West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, December 20, 1904, Image 3

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CUrk Uiet Uh .
rupl-",,UlrW U feU 80
Li .iflklni on bU hl nd right
,B0UW' ...... i.
t morning. A doctor wm call-
Ii from HhrUUn but found no
km broken. w"1
Hrt.M. Myer of Kickrsall U
. . V ltr.va
fiiiUng " '
iri). Uutw a program it
jdni prepared for tua occasion
Tom Bowman of faalern Oregon
, visiting relative her.
ir J. J. Burch nJ daughter,
i ... I H L"..
Cno ovr Bunday.
T.,n Nt.nct. Win. MuflelJ
. 1 1.1.. .i attended t basket social
Wlllaiulna Haturdayjnlgla
Mr. fain liolf vUlled relatives
bent Uii
Mr. and Mrs. (!eorg Dickinson
t,rt la Dallat Hunday.
& Eans recently brought down
. a m r t. -
wteen Ittaaoi ut nog ironi
BiiM ranch.
Mr. J.O. Datldton d Mr.
r.cny Lr mtenJra In lUck
balJers meeting of l Pilot Knob
liming Company Ul Saturday.
E, Pavidaon baa finished pat-
unf up roa oi lOHuuij -iuihj
twrsllroad ajgbt-of-way, tbtrall.
! company lurwtNiitnjc tut
J. K. Khodet returned from
Eugene Sunday.
Mt: vr.u.
Wm Pet Ilot ker returned to her
;im Thursday after a week't visit
-iib Mr. W, D. Collint.
Art Porter had a runaway
IiI In t!orilii.
Somour Cblpman, grand matter
f the grand council of K..7al an d
feW-l Masons of Oregon, and a
Knlaht Templar andM. tin Hhrln.
r. died at hla
a aj vwlTlltll
Tbureday afternoon, agd 67 yeari.
a nawva oi Vermont, and
bad resided in Oregon for 17 yeara.
Ir. E. J, Thotntiton of ill dt
" y
preached the funeral sermon Hun.
day. Tb altendenci waa larire
and tin ceremony waa impreiaive.
A delegation of Maaona came by
peclal train Irom Albany. 0. A.
Peering, deputy grand tnaeter,
uwwda to the place of grand
Dalian I'uDtcrn Ktitr
The Kaatern Star, Naomi Chap
ter No. 22 ol Dallaa, baa held lta
election with the following retult:
Mr. V. Fuller, W.MjMra. A. B
Mulr, W. P; Mr. Koter, A. M;
Mn. Mark llayter. conducfteta:
Mn. Kdna Kirnouton, amiintant con-
ductreaa; Mr. Libbie Muir, eecre
tary; Mr. Fuller, treasurer.
John P. Moore of Independence
lain the city. He it a breeder of
DulfLangNhan and HnfT Cochin
poultry and could not resist the
temptation to come to thn Salem
ahow. John la a iformer wiolder
ol the lather bruab and razor in
thii city, having conduced the ton.
toriul (hop now owned by If. G.
Meyer. He la a few yeara older
than he waa when numbered
among the Salera buMneta men,
but be la jut ewift and eipert
aa ever at honlnir. bit razor on the
atovepipe. Salem Statesman.
The Independent telephone com
pany are mulling work on tbeir
lines riabt alone. Two rural linea
were connected with central thit
weekend order for phone are
coming la faster than they can be
filled. Corvallis Gazette.
By Sptclal Jlrrangtmnts.
The New York Tribune Farmer
TA Leading Farmr$ Paptr in th
Vntfd Stat0t, wlU 6 furniihtd
one year to ivwy tubwrlbtr to th
This Offer it Good Only For This Month.
luveatlgatlnr Allan
Investigation of Rev. Arthur
Allen waa taken up here today by
the Uaj.tlit mioietry. Among the
mlnialera ber are Rev. F. C.
8tanard of Newberg; Rev. A. J.
Huntaker ol McMinnville: alao
Rev. J. I,. Wborry. Rev. Douala
and Rev. F. II. Adam. Among
lay member from a distance are
K. W. Howe and Reuben Bnyder.
Metara Overholver. Le Masters
and other from Monmouth are
here as witnesses.
