West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 30, 1904, Image 1

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    .West Side Enterprise
J. II. If awuiy,
P. I. ClMJMlKM,,
V'i(u) j'rwmk'iit
KI4 Capital. 900,000
DikkiTo-J. H..IUwley. I. L OampUU, I. M. fcitnpaon, J. 15. V.
iSutUr, John H. wtunip.u. A. iinrow, r, . i'owu.
TranMcU General IUnkig and Kxeliaitgn iuifM.
YiUble throughout tlx t'itit-l Htates ul Canada.
Drafts sold
H IHRHIHlKIUJ, 'tldiiit.
OTOOIC, S50.000.00.
AUK AM SUM)S, VIr PrMirfeo
DIllKCTOKH. H. lltwoliUirij, l. W. hoar, II. F. Hmith, J. F.
. Mhi-ml Unking aud iflliM:0 IxmiiiPM triiwUvl. 1
4lmnuUi. (VmuiwfoUlwKltla (aixld. lptH tvnilod
IM4M miule.
on rorrrnt ntu.t
. 1 Uadturtrn For -i-
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies '
fit to (odloa vnriH from cub
lo korot o4 fin Mmhum,
Sod Fouootn for the hot Aiy.
Yd f wyi welcome.
E. C Kirkpatrick Buys 300 Bales
of D. B. Taylor Here Yesterday
and Clinches the Contract.
Plenty of Buyers on the Ground but Few
Sales Being Made-Storing ' in
Ware House. N
pendence station and the quantity
' this year is variously estimated at
! 9.000 to 12,000 bales.
Hop reached thirty cent in In'
dependence yesterday. E. C. Kirk
Patrick was the buyer and D. IV
Taylor the first to sell at that figure, j
mere had Deen lime aoing ;n j
tbe market since the firet of the; J fie roiic iouniy iomona orange
weekti-ough there was plenty of meet at Independence on
buyers in the field. YtWday : " etinfcsuay uci. om., ai iv a m.
uiorning 29 cents was whit-pered i The election of officers for the
round and 291 cent wa mention- j ennuinf? two years ana otner lin-
ed to one or two growers. George portant ousiness to oe iranBaciea.
Dorcas. Georire Irvine. Johnnie! All fourth degree members are re
Pomona Grange Meeting.
Good Itigu for Commercial Men a Specialty.
Good.awcbmmodationii. Horses well fed. Fine
Horaon boardwl by day, week or momu.
TtUiMt Ko. ton
JmU-jtfHdencr, Oregon
ft D. WHITMAN, Proprietor
Horn Industry Institutions
WorK CalUd for Taeadar PelWred Saturday
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phono 273 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Ore
W. U MICE, Ku.lmtn.er an Funeral I!rcct.r.
. W. KKOWLMS, Mgr.
Bmrp Pim Only
$t.OO $1.10
DfArT m. n . OREGON
who handle the
Finest Butcher Stock
In Tolk County f '"'"'Thtf,"':'
but are eellinir it very cheap aivun . .
Independence Meat Market
My work will never fail you.
Prices most reasonable.
Roberts, representing Livesleys Al
Ilolden representing Seavy &Metz-
ler, Bhucaing and Durbin and E.
C. Kirkpatrick were here during
the day.
S. E. Irvine let go of his crop of
150 bales to Dorcas at 28 J cents
and Dorcas also cLwed a deal for
250 bales from Wells and Smith
Toward evening Mr. Kirtpatrick
tunde D. B. Taylor and J. D. Whit
eaker an offer of 30 cents. The
offer - became known on tbe
streets, and the jump of 1J
cents in the bop market created a
little flurry. The offer naturally
bad a retiring effect on other buyers
for they bad no orders from their
different houses warranting that
The offer was taken under ad
visement br Mr. Taylor and also
by J. D. Whiteaker, and after de-
liberation Taylor signed up a con
tract for 300 bales.
To make assurance doubly sure,
Mr. Kirkpatrick' wrote him out a
check for $1,000, Thus was the
hop market opened up at 30 cents
for Oregon the pace being set at
Independence, the hoo center of
the state. .
Mr. Whiteafcer never signed up,
electing to hold his hops..
Mr. Kirkpatrick also bought by
wire yesterday 350 baleB at Oak-
and, Oregon, at 2D cents, lie
has out offers on 400 bales in Wash
ington county and 300 in Marion
at the same figure. During the
day Frank Durbin, of the firm
of Durbin fc Shucking made the
statement that he would sell hops
at 28 J cents, air. i.irapinu.
"called him" and Durbin agreed
to deliver 23 bales at 2b j cents.
