West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, November 25, 1904, Image 3

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LpmnU RPrtlon For
ftnKn .,,..,
f ho U Kstirrupw Mf
...M without faUltl occured
Monmouth TuwUy morning
1.'.. Kv. Arthur Allen.
I-,...! eroe vr lh treat
Lb; AHnof MIm Overhoher
(, ...L(iiror " "'wiuuai
(. Mr Ovsrholier, acooror
111. j
( jjf. Ovsrhouer, acooropa- most Horrible Miction--epilepsy,
(n in attorn came up from She consulted the best uiediual
FJ . i w. all (.(... i .i:ir... . i. !-!
ui. and called on Mr. All
HOW- - . . , .
hil place of oppin un
iih Mr Uf"no""r unnaiiurt
4rtln. An altercation follow
1 r. tha mull Allen received i
vs which lit still carrlee
..nr out warrant for
. .....I tint At tut BC
L.i. it hail not been served.
MinOrhoIwr whoa name tin
nnlnrlunalely brought Into
,ti,it in formerly student of
guts Sornu'l ml U very m
tbU itJy.
fTbrio atill continue.
MnWgia MtfiilJ Is visittn
:L Brown wu in ibie vicinity
ring sheep ths last ot the week
Ufa Edwards ktlW panther
Mr, Vale's place last week
mrlng eight feet.
tt Buih, whilo slashing last
k.tcciJently cut hit foot. lit
I ... I !
tot ton 10 were again.
Will Rush baa rented Jeeee
,'iplsce ar.d will move there
tnl of the week.
Vrc wu a shooting match at
Condon's at the Condon id ill
Hr. ind Mrt. Cbria Martin of
hdii. Kan., were guests of their
i, Mn. P. 0. Hush, the past
br! McClain, book-keeper
the Spaolding Logging com
Tit N'ewberg, ha been spend
t couple of weeka with relative
Jin first boat of the season load
wheat at the warehouse here
Mr. Gates preached an Interest
wrtnon to a crowded bouae
It Buena VUta Sunday tchoola
have a union Christmas tree at
Evangelical church.
In. Unruh delivered two tern
race lecturea here.
ra November 20, to Mr. nd
i. John McClain, a baby girl.
b young folks of tblt pltce en-
H ft delightful time at the t
I social Saturday night.
Poison In Chamberlain' gunday 10 to 2.
Cough Remedy.
m Naqier;-New .Zealand,
aid: Two years ago the Phar
7 Board of New donth Wales,
rfiliu, had an analvsis made of
jfbe cough medicines that were
in that market. Out of the
list they found only one that
imv uey lounu oniy uuo m n jigoggeg m eiioer e,
' beclared was entirely Iree Wo0(i taintf, ftralnal weakness and
J ll poisons. This exception fJ VOriCocele and stricture
Chain borlai it's Cough Remedy, , . pn.-Ma chronic diseases treat-
feby the Chamberlain Medicine
Pny, DesMoines. Iowa, U. .
The absence of all narcotics
this remedy the safest and
that can be had; aud it is witb
lr. Iarrln M,. vM( mtut
Overwbelmlnr I'roof ot Ilia An
scrtlon. Dr. Darrin will remain In Dallas
until l)o. nOth-Dallss Obwrvi-r
Mrs. Abbie Wareham wss 20
years a auffarer from epileptio fits
The many arars that she will carry
through life bear evidence of falls
shv untalned as a result oftbl
most horrible nilrtion ei.llensy
talent, li dilTi-rent tiliysiciar.s tiro-
flouncing the case incursble. She
wst recommended at last to Dr,
Darrin, but In her own mind, and
in tht mind's of her friends, with-
but little hope of ever being cured.
Appended art her own words:
"Dr. Darrin treated me with elec
tricity anr medicine and from the
first, I began to improve, and after
a thorough course of bis treatment
I am happy to say I am cured,
have bad so indication cf a re-
tarn of my awful alliiotion for the
pastil rears. I give this In the
interest of thota similarly afflicted
and mnet heartily recommend Dr.
Darrin's system. I bad epilepsy
20 yesrs before going under Dr.
Darrin's care. November 14 be
cured ma of a cast of deafness in
one minute. I ttfer to Mr. B. F-
Haley and Mrs. Graham, corner of
First and Main streets, also Mrs.
F. K. Dewey, 383 Davit street,
Portland, all of whom knew of my
condition, then and now.
"Refer any and all to meat
MonUvilla, Oregon, by letter or in
Mrs. Abbie Wsrehsm.
KUtlo ICheuniatism Cured.
