UJnt Side enterprise WALTER LYON, Krrron EaWrvd lrulTrti1nc, Ora poUoa Subscrption. $1.50 Per Var TKLEPHONK U. prBJ4xpirrio! katk (utteiljr la adranr) rr jrcar Hit monlhi,,. ., - , ...It ... T4 Mingl "pjr. rWadlns soli lucnuw Hitrlht Rata on Hlply advartlatac atada kaowa a appuaauoa. The patriarch and brainy man of Oregon is under indict meut. On Wednesday of this week the Multnomah county grand jury returned an indict roent acninst General George II Williams, mavor of Portland, for malfeasance in office, along with indictments against other city officials and a long list of common criminals. The spec tacle is shockinsr. pitiable. It set9 the people of Oregon think in sr. Besides a big man intel lectually, he has been generally considered the embodiment of honestv. General Williams head is white w ith the frosts of eighty-three winters. For the past forty years Oregon has been proud to point to him as her leading citizen. General Williams has served Oregon in the United States senate. lie was also Chief justice of the Supreme Court of Oregon Terri tory. He was Attorney-General of the United States in .Presi ' dent Grant's cabinet. He was nominated by President Grant for a place on the bench of the United States Supreme Court, but the Senate failed to confirm the nomination. His is the mind that as Attorney-General, framed the re-construction act by which the southern states were retained in the Union, fol lowing the civil war one of the nation has had to deal with. General Williams has been one of the big lawyers of the nation. More, he was a statesman. As a lawyer, he never descended to pettifoggery, nor was it even suspected of him. He has been considerate to young lawyers and young men generally who have been and are today his steadfast friends. In his deal ings with mankind he is gener ous and humane. Years ago he helped a Marion county citi zen by loaning him money on a farm. .The borrower grew care less and spent bis money in saloons and with bad compan ions. The debt grew and the General remonstrated but to no avail. The farmer became in different to his obligations and the needs of bis family. Inter est was accumulating with no effort on the part of the farmer to meet it. He was offered ai the interest if he would try and repay the principal, but no offer woald appeal. Finally, to save a part of the loan, the Genera had to take the land. But the farmer had a family. After taking the land he did not want, a place costing $1400 was pur chased in Salem two years ago and given the farmer with the admonition he go on it and take care of his family. As to the merits of the indictment against General Williams, the court is the only tribunal to pass up on them. Neither papers nor in dividuals are justified in antici pating the verdict of a court. The world can be assured how ever that if there is any lesson for the public good to be drawn from General Williams indict ment, he will willingly submit to it, let the consequences be what they may. The dosine worrit of Mayor William.' annual message were "1 have twraonal knowledge the government of the city lor more than 40 years, and during that time Portland has not been as free from municipal corru tin as it has been during the vreaent administration." On the tame day the uiessage was delivered the Mayor, his Chief of Police, Ex-City Engi neer, City Surveyor and a nura ber of City Contractors were in dieted by the grand jury. The world will take notice that Port Arthur is uow a Jap anese port. The new mayors message hits the right ring to it. Hurry back Mr. Heney Getting hungry for sensations Help the grange. They are progressive people. Work on the big mill will be- irm next week, beveral new cr buildings to go up in Independ- nee right away. This is lWi. Iff Were Mrs. Chad wick. If I were Mrs. Cbadwick, and Mrs. Chad wick I. Some folks of my acquaintance would 'ay them down and die. I know some wealthy people, with stocks, and bonds, and. such. Of whom I'd surely make a million dollar touch, would open wine in magnums and live extremely high. (I were Mrs Cbadwick, and