West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, August 18, 1904, Image 1

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J. 11. Hawmcy,
Ika C 1'uwki.l, Canliier.
1 I.. Cammikm.,
Vice l'rt'ftidcnt
Secession is Rampant at the!
Sea Coast as Summer Di
version for Politicians
F14 Csllal, $80,000
Two Polk County Girls Mistake
Two Redskins for White
Summer Ducks.
Djbkctohh J. II. liawlry, P. L. Campbell, I. M. Himpnon, J. B. V. Hecenaion has br
,r, John H. Htuaip, J. A. Withrow, K. H. Powell. Crwik lhe if
Transacts Geuitral Hanking and Kichange husiorM.
available throughout tin United Htales and Canada.
oke'out. At Nye
surcharged and
the Spirit Of Unreal ia iliwrnil,U t
Drafts sold k'ewiK)rl and oisonville. Nre
Creek would pull apart from New
port and be a corporal city br
itself. At present the corporate
limits of Newport includes the en
tire peninsula on which ia situated.
THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK P Creek, Olsonville and Newport
anu me western boundary is said
CAPITAL 8TOOK:, $50,000.00. to extend three leagues at sea.
a ............... . i iiH i .raw sraarai nnsw nui m iaii at a
0. W. IKVINE, Ciilr. ' oejog aiscrimmatea against by the
ntRKCTOllB. H. llirwhhtrg, I), W. Nmn, It. f, Fmlth, J. V. Rhodes Md "VWUM,,wlMxl,MlBw'
- - - .., . I . ' v. . . 1
rants secession, itecentiy tne
i , . . ...
A nfr! Unking snl tirUns bun tic iriiMcil. I-tni made. Rill council was asked to open Albany
taouniMl. ('oimwtTetal erdiu ratiti. IVportti rtlml oo torrent account I Avenue fronting the ocean. The
mtjt-t to chock.
U4qut1tn For
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
Pipa la ttxtkm vmritty from cob
to bfttr-fm ana float Mtonelwwm.
ScxU FowtUlfl tor lb bat tUyu
Yon u awsrt wtlcom.
. Good Rigs for Commercial Men a Specialty.
Good accommodations. Horses well fed. tine
Horses boarded by day, week or monvu.
Independence, Oregon
Telephone 3"o. 293
Oregon State Normal School
Monmouth, Oregon
request was denied and the spirit
of separation from the old corpor-
ation has grown rapidly since. In
support of their connection, resi
duals of Nye Creek point out that
they pay three fourths of the taxes,
get no public protection nor other
benebta that a municipality usually
extends to iu snbjecta. Residents
of Newport on the other side say
that Sam Irvine wants revenge for
being defeated for the city council
and that under the new schema be
is to be mayor of the proposed new
Nye Cree . Be that as in may Nye
Creekers are in.earnest. Mass Meet
ing at which Judge 8. B. Iluston
presided was held in the auditor
ium this week and the question of
division will be vigorously pushed
Joint representative J. S. Coope
ill be asked to introduce and pat
through the next legislature a bil
for Nye Cieek and he will be asked
to see that such a bill does tot go
through. Joint Senator George
Wright will be in the same predica
ment with these people as RepreB
entative Cooper. Mr. Cooper ex
hibits courage in announcing be
will be here Saturday night. He
has spoken for eleven rooms. He
is said to have interests at Newport
and Nye Creek, and after hearing
both sides he can give the satis
faction of replying:
I shall and I shan't,
"1 will and I won't;
"I'll be damned if I do,
"I'll be damned if I don't.
being a candidate for secretary of
state Snd the latter for congress,
they are keeping hands off.
The Salem Journal tells the
story that a Polk Countw'te who
carries much surplus adipos tissue
called on the belle ot the beach at
a fashionable hour. A colored
maid met the visitor at the door
presenting , a silver card tray,
Pearl, for that was the caller's
name promptly placed a nickel in
the shining tray and now the boys
caK him cheap.
Advance Guard of HP Pick
ers Put in Appearance and
Pitch Tents.
Fire at Albany
Two girls living not far distant
from Independence and still nearer
Monmouth were out for a starlight
stroll. 8-eing two men loitering
on the beach, thev resolved to have
some fun after the fashion of the
boys by striking np an informal
acquaintance. The scheme work
ed. The young men were surpris
ing agreeable. They were really
companionable. Two and two the
new-made friends sauntered along
the beach until an electric flight
flashed in their faces. The "catches"
were both Indians. The Polk
county girls klatawaed. The sud
denly kindled admiration of the
Indiana for the pale-faced daugb-
ters,as suddenly vanished. To them
a valley girl is a delusion and a
snare and their love for a Siletz
maiden with 111 on the chin is
Bjajaj SJM ttSSBBB saawai
Tit (at awlinfii lirlus lis 23rd year 8eptem-
Tiu. i-rn in each school vear i "
Wl a', vt - -
lTordin tqual opportunities for begin- cause for this sudden outburst of
in miiM la rtepteniber, November, .. . amnnt:n- n little Iarr
ulna-a conn In Pte"!J.flXT?f1,i dissension amounting to little less
. . -a i -ansa iMiib 11 oiuiiib i
for teacliersls the normal oouriie with lis than a local revolution
at good I
coil raw
on Nye Creek during
. Residing
the eeaeon
The Itlsr Circus Coming
The announcement that Ringling
Brothers' World's greatest Shows
will sxhibit in Salem Wednesday,
August 81, will be received with
mors than usual interest.