, Baling is pretty well done and
hops are being transferred to the
Southern Paciho warehouse at a
lively rate. A line of teams stand
in front of the warehouse all day,
awaiting turns at unloading.
It U not an uncommon sight to
see ten and twelve teams awmting
their turn at the depot warehouse.!
Each wagon averages oyer $1000
worth of baled bops which means
that $12,000 to $15,000 worth ot
m . i 1 V
the product oi me boh may uo
seen on wagons at Indet-endence
most any hour in the day awaiting
storage. Teams are sometimes
kept waiting from 10 In the morn-
ing mi lu "
growers will ask for Increased facil
:; fnr another year. There are
ltl-0 w- -
Over Tostoflice.
quested to be present. The lectur
er of the state grange Mrs. Clar H.
Waldo will be present.
F. M. Smith,
Pointed I'ttrwirraplia.
Wise is a bald head who can
fool a lly.
' No one was ever banded a frte
pans minus a string
Advertising has its uses; it gives
our neighbors a chance to talk.
A woman would rather people
thought she was tailor mad j than
Everr Benedict has a mind of
his own, but tbe title is apt to be
It's easier for a woman to marry
a geniu than it is for her to sup
port him
Every woman imagines she was
created for tbe purpose of bossing
some man.
The single thought of two souls
always has something lo do with
love in a cottage.
Some bachelors spend their
evenings at home. and some married
men spend theirs in jail.
Many a goood man has got
freckles on his reputation by carry-
ng molasses home in a demijohn.
If an insurance policy on a
man's life is a good risk for the in
surance company, it is a poor one
for his wife.
Liberty is always represented ta
a female, but it is difficult for some
married men to understand why.
Man Why Be TaU or Short With
out Endangering His
Mental Faculties.
It makes the average person al
most as mad to have people tell lies
A-fcit4HufrComearMOreo'on', about Dim as it does wnea mey
With Other Exposi
tions There.
Tne Lewis and Clark Exposition
grounds present certain features
which f robaply no other site had.
With possibly the exception of the
Vienna exposition, which was held
in the "Prater," a beautiful park
in the City of Vienna, no other
exposition site, in my opinion, had
the natural advantage that this
exposition has. A fine wooded bit
of lawn, a broad expanse of clear
navigable water, a fine tract of level
ground on a plateau viewing four
snow-capped mountains and a
mighty river, it is indeed, a land
scape which must appeal not only
to qur people, who are accustomed
to naval landscapes of beauty, but
particularly to the Eastern and to
the inhabitant of the middle states,
who probably never saw a piece of
ground where Nature's beauty is
concentrated in a tract of land oi
approximately 400 acres.
The Exposition site covers ap
proximately ISOacres of land and
about 230 of water. On the main
grounds are located the following
buildines:' Aericultural, Liberal
Arts, Foreign Exhibits, Forestry,
Machinery Halls and Elgctric
Building, Mining Exhibit, Admin
istration. Auditorium and Police
Departments. In addition to
these, buildings on the main
land, there are contemplated build
ing" for the State of California,
Japanese Building, Slate of Wash
ington Building, , State of Idaho
Building and others, while in the
Agricultural Experimental Station
grounds is located a rustic bungalow.
On the extreme west end of the
Exposition Grounds will be located
stalls and review stands for the
stock and dairy exhibits.
Soap for the Skin.
Mrs. J. W. RichardBon, Sr., fas
the agency for the celebrated Cali
fornia Medicated Tlealing Soap. It
is recommended for all skin dis
eases and is sold at 10 cents a cake
tell the truth.
An Ohio bachelor who was to be
married the next day was left in
charge of biB sister's baby for ten
minutes and that night he took
to the tall timber. Chicago News.
lors of the Imperial Hotel in
Portland, Oregon Tuesday, Sept
ember 27, Mr. Orlof Nelson and
Mrs. Marv T. Cressy, Rev. Geo.
Croswell Cressy pastor of the 1st.,
Unitarian church, Portland
After the ceremony the bridal
party was invited to the dicing
room where a sumptous repast , was
served. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson in
company with MrB. Nelson's aon,
Gould, will leave Monday for the
St. Louis Exposition and the east j
where two months will be spent in
sight seeing. They will return to
Oregon where they will make their
home. Those present were: Mrs.
Geo. Kutch, Mrs. A. VanOrtwick,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren P. Uressy,
Mr. and Mrs. Burt L. Lucas, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Bustel and son and
Gould T. Cressy.
