West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, December 27, 1904, Image 3

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    Ilev Year ffif
pUC WeSfrtlS If. t kMI
Cm. " mim mum ft,
aae) Hwal'Mf TM INK MM,
1 Emm " . '
atf) SS) Stsaef SMS rHfTtf aad
itL fs iw? wim seia sad ,
I villi eN ? mM d Ml
ami I n mnriMa nt So.
et u s'-
I I 111 lf lira VHM HI " toad mi UN It
M eWH imI ! d '0
Ml MI4I IN f.
j at re hn H .
' fet I'm UU Mm liMaoet seal M
om t ri"
"in m puia." n ispMtd to aa ea-
aa) lOM.
trt. If r '! . l' tr U Ixlp T
Ikd NW own!"
Sethis Keep Hlaa Hr.
WUU you lmiy iww yearr w
M vlaltor. rldliiK up lu me uome oi
tit Kentucky mountaineer.
Ttuuka o yo" kind wlahea. nub,
but kit lout almighty bad fa' Die this
wain yeah.
"Sow, I'm sorry to bear tbt What
-ma to be the troubled'
"Wall Huh. 'luiiir luat afrlnK lit in'
U Btnto happeutxl to have a falllu'
st onti couple o' hawga. so wo aone
lid i tiuio all senoo then, shoollu' at
d otbeb rum 1 1 in to time.
"Oh, I ahouMn't bo caat down ortr
that. Evan If you hart a feod U cao
t ended. There's no reason why"
rrtMt'a Jt It, port nab: tbat'a jaat It
L!J Ml offwu tba a)4 o the mountain
ywtldily, an' now I'v got bo faud at
Maw Tra (1U.
Tba raatoiu of vlalttna and aandloi
jrtawita and earda on Naw VaaCa day
a rair1it alntoat far back bla
tofy torn. Tba prartlca of ualnf rUlt
luf canla ran Intiwd liack for tllou-
MDda of yaara by ttia Chlnaaa. Tlmlr
w Ytar'a vlaltlng carta art curimi
ha. Each otto attta forth not only tba
mm, bat all tba tltlan, of Ita owoar,
w, a all Cbliiaroan wbo la any
lorUI twitfltlM mil liittt ahnllt a
n, It mtikM tht lint quite appnltlnr
ibm mrUt nr mml of mm or fiw oi
ItiA fkHfvttB lv.. ..L, .1 1 1 t all b sit. I Hftl AO
it that tlioy bara to ba roltad up to
cam! cunvanlantly. Tbay are, in
M, an VNlimblo that ther ara roturo
to tlmlr owiwra,
A follah Klaaitat
In Poland Now Year'a ava la obaarr
1 In ii,ln hi Hvlvrater'a
Tlia ilinHi,if nroixuMla llworoUalT
oiU tba clock atrlka 12. Kxaotly t
moment tba men full to kUsliiK
"lr own and tbctr nelnlinor'a part
wa, aacb taklug particular jmlna to
"itw aalut tba one he lovra lMt I
'w the one with whom alia ctaauce
b dillwltiff nn nopfiirm that duty.
T0 not in the luood for daudnK
W'w In another room or romaln at
tOma in uiw.l. snntliof With
torlea about tli dopartlng year.
Kaw Yaar'a Day la Bal.
it ttvmrv Aniuiim hAiiun In Uuaala
"ffe ire a fcuat and a proceaalon In
woorof Now Voar'a day. Ilorara.-hei'p.
i and hoga are dressed with gr-
nnd led to the landlord's house.
A 1.1 i ..... . 1- -I. .. II lm
- men in mat tue animaw
"kn into the dining room, but when
'uuiord haa a hundaoiuciy rurn-
' "imnmetit ana Uica mu
uvah.i.... ..i.i.m. Allwr
- luuieti ue aeia asiua a"!""
nd allows the mob to take pos
""on of it.
Aa 014 BBarllah Cwataa.
old country Englishman never
to unluir bis door at 12 o'clock
Veara eve to let tbe old year out
tbe new yenr In.
w Yaar'a Vlolels.
aweat the summera
violeta haard mr lonalna deep.
V down nealh tha lurf and aoow.
-r not dua till April fair.
In tJacember'a wtldarnaaa,
' lt Uia warmth of friendaWp a
i . - -s
robwl ttiamaalvaa In rori draa.
-jvHtanoe'a aissatoa.