Mrs. Cbadwick I. f I were Mrs. Chadwick, and Mrs. Cbadwick I, would play them to the limit, if Ka limit, vara f n a alrv My friends would dine in palaces. and I would pay the checks, And millionaires who knew tiie ' would get it in the neck. I would keep the waiters jumping and buy, and buy and lipv- If I were Mrs. Chadwick, and Mrs Chadwick I. , , . ... Jober 15, 148, and was well ac f I were Mrs. Chadwicc, and Mr.1 ; ' ' WM wher Chadwick I, Nearly ev'ry lovely city would float in Extra Dry. fust now I'm not high rolling, a tbiDR 1 ao aepiore, spend it when I have it-a horse thing I do deplore; could do no more. Carnegie! just imagine the Christ mas gifts I'd buy, 1 I were Mrs. Chadwick and Mrs. Chadwick I. ' Politeness Pays. Suddenly the man fell, He was a dignified person, but as be reach ed a sleety corner-his feet, set down with precision, failed to stay set They flew so high, and the result was so abrupt, that as the man bit the walk in a sitting posture ob servers expected to fee a spine pro trude from to the top of his bat. Two youths had seen the episode. One was a bad youth, and unwise He laughed. The other was a good youth, who knew a thing or two. He hastened to pick up the fallen man "Thank you," said the man; "I am a childless millionaire, looking foi an heir. You're it. Meantime take this roll and blow yourself. Only one condition is attached. Don't spend a cent on that laugh ing jackass who is with you." - Handing over a f 10,000 bundle, and giving his hotel address, the man went his way. .The moral of this is so obvious that the reader unable to discern it isn't worth bothering about. It seems an odd fact, but never the less it is a fact, that the potato crop ef the United States does not fill the home demand. The average crop is about 575,000.000 bushel per year, yet in the last decade it has been necessary to import an average of : 1,500,000 . .hushels of potatoes a year in the United States. , Are not some of our Am erican farmers, neglecting the potato crop to their own detriment When billons take Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists. THE DEVOTION OF tar rowiN Arnold OUR tiroos have I watching from near at hand the dart, senou., n changing, introspective countenance of the mikado of Japan, upon whom ia focused the absolute devo tion of tKe Japanese people in a manner not only mm i- unparalleled tdsewherw, but hardly traditional sentiment of the wonderful nation wuwn is wo of all her for and which WILL BRING HER LN 1IO.N0K AND TRIUMPH OUT OF ALL DANGERS. I ahall not attempt to dwell upon what I have seen aod heard per sonally of hie imperial uiajeaty. Other pen may dare to nmlu hun into paragraph-. Wherever I law that ailent potentate I was art thinking of th anoient legeads and of the sun goddoas and of Avalo kitowra. Now that I can only recollect, it U still with something like awe as well as with profound respect and sympathy thai I recall the steadfast brows and the stern, sad lips of his imperial majesty Mutsuhito, wh-e order of the Rwing Sun I have the honor to bar and of whom I am the humble sen-ant and well wisher, believing, a I do, that in his auguat handa Providence has placed the duty and the glory of linking forever together the east and the weet IN A UNION WHICH ONCE APPEARED IMPOSSIBLE. How It IUpMUHl. Even the advertiiinB man may ins i'fl lui mediately following the holiday- A local in i eta.ud that R M. Wade A Co. had received two tons ot wire at the Independence store. The fact ia they received a ahipment of two car loads of trellis wire, twenty tons each or forty tons of wire. That firm has wire for further oidern. In a display advertise ment for the W. A. Messner store, the ad man couldn't tell an "h" from a "k" and advertised ladies hirts instead of skirts. This the ladies will appreciate however, for Messner baa skirts left on band ,nd has one for every lady in the and. Call and get youra at one. Joshua McDaniei sends New Year's greetings U the Oregonian as follows: Rickreadl, Or., Jan. 2. (To the Kditor.J-i tats me noeny today of informing yon that I am Dioneer of 1844 and a wttlw in Polk coonty in the sin; of 1S4. have resided continuouely bere vr since. I was mamea in uct- quainted with Dr. Whitman when waa on my way to Oregon, im mediately after occurred the mas sacre of Dr. Whitman and his ife. Tber) w. call for volun- tfae Glv..ri.or. AberE call of our first Gv. n.or, Abernetby. am glad to eee the names of the old pioneers. 