ta8tata returned from Cor . Suouay. fVnn tiara it La nil .... .1 A BUI' ' . j.,. at Independence 'i IhB U" (iiJ7 'hU gtaats returned home it.. a wnii visit at visited In ' i"l wk.' Inn ill. M,on started for Pendla- h, frank Byerley of Dallas ,di,J relatives btw . .. RflnkUr baa bean In u, Bump of Forest Orovs wu parU ImI w"k n... Simpson and Hud Aloorn LoM, for tiand Sunday on busi- w m. U. E. OiUwpl" left Friday for ,bfMk for monms vmt. ut. pbr Binipon returned Irotn ,rtlnJ Thursday. "Parker. uM Catharine Gentry of Inde- dioe la vUitiof Mre. Ed Steele, I lure Crttihlow U vlelUng J. 0. Devldtoo lelted lo Lfillli last week. , k B. Lacy came home Saturday ra visit. glw.KJith Ale'iaoder tWud UcJ over Sunday. ,j TbVbaaket Social u a euoceas 4 the entertainment very in Ueting. From the eighteen baa Ui told, 119.75 was rexUl. J.B. Nunn of Detlaa wm here .twday. -'f I K!m Lucy end Mile. BolUr are kI with meaalee. '" ! gaperintendent Burr wu a Tie br bare end attended the basket ( aaal , f h i Mf. Woods of Barer assisted Mr. jua lo hie farm work lest week. Krt George Weill KM wrrobn wi callers here on their way mi Iron a riilt to her too Wll- . E-N'(ookefiM oloeed hl fruit drer and returned to h!i Wasoo county uriii, A tare rr.. .r . . . beensowtdlo lhu nKhborbood The seeding . .JoM( tD(J rowing grata la in floe condition. Mrs. W.J. Eakln and daughters are visiting relatives In Kugen. , V ' 9 i . II A LUTON Mia. Lnee of Bherldan ii vUltini wnn wre. Koreai Cnren. Mr. and Mn. Eirt Hrt vlit(l t the home of Petor Cook Uot week. Prof. Itamilde, who hit boon pondoctlng ihootlng gallery hsre, left fur Fhrldn Friday. Tl. li.n.n i wuu mcvuuori, a nigDiy re )ected citiEen. died Friday morn Ing at 6 o'clock, after a few hourt Ulneae. Durkl lock plaoe fiatur dtT in the riemant Hill cemetery. Peter Cook made a butinem trip to I'ortland the patl week. Orl Trioe, Normin Knob. Ron. ell Harria and Jim 8ear are down on the river chopping wood. Prof. Ityn. the hypnotlit, left Frldy for Sheridan. JJe Uaght nme of the young men here to eat raw potatoea and oniona for peah ea and flour t and t water for ice cream. " ' Ceorge MoCoIlock returned home from hit trip to the 8L Loub Fair Friday. W.i h T. K. Koyal, who baa had charge of a crew of men on the railroad, la home. He la making aome lm provetnente oo hia property hero. ' Mra.' Ed ' Wllaoo', -who hat been running the , hotel . here, left re cently for Malla, Waeh. ' A chance for aome on to epeo a hotel. Mra. HarrJa and' daughter Evan have returned from a viait to Falla City. . ' orrvii i 5 Mra. Martha Wilaon of Moaoow, Idaho, la vUl ting at the home ot Mra. C. W. Stewrt. " " " " Remember the Fair at 8uver, Peck'i Dmd Iloy. TombrrownWrn-ernfgT,r. the Roatdl Comedy Coapanr rill praaent the flneat and. moat mirth provoking comedy J drama ever prodooed Peck V Bad Hoy, Thla Company baa been well and favor ably known on the Coaat th laal five yeara. The itbrj of Peok'a Bad Boy baa ben to generally read that the play needa , no further recommendation. The Ruiaoll Companr olaima the din tinctlonof having the only real performing Billy Goat now on the Amerioan atitca. Billy appeara in every performance. General arimlanlon 25 and 35 c-nt. Come and bring tha children. If you can