West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, September 13, 1904, Image 1

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    ! 41
J. II. Hawmcy, T. L. Cavmiei.l,
resident. Vice l'renident
Ika (;. i'owell, Canhii r.
r!4 Cltal, 080,000
DiHitTOM J. H. Hawley, 1. L Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V.
lulltf, Joan i. mump, a. iwiruw, r. n. roweu.
Hop Harvest Half Over or
'More and Plenty of Pickers
For the Finish.
Farewell l'arty
Saturday evening at the hum
Ed Owen a farewell party was
given by MiM - Mildred I Owen In English Partridges Spreading
C Hort and! Many, Others
Predict Short Yield for the
Transacts General Banking and Exchange builneaa. Draft sold
itailabU throughout the lnitd State and Canada.
CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00.
H H1KHHBKR0, 'riUut
AIIRAM NEUiON, Vice I'rtiiden
DIRECTORS. H. Hnclibrf , D. W. isnn, U.
A. Nelaun.
F. Smith, J. P. Rhode and
A inral banking d Mohan boaln trmntAeUxJ. Imhi roU. IUIU
Mounted- Commercial credit granted. lx-potlt rMwWM on current account
Headquarters For -
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
Pip to taSm variety (font cofc
lofcrttrrnX Itont Mamcbaum.
Sol FoonUls (of tn hot Air.
You an away weJcom.
m a. ft a a il 4 I a ". & t rt
I. W. uiUrXUMQu, rrop.
Good Rigs for Commercial Men a Specialty.
Good accommodations. Horses well fed. Hne
rigs. Horaea boarded by day, week or month.
Tttfthnni 3". 293
lndejnlence, Oregon
Oregon State Normal Schoo
Monmouth, Oregon
ti.i. mhnni hr rln III 23rd year Sep tem
Ur 20. HK4. Urma in each school vear
affording equal opportunities foi vCgm
tiloc a onurae In ptn.br, NovembM,
February and April. The brat training
for teacher U the normal course with lie
aaaurant or f"Oa pcxuuona k"
Writ, fur now catalogue-oon
utniDir lull information concerning
nt .hkIv. training In aotual
teaching In town and oountry achoota
..( fi,i ritai a about Uie buvbucbu
comae of study with the additional ad
vantage attached. Addr
r I n l) Ruttmr.cr
nrwr" "pZild.niE. D. Rlr,
H. D. WHITMAN, Proprietor
Home Industry Institution
WorK Called for Tueidar Delivered Saturday
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phone 273 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Ore
W. L. men, Kmbalmer and Funeral Director.
Xrpa Omit
91.00 fl.SO tl.OO
who handle the
Fin6$bButcher Stock
in Potk cWnt f 1 areDOt giving awaT meat,
but arltl:i;it lveihr cheap t, thir : : :
Independence Meat, Market t.
Hoppickmg is half over or more.
L. Damon was the last to bgiD
picking and he started on his yard
yesterday whan others had been
picking a week.
The over abundance of pickers
keeps the drying capacity (axed
and the winding op of bop harywt
will not be delayed as it bas been
in fo-mer years. Besides, the
yield Is not heavy. Yards along
the river bottom generally are turn
ing out fairly well bat back from
the river tbs yield is light. As
harvest progresses, it is conceded
the state yield will fall below the
estimates before picking began.
h. C, Ilorst of the Horst Bros
firm visited his big yard here Sat
urday. Ilorst Uroe. are the world
biggest hop growers. They have
yards in Oregon, Washington. Cal
norma and British Columbia. The
latter country produces only 8500
bales and 2500 of those are grown
by Ilorst Bros. Mr. Horst puts in
bis time among the hop yards at
this season. He had come direct
from the British Columbia fields
when he stopped here Saturday
' I am well pleased with the pros
peots of my yard here," be said in
an interview with the Weet Side
Enterprise Saturday. "The. crop
in both Oregon and Washington
will be short this year. In Cali
fornia, the yield will be some great
er than last year, largely because
of the lose last year on account of
the levy breaking." Mr. Horst
finds no fault with the present
prices though he is buying some
bops. He bas made some pur
chases in Lane county. Asked as
to the price he replied 26 and 26
ceuts and said there had been some
contracts high as 27 cents.
Geo. Kose sold 500 bales of his
hops through Oeo. Dorcas to
Klaber & Wolt at 26 J cents.