1 would not get to hear from tbem if I did not per haps see them in t he Oregonian. I have experienced (51 Christmas and New Year's day in thi Will amette Valley. Joshua M'Daniel. SYLVESTER EVENING. The evening of Dec. 81 te known In Germany as ffj-lvoeter erenlng. InBu .,va.n Hiniara. excepting: that of England, the days of the year have names, and Iec 81 bears the name of Sylvester, who was bishop of Bome In h. Mm nt the Emneror ConsUntlne and was obUged to hide himself In the UlUUMl. w ' r- i. t..r,n.ni that Constaatlne waa slilt nnir.a tn u-flne Dersectiuon. xueu ten with leprosy, for whloh horrible disease the physicians could propose th.. ramtvlv than a bath In the UU -I fhlldren. For UU pur- yiwu w - ft nno nhlldren were eatherea, but Constantino, moved to pity by the deapalv of the mothersrefused to avail himself of SUCH a saormce. i" night be was advised in a dream to re call Sylvester and to accept the Chris tian religion, which be did. Tula evening ia everywhere In Ger many a time of great rejolcfcig. Par ties and balls are given, and friends gather to spend the laat borare of the old year In merriment-gamea and dancing and, moat important of all, au ami divinations. Though these tricks a as old as the hills, tby nev er lose their charm. Hot kd ia pour ed into cold watfer contained in a basin, and In eolldlfying It forms Itself Into aU kinds of shapes and figures, 1" whU-h many meanings can W reaa oj uic Initiated. - Empty wakiut abatis, kn fh of whfch hnrna a tiny we taper, are put to gettx in a haato of water to swim In opposite dleeotiom. If they meet two loving hearts wUl be nnltad in that year, but if they separate the kve af fair of those pevrowanted by the shells wlfl oofna to naught Soung girls throw aJlppem osw thair heada. It the polcta oar tbASStppessJtiwoa the door the vwtmn wlfl pa lunaSad that yavr; if me Clever mlaa tbs wtofcad dlrer tWat thav gltSS bars to ranarfn M hone. 0 jaJ ssaTai on wtsub woaoa of cood eaaesj, Stwad aalvios sr wWaai have tarn, aseatten. arw paawA sanaid. rwad aieod W ctf&terA ssfca of the tSsx! tST V"?- TIIE JAPANESE TO THE MO had the privUege of rplfully .a a . aa wen comprehended. It i thi EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Fw Kent. Wanted or similar mxii-rstlirea llnt-a In ttala oolnmu, 23cnt: one month 7 csnia. FOR SALE Fresh milk cows; also some pigs. Inquire of Hill Bros. Independence, Ore. FOR SALE Cheap, good mare, weight 1150. Enquire of L. Htapleton. FOUND In Independence, ladies umbrella, turned handle, silver tip. Enquire at this office. TO LEASE A 100 acre farm with good buildings, in Linn county, sixty acres of hop land ready tr hops. Located across the river from the Ieeper bop yard. Address, J. F. Mayberry, R. F. D.No.4. Albany Ore. Annua,! Meeting or the Members of tre Orerou Fire It el Iff AixMHailon at McMlnnvllle. 1be annual aafttluti vt the iduiubvis offlbe Oregon Fire Itelwf Aaocltlou will be held at McMlnnvllle on Tbwa- dsy, Jan. 10, 1906, at 10 o'clock A. M. at Burns' Hall for the purpose or ekwt Inv three trusteca and for the transact ion of such other business as mayivf- ulatiy come befnre it. Wanted. t Mta and women in this eouoty and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise ao o'.6 established bouse of solid financial standing. Salary to men 2l weekry. to women 12 ta ftS weekly with eapensea advanced each Msodav by cbeek direct from head quarters. Horse and buggy fiwawhed when neoeiMary; position permanent. Address, Blew Bros. & Co., pt. 6. Mooon Blag., vnicago. ill. DR NEHRBAS WILL BE IN INDEPENDENCE MONDAY, TUESDAY OF EACII WEEK AND MOXM0MTH THURSDAY, FRIDAY, AND SATURDAY Reliable KDEPBDEXCE OFnCE THE Cllt'ltCHI. United Kvanfellcab Hunday