l laugh, don't come. .At the auditorium. The Margarita Fiecher company that performed here and at Dalian a few wttke ago Je having-trouble. A R, Thome left the, company at Albany and aued Manager John Fiecher for $370, alleged back pay. Since, Fred Lewie and wife have quit and aued for 14080, back aal ary. Fischer haa filed a petition In bankruptcy. " - - The Independence orchestra will give one of their aocial dances at the Auditorlaul Saturday night. A. J. Gamp haa told bis fine farm two milea eaat of Dallas to Clement A. Ramsey, a recent ar rival from Kanaaa. This farm con talna 199 acres and coat Mr. Ram eey 110,000. The place was for meny ins noma or tbo late Robert Clow, and it considered one of tba beet tracts of land id the LaCreole va'.ley. -Obeerver. " O .'... I - r REV. DR. DO AVE Kev. S. Done, D. D. Dean of the Tbeoloftca) School of the Port : land Ualvenlty, Celebrated f 1 Ula Golden WeddlDs; ' lMt Somroer iu'otLbn ooaoty. Wj.f) peomber15. Everybody it In 111 tited to attend Grain la thla vicinity la look.f.0trtainaeotal Bueoa Viata 'Sat. if loa. Stock, itpewUUw kf U ordy 'nrgbt' aid report vr good inftalL jtlme. Tom 8ampter has moved over Tba Woodmen have completed arlae&a YiaU, . - ttwlrloaw tbed. It it fifty feet wvAvna, toe biu-, ummi-t - ana af Mr., Slume't aheep apd , n V. Cartvaoter. C. J. DeAf i mood and I. G. Earhart, eaci tcoc ! I A! h.td Batirday at Geo, BaUl- ". i't. W. J. Steele and family were In I J ..... . . . , IvAAwtAflAna tha Aait weak. I B. Stump sold for BerlsniM W!: TkfiW -b,hr rf ibrd fThMki M tbtmaeltae Vh l?'t:t VJ 'J'L.i kil.l.irii i . il I riraiinn your paper the tincere thanktSqfj auxiocu. mrtelf and family lor tna generoua 1 w . . . J.H. Moran wat lo hls ieloity reaponae ottnepeopia 01 your wwn iw-l t tha needs MutiHr- family. The luir ' ", V M i'V'f atTortf ofMr. John urton and frilteV Jones, eephew of J. L. . hm m niw moacit, it on bis way w uregon Vifglnia.- ' 1 Hr. aid Mn. R. M. Roaley This worthy man bas been at the bead of the Methodist church intBs Northwest" tiffM0 yeara, He bad a double reaaorflo be coa gratulated oo thia occasion aa he was totally deaf for yeara, and 9 ipite of his adyanced age, his heat ing was restored by Dr. Darria, now'Wied at the IleUl Gail Dai- laa. no one win attempt 10 quea tion tha reverend gentleman's word el ijiti tinblemuihed record it well koom.i He tells his atory below in his own words. ' University Park, Portland Ore gouAn 26, To wham it i,cerenconH5, to i v. r.-J tit.. LI sairjtnt' Was WhHitOAm 4th, I called on TDr. Parrih7 whom, believed W! 'skilled' Wrist and pbytlcmn, to restore my hear ing. . He applied his remedial nd Pnvau Words For Wei , The eminent and tuccctrZul eleo tro'.' and medical ph'yejclan. , Dr. Dartln, 14 dieoovere! anoT perfect ed a system of treatment that , haa cauaed a revolution in the treat ment of' female dlaeates., When ever bit electrical and medical treatment la tested and known it haa done awar with ezceeaive doa Inga wifb naoMoue drugs and pain ful aorgical operations, whereby to many precious livrs have been loot. At a dieco'ver. it ranks , with IIarveys ditnovery of the circula tion of the (blotKl. ,It' has proved in more than a thousand caes of the wornt kind to be a poeitlve