WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE, INDEPDNDENCE, OREGON THREE MORE OIL INDICATIONS ..Superintendent Chris Finds Oil While Digging ft Tnkt Dcf Mute School Another strong oil Indication hat ' hmn (truck In OrcRon, thU lime at ' the Deaf M nto school not far from I nlpndtnco. While diguing for a nefjlio tank the erhool workmen struck a . etrong spring ami How of water at . eight foot Iwlow the aurface of the ' ground. This water when allowed to rel quietly' for a nlmrt time .de velops a thick kum of oil over the rtop. The oil ia of rather yellowish --color, indicating that it ia of yry uiuuh the same characteristics the oil dincovered in tho well at Pratum recently. Mr. T. J. Clark the superintendent of the school, aaid that the Inflow of water wan verv strong and it had to he baled - ut frequently,- and that in the morning the tank throws oft" a very Ntrong odor of the petroleum. Asked about the direction from which the water flows into the tank, Mr. Clarke said it swaied to come from the northeast, which is the Jirection of Pratum from the school. This ia a very important dis covery and Mr. Clarke says that there is no doubt at all that the -discovery it genuine, This 'ia only further proof of the preHence of oil in this district and it aeemn that nome capital'iBt who is willing to tak a few chances would do well by boring and de veloping if tlicso deposits are of ny value. The indicationm on the White aker place near Monmouth are on a direct line with Pratum and the Deaf Mute school. Tho new com Iany organized to exploit the pros ptcts near Monmouth are negotiat ing for a man to do the boring. Every new discovery is additional evidence that oil wells ara to I e had in Oregon for the boring and the race for the first big strike is .open to all. What Not to Eat With the advancement of science in recent years one scarcely knows what to eat in order to keep bouI and body togother. That in par ticularly iruo during the summer. Water must bo boiled, milk steri lized, meat eaten sparingly, over ripe melons discarded a producing fermentation in the Btomach which file the system for receiving tvphoid germs and in fact all foods must be -carefully guarded if disease is to he warded off. The latent ndvelopment ' along this line is the discovery, that eel ery id a ureal distributer of typhoid fever. In this connection the Chi cago health department claims that the danger from celery comes from the fact that people are not content to eat celery in its green or natural state, but insist it shall be bleached. Truck gardeners use an immense .amount of fertilizer in order to pro duce the greatest possible amount ,-of vegetables on a given plot of ground. When they come to bleach the celery they simply cover the stalks with soil up to the tips and in that way the celery comes in contact with the fertilizer. Many fertilizers are simply refuse matter from the cities bacteria and as the -celery is eaten raw one is very apt to lake the bacte'ia into the sys tem with disastrous results. If this theory is upheld and gen erally promulgated,it will no doubt be the means of changing the meth od of producing celery, as the de mand would be for the green stalks . instead of for those that have been 'bleached in the ground. Trespass notices on linen cloth 6 -'or 25cer.ts afthe West Side Enter prise office. Too Old." Ueceiitljr In two American rltlea two aged "iun have conuultO'd siiM'le t cauMO tbey could not obtain einplo tucnt. One of the casus la reported from New York. A niuo about seventy-two years old bad applied to the ulgbt watchman at a lumber yard for work Hud was told to call In the morn ing, lie sat down by a pile of lumber where a number of men were gntuered and appeared quite dejected. "No one wants an old man," lie said. As the night wore on the others went away, and the wutchman In making tils rounds found the old man stretched at full length, breathing heavily. Uo ap peared to be In vreut pnln, and his Hps were burned. The limn was token to IlooHevelt hos pital In au ambulance and died three hours later. The other ease occurred lu Chicago. Andrew Wermllen, forty-Ove years old, could not obtain employ inunt "So ber, Industrious and a first class me chanical engineer," was his description lu his letters of recommendation, but all these qualities counted for nothing with the men to whom he went soeklng employment. "Vou ate too old," tbey . tolu iilm. So Andrew Wermllen com mitted suicide. .The Chicago Keoord-nerald In com menting on the latter case well snys: W are apt to apend much breath from time to time In denouncing- the drnnee and "poniT" on eoolifty whether begxara or Idle rich and often we uee the very jirni-tiud argument that tbey coneume what they do not produce and thnt they re coneiuntly waalcful member of oclety. What khall we ay of the waste that la Involved when aoclety Itself can find no place for competent men over furty-rive. who are thua driven either to dtltutln or to lower irradea of work or to sturldeT The blitme reata on aoclety. which rrwana on ourselves. Does a man get "too old" to be denied the treatment of common humanity? Are we civilized, or even half civilized, when those who have grown aged tn service can appeal to us In vain? Are not the soldiers of peace entitled to our Icnitlon as well as those of war? Are those who light to glvej life less entitled to kindness than those who light to kill? When men ask not, for charity, but only for a chance .to earn, are we to turn from them be cause they have a few white hairs? Is Nil1 !P S MS) I will sell at public auction on At. my place four miles south of Independence and one mile north of Parker, the following described property: 1 brown horse 7 years old weighing 1400. 2 work mart's. 2 two-year-olds. 1 yearling colt. - ' 1 fresh cow. , 1 cow will be fresh in November. 3 milch cows. 1 dry cow. - - 8 yearling calves. 4 calves.- 1 3-year-old registered!) urham bull. 7 head of hogs. 1 new Osborne Binder. 1 Mower and Rake, new. -1 Disc Plow, new. 1 Drag Harrow. 