West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, December 27, 1904, Image 4

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    Social and Personal.
Minn McDonald it spondingthe
holiday! In Portland.
Curtia Ilawley was op from hla
McCoy farm for Christmas.
Mra. Gos Snerlinir ia viitling in
Portland. v
lira. P. J. Fryer went to Port
land jesterdey for a few daya wiait.
Clev Robinson went to Port
land Sunday, where he will spend
Mra. Chas. Uantley end child
ren are Tiailinn, la Portland.
Mra. Dr. W. R. Allin apeut
Xmaa. with her parsat In Port
Miaa Florence Burton ia visiting
In Portland.
Prof. T.J. Newbill ia spending
the holiday at hla home in Halls-
1 i
Willard and Mra. Ireland of
CorvalUs are visiting relative here.
Thy ate Xmaa dinner at the
Ireland home sooth of Monmouth.
Sam Damon came down from
te anend the
a lew days. Corvallia Fridav
Glen Ireland of Portland aptmt holidays at home.
Chriatmaa with bie Polk county Mia Tessa Hale, who haa been
frienda. j teaching school in MilUrsburjr,
Mra. Yeun of PorUand spent arrived at Independence Saturday
rsri.tn... u. itS hmr nawmu where ana wtu mass ner some
Mr. and Mra. CIsggett. with hMr brother for a few months,
Old people's service Sanday l Mr and lairs prance
rMAvninei trwf V nil T tf TfTSM SI 1AP I
a j t". .iL t u They spent Xmaa. at the home of
vies Sunday evening at the M. E. I J . a
a I 1UI9- tinUU ay auv V wvjvi .
The regular quarterly business) Harry and Frances "Patterson of
meeting of the Baptist church will Portland Sre speeding the holidays
be held at 2 SO Saturday. Matters with their grandparents.
of importance; will be up and all Mra. P. T. Gilliaple af Grand
members are urged to be preeent. R y. Mich, who has been a
Mr. Frances, who haa been as
sistant eUtion agent for the South
ern Pacino Company at this place,
returned to Portland yesterday,
lie will be succeeded by Mr. Howe,
recently atatieoed at Dallas.
Out of 500 extra copies of last
isaae, of this paper lees than 100
remain. They are for aale at 5
cents a copy. First come first
Prof. E. D. Ressler, president of
the Monmouth Normal and form
er city superintendent ' of school?,
is here to spend Christmas with
his many friends. Eugene Regie
ter. "
guest at the home of J. 0. Brand-
berg, left Friday for Forest Urove
fet a visit with relatives bofers re
turning to her eastera home.
Miss Ruth, Burk hart of Albany
attended the Xmaa. Ball Friday
nirht. and is the ruest of Miss
lUrtha Bohannon during th
Asaong those from abroad spend
ing the holidays at their old home
ia Independence are w. u. raiier
son of Yakima, Wash; Henry
Patterson of Portland; Will Matti-
.i f Astoria: Dick MatUson of
Dallas; Mr. nd Mrs. Oliver Locke
and Bliss Grace Damon of Salem.
; r :
New Year's Ball
Monday, evening, Jan. 2.
Mrs. C. A. Kurre ate Christmas
dinner with her folks at Parker,
Miss Myra Kimberlin is visiting
relatives in LaFayette.
Oliver Smith was in from the
Luckiamqte Saturday.
GuV'and Jnlian Hurley enjoyed
Christmas day in LaFayette.
A. Wine, the Airlie farmer, was
in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Whiteaker
spent Christmas Day in McMinn
me. i::.;- ...;:..... '.'!:
Mies Pearl Squire is spending
Christmas in Portland.
Miss Catherine Gentry is in
Portland for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Irvine spent
Xmas. at McMinnville.
Miss Clare Marian is at her
home in Astoria during the holi
days. Mies Nettie Withrow was in
Portland a lew days the past week.
Misses Cecile and Geneva Wil
C0X are. spending the holidays in
Portland. -
Miss Dorothea Cooper, a teacher
in Cbehalls, Wash., is spendi ng
the holidays with her parents
Miss Nellie Pomeroy, a teacher
in the Seattle public school, is
spending her holiday vacation in
Mr. and Mra. Jas. Harris and
daughter. Miss Nellie, spent Xmaa.
as the family, custom has been, at
the home of J. D. Harris, at Wells.
Now is the proper time to have
your printing done. You can't
do better than at the West Side
Enterprise office. Get in your
order for letter heads, envelopes,
bill heads, statements, cards or any
printing you want on first class
gtocfc ; executed by an expert print-er.
A. J. Wilson and family, sccom
pariied by Mrs."C Wilsofl'S sister,
Mra. E. B. Millard, of Salem are
visiting this week at Sheridan.
Claude Fryer, a medical student
of Willamette University is In
Carl Percival, student of a busi-
m 1 r . 1 J - o
ness college in rornanu cams
home for the holidays and IB con
fined to his room with a severe
W.F.Simon has finished set
ting out twenty acres of hops.