(To the Editor)! wish to sUte
my case in brief. Five years ago
I waa afflicted with sciatic rheuma
tism nd was cured by Dr. Darrin
1th electricity and medicine. 1
remain nermanently cured. Refer
anyone to me at 54 1 Hood atreet,
J, A. Bennett.
Judge Croeketl Cured of Deal-oee.
For ten rears prior to going
under Dr. Darrin.s electrical treat
m.nt. September 12,1890, I bad
been gradually growing deaf, with
wnatant rinding in my ers.
For the at five years I could not
hear ordinary conversation. With
treatment, by Dr. Damn 1 can
hear nearly as well as ever In my
life. - l ean conscientously recom-
mnt Dr. Darrin'a new cure wr
deafness, and cm be referred to a
Merlin Oregon, by letter or in per
Garrett Crockett.
Dr. Darrin Place of Businesa.
Dr. Darrin cs" be consulted free
the Hotel Gail. Dallas. Oregon.
until December SOth, from 10
'clock to 5 daily, evening too
' . !-!. t
The doctor roaaes a spect-u u.
n of the eye, ear, nose
and throat, catarrh, deafness, brone
chilis, lagrippe, heart, liver, blad-
... Vi.lnev diseases, or mob-
ho suffer from apathy and in
iflbrence. slso ginito-urinary and
. . In ther sex. sucn an
Out Poi
vJ n' If U
Tuesday jMovember 15
For the remainder of the
month we will sell all our ,
Men's and Boys' Suits
at a big reduction for cash
$15.00 SUITS TO GO FOR $10.75
13.60 " " " f 9.75 ;
12.50 " " " M 8.75
11.50 " " " " 7.95
10.00 " " " 7.50
$9.00 SUITS TO GO FORJ $6.85
-7.50 " " " 5.75
6.50- " " " 4.75
5.00 " " " 3.75
3.50 " " " 2.50
COME QUICK if you want some
Wednesday, November 30
1 311
iDrougu ruiiiu" buiuiu wu.
ift sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chi
cago, Spokane ; tourist aleeping-car dally
toKaneasCity; through Pullman tour-
lit sleeping ere yperwunmnj wuuun;
reclining chair cars (seats free) to the
. j 1 1
70 PortlanSrW 70
IV Mo Change of Cars v
Peraonal Mention.
at $5 a week, or in that propori
n of time ss the case may re
.1 tmAA ar.
quire. The poor ireateu
I ... in 11 rial Vi
,pt medicines, irom iu v " j
withal fixcent by per.
- . case ju""' .
fiing of eecurity that ny ion 0f the patient. All bum
''7 can giye it to her little one". ' . rf,lation8 with Dr. Darrin
mWlain'a CoOgb Remedy is nJ M Jl One visit is
strictly con iiuvu' - -desirable,
though many cases can
be treated at home by writinaiymp-
Kyes tested and gmssee
rcialiv rAflominnnded bv it
ers for coughs, colds, , croup
hoopinir couch. ' When taken
Pme it nreventa pneumonia.
t rpniniln I. tn aula hv P. M.
'and, The Druggist.
Charles Show Co. ?
7th Season
defined Vaudeville
L.y of ,r.,ned art.t. In a blh gr.de progrs . s.d .b. '
Mion mn ,i.t.. .n.l iunerbly illustrated aonRt". ..
I V" ,.--rftl Adm'""
A. R. HALL inocr" ,r.
Friday and Saturday Night
XTn 9? and. Nov. 20
o S.v;;rr mJhU nex. VV.-K. Ab.o.ue
Unrf of Program Nigntir.
Albany Democrat
Cbas. Galloway, of Brownsville,
was in Albany Saturday, to take
leave of Dr. Darrin. He reports
that he is about cured of a most
distressing heart stomach and
liver trouble.
J. L. Oxford, of Brownsville, was
in town Saturday on his way to
Montana. It will be remembered
that he was cured of almost total
deafness by Dr. Darrin last June.
He can now hear as well as ever in
his life.
P. A. Racey, Jefferson, drove to
tha nthi-r dav and reports that
ha is absolutely and permanently
cured of deafnessone ear, 13 years
ago, while Dr. Darrin 'was in ror
land, the other since the doctors
sojourn in Albany.
n m. crawrora. oi iuuu"i
-.ot ini(M over his relief from
eevere pains in his back and kid.
neysand feels five years younger
... 111. Tm
after two weeks treatment wuu ur,
W W. Parrisb. ef Sodaville, vis
ited this city last week and reports
the cure of his deafness as perma
nent. '
Dr. Darrin remains at the Hotel
Gail Dallas until December 30.
