West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, November 22, 1904, Image 4

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- 111 - ' - " 1 -.1- "-T-- 1 - .-. . ...... ..., -....... . 1 . MM.MtMtM..J,lsMMSMaaa
Social and Personal
A Prettj Wedding,
(tu a lovely home wedding
A i rsi iktaNs rA aklaiaa
Mra Terkins of North Yamhi
. . i i ii i
i ma occurrea at ma rtwuicncv ui
J the bride's parents, Mr. and Mn.
IT. L, Hartman of thu city, on Sun-
evening the 20th of November,
rT. L
I day
in the gueat of Mm. V. A. Meaner. wheu Miw Jessie B. Hartman vu
Miss Oeneveve Cooper was in Cor-1 married to Ratyh E. . Porterfield,
Tallisa few dijrs the past week. I Uev. K. J. Thompson, D. D., of.
BiirThanksdvinff dinner at the ficifttinK- The parlors of the home
Little Palace hotel , Thursday.
The breaking ot a shaft at the
Sidney power station leaves Inde
pendence and Monmouth in tem
porary darkners.
D. Calbreath was a business
visitor to Portland the first of the
week. . -
Mrs. McPevitt of Dallas is visit
ing her daughter Mrs. Geo. Conkey
Mrs. M. n'. Wallace was in Port
and the first of the week ordering
her Xma. goods.
Jas. Jones was in Corvallis over
Norval Atkins, station agent at
Forext Grove and Mies Cronan
visited friends in Independence
1 Dick Harris returned from a
trip to California Sunday. Mrs
Harris stopped off in Portland for
a few days.
Will Campbell was in Falls City
a few days the past week.
. A. Messner the merchant is
in Portland on business.
Mr?, Mary Pringle is visiting at
Mrs. W. R. Allin is visiting Mrs.
Miles Hendrick at McMinnville
Mrs. Allin will spend Thanksgiv
ing with her parents in Portland.
Mrs. Win. McMillan left Monday
for her Canadian home at Perth
The Independence Restaurant
will make a specialty of Thauks
giving dinner Thursday.
Meet me at the big Thanksgiv
ing Ball is a popular social pro
posal this week, l . -
The auditorium is in readiness
for the big social ; affair Thursday
night,;,-; h. row :Vi
There will be an elegant Turkey
Thanksgiving dinner served, at, tba
Little.. Palace- hotel- Thursday at
the moderate charge of 60 cents.
The Thanksgiving ball at the
auditorium Thursday night will be
the most elaborate social affair
that has occurred in dancing circles
for some time. A full orchestra
will discourse music and supper
will be served by ladies of the 6.
A. R.
- Mies Laura Foster of Hillsboro
has been appointed to teach the
7th grade in the Independence
public school for the remainder o
the school year. .
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hartman
and little daughter of Portland
came up Sunday to spend Thanks
giving with relatives.
Miss Shirley Pancroft of Port
land who has been visiting friends
here left Saturday for Elk City.
Mr. and Mrp. Frank Butler are
among the Polk county citizens at
tending the National Grange meet
ng in Portland.
Albany visitors from Independ
ence last week were: Grover Matti
eon W. F. McAdamB and J. Irvine,
eays the Albany Herald.
Union Ihanksgmng services at
the Presbyterian church Thursday
morning at 10;30. conducted by the
pastors of the city. Rev. Elayer of
the Methodist cburcb will preach
the sermon. Rev. A.len of the
Baptist church will offer prayer
and Rev. Dr. Thompson of the
Presbyterian church will read the
President's proclamation. It is
hoped that many will attend this
were very tastefully decorated, and
the guests were the relatives of
both the bride and the. groom.
Exactly at 7 oVock the contract
ing parties took their place under
neath a lovely wreath of llowers
and autumn leaves and there so
emnly pledged each to the other
their love and thdr lives in the
marriage covenant, closing with
the declaration, "What God hath
joined together, let no man put
The1 bride was charmingly at
tired in white. Both parties are
amonjr the most highly esteemed
young people ot Independence. Af
ter the cordial congratulations
the "old and young folks at home,
deiicious wedding suppr was
served and all were happy and
full, not only of the good things to
eat, but of good wishes- for the
happy couple.
A large number ot friends ex
tend to Mr. and Mrs. Porterfiel
their heartiest congratulations.
They will make their home at the
Portei field larm, a few miles ' from
Birthday Party.
A very pleasant evening was
spent by a number of Lee Fluke's
young friends at his home on Sat
urday evening, it bning the occa
sion ot his loth birthday. Alter
playing various games a delicious
lunch was served. The invited
guests were; Antha Hartman,
Helen Cooper, Grace Wallace,
Nellie Damon, Topsy Mattison,
Mabel Porterfield, Gladys Irvine
Inez Stark, Frank Kirkland, Kersey
Eldridge, Maurice Butler, Clarence
McCready, Clem Hart, Dean Baugh
man, Wright Ellis, John Stark, El
wood Hartman. i I - :
A. G. Byers, of Independence,
whose sworn testimony appeara in
this issue relating his cure of deaf
ness two years ago by Dr. Darrin,
was in town with t bis father Mon
day. The .latter' having become
deaf about a year ago was , so far
relieved by the , doctor electrical
treatment -defore be went borne
hat day he could hear ordinary
conven ation-Pallaa Jlemizef.
