Social and Personal. MM Wui. Mackay was in Portland a few days this week. Claud Hubbard returned from San Francisco Tuesday. D. Kotiruan of Portland Is visit ing friend hero. Asa Taylor was in McMinnville this week. Dr. V. R. Allin spent Thanks giving with relative in Salem. . Attorney u. A. Hurler was Salem visitor Tuesday. Mra. T. W. Hart is visiting in Snohomish, Wash. Misses Cannie and Jennie Bob in son are risking in Portland. Miss Cora Lowe is a guest of Mra. Van Dornsife. Air. and Airs. J. II. Collins are spending a week with their sons in Seattle. A. J. Wilson and family ate Thanksgiving turkey with rela tives in Salem. J. L. McCandlees is in Lebanon carrying oat a contract to put an engine in place. Claude Fryer, a Willamette University medical student, sben Thanksgiving at home. Miss Opal Hall, who is teaching in Portland, spent Thanksgiving at her Monmouth home. Mrs. Jasper Kennedy who is in ill health, is spending a week i McMinnville hoping to recuperate. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence and little daughter are visiting in Mc Minnville and Portland. in-What,! 1 la Her! I 1 Isaac Manning, the Salem rust ler, finished up his work of solicit ing for the New Years Statesman. and left via Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Lucy Whiteaker will leave tomorrow for Mesa, Wash., to spend the winter with her niece, Mr. Emma Johnson. Usual services will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday, Rev. Thompson preaching, mora ing and evening. ,'. Convinced that Oregon is good enough for him, John Lemon has moved back from Centralis, Wash., and will make his home here. J Word is received as this - issue goes to press that Mrs. Jasper Ken nedy is very low, and hardly ex pected to live, at McMinnville.' There will be regular services at the Melhodiat church Sunday Ki'unlns i)tiMl "Vm J la She Good for? What Mission ?" A musical program will i be rendered by new choir. All; are cordially Invited. K. W.J EUyer, pastor. Sam Damon and Hay Walker, A i n ..... !... ........ it.... Thanksgiring vacation with their! parents here. ''Mike's" face bears evidence of the part be took as full back in the football game Saturday Hear Mr. ' Carlton Oatrander The Premier Mandolin virtuoso of the world, with the Charles Co. at Q. A. R. Hal), on Friday and Sat urday nights Nov. 25 and 2d Mr. Ostranders wonderful sejf ao mmniniiiiunt in !tirna nf his own composition are a treat to musio lovers. General admission 10c, reserved chairs 15c. Dick Hutchins the well known black face Comedian will be with the Charles show Co. at G. A. R hall on Friday and Saturday nights Nov. 25th and 26th. Gen eral admission 10c, reserved chairs 15c. Startling Moving Pictures, sober Vaudeville program by a company of trained artists, at G. A. R. hall Friday and Saturday also Mou day and Tuesday, Nov. 25, 26, 28 and 29th, admission 10c. A meeting of the Polk -County Mohair Association is called for Saturday, December 3d, at 1 p.m. at Dallas, Oregon, for the purpose of selecting a committee to arrange for the next annual goat show to be held at that city. '.J,. , The Ratbbone Sisters tendered members of Homer No 45. K of P a pleasant surprise Wednesday. A. MESSNER s. INDEPENDENCE LEABING STORE CENT'S FURNISHINGS Our busine.. in this lino ha boon tioublo that of h.t ar n.l King ,ho come and buy, (Arm K.vukkk) are convince, that wo have the lost ....I most o,,,,,, lines shown in the city, S. V Our Men's Clothing Department In suits and overcoat, oomirU's the tout known inako, Hoffman KothehiM & Co. In etyle, fit and quality thoro is nothing Wttcr made and our prices are fiotn two to four dollars leu than you can buy the samo claes of goods elsewhere. Como in ami let us hw you and bo convinced. Guaranteed All Wool Underwear 1 f i $1.00 Per Garment Carey Hayter, editor of the Polk County Observer, greeted Indepen dence friends with bis old time smile. Tuesday. ' ., Mr. and Mr. J. L. Guttry of Sheridan and Mrs. Powell of Myrtle Creek, visited Mr. and Mrs. Guttry's daughter, Mrs. A. J. Wil sen, the first of the week. Misses Molly McDonald, Leora Shank; Maude Hawley, Mabe Cressy and Mrs. Florence Allin spent Thanksgiving in Portland. Mrs. Julia Zounski died at Ta- coma, Wash, at the age of 109 years. Had sbe lived in Oregon. she probably wonld have survived easily another quarter of a century, Among the legal lights in Inde pendence on business bent this week were, J. A. Jeffries and Mr. Cannon of Salem, and N. L. Butler of Dallas. reterson s uunDar will open their vaudeville entertainment in Independence on Tuesday, Nov. 29, Admission, 10 cents to any part of the bouse. Nothing but what the most refined can witness. Five coaches of Grange delegates passed tnreugh Tuesday morning. They were banquet ted at the Agri cultural college at Corvallia and re turned to Portland via Salem. News of Raymond Henkle is to the effect that he has met with great suocess in his chosen profi sion. Mr. Henkle with a partner is operating a drug store at San Jose, Cat, which has the patronage of a large hospital in that city, be sides good share of the local trade. Mr. Henkle Is a native of Oregon's Bias Ribbon county. ' After the