" Thar c
.... ' mrm "'.
r Ara
Cotim f rum ) v..,, , .
r. iHit aooua-U to ,upp,y u h
dan,.n,i, but ta ,im,t . .rt. of tu.
TLIT !urmM th "-"" "
CttirbwJ for oauturiaa uatll Mwk
Carr na Ainrtana the ue of cut
lln thru) for Cbrlaiwaa.
I uad to ba that Main fumUbad
lr rant of tbetu, and for two
Dioutba bafora tba bollday Ue wood-m-a
ware luy rliini,iilg tni furm.
ra were buay rartln tbffn to tba ata
tlona, whara they wvr load.4 Into
cara and aant wkm and arnitli to le eold
lo Ilia daalira. Today Maine baa
rlvala. and all Ilia iiurtlicru la-dr
atalita Ual lmarly In Clirtnlniaa
trrra. ( hrUtmaa trw aallliiK (a a pay
ing bultiM nowadaya, aial It an
IitihJ Into with all the formality aud
ahrwatt bualnraa oiatliixU that you
mlKbt twa lu dlatMwIng tif an of
The w.mhU (hut furnlab aj Tin and
Br are aold on p.Mitrai-t, and the Jobiwr
lalu tli-iii In th'tulwr to "tA t lifin
Up," lla i(Tfr no niinh aplitv fur
aaib tn aa the triw-a ntn-iiaiinlly
aUmt M a humlm) -ami nmlira tlia
inoiiey pnyulite on m-r :pt f it o puck
aa of lr at the in-incut mllruud
atatloti. (lu lUelr arrlvnl In the city
the JohlNM- Bella them lo the whole.
aaler, getting about 7 a bundrtil for
the tna, after which th wholesaler
avlla them to the retailer at a good
profit, and the retailer doca bla txt to
get big prlcea fniin tuv bouaewife and
the bead of the fiiully.
The bougha of Or bring the hlgheat
price berauae of tbelr ayniuiutry and
grace. After them come the atlffcr
pine and cedar, but wbea tbey are cov
ered WUU gorgeoua Uiutei and brilliant
bauble and atmng with poicoru, can
dy, toy and prvaenta you really do
not aee much of tlie form of the tree, j
One of Hie moat remarkable facta
bout the Cbriatmaa greeua Ilea lu
coiuieetlou with the peoplo who handle
them, cnnaimaa tree luerrnanta aa a
ruahlng bualneea aud 'work ataadlly
from October to the lal of J n unary,
after which tbey take a vm-atlon aud
are the Inaleat of all Idlera from Janu
ary to the net Oitotier. Their aea
aon la only three tuwntha long, but tbey
bare to "atep llrely" during that tltue
or It will paaa tboiu by uuramunerated.
Waahlugton Htar.
C hrlaiMa In Belkleaea.
Cbriatmaa In the Uoly Und U an lu
tereatlng experleuce. Indued It la one
never to be forgotten, and every Cbriat
maa thouaanda of peraona from all over
the world wake a Journey to I'aleatlue
In order to wltnaaa the varloua ceremo
nlea held there during the featlve aea
aon. Cvery one almoat puta up at Je
ruaaleni and on Cbriatmaa morning
uiakea hU way to Hethlebeiu, wblcb
(tea almoat due aoutb, about all milea
way aa tba crow flu, over a range oi
bllla. No highway the world over pre
aeuta aucb motley crowd aa may be
aeeu atreamlng along tbla thoroughfare
arty on Cbriatmaa morning.
Wkere ke Beaveaa Omb
In Poland It la believed that on
CbrUtmaa nlgbt the bear sua are open
ed and tba aoene of Jacob's ladder la
re-enacted, but only the aaluta are per
mitted to e It In Holland the peo
pla enter thoroughly Into the aplrlt of
tn Nativity. In nearly every Dutch
town at 3 o'clock CbrUtmaa morning
tba young men aeaembla at the market
place, singing the "Glcris" and other
hymna. One of Ihem carr lea Urge
atar on pole. Tbla l auppoaed to
represent the atar that guided the eteps
of tba three kings to the atabl t
A BolWar Jtaarle.
Cadara atandln" In da oold.
Trim dt Chrtatmsa tree.
Mapla drops a bunch o" gold.
Trim dt Chriatmaa tree.
Stars a-ahlnln' In de nlfht
Mako da snowdiikas fllatao bright.
