West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, December 16, 1904, Image 1

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    The Semi- Weekly West Side Enterprise Only $1 .50 a Year.
J H. IIawlky, T. L. Cami'iikll,
President. Vice President
Ika C. Howell, Cashier.
ri4 Capital. 180,000
DtmccTOH J. II. Hawley, P. L. r.mplmM, .1. M. Simpson, J. B. V.
Butler, John ! Btuiup, J. A. Wlthrow, F. 8. Powell.
Trno1 General Banking and Kzcbange btwlneM. Draft sold
arallable throughout the United Htatet and Canada.
Monmouth Post Office Raised
to Third Class Indicating:
Sure Growth
Pilot Knob Mining; Company Hold
Annual Meeting- and Elects Board
of Five Director!
OAPJTABTOOK, $50,000.00.
u IIIRBIIBKKO, President. A11RAM Vll&OX, Virt rrttideo
" 0. W.IRVIKE. C.hlr.
piBr.CTOKM.-H. lTirMrg, D. W. hwir.. B. F. Binllh, J. P. Rhodea and
rnml banking and achanit Jwiinwui trnnncll. U
nitad. CottiMMWlelcmlUii rnnil. U-i-i-iu rwwl-d
jmn nnule. BUI
on cuwnt acimiit
UdqiUiitn fat J
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
J'lor. In toaU- vfWiv from cut) Sod Founl.ta lof Itu bot dyi.
tor a7ii- Mha. Yon . awsys welcome
Good Rig for Commercial Men a Special
Good accommodation. Ilomi well W-Fwe
rigs. Horses boards by day, week or month.
Telephone 'o. J?fW
JnIetnlw Oregon
.. n wmitMAN. Pnwrktor
Home Industry Institution
WorK Call.d for T..- D.U
Bice & Oalbreath,
Hne Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Phone 131
Main St. Independence, Ore
W. L. HICK, Krubalmer and Funeral Director.
C W. KfOWLKt, Mgr.
1.00 ""'
fXOWLMJ, Mgr. ,T ft f
who handU the
Independence Meatjlarke
ALL MODERN uubiwiw""-
General Olbaou Poet
Ganeral Oibaon Post, 0. A. R.
of Independence baa held ita an
nual election. The result la the
election of the following officers
for the ensuing year:
Commander, E. G. Heatb; senior
rice commander, L. E. Eames;
jonior vice commander, J. C,
Brown; adjutant, F. J. Fryer;
quartermaster. J. G. Barber; sur
geon, Henry Mott; chaplain, W. P
Fisher; officer of the day, M. Scraf
ford; oflicer of the guard, H. D.
General Gibeon Post i now out
of debt and is in a prosperous con
dition. The large auditorium is
the property of the Post and is
paid for in full. The Women's
Relit f Corps will hold election Sat
urday and there will be joint In
etallation of officers the first Sat
urday in January.
Postmaster Lucas has received
notice from the Post office Depart
ment that the Monmouth offiice
has been advanced to the third class
the advance to take effect Jan. 1,
'05. Post office receipta are con
sidered a sure indicator of the busi
ness conditions of u town and the
rapid increase in receipts by the
Monmouth office is a matter of con
siderable satisfaction to its patrons
The annual tneting of Hie tok
holder of the Pilot KnoJ Minion
Company was held here Tueeday
December 13th. About thirty
innk tmldara vera nrnHAnt. The
Blir Hod Ranch Kented
a board of directors and transact! Th. K'rehs Hros haye rented all
such Cher" burins . mi.ht come! but ol scr.s ,.rinr Dig nop ranC
v , L v 'T rinrf.itu Chineee. The remainder will
Two Lumber Mills will Soon
be Turning Out Their Pro
duct at Independence
Site Chosen For Douty tc Simpson
Mill Where O. R- & N Ware
house Now Stands
week the water bad ruo down un
; til the boats were not making
regular trips. With the last ralna
It began to rise ana iasi nigm w
izteen feet above low water mark
and etill slowly rising. Boata are
now making regular trips and it Is
not likely there will be a scarcity
of water for boating purposes be
fore next fall.
The new Douty & Simpson saw
mill will be located on the site now
occupied bv the O. R. A N. ware
house where the Prescott & Van ess
mill stood a number of years ajfo.
