West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 16, 1904, Image 2

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    West Side enterprise
1 " i r
Subscrption. $1.50 Per Year ci,Rrge that relaxation
(Mlrlolljr In advaues)
Pwr yr
Kit luonflta...
Single eorr.
Read lo notices 10 Null per llu straight.
Rate on display advertising made known
on apulisaUou.
Bnura at in.iowndinw. t iimiUitiie8 mentetl l'Ut, xjerieice
a aoou-l-eia-. ii.aur I . ..
1)08 llUlgni UIO U) an iiiua
rult'9 ofton brings harm to th
patient and in such c808 they
are warranted in declining to
yield to the entreaties of rela
tives or friends regardless of the
the criticism that may follow.
As to the merits of the parties
lar case of Mr. Turnidge how-
ever, this paper does not assume
to speak having nt hand only
the complaint of Mr. Turnidge.
One Indian died, one Indian
bom in the bop yards so fur.
Tolk, the "Blue Ribbon Coun
ty" of Oregon.
So glad to see the Russian
vessel Leua. Guess we will keep
her awhile.
J. M, Staats is an indeiatiga
ble worker for the extension of
telephone lines, particularly
rural lines. Through his efforts,
aided by other farmers of the
Lewisville neighborhood, N the
wire for an Independent line
has been strung from hi lo
cality to Monmouth. The Inde
pendence people, to show a dis
position to meet the Lewisville
people half way, have under
taken to build and equip a line
from Independence to Mon
mouth.connecting there withth'e
Lewisville line. Through Mr.
Staats, arrangements have
been made for the poles
necessary for a line con
necting Independence with
Monmouth and soon as the bus
iness men are relieved from the
stress of the hoppickiug season,
work will begin at this end of
the line. Wheu it is completed
this part of the county can talk
with Lewisville, the Luokia
muters, Falls City and on to
Sheridan and intermediate
points. Then, it is said Dallas
will build a line to Monmouth
which, connected up will enable
this part of the county to talk
without the jingle of a two-bit
piece with the county seat.
That every town in the county
have a switch-board,
convenience of the city with the
advantages of the country.
These two agencies, have done
much to advance farm life and
the progressive farmers are , not
slow to see and take advantage
of them. Provided with tele
phone and daily rriail service,
the farmer is in ' immediate
touch with the happenings of
the world and when the city
man drives out to tell his farmer
friend the market price of his
stock and products' the farmer
will have the pleasure of giving
a later market price caught over
the wire after his visitor left the
City. Rural telephones and
rural mail elevates farm life.
With its service, the farmer is
no longer forced to read the
world's history after it is cold .
Tt amoves him from an invit
ing field for gold brick peddlers.
More telephone lines and more
rural routes for Polk county.
knick knacks of food and mak
ing suggestions as to their rare.
Thu kind 6f discipline u some-
QQQy 15
1 m Wrt Uiig taw. 1
elk) 11 III I - f J WMii v.i - II w lr
The chances are Port Arthur
will not fall till hoppicking is
Tolk couuty can't be beat for
variety and excellence of products.
Read the merchants an
nouncements in this issue.
They may save you money.
The girls are wearing men's
shirts. "What next. Albany
Democrat. . j
Probably next the skin.
Notwithstanding the busy
season maoy from this hop dis
trict are attending the State
Call at this office on your way
everv home from the liop field and get
farmer a phone, is a convenience a copy of the West bide JLnter-
much desired and the tireless ef- prise.
forts of those laboring to bring
it about, are to be commended.
With' the daily rural mail ser
vice and a telephone on his
Frank 0 Daker has shown
himself to be a live state chair
man by securing a date for Sen
vice and a telephone on his in Gregon after G and lot 7 block Falls City;
wall, the former can enjoy the Motional Committee had de- M600..: :
the National Committee had de
elded to ignore the state.
The , county court
promptness. and business f""'''
acumen in calling in warrants
prior to April 11. This call
stops interest that might have
been permitted to ran till 'De
cember.with money lying in the
' Did HI Polk.
F.A. Lincb, a Luckiamute farmer
72 years old harvested frora a 14-
acre tract this year 14 busbels ot
wheat; 94 bushefs of oats; 2US of
barley; 7 tons of vetch bay and
raised a fine garden, ot pota
toes that have not yet bee dug.
His planting was all doae by May
Everything for the table
very.mus - - d Q
camp money can buy. Fresngoou&ev j j
camp u y j t . because we buy inW
XjettUtJUb xl ajvu ' ,
8 Largest Quantities. Visit our store before lay.
. . Ttrxr err. A T I iJV
AT I Mb UJUIN 1 X ocn sMjr 1
wmi oil YVnllPSl.