1 Spring-tooth Harrow. 1 Garden Plow. - 1 Garden Cultivator. '.' 1 Walking Plow. 1 wheat fan, new. 1 set of harness. I wagon. 1 hack. . - ... . Also jiousehoM and kitchen furniture and other art icles. , Terms of sale, One year's time at 5 per cent, will be given with approved security 5 per cent discount for cash.- Sale will begin promptly at 10 o'clock. Free lunch will be served on the grounds. S. H. McELMURRY. M. F. WHITE, Auctioneer. there not enough for all did not the selflshniMS of man rise up to murder bis brother? There are the almshouses, ws say. True, but tbey. are often overcrowded, and some would rather dlo than lose their own self rewct. They do not want to sponge, but to serve. Tbey de sire to give sn equivalent for what they receive. ' What shall we ssy of s society where things like these can occur? Barely It needs more humanity and less greed. The Pennsylvania slats grange wants Mrs. V. B. Holllday of Tloga county appointed matron of the Pennsylvania building at tho St Louis exposition. The discussion of current events should be made a part of the lecturer's programme at least once a inontn. Keep up with lift tiroes! Dexter (Ms.) graugohas over COO members and fLflOO Is the treasury. . Apparently the Japanese have no ex act equivalent for the Spanish word "mnnana." Kxcursloii Itate to Yaqulna Hay. On June 1st the Southern Pacific Co. will resume sale of excursion tickets to Newport and Yaquina gay. Both season, and Saturday-to-Monday tickets will be sold. This popular resort is growing in favor each year. Hotel rates'are reasonable and opportunities for fishing, hunting and sea bathing are unexcelled bv any other resort on the Pacific Coast. D jn't Joyerlook hop tickets You have to huve and this oflico is ready to supply them. Have your watar melon put on ice at Craven & Moore's. No extra charge. Watfou tor Sale One spring wagon 1J inch axle. As good a new. Inquire at ,En tirprise office. ' ml (( ; 'jJS emsBMoasssisssBmsBBBSsBW f AlERICMiHOliE L . I I r 1 Ml Pill Gentleman, Enclosed find to pay lor one year's aubtcriotlon lo THE AMERICAN HOME and g tt Sg E?ltSS?FU9 lame... Ask tie Apt for Tickets VTA- TO SPOKANE . ST. PAUL, DULUTII, MIXXEAPOUS, CHICAGO ST. LOUI AND ALL POINTS CAST AND aou i n. :'2 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY TUT PIYER AND THE FAST MAI SPLENDID SERVICE VP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES DAYLIGHT TRIP ACROSS CAB CADE AND ROCKY MTNS. For tickets, rates, folders and full in formation callon or address H. DICK SON. City Ticket Agent, 122 3rd St., Portland. S. G. YERKES, G. W. P. A. 612 First Ave , Seattle, Wash. Ve give expadited service on freight. Route vour shipments via Great Northern. Full information from Win. Harder, Gen'). Agent. Portland, Ore. GL Hawkins Dallas, Ore. Marble and Granite mm fir Monuments and Head , stones Cemetery work etc. Free to all Subscribers fii wmt its imfsspisQ THo publisher of tKts papor. by a special e.rTens;eseent with ,K publisher of THE AMERICAN HOME. New York ClW. N. will for m abort Ub, ABSOLUTELY FREE A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE AMERICAN HOME JUST THINK OF IT! GRASP THIS UNPARALLELED OFFER! DO ITNOW -'. . ' v.. ' ' THE AMERICAN HOME the leading rtary paper, giving it readen in a jrear'i lime ' over 15,000 iacba of good leading matter, consisting ot Lonrf Sorial Storloa 6 Lonsf Complete Storto 12 rioooa of Popular Mualo -9 FHzo Contorts t 60 Short Stories 20 Articles Founded on Tmct 130 Carefully Seleotea Poems SOO Short Humorous J ohes thlt tn and Matt or Bring to us with OREGON SliOITLlfNE and union Pacific 3 TRAINS FROM PORTLAND DAILY Through Pullman standard and toar ist sleepkig cars daily to Omaha, Chi cago, Spokane; tourist sleeping-cardaily to Kansas City ; through Pullman tour ist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicsgo and Kansas City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. ' 7(1 Portlani toR Chica g 70 V Mo Change of Cars V okpakt TIME SCHEDULE arrive FOR FROM PORTLAND FROM Chicago Bait Lake, Denver, Portland Ft Worth, Omaha, Special Kansas City, St. 4 .30 p m 9 :15 a in via Louis, Chicago and Hunting- East. ton. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Express Ft Worth.Omaha, 8 : 15 p tn via Kansas City, St 10:30 a m Hunting- Louis, Chicago ton. and East. St Paul Walla Walla.Lewis- Fast Mail ton,Spokan9,Wal- 6am via lace, Pullman, 7:35 a m Spokane. Minneapolis, St Paul, Duluth.Mil- waukee, Chicago and East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. For San Francisco Every five days at 8 :00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and North Beach Daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 p. m ; Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Daily service, water permitting, on Willamette ane Yamhill rivers. O Mm For fuller information ask or write your nearest ties-; aienc, or A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., Perriand, Oregon. 1 (Mis & Eastern . Railroad TIME CARD NO. 24 No. 2 For Yaquina: Leaves Albany. ..... 12:45 p. M. " Corvallis.. .... 1:45 p. m. Arrives Yaquina. . . . 5:40 p. M. No. 1 ReturniBg: Leaves Yaquina 7:15 a.m. Leaves Corvallis. . . .11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m. No. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany 1:00 a.m. Arrives Detroit 6:00 p. m. No. 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit 6:30 p. M. Arrives Albany 11:15 P. M Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, as well eh giv ing two or three hours in A'any before departure of S. P. Noitft bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvahit au? Aiwiv giving direct service to iSewpcrt and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1:00 a. m., reaching De troit about 6:00 p. m. For further information apply to , Edwin Stone, Manager. T. Cockrell, Agent, Albany. H. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis. Geo. f. Refers $.go. WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS - Salem Oregon .