r,kClfk,ndf,,ulUJr return Y,filni Monday after a week's 5 rslaUrti brrt. bbor o frWndi of A. J ptfi frl,ft L.fWhli house burned and f ... . .pillion to kit granary C h e-ill M uou ,or tbl i. ... Several ncu i www r,!0CUt. illfUlt UH1W" r ...... ....w, ...tin a lew uays "nus i .... Lfcnc IItr from here tsetur L Mf mil Mr. Wunder aixf Uhutr. Minnie, Mrs. K. Clarke . tip i JukIimT eua. wri, win (tiff, Mr- Campbell. Mrs. Goo. Li. Mr i. George Fumvan ana .pi Ohmi. ti kilting season in this neigh au I if ninPQTinu ir tlECTRO-CHEMIC IMI-OiTAKT Rkst'LT OT TMT WITH rn.KCTlMll.iii ON A I.IVI.IU STOW AC MpW Grove. gjiJl filing muddy. ,',hh Rltnnr wm doing business jattown he first of the week. fj Uukct social will bo given May night. Much irejxT. t u being made fur it, CUude !! and Lydie Aebie. 1 married on the llih Inst irspmling their honeymoon iuutaern Oregon. Vh Edith Bagbf of 8uve r, is miiofio this neighborhood for kdaj. Tie log from tho Ileutner creek oo being floated to th boom 4f J. L Atweter's place. Tkey ibruo down (lie first high - a a vtr, wuen mo neiguuore iTitake plessure in witnessing otic the loga out io the foam' titer. r. Miller and wife were 8AN FRANCI8CO, Dec. 7-In! an jBwlroent cornruoUd by Dr.1 Albert J. Atkina, of the California' Medina! College, on the riving 1 stonwch of a healthy uan.lt has' been demonstrated that the organ ' U electrical In ita action. The ex pertinent eonalsted In the Intro. di:tion of specially prepared electrode Into the atomach by ha?. Ing the man iwallow It. When the elnrtrodea were brought In conlaot with about an Inch aquareof the wall of the organ, the galvanonv eter registered nearly 10 milvolts of direct electrical current. It la t i f ..... . . . naimeu mat this action provea that the whole process of digestion la an electro cheinlc one; alao that! thla our rent In the walla of tLej atomach prevents the digestion of, the atomach by Us own juices. The abate proa report la In line! with the theory of Dr. Darrin who i haa ued electrlcitv for the pant 20 , year In the treatment of stomach. troubles, aa well aa chronic diseases and deafness. The fact combined with hia correct dingnoaii may ex plain the anuiual aucoena in their treatment and cure. Dr. Darrin hewing been a pioneer in the uae of e1ctricit withndlcinee naturally feeia gratified that other medical men now follow In the path bo blaied. iallaa Obeerter. CAN II It A It K WI1ISPKK MUs Xcllia Durfee, m Popular Vouor lidr of Shaw, Kegalne Her llearlug Two Year Afo. To the Editor: I came to Salem with my daughter April 28, 1902, to conault Dr. Darrin concerning By Special rfrrangtmmts. The New York Tribune Farmer TA Itadlng Fmrmtn Papwrlntht Unifrd Stalms, ' mill b furnlihtd "' " on yar to 000y H0it fub$crlbr fo th 4 WEST siilE ENTERPRISE. This Offwr it Good Only for Thl$ Month. BIG S. M. Danic Dec. 15 &SHOE OUR C!X)THINO HALE haa been on alocO Nov. Ift. Our Drew GKxla riU hea been on elnm Dec. 8. On Dee. 15 w w ill add aliuot our KNTIltH HUOK B70CK to the Big Bargain lint. ' It would take a whole page of this paper to tell you all etcxit the WON DKIIKUL UAUQAINia we offer you and jrjve price. for .rtlculani and prloea aee our larite pnetera and olrculara. ThD come to the K(ire sad we will lei I you more atxnii 11 ana you ran aee mr youraeir. eaie ou iimn- , Jacket, Hkirta, elo. atlll gee on aa beiore. Monmouth Dec. 15 SALE Ing, Drees Good Positively the Biggest Bargains And the most of them to be found anywhere. COME AND SEE " STRICTLY COME AND SEE FOR KASH S. M. Daniel Monmouth fered to by letter or in person, and will gladly answer all question. I reaide at Shaw, Marion county, Oregon. May 1902. C. R. Durfoe. ONE YEAH LATER. Shaw, Or., May 23, 1902. Dr, Darrin :-Replying to your letter of Inquiry will say my daughter and I are both well and 10 far the results of your treatment one year ago seem 10 do perma nent. Your Friend, , ; C. R. Durfee. I few days ago. , Mr. , Miller noted the Fero Qjird. f Turner, the mail carrier to .hiA a narrow rana frnm a 1 - jt(lojury last week. : JrVWIe :icrofs pasture to miss a Inline, bis horse stumbled '41 la hie flounder to get Up