A matter now nn the board at
traction inont attention at Mod
mouth is the appointment of a post
master. The otlice haa been made
a presidential one and there are
two applicants, Frank Lucas, the
present incumbent, and Otis Wol
verlon. Both are getting tbeir pe
titions and endorsement ready to
submit to the power that be.
In return for the hospitalities
extended them by tbeir girl friend,
a number of the younger gentle
man of Monmouth entertained
with an oyster supper at the Hamp
ton hotel in Monmouth Saturday
evening. Cards and other games
and an oyster supper, wre feature
of the evening. Those present
were: Misses Elta Port wood, Ruel
Wolverton, Ethel Newman, Geneva
Wilcox, Zera Mulkev, Myrtle Mc
Reynolds; Edgar Sacre, Allen
Clarke. Bert Markart, Albert Sacrt..
Dec. 15
i. . Ti
S. M. Danie
1 rw. is Tbin
For Kala. Itent. Wanted or similar
notloestbree lines In tbls oolnmn,
IS centi : one moutb 75 cent.
,u!k3sv niabt when rcturntng
from the Fair.
Tlmr is in b a Xmas tree
'Alt Friday night and ont Satur
ijoighl at Buver.
TH ir.ir wull altanded and
ytproceeda amounted to 135.
iam Imbrie. of Tacotna
. ,.1.1 ..,.!, Innt nf this
Ih IU UIU bIMlV IVD." -"
Wis here looking after the in
ptof his ister'a place. (
Mr. Mill and wife of Corvalli
riiitioK at the hoaua of hi son,
. Mills, of thi place.
WcCready i home from
Htii after a several week
K there.
ti. II. Pillar returned Irom
!o months' visit with relative
jfoeaat, Friday.
rrk on the Luckiamute' bridge
in progress. Twelve men
'orbing now, expecting to com-
"the bridge early in January.
Harlan waa a ' visitor here
i:,i Mink was a caller here
e Parker mad a visit to his
r.Mrs. Lacy, Sunday.
Katie Gentry made a two
" viait to Mr. and Mr. G. B.
"choo! board ha been look-
'found the school house and
making many needed im-
id Mrs. Ed Steele were
here Sunda.
Boltvr is shipping turkeys
'I'ps Home Accomodations,
uth, Oregon. Itatea 91 pr
Oregon's Share,
mixes coming to
The prize coming to Uregon
from the Louisiana Purchase Ex
position at St. Louis were greater
in number than those awarded to
any other Ut is comparison to
the amount of money thai the ex
hibit cost
Three grand prizes, eixty-eeven
gold medal" and seventy-one oi
bronze came to the exhibitors of
the state.
The eteamer T. M. Richardson
which runs between Newport and
r.w has been recently
sold by Captain Davi to parties in
Portland. It i the intention of
the new owner to put on a much
larger steamer next eummer to
. i at.a nraaiiinir sum-
accomujouttie i" 1.IV.W- o
mor travel.
.u!- T. ln ' NO Ol 01
iiypftinia f"t"" - -
ttathhone Sister have elected tne
following otllcere for the com.ng
...:a Hfnnrn. P. L.
vear. rs. -. -
J"" w is n . Mra
Mrs KUa Walker, w. -
n.lnn. E. S: Mrs Gertie
Atkins, E. J,; Mra.Jnn.e Jones M.
Mrs. Amanda Johnson,
... Rurton, M. T.; W-
Kurre, G.
FOR SALE A choice Polk county
farm of over 300 acres can be had
at very reasonable figures. Ad
mirably adapted to stock raising.
Enquire at this office.
grade 0. I. C. and Poland
China pigs, just weaned, 11.00
Fine thorough-bred Poland China
boar pig ready for service, f 10.00.
Fine thorough-bred Jersey bull, 4
years old 120.00 and thorough
bred nice Jersey bull calf fo.OU.
Ind. P. 0. A. J. Wbiteaker.