cure for the following female diaeatee: Ovarian tumors, polypua, . ulcera tion and dropay of the womb. In flammation.congeetlon and falling of wombj paipful and euppreaaed men struation, bearing, down peine. backache, headache, racking cough, melancholy, absence of ambition or deaire to live; or In fact' any com plaint having its origin In a dis ordered elate of the generative and accompanying organs, whether from 'contagious diseases, heredi tary, tight lacing or other canss.' : 1 His method of treatment fa barm less, pleasant and mild.' Tt ii "ap plied directly to the parts." can be applied by the patients themselves. thus, securing local treatment at home, and application is easy and simjjle. Its ourative action on the inflamed, congested and ulcerated rarta is immediate. . . - ''pi.. Darrin refrains from ' maklpg public the names of hnndreds of ladies , who have been restored . to heaUb 'with due deference to the delidacy of their afflictions, f. ; , The following card , waa volun- iarily offered bv a lady desirous of nejping oiners similarly annoted. ,j ,Dn. Darrin at Hotel Gail, Dallas, treated me two years ago for cV tarrhk; neuralgia and rheumatiana, seal p trouble, deafneas,'f generail pervona debility,' femalef troubles and pfcrtiaj paralyaia of the neok ot the. bladder, with! awtrked'anceeeel I feel that words are inadequate to axpreee my gratitude for the greeit good Pr.D4mn' ha done (for mei, and f I most, heartily Vreoommend the doctor Id the 3ioted.- f ' .!.;. !.' 1 MiasrMiom Wells,'f i ..,..frl5? lftth Street Badeth.'" CI ! Ceeied Bids Asked " t.'S lW.i wini rMtiftf by ' the mwUnlgt mi Iff M Dtesalber 9th 1901 for um hundred (10O)jr-Ht of grab oak wood Dot teaa thau wo lorhae is diameter (alee for forty (40) oor-Jaefgood Udy flr aatd weed to be telivered otveV ed tn beaenvot of Nerroal building oot later tban feptu.r 1 lUOfl. Hlgbu reearred te nyty any eed all bids. - tn'r-: ?'.y J.B: V.'Uotler, Se. fieianU . ' Notice J ' ' Motloa ia beraby glfen (bat the An nual afeetlog of tba Stock bolder of tbe Polk County Land Company will be held at Independeooev Or., In tbe fodependtinoa .Nat. Bank building at 10 o'clock A. M. on' 8alrJay, iVoeta-ht-r Slat, A.1 D. IdtM, for the purpoae ol la tins offlcera eoii euch other bust dm a may properly come bt fore old meettog. ' O. W. Baias, Secty. Dated Nov. Iltb, 1904.' . !"! Moflee Notice la hereby given that th An nual Meeting of tbe Bt(xklio'd-r ft tbe Independence and Moniuouth Railway Company will he brld at In- depeodence, Uregon, In tbe Iudjiid enre Nat. Bank boildlng at 10 o'clock A. M. on Saturday, December Slut, A. D. 1904, for tbe purpnae of eletlog; of flcem and transaction nt aucb otber buslneas aa may properly come before aald meeting. D. W. BcahS, Becty. . Dated Nov. II, 1904.' 1 i! (I J -mm ; "il m ;., 'I ;- :. . 1 (),,., Itemarfcable Cure "I was much affiluted with sciatic." write Ed. C Nud, lowavllle, Sedg wick Co.; Kan.. Kofoir about on crotcb- ee and au (Taring e deal of pal d. I wa inoucea to try Ballard a 8aow Llnimnl which relieved me. ' I need,. three 60e botilea. It i the treeUtt liniment t , ever . used ; have recommended it to a number of persons all axpreee themaelvea, aa beln benlflt ed by it. I now walk without erutches able to perform a great deal of light labor pa the farnv j25c Wc and f 1.00 at A. 8, Locke. . ... i 1 ..i.f ,1 'Hit: nvi "'!