Wall Taper Wall Paper
To make room for our new stock
nf r,nr we will sell wall paper at
20 per ceut discount on old stock-
Bice & Cal breath.
vcia Indepen
dence ir
mouth and Alrlle
8:30 p. m.
laurel Tiidenen
dene fnr "
montoand Oalla
IItOO a. m.
p. in.
L'Te Monmouth
for Alrlie.
a. m.
kaU p. m.
fTe Motimonth
for lliaa.
U?2 m.
f:N p. n.
Leave Alrlle. tor
l Monmouth and
I Independence,
j :00 a. m,
j i:06 p. m.
i Ixare Pallas (or
: Monmonth - and
1-0(1 p. m.
j 7:30 "
' L'vea Monmouth
! for Independence,
! una. m.
j l:,)p.Ba..
Lmtn Indepen
dence fur Mod.
tK p. na
A shipment of New Suitings and
Overcoat Goods. Also a Lot of
Mill Endsin Trouserings .
Independence. Ore.
Stoves Stoves Stoves
io per cent off
on our entire line of fieatlsg
Stoves the rest of tftismcmft
Complete Cine from Cbeapest to tbe Best
roa vbom pobtlakd
Chicago Halt Lake, Denver,
t'ortland nwonn,umn,
Special Kansae City, Bt. 4J0pm
9 :15 a m via Louis, Chicago and
Hnnting- East.
Atlantic Bait Lake, Denver, ,
Kinrau 1 Ft Worth. Omaha,
8 : 16 p in via Kanaaa City, Bt 1630 a m
Huntinff- Lsile. Chicago -ton.
an4 Eitt. :
iifP.nl W1' Walla. Lewis-
Fast Mail toMrtkane,Wal- -
6amvta law, raiimio, :
Bpokane. Minneapolis, 8 1
rani, uuiuiH.iait
. waukee, Chicago
and East.
For San Francisco Every five days at
8 .-00 p. m. For Astoria, way pomU and
North Beach Daily, except Sunday, at
80 p. m.: Saturday at 100 p. m.
Daily service' water permitting, oa
Willamette ane xamoiu rum.
For fuller information ask or write
your nearest ticket agent, or
General Faeeenger Agent,
Tbe Oregon Bailroad A Navigation
Co., Porriand, Oregon.
Corvallis & Eastern' Railroad
No. 2 For Yaquina: '
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. u.
" Corvallis. 1:48 p. U.
Arrives Yaquina. ... 6:20 p. u.
No. 1 ReturniBg:
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 A. if.
Leaves Corvallis .... 11:30 a. it
Arrives Albany. . . . .12:15 p. M.
No. 3 For Albany-Detroit:
Leaves Corvallis. . . . . .6:00 a. h.
Arrives Albany. . .... 6:40 a. u.
Lv. Albany for Detroit 7:30 a. m.
Arrives, Detroit. . . . . . 12:02 p. m.
No. 4 Irom Detroit:
Leaves Detroit ....... 1 2:35 p. m.
Arrives Albany 5:15 p.m.
Lv. Albany for CorvTs 7:15 p. m.
Arrives Corvallis .... 7:55 p. u.
m ikl ' : 2. 1 1 :
irain iu. i arrives iu Aiuaujr iix
time to connect with the S. P.
south bound train, as well aa giv
ing two or three hours in Albany
before departure of S. P. noitB
bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the
S. P. trains at Corvalna and Albanv
giving direct ' service to isewjcrt
and adjacent beaches.
Train No. 3 for Detroit via Al
bany, leaves Corvallis at 6:00 a. m.
and connects with the S. P. Albany-Portland
local train leaving
Albany at 7:00 a. m. Train No. 3
leaves Albany for Detroit at 7:30 a.
m., arriving there at noon, giving
ample time to reach the Breiteh
bush hot springs the same day.
Train No. 4 connects at Albanv
with the Portland-Albany local,
which arrives here at .7:10, and
runs to Corvallis leaving Albany
at 7:15 and arriving in Corvallis at
7:55 p.m.
For .further information apply to
Edwin Stone.
T. Cockrell, Agent, Albany.
H. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis.
Notice is hereby given that the An
nual Meeting of the Stockholders ; of
the Independence and Monmouth
Railway Company will be beld at In
dependence, Oregon, in tbe Independ
ence Nat. Bank building at 10 o'clock
A. M. on Saturday, December 31st, A.
D. 1904, for the purpose of electing of
ficers and transaction ot such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting, D. W. Sears, Secty.
Dated Nov. 11, 1904.
Notice To Public
Owing to the fact that I am in
urgent need of the money and have
not got the time to devote to collect
ing same myeelf, I have arthorized
Hurley t Taylor to do . all collect
ing lor me, until further notice in
both Independence and Monmouth.