Turner's footjrjMI caught in tha -n in1 Wa..m a fAl Via fright whoa the stirrup broke releasing him, other ould have been severely fatally- injured. j --i-i Friday's issue of the , West Enterprise will prove to buy- H it is not neceitsary to go to 'or Portland nor any other, Mlfther than Indeoendenco womouth to get bargains io 1 merchandise Wait for 'dements. her deafnens.i After a thorough amlnation the doctor . took the treatment, and io one operation and with the use f aleo tticity restored her hearing, much to our surprise and gratification. I was so much pleased wltn her core that I placed myself under the doctor's care,. . Ha haa cured an al most total deafness pf one ear, with which - I had bten atlllctea lor twenty.thr--years. I can be re- Deafness, C,urel. To the Editor: For a Ion time my father ttiram Wood, liviag in Independence, Ore., has been deaf in one ear. Through Dr. Damn's skillful treatment he, is cured. I am also rapidly improving under Dr. Darain's electrical and medir oal treatment from the effects of stomach, liver and throat trouble.' I can recommend the Dr. as a skill ful physician. Refer your readers to me at North Dallas. ,; ' Kleber Wood. cept medicines, 10 to 11 daily. All. curable chronic and private diseas es of men and women a speciality. All paying cases $5 a week or in that proportion of time as the caso may require. Batteries and belts furnished. Correspondence solicit ep. . Circulars and question blanks sent to any address. The treat ment of female diseases a special ty, ail well as seminal weakness, varicocle, bydrocle, stricture and lost manhood in men. Also tbe eye, ear and all chronic and acute diseases. Eyes tested and glasses fitted. Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at the Hotel Gail, DaT)aVuntil Dec ember 23rd. only from 10 to 5; 7 to daily. The poor treated free ex-j V Hut" to Ytkqulna liny "filer to accomodate the many rihowinh to make a winter 10 Vaquina Rav. the Southern M COmnnr.o mill salt rr --,'..tj m.i c-v. v.. stdav and Saturdays of each "'itil March 31, 11)05, round 'icleu, at low rftte8. to Va- Mnd return, limited to sixty ,ro!a dale of salet Those who p take advantage of this wuld apply to nearent South-1 Reagent for tickets. Agts: r City. HarriHhnrir' Aurora. ! Woodburn, Newberjt, Sa-! U Shnpi.i t.iv t ! H ..unu, jeuerson, rvrvn ' 8Pniigfield, McMinnville, "rillo. Independence, ,Eu-; anon. Orlp Qqlckly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and snr self contracted colds which Readily de veloped Into the' wot kind' of la .Rrippe With all 1U miserable ayruptbm's,'' Says Mr. J. a Egleeton of staple Landing, Iowa. . ''Koeee and joints aching, mus olea aore. bead stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chins and fever." We began using Cham; berlaio'a Cough Remedy, aldln. the same . wltb a dose of Charoberlatp's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal' use soon completely k Docked out the grip.' ; ; .-'" , It Is a gooa plan to lase a nose o w Tablela when Jrou; bave' a , cold. ; Tbey j promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and Kidneys which fs always ben eflcial when' the system is1 congested bvaoold or-attacK 'of the srip.'For 8ale by P. M. Klrklafld the,dnigfla:UlUny-tofelant loealfbotri Ways."' WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO YAQU1XA BAY. A New Departure on the South ern Pacific and Corvallis ' & Eastern Itallroada. Recognizing a long felt want, and desiring to give the publio cheap rates to tbe coast In the winter aa well as the Bummer, for persons who desire to see the boondlng billows In their' wildest 4 mood s asd imbibe tbe pare oxone of the winter air at the coast, the . South ern Pacific Company in connection with the Corvalfis & Eastern Rail road have placed on 'sale, taking effect Kov. 2, 1904, and caotinulng nutill March, 81, 1905, from alt point on their lines, round trip tiikets fo Yaquioa M tbe same rate as daring tbe summer. There tickets will be sold 04 Wednes days aad Saturdays only, and , will be good for return sixty days from date of Sale.. . ........,.. -"--;--;;--- Dr. Minthorn's