Negotiations lor this property have
been on for some time but it was
not secured until now. Only a few
rods above this site the Oberer
Street Scene la Corvallis
There waa a sort of free-for-all
fight on Main street Thursday
night. A crowd of young toughs
became involved in a heated argu
ment as to each one'i ability to
'lick" any otber man in lh crowd,
and as words tailed to express em
phatically enough their confidence
in themselves, they proceeded to
... .
give a practical illustration in
hich fists were freelv used. Chief
Saloon l.lfciitin KrIm-iI.
Tli- Albany city coumil
raised the saloon license in
eity from $400 to $500 a year.
man, E. Evans, D. L. Keyt, J. K.
Rhodes, and J. II. Hawley were
elected directors. A Report given
by the board shows very flattering
prospects and it is thought that the
Company can pay dividends dur
ing 1905.
The action of the Southern Paci
fio in making such an advance in
rates on stock cars is a body blow
to the stock industry of the Wil
lamette Valley. Prompt action
ihould be taken by the various
commercial bodies of Portland and
vallev towns to remedy this matter
The producer is the one that must
suffer by this advance in rates ana
it is the duly of every town, to as
sist In securing more favorable
rates. "
Mrs. Margaret Bosworthy of Ta-
koa WaBh.. is visiting relatives
here. She has been visiting for
the past three months and will re
turn to Takoa next week. ,
D.L.Keyt of Perrydale spent
several days here the farst of the
week looking after the affairs of tne
Pilot Knob Mining Companp in
which he is a heayey stock holder.
J. B. Stump received three bucks
Monday from Chicago. A yearling
Mitawnld. winner of 1st prize as
lamb at Royal Show, England and
lat nrize vearling at St. Louib, ana
Lincoln lamb that won lBt prize at
St. Louis were two of the shipment
the third being a ootswold lamb.
Mr. Stumo has made a practice
of buvinst 1st prize etock from the
largest shows of this country and
England for a number oi years anu
as a result his flock is as fine as
one can find in'any country.
Thn marriaee of Miss Orra
Towns to Mr. William Marks, took
place in this city Thursday at l
o'clock in the afternoon. me
ceremony was performed by Kev.
A. Brown of the unnsuan
church, at his home. Both bride
and groom are well ana tavoraoiy
known in this community. They
will make their home in roia
The Normal basket ball team will
play the Salem Y. M. C. A. team
at Salem Friday night. The boys
traininK faithfully and proper
hmff will turn ouf a very
atrong team. A trip for tne warn
has been arranged that will covct
Pnget Sound, Eastern Washington
and Eastern Oregon. They will
leave immediately after the holi
days. Work on the big hardware build
ing of Bridwell & Craven is at a
Btandsiill owing to their inability
to get lumber.
E. M. Smith was in town Tuesday.
also probably be leased and Conrad
Krebs thinks he may grow a queue
to properly stand in with his ten
ants. -
1 -.1 ,nnA mill ia Irwntpfl
mru nuwu ...... wrjicn nsis were ireeiy useu. vui
The machinery for the Oouty j . hannened alone and proved
and Simpson mill is reported on I hia guprorjty over the whole garjg
thp wav and it will not be many I bv runn?ne lhem n. About half
w-ek before the hum f the two n'4,ze 0( lhfrf ,,aid for their
may be beard on the river bank at Bluu6eujK,,l tl, tUe tUlie t,f f lOeacb,
Independence. The Douty and J corvanjg Gazette.
SimDSon plant ia called a 35000 foot i
capacity though according to Mr. I
Douty it will cut 50000 in a ten
nn TVia Dl)Prpr mill 18 A
" , :,. .i. I What it Coatt to .Ship a
w,t 1ft mP.. The new mill will i F""11 Independence To
KfJ w w
require a considerably larger num
ber and tbe two will make a pay
roll that will mean a great deal to
the town. .
I What it Costs to Ship a Car Load
and Thursday
Dec, 21
and 22
Of the Fall of Babylon
Grand Chorus, Beautiful Solos) Pretty Drills.
50 People in Oriental Costumes 50
PRICES 25(35, 50c Seats on tale Monday at Locke's Drug Store.
Grand Sacred Opera at the Opera
House Wednesday and Thursday
Nights, Dec 21 and 22.
