The Scmi-Wcekly West Side Enterprise Only $1.60 a Year. West terpkise ELKVKNTII YKAH, Bide INDKl'KN'DTVr'li' lmv pnTIMTV rttvnrr vrrnrtMrnco or. mru ttTT?.T t i I POLK COUNTY BANK Incorporated. OREGON V. I MONMOUTH, J. II., l'ri'sMunt. Iiu 0. IWeu., Cadiier.' Paid C(kIUl, SSO.OOO Cam mem,, Vko President DtKKvToH J. H. llawley, P, L, Campbell, I, M. Slmpaon, J. B V Bailer, John H. Blunip. J. A. Withrow, F. 8. I'uwetL Trawiaota UtiMil Hank ag and Kuchange busint. Draft sold available throughout ine unitHj Males and Canada. A NEW SAWMILL A Lumber Mill of 35,000 Feet Capacity to Take The Place of Smaller One Will Mean Larger Pay Roll and Be Matter of Convenience to Builders Next Year THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK OAPITALGTOOK, $60,000.00. a HlRHHBKkO, Pridnt. A11RAM NKLKON, Vira 1 'reairfen C.W.IRVINE. CwblM. DIRECTORS. II. lUmhtwrf, V, W. I. F. Smith, J, P. Kbodna and A. nalaon, A rnral bunking and i-iang builn tri;Ud. Loam mmia. Bills 41nttiitl. t'oumwrcUl erwdila granted. Oepoaita reeeifed on current aoooont aabjm-l W check., . . DAVIDSON & HEDGES lUJqurtm For -I- Fine Ggars, Tobaccos, Candies Pipe ha odUm riv (nx cub IcfcmrroU mi Hnol Mncluura. Sod FoucUin (or th bot day. You art away wilcom. DAVIDSON & HEDGES C STREET INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Independence i to have a nrw aw mill, The capacity la to b. 8.rj,000 firt a day. The proprieto'e will be Doutj & Sirapaoo, owner of the small mill now in operation her. The new plant will not he an en largement of the old mill, for a new outfit haa been purchased outright. The machinery will be on- th ground in a abort time and with no iarioue mishap to inleriere with present plana, will b in operation by January 1. For ome time, the owner of the Independence mill have labored under the disadvantage of being unable to supply the home demand for lumber. More hop houses have bean built in the Independence dis iriui wim year man during any single season since the hop industry waa started and the Independence Lumber Co.. with the limited ca pacity of its present mill, could not fill the orders offered. Lumber by the hundreds of thousands of feet has gone into hop houses and other buildings and people have been put to the inconvenience of going away from bom to get their lam of MisHouil, can be found who will give over six months to turning up the leglalalive and lion ton munici pal sod of the past ten year, who does not ex pone to the world a con dition of rottenness more rotten than was ever befori exhibited in any community in the civilized world, it will be because he haa been suffocated by the stench of what he exhumes.. LIVERY. FEED AND BOARDING STABLE un.'. mm no outside m. j aas va uviQi There is proepect for much build' Ing the coming year. The4' Krebs Bros, alone have plans drawn for forty-one buildings en . their big Good Rigs for Commercial Men . Specialty, Good accommodations. Horns welj fed. Fine Horses boarded by day, week or month. rigs Telephone Xo. 293 THE MONMOUTH -LAUNDRY & A i Home Industry Inititution & GOOD WORK, PROMPT DELIVERY OUR VATCHVORDS I ' WorK Called for Tady DmUrmrmd 9urdr Bice te Oalreath, UNDERTAKERS Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Phone 131 Main St, Independence, Ore W. I lllCe, Embiklmer Funeral Director. KKOWLMS, Mgr. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL CO. SCVKNTH and WASHINGTON STS. PORTLANPa. ; - " - OREGON Imlemmletux, Oregon 0P "ncn d wi need 1,000,000 iniVI 4UUJUM, IXOTBb UTOB. I80 will do. considerable building and many of the smaller yards will Use lumber in proportion to their siz Then then is prospecii for bore residence and business buildings than .there' has ; beeo for - many years. Bryant A Lucas and "the Wat kins mills of Falls City and John son & Co. of Dallas have furnished most of the. lumber "shipped ' in from the outside. It is the purpose of the. new mill to not . only sup ply the home trade, but reach out for business. 