West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 06, 1905, Image 1

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, Incorporated.
J. II. IIawi.hy,
Ika C. Powku, Canlucr.
Vice Prmdetit
ri4 ciui, aao.ooo
thMMTOKa J. H. Ifawley, P. L." Campbell, I. M. Mropeon, J. H. V.
Sutler, John 11. Htump, J. A. Wlthrow, F. 8. Powell.
Transacts General Bankl in J Exchange bualnms. Drafts sold
ayailshl throughout the United HUUa and Canada. '
' " 1 " " - 1 " --- , ,.. ,(.,
OAPITAL 8TOOK, S50.000.O0.
ulKflJIHKKU. Hvttdant. AliKAM JiEIiiON, Vice Pretiden
G,W. IRVINE, Chie.
DIRKCTORH.II. iTimhii, D. W. Keart, B. F. Smith, J. P. Rhodst and
A. Nelaun,
A (nrl tanking end ichanire btnlniw transacted. Iwnt md. Bill
iirooiitd. CororowcUl erdlt granUl. frptxIU relfl on current account
ct to ebk. i ,
First Business Meeting of the
Council Held at City Hall
Tuesday Night ,
t HMiquutan Tot
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
lp k) tedUm vrifty Irotn cob
lo brtf-roo od iiMtt Mnncluum.
Sod Fount io forth hot dy.
You art wy wtUotae.
. W. DICKINSON, rrop.
Good Rigs (or Commercial Men a Socially.
(Sood accommodations. Horn well fed. tine
rigs. Horses boarded by day, week or month.
ln1rtnlenx, Oregon
Tetephon JVo. 2!3
H. D.i WHITMAN, Proprktot . . ,..
AoP Juntrr In.tltution
WorH ClUd frTd.r Plird Sturdr
Bice & Calbreath,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly, attended to.
Phone 131
Main . St, Independence, Orel
i..n.rai Director.
MCI, Embaimcr ami ...---
, , ' 1 1 1 '
C to. KHOW IKS, Mgr.
.oo .
newly am wS HE"'
ALL MOucriN liunicniu.-
The Matter of Tax Levy Fixed" By
Out going; Council
, Coniiiered
Oentloineti ol the Council:
The iuont important, thin to be
dono in to put our charter in obape
so that what ia done.wUt b done
legal!. Then Hie council will fuel
morlike, going ahad.,
Thf outgoing council, at its, loHt
meeting, apointd a. comnjitlfe, to
look after thin but. as yet nothing
baa ben done and I should like, to
add one of this council to artist
that committee. It will be necee
sary to gnt the drat of a new char
tor ready for the coming seat ion . of
the lejMHlature.
Gentlemen of the council, per
mit me to call your attention to
I lie financial condition of our city.
It ia true there i now about tSOU
in the treasury, but there are now
hills due to the amount of over
1300, thus leaving leas than $500
on band.
I feel there ia much to be done
in the wav ofimurovenjenta. Our
streele are in bad condition. They
need drainage. It doesn't look right
to see ponds of water standing over
the citv. There should be a num
ber of new cross-walks and 1 should
recommend that a grade be estab
lished oq the business streets so
that all sidewalks be uniform and
on a level or even grade and fur
ther that all walka in the business
portion of the city be of .cement;
and that the city put in cement
cross walks in the business portion
of tbe city, as far( as funds will permit.
' With you gentlemen, who , haye
been elected to govern the Affairs of
our city, I feel confident the best
interest of our city will be care
fully and judiciously looked after
and that progress and-the. better
ment of the city's. interest; will. be
tbe chief aim.. This, we ieel should
be a year of progress and improve
ment. The great Iwis and Clar
Fair to be held ' in .Portland wUl at-
tract thousands, of people from, all
over the country and .no doutt a
grea many of the yisitors( to this
Fair, will come to, tee' Oregon to
seek homes and investments and
we all as good citizens should do
all we can to improve oar property
and homes; see that our side-walks
are kept. in good condition; keep
np our lawns and improve the san-
itary conditions the beBt we can.
