West Side enterprise WALTER LYON, Kmtok Kolorvd at Independent1. Ore.. poiiolSe MMCund-rlMa mtlter Subscrption, $1.50 Per Year . TELKHHONK U SUBSCRIPTION RATK irtuiciur is .' II M m ..... HIS Kllh - " loci wpy Reading boiism lOwnUper Hue trlhi. RiMitii dipljr sdvwUslng mads known eo appltoatluu. The profession advice giver, rarely advises himself. A fine maimer compensates for many defects of nature. . It is usually safe to bo sus picious of the man that is sus picious of others. The possibilities of a fool are j naught when compared with his impossibilities The little 2x4 trespass notice on the gate post is au American flag of protection for the Chinese Pheasant Pliiokamas countv has 110 school districts and the direct ors in 20 of them are unable to hire teachers. Remedy, better wages. of good is we FOB PRESIDENT Theodore Roosevelt, of New York". rot VICE-PKKSIDKNT ChM, W. Fairbanks, of Indiana, FOR PHISIDKNTUL ELRCTOBS J.N. Hart, or Polk County. G. B. Dimniick, or Clackamas County. A. C. HouKh, of Josephine County. E. A. Fee, of Coiatilla County. : : I Associate with Senator Fairbanks and Doiliv er spoke to an audience of nearly 5,000 people in the armory at Portland Saturday night. The enthusiasm with which they were greeted is a pretty good in dication of Low the vote for president will go next month. Mr. Fairbanks is not the . kind of a speaker that sways an au dience with eloquence. He deals in facts and his speech is ready for print without cor- rectiou just as delivered, lie tells no stories. That acontinua tiou of the policis of the pres ent administration is for the best interests of the ' American people, is his conviction and his hearers are made to realize it. The tariff, "imperialism" the Pauama canal as presented by Mr. Fairbanks, received . ap plause that indicated beyond preadventare of doubt that the masses approve of tho Repub lican party on these questions. Mr. Dolliver entertained Satur day nights crowd a short while, but he appeared under the dis advantage of a husky voice and sore throat, Mr. Dolliver, as said by Senator Mitchell, is one of the ablest political debaters in the Republican party and he commands large audiences wherever he goes. Obliged to rest from speaking a few days, he stopped off in Portland and Senator C. W. Fulton took his place as speaking mate for Mr. Fairbanks. Senator Fulton, a few years ago was a public school teacher in Oregon.1 Later, his attention was given to making his way as a lawyer down at Astoria. He has not had the experience dealing with national questions nor the advantage of association with national men that Senators Dolliver and Fair banks have. He is only a new senator, but he commands the respect , of his colleagues in the United States senate and it is a testimonial to his ability, that he was invited to fill the place of Mr. Dolliver at the side of Mr. Fairbanks. Together, they speak in San Francisco and go thence east to Denver. Senator Dolliver put in Sunday viewing the exposition grounds and buildings and other scenic at tractions at Portland and also left for Denver to rejoin Senat ors Fairbanks and Fulton. men judgment, ;for judgment found in conversation, and make another man's judgment ours by frequenting his company Fiu.kr. It is not work that kills meu it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. -Worry is rust u Don the blade. It is 4 not the revolution that destroys the machinery, but the friction Henry Ward Beech ek. "Times never better; every body seems to have money to throw at the birds in Umatilla count'," says Judge James A. Fee A bisr lot of old whisky was accidentally burned in Aber deen, Scotland, which will cause Carrie Nation to jump and shout with joy. Portland , Jour nal. Which will deprive some body else of the exquisite pleasure "to jump and shout with joy.' C. A. Johns has been nomi nated for muyor of Baker City Referring to his