I s COUNTY NEWS iS AT ALL HOURS .Mnd Sc Normal IV i ear. , Ii M.nl end reperilal or MONMOUTH i 8. C. L. Monrt vUlllni Lufftln PwlUnJ. , A (vf!dn " nrnM. butcher ,DonKnoitrt. .JuMiAnoutbutoherihop. Jaj Collins of Pallai was (itiu btrf the ImI oflh week. Jabn Brlnkly ami wifaofldaho tiling rUliv nr M;.i Kale Cowan of Lebanon ol8umliT ' Sh will tench ,0ikJlch.l west of Dallas. H. Pre of Tillamook spent Bun .f fWiing hU iittr who U at- iog lbs Normal, , , ViM Rosa Smith has R'.n to -rrjdalf to Uk up her work inciptl of lh achoola there. U f IklU Ebbert, of Portland I fiiiliiiK hf areiit, Mr. and '. Curt. Ebbert. Georg Bootl.b was In Portland ,Ut part of the week with a ;ptni)lof ato-k. Mrs. W.K. Ma-ell and daughter Jut bar gone to Portland where tn will attend school during ths r.ter. Attendance in U Training irt3ienti much greater than t rear The classes are all fully juulml the work iprogr iurj niwljr. Dr. 0. 1), Ireland and wife Bun- !iyd with Mr., Ireland" parent !r.odMr. W. P. Ireland. The if. is something of a sportsman :.J tent the limit on Chinas both htitf and Monday. Traim of all kiod, and at all wti of the. ihy may aeon here, 'ill, there is an aching void in the lio amice that we trust will pmbt filled. Independence and Miroouih are entitled to morning winection with the Dallas pas- pr train and they are also de 'ring of an early motor from )!onroouth to Independence and a It trip out from Independence " return. All things do not m to those who wait but to who work. So lets work some 'tht the desired result tuay be Momplinhcl. IMnl Islitml. Warren snd Bullum have the "'fact haling the Lops on 'the ifKhbergranch. Wffl. Orr and John South have "iew a trip by team and wagon 'the Prineville countrv to work fH the winter on the Bend "gation ditch. ' wt Jones has contracted 2.000 '"Wi of pr.tatoes to an Indepen- "grocer. "oral Rros. will eoon beain to f'out 100 acres of new trellis. frink Mitoma the Jan potato N estimutes his crop at 5,000 '""CIS 01 nwirit AtaMa n,,.I Horst hag commenrod nlnwino r til nw yard. Tliev intend to hut another 100 acre yard this r. Dove is clearinir un more y& that he intends to set out "op'this full, about 25 acres A hunting party from here put "ven days in the Cedar Stumd mT in the Coast mountains. (y een no deer or game of any .A lit loch. 8. Fuller Is quite busy then r drying his neighbors' prunec. T-S. A. Selwert preached at (; niuoch school house last Sat BRIEFLY TOLD. Il'iWt I. Kishba. k is (.Minding a week visiting relatives in Yamhill county. MtSS MarV J. Tori rM.n)lu f.nn. Illinois will begin teaching the Munny 8lnpe school Monday, Ooto- Mr. U room d. wife and ilmicrM er Flossie, lately of Idaho, vlilte.1 J L Fishback's family the latter part of last week Miss Verna Walker of tfce Luck iamute is stopjiing with Mrs. It. M. llosley for the present. Mrs. Frauk Hiacv and daughter Klda, former mridenta of Antioch, visited Mrs. Allen Towns Bundav. Their home is now at Crabtree, Linn county. Joe Housman was in this vicin ity the first of the week. William Kerren and family vis it ml his brother Charles at High land nunday. President K. I). Itessler and J. IS. V.' Iluller were business visitors here Wed needs jr. Charlie Osborne recently pur chased a drove of fins hogs over in Marion county. Henry Pulse and wife and Mrs. Bluford Bush and daughter of Pe- dt were auet ot Mrs. Rosa Her- ren Saturday.' Silas Hart formerly of this place is now Bring in Bouton county. I). M. Calbreath ai:d wife visited