Independence, Oregon, jgj
Registration Booki to Open Over
The County Next Week
(Dalian Correspondence)
Registration books will be opened
Wednesday. Blanks will also be
.onthv the county clerk to the
justices and notaries public of the
county. Those who bave not reg
istered may gi before a notary
nnhlie. iusticeof the peace or the
county clerk and register, and be
entitled to vote without turuier
trouble in November. No fee ia re
quired of the voter. Those who
matured Drior to the June election
are not required to register again.
Real estate transfers entered
since last hmie are as follows:
Willamette University to Vlaud
V. Rnwtelle 100 acres in township
6 south, range 7 west; 1400.
Zinri Hinshaw and wile 10
ILvom lnts 1. Z,3. DJOCK
Loa Perry nd hnsbirod to
Coverdale east bait of Iet 7 nd 8
-Wpd block 15 Rills Addition w inu:
One Man in a Thouand.
We have the assurance to pay that wo don't believe
that thoro U ono man in a thousand that we cannot
idcato with our clothing und putinfv with our prices.
It's pimply a combination .f estlletit clothing and
ri-a-wiablc prln-s that attract many nwn at thU
rtore. aro never Mtitiol with envtliiug tut
j&The Bestjz?
Tho IhH f Clothe; the Wt llalrdafhery; th? Iwt of
hat, can alwavn ba found here, and with very sle g
our guarantee of Money back if you want it. Can you
do better than tome here for your elothf?
Salem Olookn Ml Store
Salcmf . . Oregon.
This paper is in receipt of a
letter of complaint against the
management of the State Insane
Avlum. The letter is written
by W. J. Turnidge of Crabtree,
T,inn countv. and alleges mis
treatment of a brother,, Joseph
Tnrnidee who recently died in
V,. institution. ; The columns of
hp West Side Enterprise are al
,o,.a rtrpn to the discussion of
Hie matters or matters affect
n-T,rthfe nublic and but for its
unnecessary length would repro
Ao Mr. Turnidge's letter in
full Relative to complaints
against the asylum however,,, it
; hnt iust to say that many are
uM,l nn wrought up feelings
w.D,,Rfi of the rales of discip
line and care the officials have
iwnna it necessary to maintain
Relatives or acquaintances are
One Studebwker wagoo S- inch.
One Fish Bros wagon 1 in. steel
axle. One Columbus tna Dpnng
Bueev- One 16 inch fidinij plow.
One set single driTing ( harness.
One sorrel horse 8 years old. ' Ont
bay mare 5 years old. Enquire of
r TTntn to- Fred ICubin,
lota C and D block 4 of the- Farley
Froit Farm; $5310..
Katrine KuWu to F. W. Kubin,
blockS and' 6, of Burkley' Frnit
Farm,. containing-47.27 acres; auu.
J. 9. Cooper,: tnsstee and u-.
Brey to W. II. R1f?gs partfrof lots 7
.08, block 25 Jims AomioTt ;o
n dependence; $8.
R-hinhard Kleindinst and wife
to D W. Sawtelle 25.54 acre town
ship 6 south rang 7 west; f ir.
For Sale.
n Wvunntr 14 miles went of Ii
dependence on Monmouth road.
Italian Prunes,
If vou have any to sell, will pur
chase the tame green.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given tbt II. H.
Jwtpernon, administrator of the estate
iri 1 li t ii . , ' '
in ttie County Court of tliw tUito of
Orecon. for eolK Jouniy. nwi num
eoaat m aamiamniur, buu .u
-.a.,,, hn 9ith rfw of HeDtember. 1904.
t the'hnr of one o'clock, p. m-. of sii
Of B'1 tWiri BS IIM nine ur iui uc.i
AMuotinna tn thft uld final ae-
-. ..wl .hu ililamn(. t hprMt. All
C 'U II V BUU rr. ... "
am tKiMfnM TflTltfM to ftr-
IKIBUUV Bit ...... I ' .
Dear at eaid time aod taow causa, ir
, . I .1 1 .1 .. n V.Attlt
any eiisi, hj iuc m wuu.. .uw.m
not De apprwrea sou uic emu uuuu"-
trator dicnarfa. .
Dated tbia 26tb day of Autrunt, mi
... nr. H JAeKUBON.
For Elirht Night Only.
Prof. IUytnond's dancing schoul
o'pene'Monday evening at the opera
house. The term i lor eight
nighti. ' Those' desiring full bene&t
shooldi be present or. thn firt nigh.
or THE
it Independence, m the Hti of Ore-
eon, at tne ciwko "
Bept. 6, 11)04.