selection the Baker City Democrat says "It was decided finally to nominate Hon. C. A. Johns, one of the leading attorneys of this city for years, a taxpayer and careful business man. At the present juncture in the history of Baker City a strong man is needed for mayor to carry on the work now well in hand by the present administration, kand to meet the emergencies sure to rise during the rapid growth this city will take on ra the next two or' three years. Mr. .Jolins seems to be the rieht man for the place. He is a thoroughly equipped lawyer, a gentleman of good education, firm and has at heart the true interests of Baker City and all his fellow citizens He .will make a splendid mayor." Mr. Johns wa3 originally a citi zen of this county. On ma-, terial jfor : , mayors, fine goats blooded sheep and hogs, Polk can't be beat. DM o) 0)a Dentist The Painless WILL BE AT THE Little Palace Hotel EVERY FRIDAY All work done Without pain and at nail the prices formerly paid to other dentists Crowns $5 Fillings 50c. CrtOWN f5!?voR Plates $5 Examination free Pon't Forget the Name DR. B E. WRIGHT, Dm'i Forgot the Place" n " Little Palace Hotel, Independence. Portland office, 342 Washington street. !em Olli . Hteimiolf Bldg- Cor. Court and Libert tru COURT HOUSE NEWS The 1'enhJniint. Nothing to do but work, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear but clothes To keep cine from going nude. Nothing to breathe but air -Quick as a flash 'tis gone; Nowhere to fall but off, Nowhere to stand but on. Nothing to comb but hair, Nowhere to sleep but in bedj Nothing to weep but tears, Nothing to bury but dead. Nothing to sing but songs, Ah, welL alas! alaukl Nowhere to go but out, Nowhere to come but back. Nothing to see but sights, Nothing to quench but thirst. Nothing to have but what we've got; Thus through life we are cursed. Nothing to strike but a gait, Everything moves that goes; Nothing at all but common eente Can ever withstand these woes. Ben King. Real Estate Transfers and Mar riages Issued Since Last Friday. United States to M F Green, pat ent; land in 8-7. United States to Ida M Babooc k patent land in 7-7. C B Woodward toD J Fry,l,000 land in 5-4. Ida and Auoa Schindler to John and Emil. Schindler $4,400, land 7-3. , - - ' W II Craven and wife and Per melia Moore to John Dickinson $3.00 land in 9-4. . . 'i M F Green and wife to C A Teal $1,000. land in 7-8. i Fred T. Stewart and wife to Sarah A Conlee 88.98 acres 7.-7. Annie Clark to E P Shaw $150 lot in Dallas. " . .. t Wm Alderman to Mary Alker- man $350 40 acres in 8-8. ' MAKRIAOE LICENSES. Lonnie L. Connoy to . Nannie Grice. - , , Wm. T. Goeser to Bertha E, Holmes. ' Last Year Prices The Brownsville Times says of the hop situation at that point: Several sales of hops were effect ed in this city the first of the week, and as hi?h as 26 cents were paid The product is now practically out f the hands of Brownsville grow ers, and thot-e who did not contract are wearing great holes in their pockets, and those who did contract are wearing long faces. Wm. Milligan disposed of his crop several days since, realizing, 24 cents per pound. Hausman & Mc Cain sold 111 bales this week at 25 cents, they having previously con tracted 10,000 pounds at 17 cents. Louie Bong, who had the Gentry yard rented, sold his crop of 170 bales for 2t cents per pound, which is the top price realized by Browns- vifle growers, B. W. Cush man al so disposed of his crop at 25 cents as did also J. B. Henderson. : Kola Neis, of Albany, was the purchaser in each instance. The hop crop has been harvested in excllent condition and has add ed materially to the circulating medium in these parts. The engine and machinery for the new launch,' "Independence" has been received and put in place. A trial trip was made Saturday The Independence orchestra has and another Sunday. Some work been re-organized and the member lis yet