China Shower
At the pleasant heme of John
Dickinson in this city last evening
was given a china shower for Miss
Kathleen Ketchum by Miss Gert
rude Dickinson, i A number ot
pretty single pieces of ' china and
pieces in sets composed the beauti
ful shower. Music, . conversation
and, last but not least, a delicious
lunch, served to make the evening
a most pleasant one for those fortu
nate enough to be present. Present
were: Misses Kathleen ivetcbura
Bessie Butler, Goldie Irvine
Florence Burton, Bessie Ireland
Edith Owen, Ada Ketchum, Mrs
Edna Irvine, Mrs. Lulu Porn si fe
Hattie Mix, Olive Williams, Berth
Bohanon, Gertie and Bell Dickin
son, : .
Albany Herald
Mr. A. O. Byers, oflmlepeiuU
ence. Or., visited Albany last week,
to bring the Dr. a patient for his
wonderful treatment for denfnei'.
To a reporter he stated that he had
been almost totally deaf from his
youth and that In May of 1002, he
applied to the Dr. while in Salmi.
In three months Iw was perfwtly
Nt to
. We are clearing out our Kntire Lint of Fall MilHnery.
Nor lath time to g. your hat. I'rL. will Mttn.li you.
Dr. Darrin, at the Hotel Gai
has one ' of the costliest and beet
instruments made for examining
the interior of the ear. By its use.
any obstruction or foreign sub
stance in the ear can be eeen at
glance, or any inflamed or diseased
part noted. The instrument is op
erated by electricity, and a small
incandescent lamp lights the pass
age leading to the drum of the ear.
It is a fine piece of mechanism
A host of afflicted people will be
dad to know Dr. Darrin has con
eluded to remain in Delias unti
Dec. 30th. Dallas Obseryer.
Buy buggies and surreys cheap
now at R. M. Wade & Co.
Notice of Annual City JEle ction
Notice is hereby given, that the
annual election for the city of In
dependence, will be held Monday,
Dec. 5th, 1904, at the Ci'y Hall,
for ibe purpose of electing a Mayor,
Recorder and Marshal for a term
of one year; two Councilmen-for
term of one year, and three
Councilmen for a term of two years.
Judges of election: S. B. Walk
er, D. A. Hodge, S. B. Irvine.
Clem: U. L. Frazer, J. W.
Poll opens at 9 o'clock A. M. and
closes at 5 o'clock P. M.
By order of the City Council.
G. W. Sbarman,
City -Recorder. -
i ,'t
and permanently cured and tha
he had no return of the maladv
since. We tested him in a whisper
and without hesitation he answer
ed all questions. Below we pivs
his sworn statement, published las1
year in the Salem Journal.
How Young Mr. Hyer Iteeoverod
111 Hearing.
Salem Journal.
Mr. A. J. Byers, of Indent nu
ence, accompanied by his son, A. 0
Byers, called at the Journal office
this afternoon and made a state
ment relative to the condition of
the young man. He had been
deaf from his infancy, and later the
difficulty gradually increased to
such an extent that he was almost
totally deaf. Two months ago the
voting man came to Dr. Darrin. at
Hotel Willamette for treatment and
today called at the Journal olllce
to state that he could hear as well
as anybody, ihe reporter talked
to him tn a low voice and wsb con
vinced that his hearing was as good
as the best. This remarkable cure
of necessity makes the young man
feel happy, and his father i more
than pleased. Their purpose in
coming to the Journal office was to
make a statement to the public
concerning the wonderful cure.
A. G. Byers.
Subscribed and sworn te before
me, lioter, a notary public, in
Salem,' Oregon, this 10th day of
May. 1902. .
Seal E. Hofer.
Notary Public for Oregon.
Mr. Byer's Condition Oue Tear
, Later.
"Dr. Darrin: My hearing is a
right yet, and has been ever since
being cured by you last year
here is no sign of deafness now,
nd can be referred to by letter or
tn person at Independence. Oregon.'
A Happy Man.
The following is an extract from
card from Mr. Austin, of Port-
and. Or., telling how his wife was
cured of total blindness;
"I wish to make known what Dr,
Darrin has done for my family
Eight years ago my wife was to
tally blind from what doctors call
ed 'neryous abhorence of light,
In that condition she visited him
and was cured, so she could see as
well an ever in her life. I know of
hundreds who have been as mira
culously cured. ' I am employed on
th O. R. & N. railroad, and can be
referred to at any time. I most
earnestly recommend the afflicted
from what ever cause to consult Dr-
Darrin. ,
W. 'Stub' 'Austin.
Dr. Darrin's Place ot Buslne.".
Dr. Darrin can be consulted free
at the Hotel Gail, Dallas, Oregon,
until December 30, from 10 o'clock
to five daily, evening 7 to 8, Sun
day 10 to 2. .
