West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 27, 1904, Image 2

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    U!e$t Side etuerpme
Eatr4 l luilfpmiio. Or pU)i
ml-olj waller
Subscrption. $1.50 Per Year
(sirloily la Uvuc)
fVr ymr ?
MX mnlli L,
sMul ex)'.... "
IUdlu ootlPtlOtUr ltu trljht.
Kitto on dlnplay dvnlloi mdnowo
on appllMllou.
As usual the West Side En
terprise wns first to publish the
news of a new const wise steam
er being put on the run between
Yaquina Kay ami Eureka, Cal.
One of the owners, Mr. Fay, is
now ia the valley roiiciting
trade. This new line will be
heard from.
Independence, has a hop
"Yamhill against the world"
for cattle, short-horn variety.
The hop aroma is attracting
buyers in large numbers to Independence.
It takes a blue ribbon court
to handle the affairs of a blue
ribbon count'.
The Krebs Bros. . are putting
in a sawmill but that does not
mean they will do nothing but
saw wood.
While hops are selling at 27$
and 28 cents, fine sheep and
goats are being shipped out of
Polk county almost daily and
bringing the owners good prices.
Five school districts in Linn
county are unable to get suitable
teachers. Try offering reason
able wages as a way out of the
dilemma. .
The Vanderbilt fortunes grew
out of an inconsequential ferry
boat. The Astor opulence
started from 'small skin deals.
Jay. Gould peddled rat-traps.
Edison was a country telegrapher.
According to a compilation
from last spring's registration
rby Labor Commissioner Hoff
-, the nativity of Polk county vot
. ers, is as follows: United
; States 2098, Canada , 56, Den
mark 5, England 42, Germany
44, Ireland V2 Eussia 21, Scot
land 12, Switzerland 16, Sweden
13, scattering 15.
All Klgbt Sow.
To the Editor:
CerUin reports have reached rne
and they ant of such a nature that
I feel called upon to make a few
statement, and for that purpose I
bee your pardon for intruding upon
vour eood will and the use of your
paper to submit to the people of
Monmouth and Independence, the
following: j
When I left Monmouth about
the middle of August, 190:1, Mr.
Arihur S. Alleri and I were, and
hd been, since our acquaintance,
on the best of term. W e saw each
other no more until I returned to
Monmouth in June, 1904. The
difference between us grew up
betweeu those dates and was
due particularly to a misunder
standing of one of hi letters to me,
but partially to my association
with other parties. I have never
accused Mr. Allen of any unlawful
or immoral acts or purpose and
so far as my knowledge kom there
i9 no ground for such charges.
The rumors which cr.taiu such
accusation started by parties who
thought thereby to befriend me,
and have been misconstrued and
V. . naAivrt a a inmnrti A, t ft 11 rw 1 11 ft
proportions. The report that Mr.
Allen tried last June to induce me j
to marry him against uiy will
is also false.
Begging our pardon again, lam
Annie Ovehiioltzer.
IX. I). Cooper, the hop grower
spent Sunday iu Portland.
J. V. Iannis and Chan. Pill will
represent the Falls City lodge K.
of P. at the grand ladge.
Mr an.! Mra. It. H. WiloOX of
Pendleton are visiting Mrs. Wlb
cox's aunt, Mrs. Lucinda Baldwin.
Rev. and Mr. EUworth and
daughter, and Miss Anna Tarrish,
of Toledo returned home Monday
after s two weeks' outing in the
hop field.
Miss Mae Kennedy left yester
day for McMinnville to enter col
lege there for the second year. She
hna a music class and will return
Saturdays to give instructions.
f n-t- Tlrown returned to
Suver Monday afU: a short vUit
with her mother Mr. Ward.
Inherited Indian lands on tut
Sil.ts reservation art advertised
for sale. Bid. will be opened
October 1 and October 8.
Tracy Staats left Satur lay for
St. Louis whers he will tanea four
years cou at the St. Loii medi
cal college.
