West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 30, 1904, Image 2

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    West Side enterprise
MMtooud-rlun kiaiurr
Subscrptton, $1.50 Per Year
(strlolOf to lv
p., ....11 M
W jtmr... t
Six malh "
BtUfU copy v w
BMdlni notice W nlpor llu tlmlfht.
Rauwon dlly dvrlllui mwU known
on appllMtlon.
mi r-
LI II .v
Theodore R.evelt, or New York.
Chas, W. Fairbanks, or Indiana.
J. N. Hart, or Polk County.
G. B. Dinuuick, or Clackamas County.
A. C. Hough, or Joaephiue County.
E. A. Fee, of UtuatilU Cmiuty.
Tli hops Won picked but the
growers have not,
Fairbanks and Polliver in
Portland tomorrow evening.
Necessity, the mother of in
vention, is also the father of
The legal barrier against
shooting Chinese pheasants ex
pires today.
Don't be a Poland China pig
in trying to kill all the Cbinere
birds in one day.
The truce is oir. The one
sided war against Chinese pheas
ants will open up tomorrow.
Anv old rattle-trap of a wagon
will bear up one thousand dol
lars worth of bops now.
StntP T.nnd Asrent Oswald
West is now occupying his time
in returning to purchasers of
school land to which the state
cannot give title, juoney paid
therefor. Certainly a delight
ful official duty, giving out
1 Slillii h W
Full Weight, Fresh Goods, Low Prices and Fair
Treatment, Our Motto. . d with the
Thanking you for pa ftSKy's worth
assurance that you shaipave yor n u j
and courteous treatment at our stoie we are
Yours to Please,
Independence, Oregon.
According to a dispatch sent
out from Astoria, Senator Ful
ton has taken the stand tbat he
can beat the direct primary
rvnminatinsr law before the su-
mme court. The defect alleged
by the senator is conflict with
the federal constitution. It is
quite likely that what he said
pertaining to the constitutional
conflict was meant to apply to
the placing of candidates names
on the ballot so as to allow .vot
ers to express their choice for
United States senator. ine
West Side Enterprise regrets
that Senator Fulton assumes an
unfriendly attitude toward the
attempted reform in the matter
of nominating candidates for
state office and selecting a
United States senator. It was
never intended nor claimed for
the law that the choice of
the people as indicated by the
ballots, is legally binding on the
legislature in the selection of an
United States senator. It was
intended as a step toward bring
ing the election closer to the
nnle and avoiding the legisla-
diap-race that almost invari-
0Klv nttends a senatorial elec-
t; The people are thorough
ly out of patience with legisla
tive dead-locks, hold-ups, trades
and dickers that pushes aside
ih mnst iireent legislation to
gain a point for some senatorial
candidate. Senator wiwubum,
in favor of the election of
United States senators by the
people direct, from which it
may be inferred that he en
dorses this step in that direction.
Senator Fulton is young, ener
getic, able and capable of serv
ing Oregon well in the upper
fcm.Kfi of the United states cou
On Tuesday the Telegram
"came through" with a big.
Lewis and Clark edition brim
full of valuable data about Ore
gon. On the page devoted to a
man of Portland and vicinity,
Independence was spelled with
smaller type than any other
town. The charitable view is
that the name is so long as to
require condensation and per
haps the map maker had a de
sign to force the name changed
to'Hop City."
Far Kale. Itnt. Waiitwi or alinllar
ntloeture nn iu .
wut: one month 75 W"t.
FOR SALE. We desire to fell our
household goods at once. A good
chance to get parlor set, bed
room suites, etc , cheap. Call at
residence of II. H. Wagoner,
south Main street, near water
FOR SALE House and Ham with
half block; beautiful location in
North Independence. Joe Pick
ens. Independence.
They bad a scare-head flurry
in hops down at Portland on
Wednesday. They gave out a
lot of news that had been old in
Salem, the real hop market, for
several days. There are only a
few dealers in hops in Portland.
The men who buy the hops in
Oregon have their offices in Sa
lem. And the men who raise
the hops of this state, most of
them, live within a radius of
fiftv miles of the Capital City.
This is the largest hop market
from first hands in the . world,
and it will continue to be.
If a motion to strike out "Sa
lem" "and substitute Independ
ence" as the largest hop market
from first band3 in the world be
allowed, the above will " be ac
cepted without further amend
ment as truth.