FOR SALE One fresh cow, ene
will be fresh in February, first
class cow. Aleo one driving
horse weight 1100 pounds. In
quire of Claude Kurre, Indepen
dence. FOUND A gold stick pin with
agate Bet, at People Cash store.
Owner inquire at this office. ,
FOR 8ALE Cheap a good saddle
horse, weight about 1050 pound.
Enquire of S. E. Stapleton. Parker
R.F. D.
FOR SALE Buff Orpington eggs
Send your order to E. E. Yar-
nell. Independence,
OUR CLOTHINO BALE haa ben on aloceKov. 15. Our Drena GikxU
Hula hat Iwn oo ine Dec. 8. On Dee. 15 w will add altno.t our
KNTIltK HHOK STOCK to the Big Bargain Ittt
It would ttkea wli"l page of thin par to wll ynu all about the 0.
DKKKUL ItAKGAlNrf we offer you and ? price. For particular
and prices see our large p-.'"ri and circulars. Then come to the store and
we will tell you more about It and you can aee (or youraelf. Kale on cloth
ing, Drea Good. Jacket, Haiitf, ele ttill goes on as before.
Positively the Biggest Bargains
And the most of them to be found anywhere.
S. M. Daniel Monmouth
If it 1 neat, up-to d&te job print
ing you are looking for, stop at
thi office.
Notice la hereby given that the An
nual Meeting of the Block holder of
the Polk County Land Company will
be held at Independence, Or., in the
Independence Nat. Bank building at
10 o'clock A. M. on Saturday, Decem
ber Slat, A. D. 1904, for the purpose oi
electing officer and auch other busi
ness aa may properly come before aaid
meeting. D. W. Skabs, Secty.
Dated Nov. 11th, 1904.
3oln SDolund
Optra Row Blig., Cosrt $t.
$4lea, Orcgoa.
It's time to be thinking of Christmas
present and my line should receive
first consideration, as it is very com
plete, consisting of the latest and most
uoique cove It lea on the market. We
can please. You will be surprised not
only at tbe beauty, elegance and var
iety of stock but at tbe reasonableness
of price. I cordially invite you to look
my stock over as I know that you will
enjoy seeing the pretty things for Xmas
and I will enjoy tbe privilege of show
ing you through my store. P. M. Kirk
land the druggist.
Send No Money
For SampUt of 9toth. Etc.
"sar $14.50"
Xh Meal T3or
ea-n tumi aa. vortiaaa,
PImm mantloa tbU papar.
c.M.' issue of the West
Side Enterprise will prove to buy.
Salem or Por,land nor any J
place further 4han inaep.. - -
' - ... harirains in
i Monmouuiw .
. t,.,li.fl Wait for
general nifi"
helrt on 4 pM
, the l""" '""' V,nfBeiecUng
h Rank for tne pui -
-" . . A tllft liat'v-
IWI of Direct- -
r h otlu-r ou..-
ewu. Wre the meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the An
nual Meeting of the Stockholders of
the Independence and Monmouth
Railway Company will be held at In
dependence, Oregon, in the Independ
ence Nat, Bank building at 10 o'clock
A. M. on Saturday, December 31st, A.
D. 1804, for the purpose of electing of
ficers and transaction of such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting. D. W. Skabs, Secty. .
Dated Nov. 11, 1904.
Undertaker, Embalmer, and Funeral
Director. Lady Assistant
when Desired.
Sealed Bids Asked
Sealed bids will be received by the
nndersigned till 12 M December 20th
1904 for one hundred (100) cords of grab
oak wood not less than two inches in
diameter ;also for forty (40) cords of good
body fir said wood to be delivered cord
ed in basemen U of Normal building not
later than September 1 1905. Righto
reserved to reject any and all bids.
J. B. V. Butler.
Sec. Regents
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public.
Collection Promptly Made Titles
East Side Main Street,
Fine Wines,
Cigars, and Deer
on Draught,
or in Bottles, at
Independence, - Oregon
I. L. SMITH; Proprietor.
1 -!v" 1
1 i -
juft received from v
Rochester, Uhe Home of &e Kodak
Brownie Cameras, St to 5. Kodaks. $5 to $25. Kodak Developing Machines, $2 to
Huston Simon