West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 16, 1904, Image 1

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    nrScndekly WeH Sil Enterprise Q,,llf SlMOaYeaT.
President vice i'rt.8i(lent
Iiu u. Powell, Cashier.
ri cii, lao.ooo
DjbkiTom J. H. Hawley, I. L. Campbell, 1. M. Simpson, J. B. V.
yulier, jonn i. rmnij, . . mirow, r. rj. rowell.
Transacts Uenrral Uankiag and Exchange buninew. Drafts sold
ayailable througnoui trie unit! Mutes and Canada.
H 1I1RHHBEKO, lirduU
STOCK, $50,000.00.
0IRKCTOR8.-H. Hircbtr, I. W. h, 11. F.
A. Nslsoll.
C. W. IRVINE, Cashier.
tuith, J. r. Rbodet and
A rsnersl banslnf ami eichsAg buln transacted. Im mad. Bills
4iMOunll. Commercial creJlls griiiUxi. Ifeposits receUed on current sooounl
HsadquArtos For
Fine Ggars, Tobaccos, Candies
Pipes to tiwUm varkly from cob
to nur root and fin Mtrchum.
Sod Fountain fof lb bo( 4y.
You am away wlcomt.
Polk Awarded First Premium For
Best County Exhibit Two
, Years in Succession. f
Honors Won Over Valley's Richest Coun
ties and Blue Ribbon Floats Over
Polk's Unsurpassed Products.
The Star Grocery.
We do not claim to have a mo
nopoly on all the grocery goodness;
don't believe in monopolies, any
way. Bat we do blieve ia the
quality of our goods and claim
that in paying cash tor all our
good a and taking all the discounts
we can get we are able to tell goodi
a little, cheaper. We believe thU
and are prepared to eland behfnd
any statement we make. When
you get the best goods at the best
prices, that's all there is in it.
Buy your groceries and feed at the
Star Grocery and get the proof.
F. 8. Wilbox,
Prop. Star Grocery
Rest of This Week and Part
of Next Will Keep Army
of Pickers at Work.
Polk county has been awarded
first premium for the best county
exhibit at the State Fair. Tbis
year she won over the valleys rich
est counties. In the contest. Linn
was second, Marion third, Washing"
ton fourth, Benton fifth, Lane sixth.
A protest was filed by Mr. Bon-
Lney who prepared the Marion coun
ty exhibit but the State Board
were divided into districts, Polk
was first in her district The Her-
oulean, if not impossible task of
wresting first honors from Polk,
is now considered by other counties.
It has been the practice in the
last few years to have the county
exhibits judged by one man instead
of two or three. Last year Profes-
different Conntv avhihita lnnlrwl
LIVERY. FEED AND BOARDINU STABLE upon hi. protest childish
' - ... . I ci T v 1 a . r .e
I At n P.kT NnN Pmn uoiougs w roix. was me
W. w.W- , . ,. . J , .
. . . " . , vuiuiuuu siui uiu (O Mrs, P. A
Uood KJgs lor uoniraercui jcii a cfwciaujr. Wolfo f cwdi due fcr
Good accommodations, norses wen hhi. nue
Horses boarded by day, week or montn.
overruled his objections, and those tor George Coote, of Corvallia, per-
who impartially examined the I formed this service and Polk Roun.
Telephone JVo. 293
ing the exhibit Tbis ia the second
successive year that Polk has car-
n State Normal School
Monmouth, Oregon
Thia school Ixirlns lu 23rdmr Septem
IwrSO. 1904, terms In eaeb school vear
affording equal opportunities ior wkiu
ulnjr a eour In Heptember, November,
v.hMi.r nd Aorll. Tbe bttt training
for tesoliers Is the normal course with Its
aMuranre of good potuuoni at gwu
wages. Write for new cwlogue con
Ultiing lull Inforniatlou oouoerolug
coursm of atudy, Unintng in aotual
tosoblogln town and oountry schools
and full dtils about the aavanoea
moim of stud? with the additional ad-
V An Luff M attached Addrnis
r ..., t ft I). Kuilar. or
prm$idnt E. D. RUr,
H. D. WHITMAN, Pioprktor
& A. Home Industry Institution
WorK Called fop Tuesday Delivered Saturday
I rfA UK first nrnmintn TI ...