necessary in adjusting the 1 0 per Discount cent On Bonina Sewing Machines This Week Only We are going to give a series of. special sales on different lines of Hardware; Watch this space next week. INDEPENDENCE OREGON J. R. CRAVEN Manager ship increased to 10 piece3i They Pretty good speech for a. wil pive their first dance Saturday Home Testimony; Corvallls Times. Dr. Darrin, the truly eminent physician and specialist, whoae of fices are located in the new floU'l Corvallis, in this city, for about a month, is now ready to attend to patients afllicted or suffering from any spinal disease. The number less testimonials which he bears from all parts of Oregon aside from from the great number which he has published in the "Times" dur- ed with ' rheumatism and kidney trouble. It whs almost impossible to walk. During Dr. Darrin's last vinit, I took 1ns electrical and medical treatment and after a few weeks my rheumatism and kidney trouble was a tiling of the past. Furthermore, I will state that I was frequently aorely at tacked with cramps In my feet, ankles and the calves of my lees with such force, that I was obliged ' lojump out oi bed many times, and so hard were the attacks that t . ? . I li m ing me pasv year is wnouy sui-1 th,,v woul(1 I(,11V( - . . . i iiwuv, mjuvn ficient to convince this community or any other, that his ability in his profession ranks very high. The cures in wbicn he has been sucesis ful by his treatment with electricity and medicine, having been astonish ing. The following testimonial is from one whose truth and veracity has never beeu questioned in this city quiie sore for more than a dav. I have not experienced even one ftich aiilietion smco I placed self under Dr, treatment, Fearful OdU Attl"t f lUn- llmlrldilmi, sloue mid iMUIJ" Hm:h, In brl-r wa the eo'irtllM old Mtlriit-r by name of J. J. H'" Vernal II., O. For years bo wu" bled with Kidney diwsi slid n doetofM nor liiedlitlu.'" Kve him ' At lenntli h tried Klwirlo put Win on I. It. r.-et In lirt now lie (vhI lilies; "I'm mi tMa" iHimplf to rocivery.'' Ut "0 ertn " Liver and Kidney rrmii.Us "J, "I f.inim of KtoniHch and Jlowsll W plaiulM. Only 600. Guaranteed DJ W. Locke, (Irtiittfliit. A lloy'a Wll.l Kl.le ft,r1,,1','T,lm una mi"; urn rl.llllir lr i"- - mv James F. Durham, of the "Times" oflice. He says: py JAMES E. ITLBHAM's CARIi. engine in place, alter wnicn uap tain Skinner is confident the "In-1 under Dr. Darrin's treatment, one mend the l(wt,ir r..n for the 14 years he has been among ; f,(ience to all ffll,...i n:. . - ,1 n , jug UUIWH j . ...... -u u,UJ,ro0vU- ar9 al Uol(!l Corvallis. I mn vm i i iiiiiii i y i k v u ruiaF . ww vwwvbusw. V I V 1 1 SAJ nfilal mil. L . n -m 'wi v nrj lynr vn limna With futility l 1 J - iu nil), aiiu m mm " r mil, lo K.-1 Dr. King's ew n ' for (iimuinplioti. OoukIik W. II. llrown, of U'esvllle, J"fl-.; ' . dured death's sitnnl. '" 'V' huttbls wonderful msdielns ' elant relief and s.Min cured biiu.. writer: "f now sleen soiiu"y ' iilitht." I.Ike mswlons .sumption, l'neiuiionls, H n " Darrin's electriral Colds snd t.rip ,a , iiiutcbl.-m intTio rnr so '" T.iian lie who is a (II iet.nl i.u..-i i.i. ;nrHuteed botti"". with the (aim ailments will mi-s ' ""l ' (K 1'rM nottles fr V 1 ' it if he fails to place himself under . " -rzr...r , i now nuuiit ! - hB ' Vneatlun? th, recom-l ewporton .aquina iy of tne tickets the doctors treatment during stay here in Corvallis. .1 am con with uu -" iounu mere any time by any one who would like to hear a verification of thin t.i;...nn- i For a long time prior to going word 0f mouth or K i. ' 3 ...1.01. James E. Dikuam, . ideal seaside Pacific coast. resort Pound trip . ..! ..,..,..,1 rates on from all Houthern pootsinfrT on and after June 1. . for further particulars and a t somely illustrated souvenir w let. or write to Edwin Stone, W per C. & E. It. H.. Albany, W. E. Coman, G. P. A., Sn