FOR SALE Fifteen head thor
oughbred Cotswold ewes. C. Vt .
Leonard, MontnouthOre.
FOR SALE A choice Polk county
farm of over 300 acres can be had
at very reasonable figures. Ad
mirably adapted to stock raising.
Enquire at this omce.
FOR SALE Six months old
Poland China shoats,' eligible to
register. Also some young "Po
land China pigs, best breed.
Write or Enquire of C. C. Moan
Monmouth, Ore.
Wood fr Sl.
S. Oox, the wood dealer, is ready
to deliver wood at your dtor on
short notice. Big fir wood ?d.&0
per cord; second ero ' maple
$3. Phone 143.
C D. Jessup With the American
Hop and Barley Co. is Out
Buying Hops. ,
Out for hops, hot and heavy is
C. D. Jeenup representing the Amer-
, rT A Hoi-low Pnmnanv
imuoo ui i" - : ican xiuu nuu .....v- , j
cress and this paper trusts he j with officeB at tbe corner of Com
Th( new septic' tank recently
constructed at the State Mute
School ib giving complete satisfac
tion. After visiting it a few days
ago, Governor Chamberlain said;
"It seems that the septic tank will
come into general use in cities.
By this process all solid matters
are consumed and the outflow from
the septio tank is a clear and odor
less liquid I believe these tanks
should be used even where there is
good sewer connections for by this
means the sewer system can be
made to carry a larger amount of
refuse and the stream into which
it is turned will not be so heavily
polluted. In suburban districts
where there are no sewer connec
tions the septic tank will do much
to impiwve sanitary conditions.
I believe the people should in
vestigate th subject and learn the
value of the septic tank."
will not run counter to the un
mistakable sentiment of the peo
ple by fighting the law whereby
voters may nominate their own
candidates and indicate their
choice for United States senators.
Authorities at the Chemawa
Indian Training school are won
dering what has become of three
usky hued maidens that took
..h We of that institution.
...... .,.nlrt visit the Indian
camps on the banks of the Wil-jcome in contact
lamette at Indepenueu.c,
would find dusny m-"-- -maids
of every hue and most
likely the ones they are looking
Only one suit for the delivery
0f hop. i a filed ll;e
circuii court for Polk county to
mercial and State Streets Salem.
Mr. Jeseup has just returned from
California where he haB been look
ing after the interests of the A.II.&
B. Company. Now the company
wants hops and is pretty sure to
get it's share. They go after the
product and if the grower wants
to sell they are pretty apt to gei n.
Mr. Jessup make his home in
Salem where he has lived and
dealt in hops the past nine years.
He iti a young man of good reputa
tion enjoying tbe confidence of
business men, with whom he has
Dissolution Notice.
To whom it may concern: all in
debted to the undersigned is re
quested to call at our place of busi
ness and settle accounts on or be
fore October 10, as the firm changes
hands on October 1, and we wish
to colse all accounts.
Yours respectfully,
JCPP fc Bice. I
Absolutoly Pure
Tho groatost of
modern-time helps
to perfect cooking
Ussd In fhe best fan
Hiss the world over .
One Man in a Thoufand.
We havo tho assurance to say that w ln t Mtev
thnt t!crt.MonMnaninatlirm-an.l that we cannot
Xl"o with ur clothing amHuu fv with our prices
s "imply a combination of wwllent clothing arid
j&l "he Bestjz?
The hot of Clothe; the hont of HaWr.khery; tho best of
nX can alway, bo fonndher and -ith vcrv ta
our guaranty of Money back if you want it. Can jou
do better than come here for your clothe
Salem tUwkn Mill Store
Salem, .. . Oregon.
Set or
Step in and see the Finest Set of Double Harness
ever put up in Independence.
Silver-tipped hamea; Nickel Kuckela; Best of
Leather. Whether you buy or not step in and see
this Hanness.
. B. Kurre harness Shop, Tnatptnacnce, ortsw
1 Coles Air-Tight Heaters
Smoke Proof Feed Door
Genuine Kuf&ia Body
Double Seamed Steel Bottom.
Patent Draft Connection, Always Tight
Handsomest and most economical stove on the market
f Garland Stoves Sr Ranges
"The World's Best"
Direct Dampers
Aerated Ovens
Bounded Flue Comers
. Prices no higher than for cheaper makes
IU made go., indepesrdign0cn
J. R. CRAVEN Manager
fcy ,r rz
if lUs