Independent, Oregon fi fa. mx firgt premium. im
first premium; 1902, second pre
mium. In 1900 when tbe counties
ty was then awarded first place
Mr. Grieve was chosen as judge
because be is cocaiteut and be
cause, being a Canadian, he has no
l&cal prejudice in favor of any coun
ty and to personal feeling toward
any exhibitor.
The parcentages placed upon tbe
county exhibits were: Polk,95Linn;
89; Marion. 85; Washington;
Benton,72; Lane,67.
Some people have Ht on a happy
idea and are making their pur
chases at Messner's, evenings and
Sundays and having them laid
aside on til tbey start home thus
securing more time to make their
selections and better attention from
clerks by avoiding the jam and
rush which always comes after hop
picking. Meesner guarantees de
livery on demand of all purchases
left in his care.
Quantity Short, Quality Good,
Prices Good is the Present Situa
tion in Hops.
Acreage in Hops Increased 25 per
Cent Over Last Year. Yield
Very Light.
(Clackamas Correspondence)
.... ' ' . ..
a V'
Th Willamette Valley Electric Railroad Com
pany are about to place surveyors in the field, for the
purpose of locating a line up the west side from Eu
gene to Portland. They are now on the way to Cor
yallis. You understand that this company intend
building a through line from Coos Bay to Portland,
together with branch lines at various places.
The object of this communication is to ascertain
if possible the views of tbe people in the towns, that
in all probability, our line will pass through. Are
your people favorable toward such a proposition, and
will there be any difficulty in securing rights of way? ,
We are looking up the matter, both on the east
and west sides, and shall then decide which route will
be most favorable. ,
(The above is a copy of a letter received by Mayor
Cooper from W. J. Wiley, genera manager of the
Willamette Valley Railroad company, as this issue
goes to press.)
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phone 273 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Ore
W. U HICK, Kmbalmer and Funeral Director.
91.00 0t.ao .
portlanfi. - - Oregon
who handle the
Finest Butcher Stock
in Polk County are not giving away meat,
but are selling it very cheap at their : : :
Whose Haby Are You?"
The Ralph Henry Stock Co.
who are billed to appear at the In
dependence Opera House on Mon
day. Sept. 19th in "Whose Baby
Are You" (are a superior organiza
tion of twelve people, numoermg
many Eastern favorites, and carry
ing all their own special scene-y
and effects for each production.
"Whose flaby Are You?" is de
scribed as an effervescent ecstacy
in three acts by Mark E. (Swan,
and tells the story of a young ar
list. Walter Mvlton, who each
month receives a generous allow
ance from a rich uncle who is led
to believe that Mylton is the father
of a bouncing boy, when in reality
the artist is a bachelor though en
gaged to be married.
Keats are now on saie at LiocKe b
drug store, with a scale of prices
fixed at 25 and 50 eents.
Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that all
unpaid county warrants, of Polk
county, Oregon, which were pre
sen ted and endorsed "Not paid for
want of funds," prior to April 11
1904, will be paid upon presents
tion at my office.
Interest will not be allowed on
the same after the date of this
Dated Dallas, Sept. 9, 1904.
tf County Treasurer.
I have Ne. 1 rolled barley feed
from Eastern Oregon. For sale at
Ridders Mill. 127 per ton with
sacks. B. J. Kiddebs,
Suver, Ore
Optician Here.
Dr. W. D. Trover, graduate of
Jacksonian optical college, Mich.,
may be found at the Little Palace
Hotel. He carries the best lens
made and guarantees to correct
any and all errors of eye refrac
tion; will fill old lenses with axis
cut superior lenses. Examination
Weed for Sale.
S. Cox, the wood dealer, is ready
to deliver wood at your door on
short notice. Big fir wood $3.50
per cord; second rroU maple
$3. Phone'143.
As tbe hop pickers continue to
arrive home and pass through
Oregon City to their homes tbe
stories of hard luck and of a fruit
less hunt for jobs increase. The
trains and boats are bringing these
people back every day
The yield this year in tbe county
was very light and as each yard
had more pickers than it really
needed the pickers could not be
kept busy all day so that very lit
tle money could be mads. Then
again it was generally thought that
50 cents a box would be paid the
pickers and most of them were
paid off at 40 cents. Some yards
did pay 50 cents, but they were
not many and they paid that sum
because they wanted first class
work done and insisted upon it.