4 If 35,000 feet will not meet the demand, a double Bhift can be put on. turning out 60.000 feet daily. The shortage in the lumber sup ply had set others to figuring on establishing a mill here and per haps had something to do with the hurrying up of the local firm in put ting in a largor plant. Douty & I o? 1 1 I J I tr?mm Pimm Oatj Oimpaun minever, uao uau a isrg- 01.00 tut . i .ontemnlfttioft- for anmn time. '. Hooth'a Htatfiiiriita. ' Mr. Urecn never made any auch atatement t me," declared J. Henry ttooth. receiver of the Rose burg land office, to the Telegram correspondent, when aiiked if it were not true that A. R. Green. special agent of the department of the interior, bad not told him he I 1 1. Til . ' uouni euner resign or oe oib inic.d." ; Mr. Booth aaid it had been his intention to resign for some time, having bad positions offered him at better salary than' that carried by the receivership of the Roue- burg land office. He says he does not intend to resign under press I .:. . ore, averring mat nis conduct in the land office here has been straightforward and honest; that he would positively not resign un der me circumstances and bad no reasons for so doing. Evening Telegram.,' THANKSGIVING The Day Generally Observed in The Time Honored Way in Polk County Everybody Eats Turkey, Thanka are Returned In Churchea and Social Time Enjoyed Thanksgiving has come and gone It was generally observed in Folk county. Banks and coun ty offices were closed, the nchools took a holiday and people gathered together in churches and returned thanka fur ih peace, plenty and prosperity that here abound. Stores and other business houses eenerallv, closed in the afternoon. Today bones of the traditional Off For Washing-ton. C. W. Fulton, United States Sen ator from Oregon has left for Wash ington to attend the' short term of Congress and the special session of the Senate, which is always held at the beginning of a new adminia tration. - Several saw "the fenalor off from Portland although many of the stalwarts did not ' put m an appearance to say - the ' farewell word. ' - Senator Fulton promieea to put in some good licks for a river and harbor appropriation that will be of substantial benefit " to Oregon (He say the needs of the Columbia bar are the most urgent of all and that these will be brought to the attention of Congress. SPERLING, BROS., who havndl ! Finest Butcher Stock ". in Polk County are not giving 711 but are selling it very cheap at their ... Independence Meat Market. NEWLY EQUIPPED, GAS LIGHTS, STEAM HEAT, - ALL MODERN CONYtNitwuiw m "Frenzied Finaace." Thomas V. Lawson in a series of articles on "Frenzied Finance" in Everybody's Magazine, is making it interesting for people in high places especially the legislature of Massachusetts. In the December number Mr. Lawson says: "As a result of studying at close range toe juassacnuseiis legisla ture, its workings and those who worked it, I do not hesitate to say that: "The Massachusetts Legislature is bought and sold at are sausages and fish at the markets and wharves. That the largest, wealth iest, and moat prominent, corpora tions in New England, whose af fairs are conducted, by our. most representative - cidieni," habitually corrupt the Massachusetts Legisla ture and the man of wealth among them who wenld 'enter protest against the Iniquity would be look ed on as a 'class anarchist' I will go further and say that if in New England a man of the type of Folk, The Toledo Reporter thinks Lin coln county should get back its portion of the stale tax on account of the Lewie and. Clark Fair by putting up a county exhibit. The Reporter saysf ''Lincoln county has the resources, has many such as our fish, crabs, clams of various kinds, oysters and especially rock oysters for which no: other county can compete, besides innumerable other resources. .. Will we put our light before the' world at this great gathering? - This "being the great est opportunity of the age, let us stand united in this our great op portunity, raise wbat we can our selves, then as taxpayers stand by our county court and support them in obligating us for the balance, feeling assured that what ever we do. (if done right) b will be as "bread cast upon the water." Lin coln county has a bright future, will we assist to hasten the time? Our great summer reseurt is tak ing hold of the , nearts ot men in high places, and will work wonder- ful reeults in the near future. ' Let us all work for the common good in this exhibit,' banishing selfish ness, grafts and grafters. - If all will only do this we assure you Lincoln county will ' not be found at the tear in the great procession on Jane 1st, ' turkev lie bWohinir in back van for the golden-brown drum stick and white meat from the breast with cranberry sauce, were table attractions in many Polk county families as well as at hotels and restaurants yesterday. In Independence the churches united to hold union services. The Presbyterian church waa the meeting place and the. attendance was large. Rev. Allen presided and Rev. Elayer preached a very interesting sermon. Dr. Thomp son was belated on account of wedding ceremony. . The music in charge of Mrs. Conkey was