Ringling Brothers have a name
that stands for every thing that is
new. novel and entertaining in the
circus line, and the management
announces that this season the
hew hsi been enlarged to such an
extent that whole extra train is
wed in addition to the four trains
of last season. The ehow ie now
.. ..... nf UlttHI UUffllluua
u...... . r n-i-loaue con
Waem- ..... I n n rnn.. n.;o. eonratarv
i.lninif lull inrornmiion ivuw- ra v. f, luuuiM, ji..v
Utliiliig .....ln. in Bfitllall ... ,
or siuuy, """ to Uovernor Mooov. SDeaner 01 ine
i . . AnlllllXT KlltlUlO I ------ - 1
in Kiwu .ii" j
(Mails sbont Hie aflvanoec
with the additional au- . 0 . . and
now earning honeet money
practicing before the land office;
8. B. Huston, reeent candidate for
confireas. but later a lawyer; A. N.
,.nnorted from 'place to plaoe in Moores, saw mill man and pot
.-i....s.i. aeventv-foot cars, con- itician at Salem. Occasional visit
structed especially for the Ringling os have been Tom Kay, Dr. J
i connection with the F. Catbreath, W. N. Gatens, pn-
t.. nroner in which the arenic vate seoretary to Governor Cham
iTrm Z I marvelous, the berlain, and J. K. Weatherford.
Rinding Brothers are this season What, if anything these summer
Presenting the beautiful and sub- residents of Newport had to do
presenting ww .tirrina nn the divis on airita-
lime spectacular P-" , . , T,-fc
that the
t......i. nd the Crusades. This tion is yel to De aeveiopea.
sj cruoiv
:s neoesaiutes the been remarked however,
LeTf 1 200 actors and actresses same crowd ia hade, would stir up
a r almost three hundred horses revolution just to keep in prac
U?.;? on the largest stage tic Claud. Gatch and E. Hofer
Itisprese find it hard to refrain from taking
bZZ eicursion rate, hiye been opposite sides in the Newport-Nye
arranged for. 1 Creefc controversy, m ne xormer
Of the trio of bachelors, Ralph
Williams, Joe Hircbberg and Riley
Cooper, sent over by Polk county,
Williams proved the stayer. Coop
er hurried back to attend the Port
land races, liirscbberg lasted three
days and Williams held out two
weeks. The latter's deportment
has been good so far as the public
knows, while be -baa enjoyed un
disputed monopoly.
The City Fathers.
Diversity of Opinion as to Yield of
State -Picking will Begin
September 1st.
Counciluien Messner, Finch
Behannon and Craven had their
feet under their respective tables
when Mayor Cooper called the
council to order Tuesday evening.
Recorder Sharman being absent,
Mr. Messner was elected clerk
pro tern.
After discussing the matter of
odor arising from the ravine which
catches the discharge from the
creamery, the marshal was in
structed to haul saw dust and
spread over affected ground. The
marshal was also directed to re
move the fence ot H. H. Jasperson
from across the alley between his
property and Charles Smiths near
the grove.
Application had been made to
the council for the residence vacat
ed by Andy Tupper and Council
man Bqhannon was instructed to
let it at $5 a month.
The srteet committee was author
ized to confer with with the tele
phone people seeking to enter the
citv.'and grant them the right of
way. No bills were presented.
Low Rates to California
The Triennial Conclave Knights
Templar will be held at San Fran
cisco. September 5th to 9th and
the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O.
Fn will be held at same point
September 1 9th to 25th. For these
occasions the Southern Pacific Co.
will place in eflect the extremely
ow rate of one and one third fare
for the round trip, not to exceed
$25.00, the rate from Portland.
Those who are planning a trip to
California should take note of
these rates.
All ready for the hop fields!
The advance guard of pickers ia
here. Families from a distace
haye begun to arrive. People from
eastern Oregon and nearer points
are on the grounds selecting their
picking yards and pitching tents.
There ia of coarse nothing like the
crowds that will be here ten days
hence, but to be on the grounds
is a satisfaction to many; then U is
really a pleasant outing camping
where tne hop fragrance fills the
air awaiting the ripening of tae
The prospects are there will be
plenty of pickers this year. For
the past two weeks growers have
been engaging hands, and some
commenced a month ago. Horet
yards that will require 400 to 500
pickers have listed all they need
and have turned sway numbers.