This sacred opera is the most
vivid representation of the timeB
which are now occupying the
thoughts and labors of the wor'd s
greatest Archeologiets. The story
of Belshazzar equals in us in
tensity and dramatic interest
Shakespeare's greatest masterpieces,
and does historically lor tne jewisn
race what the bard of Avon has
done for his Anglo-Saxon ances
tors. It tells how, on tbe day of
Babylonian magnificence and pro
fligacy, the mighty monarcn cei-
shazzar gave a great feast to ail
the lords in his kingdom ana poi
lntml the sacred vessels which had
been stolen from the Jewish temple
in Jerusalem in the days of Nebu
chadnezzar. While the wild orgie
was at its height and while they
drank wine from the sacred chal
ices, a blazing message of warning
nneared upon the wall of the ban-
nnot hall, which neither the king
nor his wise men were able to read
or interpret There was then
brought before the king the comely
t :v vnnth ' Daniel, who was
rfCITlDU J v -j .
.M. to read in tbe mystic char
ntr the doom of his heathen cap
tors, whose mighty walled city in
that name nisht fell into tbe nanas
of th Persian army and the great
King Belshazzar was slain. The
story admits of many tragic cii
maxea and the great chorus of
fifty selected voice and some of
Independence's favorite soloists
will prove equal to ita demands in
every way. For the past two weeke
daily and nightly rehearsals have
been held and all who attend the
rendition in the opera house next
week will be surprised to learn
how much may be accomplished
in so. short a time. Tha Ore-
gonian of Nov. 8 says: "
It was undoubtedly the best pro
duction of its kind ever given in
Portland, and is a credit to both
the director. Mr. Martin E. Rob
inson, and to every member of the
cast and chorus who were able to
so successfully produce a work of
this character in so short a time.
All the parts will be sung by local
singers except the "KiBg.'.' Mr.
Geo. C. L. Snyder, who comes over
frnm Salem to impersonate that
The freight rates on live stock
out of Independence has been $21
for a single deck and $25 for a
double deck car. A double deck
car camee twice aa many head of
hogs or sheep as a single deck.
Consequently shippers of course,
as a rule have been using double
deck cars. In a double- deck car
the same number of hogs or sheep
could be shipped to Portland . for
$25 aa could be shipped in two sin
gle decks for $42. The complaint
of tbe ehippers now is that since
double deck care are no longer fur-
niahed freicht rates are thereby
advanced from $25 to $42 or $17 on
a double deck car load.
It will mean," says George
Boothy, "that the farmers foot the
bill. I haven't used a nngl deck
car for sheep or hogs in for years."
'It means we'll have to drive
stock to Portland or make arrange
ments for a boat" says F. J. ryer.
W, W. Percival also states that
the stock raiser will have to bear
the higher freight and the eflect in
his opinion will be noticeable as
a check on hog raising, particularly.
Mr. Fryer is . convinced the tew
rate cannot be met for according to
his fieure it costs 40 cents a head
including all expenses to ship sheep
to Portland when, he estimates tney
can be driven for much less due
allowance included for loss of
weieht, Mr. Fryer drove ono band
to Portland a lew weeks ago. ;
Tramps Infest The Valley.
There are said to be more tramps
in the Wiliamette yalley now than
. K.fnm at this season of the
year, rortiana is saiu to do mor
ally overrun with these people, ana
the stranee part of it is that they
do not seem to be inclined to work
onri that. n. mm can co into the
auu - u
ntf. of onv timn who ia really in
search of work, and procure a posi
tion. Salem has been having her
.v.ara nf tVinae hobos, says the
Tnnrnai. and officers Lewis and
Muroby made 103 arrests in
in the last 12 days, all but id
of whom were merely hobos, who
were suspicious characters and had
to be locked up over night for the
aftv of the community. It is im
possible for the two officers to keep
their eyes on 24 hoboa in this city
at night unless they are under locx
and key.
Elect Officers
The Eastern Stars have elected
the following officers for ,the com
ing year:
Mrs. Hank Madison, w. m;
Mrs. A. S. Locke, W. P; Mrs. Mix,
A. M; Mrs. O. D. Butler, secretary;
Mrs. A. J. Wilson, treasurer; Mrs.
John Richardson, conductress; Mrs.
Geo. Burton, A. C.
Low Water No More
T,. .tflr will not be an
stacle to navigation on the upper
river any more this season. Last
A Financial Success
After casting up accounts, the
ladies ot the Presbyterian churcn
find their receipta from the bazaar
of last weak to bo a round one
hundred dollars. Considering
that the price of admission was
only ten cents and the time was
limited to one afternoon and
e veniag, this is a great record. It
was not 'alone in a financial way
that the affair was successful, but
every one present thoroughly en
joyed the character of entertain
J. H.Scott and the rest of the
old officers were re-elected at the
good roads convention held in
Salem this week.