excep tionally good. The only other function of a put lie nature was a ' ball held at the auditorium in the evening. It was given . by the Independ ence orchestra as a Thanksgiving Bali and. waa one of the moat en joyable social affairs that haa been held in the auditorium. The at tendance was large, the music by an i orchestra of . nine pieces was good and everybody" was pleased with, the evening's entertainment Refreshments were served in the hall by the G. A. R. ladies. er The Kiddell Bros. Says the American Sbeep Breed- concerning two Angora goat breeders of Monmouth, Polk coun ty, Oregon, who attended the sheep and goat show at the World's Fair, fit. Louis: "Those two young Ore gon boys, the Riddell brothers, who, alorn of all the Oregon goatmen, bad tbe grit to come 2'iOO miles to see he big goat ahow and bank on the four goats tbey brought, made a fine impression and earned by their modeat behavior the good opiniona of the whole Angora crowd. The goat show would not have been complete with out the two modem little gentlemen from Monmouth, for whom every body easily grows into liking. Next lim you come. boy. l-ave your, bachelor diffidence at home and bring along with your coats a pair of those radiant girls that have made the Willamette valley as fa uioiirf for its Iteuutiful women as it' is forita Angoras and longwoola." Is It Independence? Unfortunately for a number of valley towns, the Southern Pacific railway runs only through the suburbs , and passengers going through on tbe train get a very in- accurate impression oftbeee towns. This is particularly true of towns in which there is an abundance of shade trees, for tbe trees shut off the view and leave the traveler al-' most in doubt whether there really is a town of any size anywhere near ' the railway station. To make mat ters worse, residents of the part of town through which the Jail way . passes are often careless about the condition of their buildings . and fences, the back yards lying next to the railway. A liberal applica tion of whitewash and a few hours' labor With hammer and nails re pairing fenoea and buildings would lelp the looxa of things and : leave a better impression upon the mind '' of thousands of visitors; wbo will pass through the valley next year, going to or trom ut uewia ana Clark fair. Oregonian. - t'orvallis will give a poultry show December 8, ?, 1ft Oyer , 1150 worth . of . fancy poultry , will .be . given away by local breeders dur ing the show. -'v1 ; , 'vX'""' ' SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Th6 Polk County assessment roll as summarized by Asaessor Meyers has j been forwarded to the Secretary of. State by County Clerk E. M. Smith. ' Polk's taxable wealth is Bhown in the summary as follows: f NUMBER .115,763 ' .276,646 CLA881FICATI0N Ot PROPERTY Acres of tillable lands , Acres of non-tillable lands .............. . Improvements on deeded or patented lands . Town and city lots " mprovements on town and city lots ...... Improvements on lands not deeded or patented Miles- of railroad bed ....... 69.49 Miles of telegraph and telephone lines. . ...... 134.50 Railroad rolling stock Engines and manufacturing machinery . Merchandise and atock in trade ...... t ..... . Farming implements, wagons, carriages, etc . . Money ... Notes and accounts 8hares of stock ;! , 1,110 Household furniture, watches, jewelry, etc. , . . Horses and mules .'. . 4,453 ; Cattle 8,858, , Sheep and' goats 39,945 Swine 4,127 Total taxable property. . Polls Polls collected. J.'-. ..... VALUE 11,644,515 . 849,265 . 255,200 135,610 296,330 t ,. 8,590 207,730 8,450 27,685 37,950 113,690 33,430 36,475 80,235 73,380 58,275 110,810 99,025 61,130 8,325 $4,146,100 1,324 181! Enlisting- in Chineae Army' It has come to light that a consi derable numder of the Oregon Nat ional Guard are enlisting to serve tbe Reform party in China for a tarm of five - year. : Officers down to second lieutenant are 'being se lected, -ft is the purpose to .have them put in charge of (" Chinese re-1 cruits as drill masters. 1 Embroider a Pillow. , Yoa will enjoy the occupation ana mere is notnmg that will soften down the - appearance of a 'bare comer, or give ao Muranoua an appear ance to any room. . We have pillow tops in Many Designs . a i pnt np m apeoai aauaa h -, toaellat2Scta. They ' include the following would cost you over 50 orata. alitor 2Sc . GET AJ OUTFIT TO-.Pr. 0. article, . which, if bought separately, 5 tamped Pillow Top and Back, 4 SkelM RictiartfwMi'a Ealre4dery SI 1 Embroidery hoop and Caaaylf .Leaaeai nct ana waior pui. PEOPLE'S ClH JT02Z