The Napoleonic idea that tne
world's greaUet men have been
small of nature is receiving some,
attention l litis time1
In the line of European sover
eigns the King of Italy is found to
be tbe smallest, standing a trifle
over 5 feet 2 inches; the Emperor
of Japan next, 5 feel C; the Czar
and Kaiser, 5 feet 7J; Edward VTI.,
5 feet 8 the King of Portugal, 6
feet; and Leopold of Belgium, 6
feet 6 inches. Among tbe states
men of England Lord Kunebery is
the shortest, being 5 feet inches,
and Josepu Chamberlain an inch
taller. Mr. Asquith is 5 feet 7
inches; John M or ley, 5 feet 8: Mr.
Balfour, 6 feet, and the Duke of
Devonshire, 6 feet 1 inch.
In the British army Lord Kitch
ener stands 6 feet 2 inches, Gen
Baden Powell 5 feet 9 inches, Lord
Wolsley 5 feet 7, and Lord Rob
erts, a little man, 5 feet 6 inches.
Lord Kelvin, the greatest of elec
trical science, is 5 feet 7 iuches;
Marconi, 5 feet 9, Lord Reay 6
feet 2, and Sir Oliver Lodge 6 feet '
3. Most of the best English writ
ers are men under tbe average
height Sir Conan Doyle is a six
footer and Mr. Anthony Hope
measures 5 feet 10 inches. Mr. J.
M. Barrie, Kipling and Thomas
Hardy just touch the 5 feet 6 inch
mark, and Alfred Austin, the poet
laureate, iB just over 5 feet 3 inches.
An interesting group shows Pres
ident Roosevelt touching 5 feet 8
inches, Andrew Carnegie under 5
feet 4 and President Loubet of
France but an inch taller than the
Turning from the modern leaders
in every banch of life the investi
gator finds a long list of tall men
who achieved great distinction in
the past George Washington, 6
feet 3 inches; George Borrow, 6 feet
2 inches; Sir Walter Raleigh, 6
feet; Sir R. Burton 6 feet; Corbett,
6 feet; Walt Whitman, 6 feet; Lord
Brougham, Audubon, " Banyan,
Clive. Biemarck. Froude, J. P.
Richter, Sheridan, Puvia de Chay
annes. Corot, Delacroix, Leasing,
TourReneff, : Poussin, Huxley,
James, Thomson, A. de Mussett,
Sterna, Schiller, Romily, Smolette,
Moltke, Mirabeau, Lamartine
Gounod and Miliett all tall men.
now about 3000 bales on storage at j or three for 25 cents. Try the new
the S. P. warehouse which is very
nearly the limit of its capacity,
nd the hops are being cared lor
now by supplying cars on which
they are loaded. Last year 9,000
Josh Lindsay has opened up a
mw grocery store in Monmouth.
His location is on the hill, corner
of College and Independence street
hut beautiful home wedding oc
curred at the residence, of Mr.
Nicholas Steele, nine miles south;
west of this . city, on Thursday,
Sept. 29th at high nooq, Rey. E.
J. Thompson, pastor of the Pres
byterian church of Independence,
officiating. It was the marriage
of Mr. Charles W. Stewart to
Mrs. Jessie Wilson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Steele.
The parties are well known in
Pnlfc oountv and very highly es
teemed. Congratulations and the
best wishes of many friends are
extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.
James Caldwell, the Harney
county man who was last week
convicted o manslaughter, and was
brought to the penitentiary Mon
day, was Tuesday transferred to
the asylum. The prison phy
sician thinks his derangement was
due to the nervous strain incident
to a trial in court and that he will
recover soon. His sentence was
six years imprisonment, Caldwell
was tried in Malheur county on a
change of venue and Hon. J. K
Weatherford defended him.
Poloma Mae Clodfelter, daughter
of Clarence and Amanda Clodfelter
of Independence was born Sunday
morning July 3, '04 at 3:45 and
died Sunday Sept. 25, at the same
hour of the day. The funeral ser
vice was held in the First Baptist
church by Pastor Allen Monday
afternoon and the body was laid to
rest in the I. O. O. F. cemetery by
the side of her fathers parents.
Poloma was a good child; strong
and healthy up to within a few
days of her death. She received the
beet that large loving hearts could
give and in departing left a
great aching void. The many
beautiful flowers which literally
covered the graye but feebly rep
resent the sympathy of the many
Arthur S. Allen.
A hazel bush 60 feet long and 6
inches in diameter and 15 feet to
the first limb will be one of the
curiosities at the Lewis and Clark
Fair. It will be from Benton
county and will be an eye opener to
Easterners who are accustomed to
gather their hazel nuts from 6 foot
bushes. Gazette.
Tax Payers Notice.
Tax-payers will take notice that
the last half payment on tbe 1903
taxes will become delinquent, Tues
day, October 4, 1904 ,
J. T. FORD, Sheriff.
-- v
bales were shipped lrom tne mae-