Considering the large number of
people brought together, and com
mg as tbey do from all classes it
has been a peaceful season in the
hop yards. - There was some trouble
between the whites and Chinese at
the Krebs yard the last of the
week, but Conrad Krebs came up
yesterday and removed the source
of friction. A man named Van
dersol attempted to organize a
striKe in the Uttenheimer yard
yesterday, but Mr. Ottenheiuier
came up and paid off Vandersol
and his followers and discharged
them. All is now harmony in the
Ottenheiuier yard. Tnere was a
report circulated in Salem and at
the State Fair Grounds yesterday
there was a big row on in an Inde-
ondence hop yard and four men
had been killed. Thus do stories
Rundaytojoin her father whore-
sides at Livingston, Mont. The
evening was pleasantly spent by
the young people playing various
games and in partaking of the
delicate refreshments seryed by
Mrs. Owen. Miss Reed has lived
In Independence for the past eight
years making her home with the
Owen's family. She will be greatly
mjssed by her young friends. The
invited guests were: Misses Leona
Hopper, Orbie Taylor. Mabel Ellis,
Cecils and Geneva Wilcox, Nina
Bateman, Hazel Kennedy HazeJ
Bahannon, Adah Ketdium, Viola
Used; Messrs Carl Percival, Merrill
Soovell, Shelby Cooper, Nevils
Eldredge, Louis Josse. Ed Wallace,
Dean Walker, Grovr Mattisoo,
Leo Earn rt, Dole Pomeroy,. Wright
Porlerfield and Henry . Dickinson
From Three Points Over
the Willamette Valley
WithJProper Protection Partridge
Will Soon Be Plentiful
. Hotel Nome.
Accommodation for the travel
ing public at the hopyards are
certainly better this year than any
previous year if hotel signs figure in
the least At Rose's Hop yard the
traveler will see located on the line
between the white man's settlement
and the tents occupied by the red
men, a' hotel and it would be hard
to 'find its equal. The sign in
flaming letters on canvas reads
"Hotel Nome .'operated Jby Brink
ley and McAdams, Phone No. 9711,
Beds II meals 50 cents."
This hotel under canvas is a
typical Nome tent 6 by 4, and it
would bu well for those contemola-
ting the engagement of a bed to
speak for it for the day only aa the
proprietors occupy it at night.
Just down the line and not far
from "Hotel NoW is "Hotel De
Bum," but aa this is a new tavern
and just commenced operation lit
tle .could be learned. A display
add will probably appear In next
Geo. Boothby Loses 31 Head
Sheep From Southern Pacific
Stock Pens.
Geo. Bootbby reports a shortage
of 31 head of sheep from a ship'
merit to roriiand or part ol a car
oad the last of the week. He bad
rounded up 151 head in the South
em Pacific stock Pens, but found
when ready to load them on the
car tnat ol sneep were miss
ing. Air. I5ooth Dy is satisfied
they were taken from the pens.
They were tracked several blocks
west, then north to Monmouth
street where the tracks were lost.
The English partridges turned
loose in this county three ears
ago are getting a nice start, and
protected from the rapacious hunter
will soon have spread throughout
the valley. The first birds brought
to Polk county were not shipped
trouo Albany as stated by a Port
land paper.
Independence is one .of three
places in the Willamette valley
where the partridges were first
turned loose. Al Herren, Marsh
Merwin and some others
made up a purse. of IC9 and in
February 1901 brought nine pairs
of birds here, setting them tree on
the O'Brien farm. Thev had good
protection in the vicinity of the
O'Brien and Thielsen farms and
the same protection needs toj be
extended as the birds multiply and
spread. There is a covry of tLem
on the Lucas place near Mon month
and only a few Sundays &gd'f 7Q0
auois were nreu in mat vtcipifcr., .
There are also English partridge
at W.J. Brooks place audi on O
Webster's farm. Joe "Rodders
plowed up three nesta last' spring
ana iourteen piras nave ( ut;ra .
on the Bob DeArmond. p.aceBl j & j
The Waldo HiUs, Marion county)
near Albany, are the other pbinfs
In the valley where the" partridges
were turned loose at the same time
as at Independence. Jt was largely
through Ed Cross, Marion county
got a start of the English birds"ahd
through Edwin Stott6Hth'eyl wWe
Sunday IteQecthMM-
Restitution is ' ibe' proofs of re
pentance. , . :
Virture is more than abewo of
WithholdingJhfthand wither!
the heart ,. , , ...
Revenge is sweetest
i J".
Changing the clock does not stop'
the sun.
A little sin' may he' the seed of a
large sorrow.- dl . ,(, m
The only time love sighs is when
it has quit work. .cav'-ah
The ideal tree - taay-rouut for
more than the real timber, uti 7
True.) noblemen, t are' usually
knighted.,wilb the sword ot JfHio-
tion. .! : ,
The Temnaiea amtrtre Pops.