- ' Kotios i hereby gfvta that the an ausr BBeetisg of thestockhoUtia of toe Isdepeiida&M Ni'ul htmk .will .be held ea Taiay Jabtiiary KJ,1(C b twoen the hoar of 10 A, K. and 4 P.tf at the Rack for the porpoas ef aaleodog a Board of Directora and the tranaeo. tion of such other buelnee aa may come before tbe meeting. 1 , , C W. Irvine Caabler. Dated tblsStb day of Deoemler 1904 HOP WIRE; ' We are headquarters for Wire Best quality,, We can save you money. Write and gt prices, WALTER MORLEY, , Salem, Oregon E.H.HOSNE11 The Cyclone Auc tioneer of i5 year (eIr- lence. Phone 143 Monmouth, Ore. G. A. HURLEY Attorney at Law and , Notary Public. Collections Promptly. Made Titlea .'?.? . Ineestigated..- -, . ; , ; , . . East Side Main, Street, , , NDEPEXDENct, ; Oaaooif , osa,T TOtrat Mamm AMD apnsniai effaww f 4teVK4waW9 9 welsdAt ssar'atBei f i i-I3 IJ(TcZ . iw minutes, inen il'H ... 'VJ'.I'HI.I JStT..' those who ateis I be ftrrgottent J. ' A. Rotcoai iSf 4 Ik. OI BJWVUWM. f their daughter, Mrs, .Wipfield Ann0,i election "of ofBcera or l!itoD, at Bridgeport over Suo- Homer Lodge No 24, K. of P. was bMtt last meeting with the ' roi- iamatOhmsla op from Hope- lowiag result: ? f J Umnllll county. ' - ' Arthur Moore. C C, 0 Bar L. W,.:. VKtr Bei.m.o.Clodf.lte; pnl tof William Harren tha first Jf. K.R.8.; tC Jon. lwU'-i i i. i-iU 0D;. 4M)v o,ftMir. t rt: 8. Busk r . 1 . iil I i 1 bbm . ni mu . 111 v " a' - - v I . O. O: J. W. Klrkland was" re elect- lt .. i -lU ea vi u.w' deatpeaai4 Aa turned, atUflMon , jibe ptber ear, whiob-did not seeoa to yield readily . 'For tkitf eat.' the rdoetor gave tha medicine to twe ' at' hdme, which t am now ps'ing; ' ' I think1 U thdHy of,i$ wfco are, afflicted, , to nave thair hearing reatQred, if poa eible, end I know of no on whom I think more skilled than Dr. JDar- Rlekrtw.ll. tos 'was ilatiei,t Saturday evening. the town A number i 'The'lron safe in tha Hood River nJ folks were present, and . .blown open Saturday fretaiDatisa d other MTr" flnni,T morning and WOO an u, i f ,t. .ml monetf taken. . Lucaa, the popular station robbers made a ean 'get 1 - enjoying a vacauon in iWr ind n0 trace or jnem oa Jla. Hel, accompanied by f t . ' ff '.toe dty election resulted in a .3urch is visiting relaUvaa r .Kr- toone byi the law kton, Calif. "iiity Commtasloner Seth 1 ia returned from a trip to niaiana Furckase Ctposition Louis. ' '-' Paulina Nesmitb baa ra 4 frota an extended visit with "Portland. ' i and order ticket, the nr 1 r...nr for mayor," -. Sherman or , karformarahaUJ-Cr.. wTandWiW.Perdvlor .. .rManondanss Ite- counciimen. w..-r - t rt WHAT rrjRTHXB, TREATMENT PID FOB S - -BtV. OR. DOASTK. To the Editor? Some time ago t said something" of regaining my heartag under tbe treatioa oil, D?j Darrin, of which I had suffered for several yearf. On the .Brat atIf' cetion the deafneaa ot dne) tiar Was cured, t akrplledi the'- toeiicine faithfully ana went . again 10 me doctor who aucceeded entirely in restoring the lost sense of hearing, a that when I went out on the Street It eeemsdiW. be tbM(steat pity I wasevetin. My- heawlng still remains