sanitary hatha wil be in operation and anyone ' 'who de airee a genuipe health rasort daring the winter cannot do better thaq spend a monlh or eo at Yaquinal ' , $faallar tickets Twill bt sold. from' Al bany Corvallia, Philomath and all potnia west fU. the Corvallls 4 Eastern It ' R. Full iuforiiiHtion as to rates, baggage elc., cau be obuiued (by applying , to s Uje nearest i S.' p! agent or "direct from WI E; Oman, O. PI A, P. Co. Port land, er Edwin Stone maoagtr C. A E. R. R. Co., Albany. , - , ' P." fiTbriiuili tickets to Portland, are sold by tbe C. A E. at t'orvallis, and bv the f. P. Portland to CorvaliiB via AlCauy aud the C. A E. at the same rate as via the west side, vi s: 2.60' C, A E. trains Oo'nuel Sit' Albany with' ! the Ccnillis 4 fesba Mrci TIME CARD NO. 28 No. 2 For Yaquina: Lsjavea Albany...... 12:49 r. u. u Corvallls...... 1:48 r. u. Arrives Taquma.... 8:20 F. at. xil n.i...i-. HO. llCtUIIIlBg. Leaves Yaquina 6:45 Akf. Lea vet Corvallis . . . . 1 1 :30 a. k. Arrives Albany 12:M r. sf. No. 3 For Albany-Detroit: Leaves Corvallis. .... .6.-00 a. m. Arrives Albany 6:40 a. at. Lv. Albany for Detroit 7:30 a. k. Arrives Detroit..'.. .12:02 r.u. No. 4 trom Detroit: , Leaves Detroit. . .. . . . 1$:35 P. fcf ' Arrives Albany 5:15 p. m- Lv. Albsny for Corv'l s 7:15 p. m Arrives Corvallis .... 7:55 p. u Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, as well as giv ing two or three hours in Albany before departure of S. P. noita bound train. Train N. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvah o? Albanv piving direct service to jewpcrt and adjacent beaches. ' Train No. 3 for Detroit via Al bany, leaves Corvallis at 6:00 a. m. and connects with tbe S. P. Albany-Portland local train leaving Albany at 7:(K a. m. Train No. 3 leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:30 a.' m., arriving there at noon, giving ample time to reach the Breiten bush hot springs the same day. Train No. 4 connects at Albanv with the Portland-Albany local, which arrives here at 7:10, and runs to Corvallis leaving Albany at 7:15 and arriving in Corvallis at 7:55 p. m. For further information apply to Edwut Stone. Manager. T. Cockbell, Agent, Albany. ' H. H. Cbonisk, Agent, Corvallis. my I Christmas .1! I t IH J.u iw 1 S.'V . TO apOKANC -', DULCTH, ST. PAUL, ar. Louis MftXEAPQUS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINT fAST ANO aOUTMv , 9OVERLA NO TRAINS DAILY A THE FLVCR AND'Vi! !"' V W THE FIST HAIL W daylight trip across cab " cade ajkd rocky: mtns. - for tickets, rates, folders and fall in formation calloo or address H. DICK SON, City Ticket Agent, 122 3rd St., Portland. 8r G. YERKES, G. W. P. A. 618 first Aye., s , 'Seattle, Wash. We give expadi ted service on freight. Route -your shipments via Great Northern. Full information from sU Ore. ( vy.m, Hajcdsr, Gejai. s .. Portland CAMERAS uft received from Rochester, G7e Home 0 toe Kodak MODELS No Money Brownie A t r the NEWEST KODAK - THE LATEST THINGS IN PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. Kodaks. $5 to S25. Kodak ' Developing Machines, $2 to Camera, v - v-- LET US HELP YOU SETTLE THE "GIFT QUESTION" , . Stookbofd.er8' MeetMasr. ; Nqlice ia hereby given thai ' the an nual meeting of the stockholders of toe Independence National Bank will be held on Tuesday i an nary ' 10, 1906 be tween the hoars of 10 A, M. and 4 P.M at the Bank for, the purpose of selecting a Board of Directors and the transac tion of such other business as may come befoie the meeting. ' ',l ' C. Vf, Irvine Cashier. Dated this 6th day of December 1904 " v . Notice . . , ., . , Notice is hereby given that the An nual Meeting' of the' Stockholders of the Polk County Land Company will be held at Independence, Or., in tbe Independence Nat., Bank building at 10 o'clock A. M. on Saturday, Decem ber Slat, A. D. 1904, for the purpose ot electing officers and such other busi ness as may properly come before said meeting. D. W. Skabs, Secty. . Dated Nov. 11th, 1904. - 1 r rr"s . UUR tfAMX AMD ADDRESS trt"-plo, 0f Cloth. Etc. Huston iimpiTL rtfrl i mm Absolutely Pure ils r:j suDSTiwnz HUE Tl tSDU Medal Tailor 1 t