It' should not require orders from
the council to do all these things, j
It should be borne m mind that
councilmen get no pay for the time
they give to the city, nor should
they be asked to give all their time
to looking after the condition of
sidewalks, alleys, etc . , ;
The above is the statement pre
pared by W. A. Messner as his in
augural upon assuming the duties
of the office of mayor or inae-
The first business meeting of the
council was held Tuesday nignt.
The treasurers and recorders re
port' were read and G. A Hurley
elected treasurer for the ensuing
year. The regular batch ot
monthly bills was. allowed. The
matter of the cutting down of the
levy by the old council from 7
miles to 5 was taken up. The
view was generally held that in
view of this being the , Fair year
when every town, is vying with
others to put up a good appearance
that it is unwise to cut down the
levy for the present year but there
seemed to, be no remedy.
New York city has the largest
orld. It fiaa
Walked 47 Mllea.
A victim of '"dry'' county drop
ped Into Independence Monday,
lie wan renident of Denton
county and liv" four miles beyond
A1ea. At four o'clock Sunday
afternoon it dawned upon this
Rentonite that the prohibition law
had taken effect and be set out
immediately for Independence
BeDator from Tolk Couuty.
where the exhilarating beverage is
daily dispensed over tbe bar. The
distunre i-i 47 mile and he walked
evi-ry Mej of the wnv, reaching
here t f o'He b 'or dsy after
noon. Tiiit liit jdaee visited upon
rearhing Independence, whs a
Road Supervisors to be Af
pointed by County Court
This Week
Judge Galloway Holds Two Days
Seuion and Grants one
Tbe county v urt. in eessinn at
Dullas this week, is wrestling with
the problem ot appointing road
, Jn I? ne n a Vista precinct, there is
an effort to have Mr. Roe ap
pointed in place- of Supervisor
Becker, who is said to hsye estab
lished a reputation of enforcing
rond work, rigidly.
There is a move on to have
Luckiamuie precinct of which W.
K. Williams is supervisor, , cut ia
two And making Mr. Hannan su
pervisor of the west half and Mr.
HadVv of the east half.
There in h petition in for creat
tt; a new precinct off the east end
of Jackcon and west end of Doug
las precinct,
T;,ere is a "ecrap" on to make
a rh"g in the alt Lake Precinct
in which D. L. Keyt of Perrydale
... rr . 1 . i - J
and r. nennein are luwreenju.
Supervisor Brunk, who has al
lowed himself to become odious to
The Oregon state legislature convenes next Monday; ' So far there
has been proposed no legislation of unusual importance but this session
will have to face the demand for the biggest appropriation inj the bis
tory of the state. Polk county's delegation, headed by Senator .Lough
ary have few pet measures to put through,.
Baloon and the ' first thing called
for was a drink. He got his drink,
supplied himseif with a flask of the
BOfqe and the "dry' man from Al-
sea,passed on. ,
One of our Georgia editors p!ay
ed in bard, luck ;ithev ether,;, night..
Just as he was about to step into
his new $5,000 automobile, two of
the bed slats , broke, and h woke
up. From the Cedartown (Ga.)
i x i
t- ..' t
i 1 '
RepreaeDtative from Polk County.
Ont of the four Corvallis saloons
closed on New Year's day by the
local option vote,, two . intend to
locate in , other . places . while the
remaining two are running their
places as lunch counters with card
rooms attached and soft drinks on
sale. This curious and novel pro
ceeding has attracted , ;Ptrp.na?e
ttio Yaaidnnta of the south ' end of
Eola precinct, has been indus
triously circulating a petition for
reappointment. Independence has
in a petition for the creation of a
new precinct which proyides . for
takjng care of the people of the
south end of Eola precinct by cut
ting them off from Mr. Brunk's
jurisdiction. Relying on this go
ing through, there has been no pe;
tition for anyone other than Mr.