Frankie Simon is out of the
hospital. : ,
William Simon of Minnesota,
who has been visiting here the
past month, is pleased with Oregon
and may make his home here.
The bi aale at 8. M. , Daniel's
store still goes on. ' This week be
adds his shoe stock to the bargain
list Go and see tbe bargains.
Shoes, shoes, shots, the greatest
bargains you ever saw at S. M.
Daniel's big shoe sale.
Hand tuade work shoes made
for wear, loggers and others, aW
tos leather, call and see for yourself
at Cleveugers shoe shop, Main it.
Independence, Ore.
All kinds of mechauical toys at
Bice A Calbreath's.
Watch the West 8ide Knteprise
for announcement of winner of the
big doll at Craven & Moores.
Moore's Hair lovigorator and
Newbro's Herplolde for dandruff
and falling hair or diseased scalp
sold in bulk, 50o 8 ox., or applied if
necessary by Moore A Taylor's, ths
barbers on C street.
Bay Russell and Erwin steel
locks and builders hardware.
Price no higher than for ths cheap
cast Koods. R. M. Wads A Co.
If it is neat, up-lodate job print
ng you are looking for, stop at
this office..
Mrs. J. W. Richardson Sr. has
for sale, at her home on Monmouth j
street in Independence, California!
Medicated soap. Price lOo per bar:
or three bars fr a quarter.
Toys at your own price at Bice
A Calbreath's.
Don't overlook the American
wire fence. It is the best and the
price is right. R. M. Wade A Co.,
We close our store at 6 o'elock
P. M. sharp. Open from 7 to 8
o'clock P. M. Saturdays. R. M.
Wade A Co.
I t .S 11
mde in all
at hire and
pRict: ss.3o
People's $iore
BORN December 25, to Mr. and
Mrs. I. W. Dickinson, a girl
BORN December 19, to Mr. and
Mrs. A. N. McLaughlin a girl.
Administrators Notice.
Notice Is horeby gtvon that the no-
dertlgned haa been appointed adeulnla
Uator of the estate ot Harris L. Wins;.
deoMsed, by the county court or the
aUte of Oregon for Polk county, and
aaa quallfled. All peraoas having
elalma affatnat said estate are hereby
notified preasot the aarae to me at
my Neiaeneeai xjmwitwum, ui-fu.
Ith the prper vouebera and duly
verified within six moatbs frem the
elate hereof. . ,. " . '
v.'J A. Wnro.
N.L. Btrrxsa, AHeroy; t ' ' t
Dated aad flast pabllahed Deceubr,
23,1904. . " ' '
An Emergency Medicine
For sprains, bruises, burns, scalds
and similar Injuries, there Is nothing
iOfjood aa Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
It soothes the wound and not only
gives instant relief front pain, but
censes the parts to heal in about ooe
third tbe tlmS required by the usual
treatment. As it la' an antiseptic all
danger from blood poisoning la avoided.
Hold by P. M. Kirk land, the druggist .
S. M. Danld
Dec 15
- Monmouth
Dec. 15
, UR CLOTH I NO HA IX ha tea on ! N. . r Urwe
lHls b t-o on irwe lc. 3. Vn Iwe ia we win aaa mimmi our
ENTIUE MIIOK HTCl K to the lilg Hiui n. .
It would tk whol pajrs of this fpr w y s0"" " V'-'
PEKKUL BAHOAINH orTrr yott and Kfve tim. ror nlrtlar
and priis re our Urge (( ra and clrril. Thn ou to the eir atut
w, t vou more about It and yew can mm for yountrlf, hale on cloth
ing, Vtvm (JojhIs, Jsckvis, Hirt, etc. sUJI $tm oa at bvlo
Positively the Biggest Bargains
And the most of them to be found anywhere.
S. M. Daniel Monmouth
Firstclsss Home Accomodations.
Monmouth, Oregon. Rates 11 per
day. '
Will serve you any hour, day or night, with driving rig.
December 25, Miss Sadie Graves
of Independence to Chester
Zumwalt of Corvallis, Dr.
Thompson officiating.
The marriage ceremony took
place at the home of tbe bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. P.
Graves, at 4 o'clock in the after
noon. Only relatives and close
friends were present The parlor
was very prettily decorated for the
occasion and a wedding sapper was
served in the evening. The bride
and groom were recipients of a
namberof useful presents, The
wedded couple will make their
future home in Ashland. They
leave Independence with the best
have one of the largest House Furnishing Stores in
the valley? They nave just received 100 Iron beds
at $2,50 and up, one ton of Wool Top Mattreeses, $ 2.75
' and up, a car load of chairs, big variety, $1,50 and up;
j Tables, all kinds and prices; a nice line of Dresners, Side
boards and Cupboards in golden oak, weathered oak, ash,"
maple, and fir. Just in, a nice line of Haraboo's. Fifty
new patterns in Matting, some nice stamped designs; a
complete lino of Carpets and Rugs; 100 patterns in Wall
Papers at 8c and up. Our line of stoves is a warmer, think
of air tights at $2, and up, Don't forget the Phono No,
273 Main
wishes of many friends.