
ruug " . - -
Tisiots will be required to observe
By order of the Mayor.
Mrs. J, W. Richardson Sr. has
for sale, at her home on Monmouth
street in Independence, California
Medicated soap. Price lOo per bar
Corvallis & Eastern Railroad
No. 2 For Yaquina: ,
Leaves Albany ...... 12:45 p. m.
" Corvallis...... 1:48 p.m.
Arrives Yaquina.... 6:20 p. k.
No. I Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a.m.
Leaves Corvallis . . . . 1 1 :30 a. m.
Arrives Albany 12:15 p.m.
No. 3 For Albany-Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis ..6:00a.m.
Arrives Albany ...... 6:40 A. M.
Lv. Albany for Detroit 7:30 A. m.
Arrives Detroit. .... 12:02 p. M.
No. 4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit 12:35 p. m-
Arrives Albany '. . 5:15 p. M
LV. Albany for CorvTs 7:15 p. M
rrives Corvallis .... 7:55 p. m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in
time to connect with the S. P.
oniith honnd train, as well as liv
ing two or three hours in Albany
before departure 01 i. r. noi in
bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the
S. P. trains at Corvahic ano Albanv
giving direct service to Newport
and adjacent beaches.
Train No. 3 for Detroit via Al
bany, leaves Corvallis at 6:00 a. m.
and connects with the S. P. Al
bany-Portland local train leaving
Albany at 7:00 a. m. Train No. 3
leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:30 a.
m.. arriving there at noon, giving
ample time to reach the Breiten
bush hot springs the same day.
Train No. 4 connects at Albanv
with the Portland-Albany local,
which arrives here a4 7:10, and
runs to Corvallis leaving Albany
at 7:15 and arriving in Corvallis at
7:55 p.m.
For further information apply to
, 1 Edwei Stosk, .
T. Cockbkll, Agent, Albany. "
II. H. Cbomsk, Acent, CorvaUs.
H C-fv-rr Ijrrt
iksV A Aw
A3 CJllLUil k-Jkls
Through Pullman standard and tour
ist sleeping car daily to Uiiiuha, Chi
cago, Spokane ; tourist sleeping-car daily
to Kansas City ; through I'liUman tour
ist sleeping cars (personally rondocted)
weekly to Chicago and Kansas City;
reclining cnair can iseaia ireej to uw
East daily.
II Portland to Chtcag
Mo Change of Cars
dspast TIME SCHEDULE a a bits
Chicago ' Bait Lake, Denver,
Portland Ft Worth, Omaha,
Special Kansas City, 8t. 4 JO pi
9 :16 a m via Louis, Chicago and
Hunting- East.
Atlantic Salt Luke, Denver,
Express Ft Wortb.Omaba,
8 : 16 p in via Kansas City, St 10:30 a sa
Hunting- Leala, Chicago
ton. and East.
St Paul Walla Walla.Lewis-
FastMail ton, Spokane, Wal-
6 a mvia lace, Pullman, 7:35am
Spokane. Minneapolis. 8t
raui, uuiutn, Mil
waukee, Chicago
and East
For San Francisco Every five days at
8 :00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Daily, except Sunday, at
8 .00 p. m ; Saturday at 100 p. m.
Daily service, water permitting, oa
Willamette ane Yamhill rivers.
For fuller information ask or write
your nearest tick agenc, or
General Passenger Agent,
The Oregon Railroad A Navigation
Co., Porriand, Oregon.
Ask the Agent for Tickets
.-' ' VTA '
CO. UvKCIB, laivn, iwun. auu .u.. . "
formation callon or address H. DICK
SON. Oitv Ticket Asent. 122 3rd St..
8. G. YERKES. G. W. P. A.
612 First Ave., Seattle, Wash.
We give expedited service on freight.
Route vour shipments via Great
Northern. Full information from
Win. Harder, (ien'I. Agent.
' Portland, Ore.
Undertaker, Embalmer, and Funeral
Director. Lady Assistant
when Desired.
Administrators Notice.
Notice is borebv (riven that the un
dersigned haa been appointed adminis
trator of the estate 01 warns Li. Wing,
deoaased by theeounty court of the
state of Oregon for Polk county, and
m Qualified. All persona Having
claims asrainst said eatate are hereby
notified to present the same to me at
my residanosat i.ewisvnie, uregop.
with tha nretier voucnera ana amiv
Terifled within six months from the
date hereof.
A. Wing.
N.L. EtTTLia. Attorney.
Dated and flaat published December,
23,1904. . .
Greatly In Demand
Nothing Is more in demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system cleanser,
such as Dr. King's New Life Pilie.
Tbey are just what you need to core
stomach and liver troubles. Try tbem.
At A. 8. Locke's drug store, 35c.,
l M. V. B. X3oin; treas