school it W A. ". ' Worningvioe.llloc Keystone ,f Christian Endeavor at 6:30 V. M. Evening service at 7 ."' oiiooa. Miss Ethel Brown, superlnten. iUTo alUf thSetrvU-s. th. pub- n'Jtt,nnH Hund.va.lt. JiKlenc. Ural and third Sun- day, nuena ., ItKV, ClIMTHtl . OAT. Christian i'bureh. Uml and 4th Sundays by E. C. Wlgmore. Sunday chimi u V. 1 "S. C. E. 0:30 1 M ftletlimtlst Kplscopal t biircb. Corner of fth and Monmouth streets; Rev .Elayer. Muiulay acnooi tu a. w. Morning service 11 a. m. run iiitlnff 12 ru. Evening services 8 (' p. l'raver meeting syery Wednesday evening at 7:30. The piranH J" the church and the pir l nleased to see you and render any helpful services. ItaittUt Church The Haptist Church glvsa a cor. dial invitation to all to worship with them at both morning and evening services oeit Sunday. Lettle Masteraoo, church clerk flow's This? any aa oU aiarrmnai cmw "' Hall Caianb Vf. r.J.CHKXKV A IXK. Tolada, w. ii. undmlxaol. ! Soowu K, 1. t'lwary tot l lul l '. ana bn prrftcUf tiooorabla la all vukum inn Mlla aad IHtaarlallT abia lo cmrrf vol any bliaalloa nuula by bl Bria. WAt bixa. Kla m Wlioimla I !". ToW.UK O. llall a firrb Itin I lalmallr. artlns Slrartly po lh Ukid aa aapa urtkKM oT lha tytn. Twtlm.polai ai tn. ITlca woia ft birtlta. KoM all OntfSMia. Tk llailt family Pllto aw aooHipaiMW. HU'keuing Miiverlg Pita of Ague and Malaria can rlivd andeurtd with Kleeirlo Haters. Tala Is a pure, tonle uiediulne; of spsiat bnRt In nialsria, for It eaarts a Ira curative Influence on the dawnae, driv Inf Hrndrvly nut of the y'rm. Il m muelt l prvftrrt l tulnine, liav ins ihu of this druii'e iJ afirf. fwets. K. 8. Monday, d HsnrWtta. Tx., writw: "My bruttisr was very low with malarial fevrr and jaundlea. till lie took Klwtrto iilitera, wtiit-n saved bis life. At A. a L-oekVs dru stores price Oc, guarantMHi Itow to Avoid Pneumonia Ws have asver hsard) ef a siag W instoDM of a eold resulting In Faswao ola or other lung trouble when Foley's Hooey and Tar has been takan. It not ouly stops the count, but ha)a and strengthens the Iudkb. Atk for Foley's Honsy and Tar and retoae any substitute offored. Dr. C. J. Bishop of Aft-new, Mhvli., writes: "I bars awed Foley's Honey and Tar in thrsa very sever cases of pneumonia with good results in every ease." Sold by A.H. Locke. AND WEDNESDAY Work AT REASONABLE PRICES m BDETDIDESff UTIOJAifSin Hollil Her llx.titv HarrUt Howard, ofiKH V, Mth tn Htw York, at nua Uiue had hr bsimy spoiled with skin tfouUla. Hhs writ '1 hsd Halt Uhauin or Fmiui tot yrars, but nothing would curs It, um I uad llurk ten's Arul Halvt.1 quick and aura liaaUr for outs, bufB and sores. UiWat A, H, lks. drug store. I. L. SMITH Flno Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and Deer on Draught, or In Dottles, at TIIE L L SMITH SUMS, C STREET, Independence, - Oregon I. L. SMITH; Proprietor. W.R.ALLIN D.D.a ...Dentist... rlalw tUinxtvua Saalatlr. la4M,aM, (m. K.T.IIKNKLK, Barber Shop. maim ST a tar, One dir south of Post Oflloa. Fins Bath in coouaolloD with shop IxDEraxusncs, Oaisos. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney at-Law, CAMPnriX IIL'ILUINU, DALLAS, 0UIGQX. , G. A; HURLEY Attorney at Law and Notary Public. CtJIwUona Promptly Made T1U InvvstigaUH!. East 8kl Main Htr.t, Thr linlrjtemttnet SIM) i: MAKKU ami UJSPAitim Varrtr the Crte- SHOES none Bener G L Hawkins Dallas, Or. UirUe and Granite I Monnmeaisaaa n f stones Cemetery work ste. 0cOs T. Rodders o WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS Salem Oregon W. G. SHARMAN, Merchant Tailor Hank lluilding. I.NDKIENUK.Nt'E, OUKOOM- MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH railway co. Ivea Indcnon lnn. fur M(n luouth aud Aims - T: a. m, t.m ff. at. Ivrm tiidcrn tfrnc -or Man muutaaud 11Im ll-noa. in. SUS p. nv , L'wn MorimoaLh foralrlla. f iM a. m. fc.ll p. to. mm Alrlle 0 Hnamouth and lodotiandflnM. ) a. ro. .(i6 p. m. laM Pa'laS I"' Monmouth auo luU,'odo'e. t-m p. m. ?: " L,M Monmoal ar iadrpsoikMwa rst, m. I p. ru. ta " is --S - a-si a r. a. a MaaatoaU lur taiiaa. lia Sksa, 44S pw sa. lux" tjr staa.