Owlna to hb It lookln' rlaht,
Trim d Chrlsimas tree.
Rabbira track runs roun' about.
Trim dat Cbrtslmaa trM.
" . 7 . A n' hlml
auml An- i a v-"
Trim dmt cansimaa
m..h Holnn RfftTk
4. i.proved Diery. !
This." explained the bookseller, "Is
on7l..teat patent dlnry. We think It la
"." J-t hi.,a lu that line ever do-.
inn I'lfr V7 r -
T The ahonner turns the leavea Idly.
I"? ffi see where It I. different
from any other, sue ou v-.
, she onsen-w.
f you will look at all
. ".I m von will see
ir'.if im ate Dreasrs" -
0 V,' lit to bed.' That lusurea
a-.- Tear's 1 a-raaiee.
v -vr'a In Eraa.-o I n greater
,UPn5n wSlc-h .nge flpire. most
ners. In w bun f tue
PromT 'JA .rtS psenta
day. So ,.Bt pedestrians
on the n."J "e middle of
sometimes have to take me
the street - -
K.w Te.r. New ,
With the u jourde Tan, as b
ye-r-s day. IT.aTrbanks-
calii it. is very . K.w England
It l par M.llaa
of the home,
Wish You A Merry Ohristmao and Happy Ne7 Year
Thanking You For Favors of the Past Year We Are
Here to Greet You For 1905,
The Cyclone Auc
tioneer of 15 years exper
ience. Phone 143 Monmouth. On.
Undertaker, Embaltner, and Funeral
Director. Iady Aaaiatant
when Dealred.
johii Sliolund
Opera fiouje Bldg., Court St.
$4kta, Oregon.
Nolioe la hereby given that the An
nual Meeting ol the Btockholdera of
tba Independence ana Mouiuoum
Railway Company will be beld at In
dependence, Oregon, In the Independ
ence Nt. Bank building t 10 o'clock
A. M. on Saturday, December 31et, A.
D. for the purpoae of electing of
floere and tranHactlod of such other
bualoeaa aa may properly com before
aald meeting. D. W. Skakb, Becty.
Dated Nov. 11, 1904.. '
Clearance Sale
OF "
We will dispose of our Pattern
Hata at greatly reduced prices.
Trimmed Hat that were $6.00,
$7.00 and $8.00 can now be had
tor $5.00.
Good assortment of Tailored
Hats marked less than cost.
' Notice
. Notice ia hereby given that the An
; nual Meeting of the Btockholdera of
tbe Polk County Land company win
held at independence, Or., in the
d iendence Nat. Bank building at
, . A Sotnrday, Decern-
bar 81st, A. D. 1904, for the purpose ot
electing offlcera ud such other busi
ii uiuvn -
ness as may property come
' - Sectv.
meeting. D. Vf. Seabs, becty.
Dated Nov. 11th, 1904.
Sealed Bids Asked
Sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned till 12 M December 20th
1404 for one hundred (100) cords of grub
' . a 1ph than two Inches in
oaa. ww '" , ,
diameter jalso for forty (40) cords of good
body fir said wood to be delivered cord
ed in baaement of Normal building not
later than Septen.oer i .aw. -a-reserved
to reject any and all bids,
regerv J. B. V. Butler.
Sec. Regents
r J V. Richardson fir. has
for sale, at her home on Monmouth
Independence, California
street in
Medicated soap. Price 10c per bar
When bilious take Chamberlain
Btom-cbandLlm Tablet., For sale
by all druggists.
A Certain Cure for Croup
When a child shows symptoms of
croup there Is no time to experiment
with new remedies, no matter how
highly they may be recommended.
There la one preparation that can al
ways be depended upon. It. has been
In use for many years and haa never
been known to fall, viz: Chamber
lain's Cough Itemedy. Give It and a
quick cure la sure to follow. Mr. M.
F. Compton of Market, Texas, says of
It, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy In severe cases of croup with
my child ran, aud ean truthfully aay It
always gives prompt relief." For aale
by P. M. Rirkland, the druggist.
w w
Fine Wines,
Cigars, and Beer
on Draught,
or in Bottles, at
Independence, - : Oregon
I. L. SMITH; Proprietor.
I xmiaiffiiiw r
O. A. Kramer te Co.
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public.
Collections Promptly Made Titles
East Side Main Street,
' Q
Send Ko Mczoy
For Samptma mf Cloth. Stm.
$14.50 "5g?
of Block