friends In Monmouth Sunday. Alfred Wheelock and - two daughters Mabel and Ermon have moved to Monmouth, to attend school there tbll winter. ' Mr. Lowe of Hickreall was here Monday on bnniness. Will and Clemmons 'Flshback li ft Tui-day for Dayton. Ilitfliland. Lester Kbods is attending school st Eugene. Fsrmers bave tegun aowing for another years crop. Tom Stapleton and family have moved to Washington.' ti Pilforinn hag rented tho A farm of 8. McElmurry. School commenced Monday with Mr. Jones as instructor. Ella Hammann left last week for Astoria to be gone some time Mrs. Alexander is visiting with her .mother Mrs McElmurry in Linn county. Ernest Peterson and Loi Osborn are attending school at Indepen drnco. ' Mr. Kotnnan of Portland spent a few dys of last week at the home of P. Sbafer. Stanlnton of Van ' . I.:, .la thrnllirn couver was nunung e here Saturday. Tarker, Mr. and Mrs. Joe James spent .Sunday visiting relatives here. Our school began October 3rd. .;.- Mine Austin as teacher. r n r.ravPH returned to Mrs. u. "- -- ; her home in Portland Monday. Miss Bena Arlandson visited t.;.nlU here Wednesday. ,j fM Dickinson are liv- 3ir. buu !' t. in their new residence. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steele and Miss n.:. Sfnele visited Here duuu, Mrs. Vernon and M. Wallace oflnd-pendencewerev.-uora Saturday Miss Mabel Wheelock of Mou m0uth vWted friends here batur ilnv. t from tlie nop ' Eighty dollars cleared. M,Arlandson and family start ed for their new nom field, Coos county, rna.r. . Thnmnson of Buena Re v. anu m Monday. They will attend con ference at Eugene this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hwink of rabtree and Mr. and Mra. 1). M. Calbreath of Monmouth visited friends here Sunday. The farmers are maklns trood 7 O Use of their time these beautiful autumn days, sowing grain for next year. Wood for Halo. ft. ('ox, the wood dealer, is ready to deliver wood at your door on short notice. Big fir wood MM per cord; second ro' , maple 3. Phone U?.. OSCAR HAYTER," Attorneyat-Law, CAMPBELL Bt'ILOING, DALLAS, OREGON. SlIOHTLlWE aho Umon Pacific i TPiiva innu ivin ri iKii nur V iiirougn raumsn tunoara ana lonr- oao, Spokane; tourinlaleeping-car daily 1st sleeping ears (pronllr conducted) weekly to Chicago and Kanams City J reclining chair cars (teats free) to the Eatt daily. A HOURS 1 1 Portland to Chica z I V Mo Change, of Cars DKfAiT TIMK SCHEDULE mom rosTUNO ros Chicago Haltl.aae, DenTtr, . . . -. i.f . i. . i I'oriinnu ri n orm, uiiiaim, vi,wuil Kanmia Cit. St. 4 .HO D m 9 Aft a in via wills, Ulncago ani Miinling- r-anu . . ton. Allantio halt Lske, Denver, Kxprens Yt Worth.Oinaba, g:16 put via KaiiHaa City, 8t 1030im .? .. i in.. ....v Ion. and Kant. . PtPaul Walla Walls.Uwis KaatMatl ton,SM)katm,Wal 6amv!a lace, Pullman, Spokane. MiniiPtt)ii, ei waukn, . Chicago '. an4 East. vii.v.()- OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. , For Pan Francisco Eery five days at c .vi k m Vnr Aatnria.vav nointa and O .W .... w. J ' - North Beach Daily, eioept knnday, at 8 :OU p. tn i tsaiuraay at iumj p Dailv serTice. water permitting, on Willamette Sns Yamhill rivers. , For ful'er information ask or write vour neareat ticktrl agent, or ; , A.L.CKAIG, General Faiwenter Agent, The Oregon Hail read & Navigation Oo.. Pernand, Oreaon. Send No Money XlNLT YOUR NAMB AND ADDRESS For SampU of Cloth, Etc. SUITS JJleDU D lEe Medal Tailors S-Tl ThiiA Bt. Vortland, Or. Pleaae mention thia paper. 