The doctor makes a specialty of
all diseases ot the eye, , ear, nose
and throat, catarrh, deafness, bron
chitis, la grippe, heart, liver, blad
der and kidney disease, or those
who suffer from indifference and
apathy; also genito-urinary and
skin diseases in either sex, such as
blood taints, seminal weakness
and lost vigor, varicocele and strict
sent free to
any address
solicited. M
can receive Home ireauueui
one visit to the doctor's oilloe.
It ilL.rli.a n.l delta furnUhed with
full directions for their use. Kyes
tested and proper glasses fitted
Moore's Hair Invigorator nd
Newhro's Herpicide for dandrufl
and falling hair or diseased scalp
sold In bulk,50o 8 ox., or applied if
necessary by Moore & Taylor's, the
barbers on C street.
Roast your Thaukiciving turkey
in a savory roniter sold by K. M.,
Wade A Co.
The American wire fence is best
galvanized, has patent hinge, stay
wires and is most uniform fence
made. We Bell for cash hence our
price the lowest, R. M. Wade t Co
A shipment of New Suitings am
Overcoat Goods. Also a Lot
Mill Endsin Trouserings.
Independence, Ore.
A Card.
Thiala to certify ttiat all druggists
are authorized, to refund your money If
t ' 1 I II.. T' . - f ! ! - I
your cough or roi.l. It Mo, the couKh UU fffllllff 11111111111111111 fill f IIUI! IIIHIK,
and liewia me lunga. rreveuw pueu
monia and will euro luolpieut cotuuii
tion. Contains no opiate and I safest
for children. Aik for Foley's Honey
and Tar and iiat uoou having it
Stops the cough and lieala the lung
Hold A. 8. Locke.
I $toye$ Stoves Stow
M ' ii1Ui!ili ' ' " i
- ' 1 !
or tmc
At Independence, in the State ol Ore
gon, at the close of buaiuett.
Nov. 10, im.
io per cent off
t ' Mil '
ch cur (mire line of fitting
Stoves the rest of this aoittV
tu as I
17403 u
U.aog &
UVm at
1M !
Loan and dtacmiuui ...
Ornlrn, Mcurwl Mid uiiwcured
V. H. Bond to Mfctir ctrculMlluit .
BoDda. MHiurHItt, Me. ...
Bwiklnc-buuM, turnlian ud Btum
Other HaUMttUuwiml - t - .
but from NnloimJ Itaiiki (but nmnm
MCta) ......
Vut hum HUM Banks and banker!
Rut front approved rnwrva atiu
Ckack and ulnar caah llama .
How of olhar National Banks
Fra.tl.Mial papar currency, nickel, and
cents ......
Itwrt'L Muaia Uuuvi i hkk, vi;
HpecU .... n,(a, m
MKal-tender noMNi . & w
I ham w
Kedemiuion mnd wltn u. M. Trraaurer,
ticrceii, ui circulation) . . 03A 00
,u,' 36.00u
capital moi K pain in ... . g M 000 w
Surplus fund ...... in jo no
cnuivi.if.i pronts, lena ejtnenwi and
Nntlonal bank notes outntandlnic - 12sooii
Dlvldenda uniwld m an I
Individual depoalts suhjKH to cbet-k . 67 J
Demand certificate of depoult - . g'jn .
Complete Cine from bmut to ik
Bice Znkm)
Lino Full and Coniplcto
State of Or.'...., i
uouuty uf I'olk.J
- irvina, cannier of I In al.n..,.-.t
uaua, uo soieiumr awear that tlie l,oe statement
.rue 10 me uenior iujt KiiowlnlKe and belief.
C. W. IKVINK. a.h.
n.......... ..... ..uia mj peiors me th a l.h..
. W...f....l. I.... ' I
Cox.-r-AttiMt: otary fut.Uo
fSKALJ H. HlK, tHKo,
B. r.HMtTH. W Dire..!,... I
i . I
Call and See for Yourself
A. Nk
V1eBtrloa ITama A ,
Monmouth, Oregon. Hates II per
One Week Special Sale.
3 for 25c
9 - Nl
Ranges and Complete
Line of Hardware to
Select from. '
Neuralgia l'aliia.
Ahenmatlam, lumbago and aclatlc
paim yield to the penetrating iDflueuoa
of Ballard'a Bnow LininienU It pt-ne-tratea
to the Dervea and bona and ling
atawrbed into the tlood, Ita healing
propertiea are conveyed to ever r..ri i
I tha body, and effect aorae wond.-rful
ourea. Sic.M.lljy). Sold ky A. 8.
Locke, ladependenoe: 1 R Pki.
Monmouth. ' '
Notice ia hereby given tbat tb ij
noal Meeting of tba Stoc.Doiun.
.1.. t..ii, fv..i. Tanri I'oinpaOT
liciu Ml. Iliwvp" ' J
r.i..-- v.t. Hank builll"M
,n -I-ll. a GalnnlaV. P"Ui
tr Slat, A. D, 1W4, for the Pnrp
... j .,.h other a"1
electing omorri auu
ua aa may properly m "ff
meeting. " D. W. Beau, W
latdNo. Jltb, Ii-