distinct, in Jtwth ears equally goodf ;Nebejmiah Doape. f fit. PABKELL S uriwnvi who DR. DABRGf i'Jor two years prior to going un der Dr. Damn's electrical treat D,nt I was afflicted': witk bfeafct troutle, aoor stomaph, rdyspegei, bloating and peine, vr. wrna has cured me. Refer anyone to me at my borne in Medford. Ore- eon, or by letter. I meat arheeUy commend Dr; Darria al i akined m i . . e tri Jl e. rirsician. ' J.A.WMU. ' ' 1'IA' eM0V5t I1M ' EVERYBODY'S COLUMN hiiaatleesttrte flnea io thie eolojaav. 0 hhmtm.mi tV''i ?i'"'' mil' ."lit 7i Ha sbll i FOR SALE A eopieef Polk eountf faiKn fif nvar HiHI sk-m mm ham hmA at Tery.reenaoie. iwurea iS Aa ' ' mlrably adapts to stock raUin. Bnuire mhli dfSoi. ' ''i. -Jw BAR3 AI . SALE rr. Some . nice ' Carma1 plga, it weened, t J.0O Tf''sjeo1ii' nwib ed"-"' 8iiw i r' Fine thbrooth-bred Poland Chitis. I "tea pig reidy for eerrioe; $10.00. Fine thorough-bred Jeraey buW, 4 years old" I2O.00 ami thcrongh. , bred nice Jersey bult call $8.00. .Ind.P, 02 i-Ai h -WbiteaUh FOR SALEnS fresKVrdne irill hm frmmU In. VlKwMMwW ' Ami mm) mrmr mm wvm A' VWtUWt USD class 'cows-t Aled1- one driving 1 horse weight 'Impounds." In 1 auire 61 Claude Kurre. In'deDen' The ;Keystont3 Field Pence. 5 1 - ' L , . I 1 1 1 WfweweTgafjyaWaii sss.saaaaw.awsaw.1 ZZ3 T 4 r. t 4 )v fi.iJ3 .II ,'UtlU'l VJ (Iff mi ine Keystone xence , 19 made- or g strong wire and it is a ' continuous and' en i tirel? : interwoven fencei' Thiaefttfe'ihai " ;:; there ls: 'rid1' beginning and no en-to, the . I9 ). ,,, 1U )0-tli(J --J L r , 1 . f ftaj. fctbey areupoptinuoosiwitri, tbe a r. T6ng . "wires.f A nd the-" stay 1 ire$ ' iU "n ot J ' alio and artfnoc made of scran. :.. ... r ., ... . Tji .n civ; ur n,. $r v Qal a,rtdvflee o,(feic.'M,itfR stock xs com- plete and prtoaa are tight" ' FOUND A sold stick nia with 'agate set, nt H topiee caau atore. Owner inquire at this-office. FOR ffeVio' raom house. good nan wer!. Call or ad mouth, ''-p -t -'.t. FOR SALE A good second hand organ cheap. Enquire at thie i9.J f.H -)lr l 1 r - 'Jr " s. T ' ' :1ir I . Huston .Simp. w 7 ,, 7 ... . ,, t . I 1 iiiniini il-irr I'll mi iiiiij.iMn iiim,mn tuiijt ii, I,, , . A CerteJn Care for Croup When -a'cbfJd (abews1 eymptome (T croap tbere Is no time' to experiment with new remedies, d matter bow WfUy-they eaay be recommended Tberalsooe preparation tkat cao al- ways be depended upon. It baa beia iUVM.ftactX jrt! and bat newer been known to fail, vlsi Chamber- lah'C5oW.Beinedy. Give It and.a quick coi is sore to follow, ktr. C F. Com pton of Market, Texaa, eaya ef it, "Ibavad CbambarUln'e Cbogh Umtdj la teverf eaeae ef croap with ply children,-aod q tratbfall tey It always girea proaapt reliat" For sale by f. at. EirkUod, tb drugfUC . ;V ft1 tt MXTZZTXrZ lb tos,.IrAa.eobdueebjW, , rt-t., II fir. t 1 it) it 2 W.,!? SrrSAlfrj the Pens, ioosana tkFSbriTTaau, two- ' a free oft-ouletion ef the Bleed, giving the Muscles aaturtUf'i Sol sT A iWJBina. !.. a. Ten, writ: "Mr baa am. wbea I wm parad. J e t . Beew Uateaaat. wais aBactad a fcslBliTi eeieS - - fcara ale as4 U lac ell , tieet tiaae aadakist nFeavdea. . Jetkwoe-" ,.4, car usearart r r-mi! ewc rwveo, sawats) tat , t ska,AM aucariTviaa ,jw s Si Ifflfl' rrrt;iYtr'r:tr:;ttt4i