1a. . . Ml,.. . The Amtrkaa Fsrmer the Best lo ths Worid. The American fanner is the greatest man tn the w"l" " day because he is master ,ot e snSe (toini"? in intelligence . quite ri? WIT aa hfs products are increasing in magnitude Our recent combines of capital STnited Statea measured a money art cnoVmon; yet such figure, sink into . -ifi,.nce when compared to the money, ta . ud taw. invested in agricultural La ",n"s For instance, the farmer, ol Mh msota and Dakota have received $yo,- their products in a single year. SSfcrSe kaoi what Nature w.U br.ng ?nr?h roT him from his expenence in the fonn . i certain seeds are pant He a""J flir that Nature pTroWding your blood is in good 1 order; , nnlv needs a little etion on yyui h-j ?n keen healthy and 8tronK-rid your body f "tnons'tbat are apt to ..-umu.ate ,d your 'system 'STri .nor of tlie Rerrasoi aisc"c. ro'Se. . Medil Discovery raakea nch red l11. it :iu.aies the , hver nto proper action, and feeds tae .Ct nerres, stomach and heart on hirty-eisht year, of deserved populty. m Pierre's -Medical Adviser- sent on 'm of stamps to pay for mamit only. drrofnerJr.umPpJ for a in paper fvrr.. cr it-i"J U. -J- School Suits for the BOYS in i ir" a tv if Pearless Clothing 'Store -.. Middle of Block, Main Street, ; Independence, Oregon 7A OOOU xjijjjsiJ - L r- its) Fi C Q FoontainPens. O m j t : . - US' iS V G) 0 1 m " ' to . ... ; ) ' $5 -, ; CD ' " CD ! Oi 0 1 i O. A. KRAMER & CO. j C) CD 1 I 1 Jeweler anO plician. : I 10 1 I Waterman's Fountain 'Pen A A ' ' o 6.68 8808Q jt; V mi ' . . . . : : O New fall and winter goods just received. Suits in any style made to order at reasonable rates. 7. G. SHARMAN. ' Merchaut Tailor. Bank building, Independence, Or. New fall and winter goods jusi psW - W ; . . y. z 1 tfewly Equipped; Over JOO Room, Steam Heat; Gas Lights; Jill Modern Conveniences. I Fine Vine, Liquors, Cigars, and Deer on Draught, or In Dottles, at THE I L SMITH SALOON, C STREET, Independence, - Oregon. I. L. SMITH; Proprietor. Geo. f. Rotors u Co. WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS Salem' Oregon GL Hawkins Dallas. Ore. anil AFa JUtuuic turn Granite s Ma MonDtuentssnd Head stones Cemetery work etc. (1 1 Frank Russell Proprietor of the Independ-. ence-Salem Stage Line. Leaves Little Palace Hotel, Independ ence daily at 8 a. m. Returmog leaves Bed Front Livery Stable at Salem. 1 :30 p. m. All orders given careful attention. Your patronage solicited. Jo!)ti SDoIund tailor Opera fcsu Court $t. E H. HOSNEH THe Cyclone Auc tioneer of 15 years exper ience. Call Hosner, Phone 143 Monmoute, Or., if you would secure full value for your goods at Public Auction. E. T. UENKLE, - Barber Shop. MAIN STREET, One door south of Post Oflice. Fine Baths in connection with shop Independence, - - Oregon. W.R.ALLIN, D.D.S. ...Dentist... Palnlesa Extraction - Cooper Banding, Specialty. " " Indepeodenoe, Or M.n.aJAPEnsoN Undertaker, Embalmer, and Funeral Director. . . Lady . Assistant wben Desired. INDEPENDENCE - - - OREGON MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. Leavea Indepen dence for Mon mouth and Airlie 7: a. m. S:;J p. m. Leave Indepen dene for Mon moutu and Oalla 11:00 a, m. :lo p. IU. I LeaTas Airlie Tor j alonmouih and j Indepeodenoe. SK0 a. m. 1 S:0i p. m. I ' leaves Pallaa tor i atonmoulh and j Indepeudeoce. ! 1:00 p. m. j 7:) " Lve Monmooth for Indepeodenoe SrWa, tn. p. m. i " A V) " L've Monmouth for Airlie, 7 -vi a. m. p. m. l,Te Bfonmoutb lor l'ailaa. LesvM lndrrwa-