Other yards paid 40 cents because
they could get the pickers.
Although the acreage has increas
ed 25 per cent in this county the
the last year there will not be the
amount of hops marketed this year
as last. The reason for this, given
by experienced men, is that the hot
weather burnt off the arm of the
hop vine that reaches down to the
ground and on which the best hops
are located. It is noticed in most of
the yards that this arm or creeper
is dried and burnt near the end
where it caught the heat fro'm the
ground. But the hops are reported
as being of fine quality and are free
from all insects or mold.
Clackamas has about 1,200 acres
in hops this year and it is estimated
that 8,000 bales will be produced.
The highest price paid yet that has
been recorded in this county is 27
cents per pound. The wise ones
say the price will go high and in
expect ation of this are holding their
nops to sen on tne top ot tne mar
ket. Very few hops have been sold
yet and it is not likely that any
will be sold until later on in the
The army of pickers are now
wading through the bop yards in
tbe Independence district. Some
of tne smaller yards are done, and
some of the surplus' pickers have
gone home but thousands remain.
Next wee will see the wind-up
of boppickiog for this season, if
the weather remains favorable.
Some will finish by Tuesdav, others
by Weduesday, and most will have
saved their crop bv Thursday.
Most of the kilns are turning out
a pretty colored hop.
There is a strip along the river,
in the center cf this district, where
the yield is fairly good but outside
of this strip the yield is light. It
is now conceded the output for this
year will fall short of what baa
been generally expected.
Growers have begun hauling and
storing tbe baled product in the
Southern Pacific warehouse. Al
ready, hop bales cover considerable
of tbe big floor space and the air
around the railroad station is re
dolent with tbe fragrance ef the
Growers do not seem to be in a
hurry to let go of their bops and
there are practically no sales being
made. Ralph Williams ias pur
chased 100 bales from Catlin &
Linn and 200 bals from Liveeley
paying27 cents in each instance.
Based on the latest returns from
picking operations, hop dealers
have reduced their estimate to
80,000 bales for the Oregon
crop, bays tne Oregonian.
Even this low figure, growers claim
is too light by 5,000 bales. Though
lacking in the accustomed strength
the hops are nevertheless very good
and will more than likely .meet the
requirements of brewers. It will
be two or three weeks before the
first samples reach London, and
until then traders will be in the
dark. If the English brewers are
satisfied the crop will probably
be disposed of promptly. Trade up
to this time has been rather light,
and prices have ranged from 25 to
26$ cents. The tone of the market,
all things considered, is strong. v
After serving a six months feder
al court sentence in the Oregon
penitentiary, J. L. Young has been
released and brought back to the
Polk county jail to meet a state
charge. Young is one of two that
broke into the Rickreall store some
months ago committing the double
crime by breaking into a post office
building and burglarizing a store.
The situation in the hop market
is very hne says the Portland
Journal, and mny dealers are ready
to buy at the present primed
prices. The growers are not will
ing to sell however until they
figure just how much of a crop they
have, a task that will be complete
within the next few davs. Dealers
who purchased the crops outright
in the fields at what they expected
would average about 15 to 16 cents
per pound are now figuring that
the cost of some of their yards will
be nearer 30 cents per pound. The
De Puis yard at Gervais had a
yield of almo3t 16.U00 pounds and
one of the dealers paid $3,800
for this year's product some time
ago. This crop will cost the buyer,
ready for market, practically 30
cents per pound.
J. S. Cooper this week sold to
Joseph Lempitt the Christian farm
on the Luckiamute for $7000. The
farm contains 2S9 acres, aid con
sidering its productivity it vmi
The home of J. D. Watson in
this city has been visited several
times the past week by a couple of
strange boys not more than ten or
twelye years of age. It seems that
when they see Mrs. watson leave
the honse they go in on a rummag
ing tour. Mr. Watson who is ill
and in bed can do nothing but ask
them what tbey want. The last
time they called. Nellie Watson
who happened io be near by struck
the larger boy over the head wiih a
Independence Meat Market