P. B. Bou U re''l'",",
Bond". MCTirttle. uk. - ' .
BnklnKJooii. turner"
Other H owtvmI
Do. fr HO. ' '" "'"'
Dae frui .proTel rw
... ... i ihur am ltm
Kot other WaH.l Bnk. - -
Fractloral plr arrencj.
cnts -
r.rut ";
Kb d
Redemption M wth V. . T.ur.
l.Ot'A th.
17.0M 21
. 8i.o n
. S.4IT10
Feariui. Odd AgaliiiU Him.
Belrjddu, aluiM and UttttituW.
Buob lu brief wan tbe oondltloii of tvu
oldmlditrr by name otJ.X Havana,
Vemillea, ' For yearn be waa trui
bled witU KJdney ihrnwrnt ud neitUor
doctor nor iuel)oiueH gave Wni relif.
At length be tried JKJuctrio UUtera. : tt
put Uiru oivhia fvet Ut Mhort ordr auJ
uovc he teHtUllen: "L'm oti the road to
complete reoovery' iient a earth fur
Liver and Kidney tnubl aud all
form of Momiicli and liowell t.'oau-
plHintH. (Juiyouu. wuarauwea oy a.
H. loeke, dragglnU
10 ' -J
CO .vf fr Vi
art la
lKBl-tender !
Capita! utortr paid 1
Uo'llvldwl proflU. lea
taxM paid -Nation
bank ot""" "
Due to other Rational Banaa -Dlviaenda
Inrtlvtdiial4foaUa atib)ctoehoek
Oaioaiid oertiflcatea of drpualt
2f2.t05 12
f to.ono DO
1000 M
- Iri) 97
- 2,500 o
10. W
2t2.1M U
One rrcftt aecret of youth and beauty fn
the young woman or the mother ia the
proper tindeMtandingr of her womanly y
tem and well-being. Every woman, young
or old, should know herself and her phya-
XBI IUBM ML.. n RWU TWJ " ...... -
thia knowledge la to get a good doctor
book, such, fur instance, as the "People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser," by K. V.
Pierce, M. I)., which can readily l pro-
V... .-n .1 i r ir lw.nl..nn. i.nl. in ntl.
cent stamps for paper-bound volutae, or
tnirty-one cenia ior ciotn-Dounfi copy, an
-j n. u v li-r. at lii.fTul., Si V
ttinwim . . . . ' . , a. .... ...
The change from maidenhood to woman
i i i- .... , v. . : 1 ... . tUm w
The strain at this time- npoa the bUxxl
: forming structures may be too great. Dis
orders of the function fecaliarly feminine
- are nearly always dependent upon de
fective nutrition. In all such canes Ir.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is jnut the
. vegetable tonic for tha female svstem.
M cannot express my thsnks bir the tienrht I
Total -
Slat of Oron, u.
County of Polk,
I, C. W. Irrlna, Cashier of tha above-named
hank. 4o aolemnly awaar that tha above staUmenl
Is true to the bast of my knowleda-e and belief.
a W. IRVINC. Caahler.
Sobscrihed aa4 sworato baforsraaUls Ukday
f Jooa. 1904. B. WILSON,
. Ooaaeci Atwat Wotary rouUa
writes Mrs. Julius Wehrly. of CambriilKe. Ifcir
cheater Ca. Md. "I took ' Fsvorite lresrrip
tion 1 and feel that a nerfcra cure has bees
effected. I terl like thanking you fur the kind
and fstherly letters which you wrote." , .
; Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription was
market. It baa sold more largely in the
past intra oi a cenmry man any otoer
mimm. inr ranM Tkn nn. 14 IV. At-.,
r't persnade yoa to try some compound
that has not bad the test of so many years'
to f ,
10 1
10 T 1
to I
w ( )
fine lino of small musi
cal instrumonU. IfinU'r
estoil wo want you to in-
ppoct them.
Vt nlan li'it n wiiiiirt iwHV i
rapliophonea corning anj
i fmo lot of disc rt'CortU. o
J 0)
t. -fjv
1 1-1 J
i a -a
Equipped; Over 100 Rooms, Steam HaU
Gas Lights; Jill "Modern Conveniences.
' Attorney-at-Law,
11 T. llKNKLKs
Barber Shop.
One door iouth of Port V'hsp
. -ration wii"
it'"- .
Admioi'trator of the estate of Bar ah
f.aL P. W. fssiaa, )
rine juataa id cuuuvw.
fiwh f svnri'e Prewriptjon hea