; Have yoo erer stopped to1 no-
tio what th Popat hay o go and
done -iiu''! tdi "suhub bnS
Well I'll just relate: it to yoa, as
littjf pce flf-fon
They bT$ fixed them cop a., ticket
apd a platformjust the Jeame ,
As if they had hopes of winniiig in
They have . gathered np.-Xbe Tom-
, miea all . the Tominies . tbey
" fcmtd find '".. t
Abd 'theyVe niixed them np fo:
gather In 4' way to suit their mind: .
Tommiet Watson," Tom mie Tibbies, '
is the ticket They have got,
And there's nothing in then !plat-
form but the rankest Tommy-tot.
iijhsB in ainvi--Yellow Jacket
Optician Here.
! Dr. W., D. Trover graduate of
Jack soma n opucnl "college, Mich.,
roabe1 found at the' Little Pal ace
Hotel, 'lie1 Carries the best lens
ade . and ' guarantees'' to ''correct
any and aH' wrorsof eye trefrac
tion; will fitt old-ienser" with axis
cut bnperior; lensefilL l iExAmination
taken to Linn county.
. .niiiul hum .I'ti'Tn'V V
Clothing and $JTafceaFjw
Southern PaJprngt'Crew
atWhiteibu".-,-'ii A
Robbery 1 $UT
Wniteson, a station on.,; the DOutO'
ern Pacific twenty-five miles north
of Indepeodflncei'iyeBterday? after
noon. Clothing and $120 in mbne
were take'rtom'ar usM'.bi
S. P. working crew Twqi.fliep ,flf
the hobo type were seen .leaving
the sta tion shortly .after ,tbe 6
bery. They ' wefe1 headed '' north
toward Independence;1 .' Thei money
nib ttlowtuHoa Salei
ft S. Cob the wood ideal, :i. ready
to deliver wood it your door1 oa
abort notice "T nTood $3.50
ier rd;' Bebohd irrbMH 'maple
; ,( ;,T.t 8trfeOaefis,,u.i u.'
ind clothing' taka. belonged to the J
Sutb,ern,Paciifi, working orswi.
start and grow.
Rememter us when you go to
buy your heating stove. Our htock
is very complete, Frazer & Rice.
Some people have lit on a happy
idea and are making their pur
chases at Messner's, evenings and
Sundavs and having them laid
aside until they start" home thus
securing more time to make .their
selections and better attention frdi$J
clerks by avoiding the jam and
rush which always comes after hop
picking. Messner guarantees de
livery on demand of all purchases
left in his care.
f Call for ! Warrants."11 M 1
i Noticels here'6:''given''that all
unpaia county warranis,. qi i oik
cou nty i PregOJDj i which i were pre
sen ted and endorsed '"Not paid for
want of 'farid9,"l;pr6r'to,, April ' 11,'
1904, wilF be'!paid!;n;,ent'a-
Intere6t,,will( not be allowed on
the same after, the date- of this
notice.- Wl J'",!'' f
Dated Dallas, Sept.. 9, 1904.' (. "
; '';;jr;E:i;;itEEztE)'l:'a
tf . County Traasurer. '.
aio'i in
; We, do, pot, 9laip(i0tp. , haie .vao-.
nopoly on alLihe. grocery goodness;
aoVtbelieyejin; TBonopoJiiM; i any
way, ..Bui, we6! dp'belieye-n) the.
,nai( ui paying vBju,ior. ai yur., ,
goodsja'na taking alpthe' discounts v
we can set we are able to sell goods
sell go
W-'neiieve1'!' "
a little cheaper.
and are preparea to siana , Denioa
in0B$St2men't we make.J .fwhen .
priee9,"tpUia:tfsn 5 all'1 there 1 &0fA' il? h
Bu 'd'grdcertes' 1 And' feed' ki the 1 1
tar Grocery 'and ge th proof.
.cnolcH d F; Su Wixfeon; '
PnTxrStar -eT-ocery-
qi ",t .' 1 lift viHDO: A
.i The body of Joseph Roner. who
was cfrdwne'd' at ifie Hilf top yard
last'fuesdayas fouibd;' in the "
WUlkhieteVivet; 'abou't 40 'rd below" '
where' he sank Saturday. - The dis' "
covery was made by a son,' Antbney'
at 11 o'clock Inlhis forenoon7 The
same point' had bedn watched ' and
dragged but all! search was vof no
avail: until .the i body : arose. The :
remains were taken-to . Albany for
.boriaL'ivr'.utii lur, zu-' - .!;
Fall arrival latest st-let Hats, Clothing, Shoeg and1 a T "
Furnishing doiS j " f !2fM: .i,
We sell ;fo?aBh; Therefor our. prices are-loweeL - . i i . .v jr?iit4. i
P , , ...... ;:,f luMmsfth i .
ki a '-