There are still some vacancies in
the yards of other growers however
and those who are known to pick
clean hops can find jobs.
Picking will not be on till the
5th., or possibly a few days later.
There is still great diversity cf
opinion as, to the output of the
state this year. The cultivated
yards generally promise good yield
bile tbn neglected ones will be
light. James Linn, who has just
made a tour of the hop section of
the state believes tne crop will be
in the nefr.hborhcod of lOO.OOu
bales. He is offering to make
wagers on 90,000. Others however,
think Mr. Linn wild on his esti
Albany had a fire Saturday that
destroyed a number .of wooden
buildings on First street near the
Revere Hotel. The fire started
about 11 o'clock in a lot of straw
in the rear of the the stable used
by delivery wagons belonging to
Wm. Neaiy and soon spresd to ad
joining property. The buildings
were frame structures and the en
tire business section of Albany was
threatened for considerable time
before the department was able t
gt the fire under control. The de
part aunt worked hard and pre
vented, finally, a general conflag
ration. The losses were as follows!
J W. Cusick, 11500. no insurance;
8. Shupp, $2000, insurance $800;
H. C. Chamberlain, meat market,
$1000, insurance $800; W. Nealy,
$700, no insurance; Albany luncb
counter, $1800, insurance $300; Dr.
J.J. Smith, $100.
A number of delivery drivers are
in the habit of smoking cigarettes)
and often do so at the barn, and it
is presumed that the fire was
started by someone carelessly drop
ping a lighted cigarette in the straw
A drunken tramp had gone into the
barn to sleep and it was thought
he might have set the fire, and he
was arrested, but there appearing
to be no evidence against him, he
was allowed to go free on the un
derstanding that he should leave
Oak Point
Date September 3rd
You will need hop tickets and
the West Side Enterprise . is
repared to print them.- J Place
your order now.
The correspondents contest that
has been running in the West Side
Enterprise, for several weeks past
will close at 12 o'clock on Saturday
night September 3. The first prize
ia the Americanized Britannica en
cyclopedia valued at $39. The
second, a scholarship including
valuable books in the Scranton
Correspondence School. Others nre
a $5 hammock, a picture album, a
portrait of all the presidents and
The West Side Enterprise one year
to any address. Points are allowed
correspondents on every subscrip
tion,advertising or job order turned
in. If you are called on by any of
these correspondents within the
next few days, it will be for the
purpose of raising their points so
as to get tne more valuable prizes.
By ordering through a correspon
dent neither the paper nor work
will come higher. It is merely a J
matter of helping the correspon
dent mat cans on yo. iney are
all worthy. Wm. Fishback is at
present in the lead with Miss Alda
Frum second and Miss Retta Clark
is third. Of course the order may
be reversed any day and some that
are now lowest be the highest
A very enjoyable party was given
at the home of Mr. M. Becker, last
Sunday night,' it being the birthday
of Mr. Becker, Various amuse
ments were indulged in. At a late
hour dainty refreshments were
served. Mr. ane Mrs. Becker were
wished happy returns of the day
by every guest. Present were:
Messrs. and Mesdames M. Becker,
John Simon, WiU Simon, Hilke,
James Huntley; Mises Leona
Becker, Ellen Brown, Libby Rex,
Clara Rex. Minnie and Anna
Swartz, Lena Simon, May Simon,
Iva and Clara Martin, Rhoda Dick
enson, Mrs. Drinkerss of Minne
sota; Messrs. Theodore Becker,
Album Becker, George Becker,
Walter Simon, Lorence Simon,
Frank Simon, Villard Crook, Her
bert Myers, Arnold Myers. George
Heck, Johnnie Burmister, Rudolph
Carriers Organized
C. A. Qnasdorf, son of August
Quasdorf, arrived with his family
front Wisconsin this week and has
been looking for a house to rent for
the coming winter. There are
many like Air. yuasdorf, that
would locate in this city for school
and other privileges if they could
only secure houses. If unable to
secure a bouse here Mr.' Quasdorf
will try Corvallis.
Therural mail carriers of Polk
county met in Independence last
Sunday and effected a county or
ganization. .
H. Frum of Suver was elected
president; Archie Parker of the In
dependence route, vice president;
Al Docksteader secretary and treas
urer. The bill introduced in the con
gress by Senator Mitchell, fixing
the salary of carriers at $850 with
15 days vacation on full pay and
giving substitutes standing with
the department, was endorsed.
The meeting also went on record a
favoring one delegate to the state
convention, for every ten carriers,
no county to have more than two
delegates. Archie Parker was elected a del
egate to represent Polk for the first
year. ,
Mrs. A. J. Tupper and children
left today for their future home in
Wataonyille. Cal. Mr. Tupper, for
mer marshal of Independence who
preceded them a month ago has se
cured a fruit ranch at which they
will make their home.