Brunk for Eola precinct ' The In
dependence petition provides for
the changing of the voting precinct
to correspond with the proposed
road district, but the court holds
this cannot be done at this time.
The court knows the situation how
ever, and promises to look after
tbe Bouth end of Eola precinct.
granted a prayed for. .
J T Ford, sheritf, vs E V Dalu-t;;
suit to cancel deed; decree granted
as prayed for.
J T Ford, sherifl, vs F Meyer;
suit to cancel ceed; decree granted
as prayed for.
Agatba Dyck vs Angenatba Red
deknpp; partition; default againet
defendants; E M Smith appointed
guardian ad litem for minor de
fendants; report of guardian filed
and Henry J Rose, Geo W Meyers
and Abram Reistel appointed ref
erees. J W Myer vs T A Liyesley & Co;
mandate; dismissed as per man
date with costs attached to plaintiff.
Bebekafas Install.
The Clover Leaf Rebekah Lodge
at their regular meeting Tuesday
night, bad installation of officers
and three candidates were also in
itiated into the mysteries of the
order, Refreshments were served
by the committee io tbe banquet
hall after tbe ceremonies 'of the
evening were finished. The in
stalled officers were: Katheryn
Jones, N. G; Neliie Graves, V. G;
May Huntley, Secretary; Nora
Mattison, F. S; Edna Irvine,
Treasurer; Mabel Cnssy, , Warden;
Lola Perry, Conductor; Goldie
Irvine, L G; Ella Irvine, 0. G;
Florence Allin, R. S.N. G; Hattie
flenkle, L. S. N. G; Nellie Hillard,
R. S. V. G; Clara Williams. L. S.
V, ,G; Mrs. Frances Conkey,
Awakening ot ' the Grange Spirit
In Old Polk. Mr.Waldo .
Pomona Grange held a meeting
in the K'. of P. rooms in Indepen
dence Wednesday. The attendance
was not large but it included some
of Polk;?, county., best citizen ship
and gye evidence, of ani;awakeov
ing of th,e Rrange spifit ift the Bba&:.
Ribbon County of the state, Mrs.
Clara Waldo state lecturer,, drove
1 i
! '
-Vvlirt arhrwtl in the
" . . .j a orvi UfAiUr ihja , th ; Droonelorft ej-
a fAn ronniM luu r-vv t s
pupils, 2,500 boys and 2,000 girl, joyed before .closing
the saloons.
Judge Galloway convened court
Monday and continued over Tues
day. x The fo'lowmg causes were
disposed of: "
Louise Weinhard et al ys Ed
ward and Serelia Patras; suit to
foreclose mortgage; default and de
cree as prayed for.
E L Levens et al vs G M
Gooch et al; injunction; settled
and dismissed.
B R Nicholas vs T H March;
suit to quiet title; default and decree.
Isaac H Whealdon vs Mary C
Whealdon; divorce; default and de
cree granted.
Lucy Neal vs Wm Neal; divorce;
Washington Natl Bldg A Xoan
AssnvsJ C and Mary Morrison;
foreclosure; dismissed on motion of
H lliichberg vs Martha Sloper
Representative from Polk ( jun'v.
fifty miles to attend. , lion. Fniiik -Butler
district organizer and M rs.
Butler were also present. . Enter
taining and instructive talks were
delivered by Mrs. Waldo, Mr. But
ler, and others in attendance and
nad they let it be known at what
hour the meeting was open to the
public, a large crowd of Indepen
dence people would have $en pres
ent. At this meeting it was de
cided to make Independence head- .
quarters for, the county grange.
With the . rich farniimr country
surrounding Independence and
with so many interests in common
with the grange there should be a
Strong organization here. Every
farmer iu the surrouodir.it country
and many residents of Independ
ence shonld lend the movement
their heartiest support.
D. A. Hod lies. ,C. D. Cal breath
and Jihn Bortou have been in
trusted to look a.'W mea.heridiip to
charter a local grange.., It should,
be organised here with a big meo.
et .al; suit to quiet titie; decree I berebip to start with.