degree , work of the Knight's lodge was oyer, the pres ence of ladies was announced. The doors swung" outward ' and a procession of ladies filed ' in, bask- ets in hand, containing tho deli cacies that capture a Knight every time. Games and the repast, were the features of a most delightful evening. W. O. Morrow, a member of Oak Grove Grange, who attended the National Session of the Grange in 'ortland, writes the West Side En terprise in praise of the farm prod acts on display and the fine look ing men and women in attendance Ine u range is an order we are proud of says Mr. Morrow, "and ene jn which every farmer should be interested, the young farmers es pecially. There is great possibility for you in the Grange. Those. who bays been fortunate enough to at' tend the National meetings, have seen the greatest-order in existence, The degree work which was put on the 19 instant, was simply grand The seventh degree, to those who have never seen, it,,. is' incompre hensible. There was a class of about 1500. We will return home feeling amply repaid and hoping to be of inestimable value to our or der" " ' 7 Notice of Annual City Election Notice is hereby given, that the annual election for the city of In dependence, will be held Monday, Dec 5th, 1904, at the City Hall, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Recorder and Marshal for a term of one year; two Councilmen for a term of one year, and three Councilmen for a term of two years. Judges of election: S. B. Walk er, D. A. Hodge, 8. B. Irvine. Clerks: U. L. Frazer, J. W. Richardson. Poll opens at 9 o'clock A. M. and closes at 5 o'clock P. M. Buy buggies and surreys now at R. M. Wade & Co. cheap Our Boys and Little Gents In these iines ws handle the celebrated "Banner Brand" which have no superior in general make up and quality. Buy thia make once and you will buy it again. In little gwnts, boys two and three piece knee pants and young men's. In price from $2.00 up. We fit the extreme with our celebrated Kings Bury Hat and WalhOuer Shoes aagiaaHMaiMHMHBKSBaMHaVBaBMaMWMMaBBVBBWaHWBawMWHaaMMBSS Full Line of Wet Weather Goods YOURS FOR BUSINESS,. W.'AMESSNER Ladies Baxaar. Friday the 9th of December, is the dftte for the Bazaar, the ladies or the Presbyterian church are pre paring. ' ' J " -w- - They, will have on sale many beautiful articles of fancy work, be sides numerous useful things for the household., ... . f This will be a rare opportunity for securing Christmas presents, Called On Calvin A committee from the New berg Board of Trade called on", Superin dent Calvin last Friday and inter ceded for a morning train out of Portland. . Mr. Calvin said the matter had been' canvassed before he , was appointed to his present position and the decision arrived at was that such a train would not be paying proposition for the com pany. xHe said however that the company was Having two motor cars built as an experiment which if they proved as satisfactory as he hoped, would solve the problem of nterurban service. He said he bad no promises to make regarding where the cars would be used as the company preferred to surprise the people with something good rather than make promises that could not be carried out. The committee assured him the patrons of the road up this way were ready for any happy sur prise that might be sprung at any time. His attention was called to the loss of time occasioned by the morning train stopping for wooding up and also for switching off to freight trains paes and be admitted that these delays might as well be avoided and indicated that he would attend to it at once a m t w - t oioores uair invigoraior and Newbro's, Herpicide for dandruff and falling hair or diseased scalp sold in bulk, 50o 8 oi., or applied if necessary by Moore & Taylor's, the barbers on C street. .. See the new game of Sherlock Holmes at Craven & Moore's. Roast your Thaukigiving turkey in a savory roaster sold by R. M., Wade & Co. n :.-!. i The American wire fence is best galvanized, has patent hinge, stay wires and is most uniform fence made. We sell for cash hence our price the lowest, R. M. Wade it Co. agents. ' Flinch, pit, panic and Sherlock Holmes at Craven & Moore's. When You slave a Bad Cold You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a permanent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expect oration easy. ; , . You want a remedy that will counteract any tendency toward pneumonia. You want a remedy that is nlpaa. ant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Couch Remedy meets all . of tbeso requirements and for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds stands without a peer. Eor sale by P. M. KirkUnrf Jet the Druggist. 1 i....' '. ' ' "." " ; ... .... n it4 Heating Stoves ;FALL , HAT, ttvA i r. i' - - - " I We are clearing out our Entire Line of Fall Millinery. Now is the time to get your hat. Prices will astonish you. Not to MSS PEARL SQUIRE LADIES' 1HATTER Line Full and Complete OUR , PRICES ARE RIGHT m Call and Sec for Yourself Ranges and Complete Line of Hardware to Select from. ' I I SUB TOILET PAPER ',-rlH NI sm, V . One Week Special Sale. Rolls ' - - 4 fdr 25c ll Pocket ' - - 3for 5c ' AC T (01? PRESCRIPTION