J. W. Brown of the Newtwrg ae
handle factory was in town Sat
urdav. Mr. Brown does not contem
plate moving hi. factory here but
tr ran find timber enough in
one body will put In bolting maoh-
inerv and bolt his timber up ocion.
u v k. Trtharow and httls
bonis Monday after a vlmt Uh
relatives litre.
Norman Antler return! to Port
land Monday.
Mrs. Clair I" ! ! vWli" her
mother. Mrs. Ifcrnati, McMliw
OrmByersi making "ten
ded visit In Portland and Falrvlew.
T.J. Craves, of McCoy, slopped
olf In Independence helween trains
Miss Dora Cooper relorned Pat
nrdsy to her school at Centralis,
TUm Itar Oroocrr.
W do not claim to hive a 0
nopoly on all lbs grocery goodness;
don't bellevs In ninnopolira, y.
way. Bui w do Ulisv u th
quality of our goods and claim
that In p7,nk Cttlh all oar
goods and taking all the discounts
we can get we are able to sell goods
a Httls cheaper. Ws believe thU
ami are prepared to stand llil4
any staleuient we make. V,
you get th let goods at the hoi
prices, that's alt there Is in It.
Buy your grocer! and feed at th
8tar (Jrocery and get the proof.
F. S. Wiumw,
Prop. HirWrK-r;
alitnntnff. '
a Annncuuyyyy M
I Still ia 'ike Lead S
UV) u u u u u u- rffA
Soap for the Skin.
Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Sr., has
the agency for the celebrated Cali
fornia Medicated Healing Soap. It
is recommended for all skin dis
eases and is sold at 10 cents a cake
or three for 25 cents. Try the new
soap. '
Italian Prunes.
If you have any to sell, will pur
chase the same green.
Low Prices and Fair m
JK Treatment, Our Motto..
, r nnvia na OTIH W1T.M T.IIH l 1
assurance that you shall have your money s worth
rt,lv0nnB trfintment at our store we are )
ClAi-vt. DWUl uwvvm
TT X Til n rt-v vC
Independence, Oregon.
Tax Pnyer Notice.
Tax-payers will take notice that
the last half payment on the 1903
taxes will become delinquent, Tues
day, October 4, 1904.
J. T. FORD, Sheriff.
Wood for Sale.
8. fox, the wood dealer, is ready
to deliver wood at your deoroo
short notice. Big fir wood I3.o0
per eord; second erow maple
$3. Phone 143.
Mewty Equipped; Over OO Rooms, Steam Heat;
Gas Lights; Jill Modem Conveniences.
Coles Air Tight Heaters Fj
Smoke Proof Feed Door
Genuine Russia Body
Double Seamed Steel Bottom.
Patent Draft Connection, Always Tight
Handsomest and most economical stove on the market
Garland Stoves Ranges
"The World's Best''
Direct Dampers
Aerated Ovens
Rounded Flue Corners
Prices no higher than for cheaper makes
One Man in a Thouand.
We havo tho asMtiranco to iay that wo tlun't believe
that thero in one man in a thousand that wo cannot
pleano with otir clothing ami satisfy with otir prices.
It's simply a combination of excellent clothing and
reasonable pricea that attracts hi many men at this
store. Wo arc never vatinlicd with anything but
The Wat of Clothes; the best of Haberdashery; the best of
hats, can always be found here, and witli every sale goes
our guarantee of Money back if you want1 it. - Can you
do better than como here for your clothes?
Salem Klookn mill Store
Salem, . . Oregon.
Y ouis.now w n
ffij Hop' Pickers Headquarters for Dry 'Goods, Clothing, Shot-s, Hats.
uiixm, ur u;iiuiu( 111 jjauiee ur ueui uenr.
Money navnd by trading with us.
. KJade So.,
J. R. CRAVEN Manager
Brick Store. Cor. Main and C. Sts.
E. E. Paddock
fktt to 0 ()anK$$
and all Kinds of-
Harness Goods,'
Whips, Rings,
Gloves, Robes, Etc.
& Jit Hurrc Rarness Shop, Independence, Oregon.