West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, August 11, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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,).HrrtnUullon to do Ur duty at
JlL M t IWaW.
L and CM aa all bar 'ri""
S-nwui bar ch,Bf' h"
tmu nod
?TiiiuH bar day's proareinuie. fortl
Hi trth- ew-rtonane- of "n
Jtbrtdut,.-U4W Ft.
Wood fur Hale.
8. f'm, the wood dealer, la ready'
to dli vtr wood at your door on
abort notice. Jilg fir wood" 13.60
par cord; second groh 9 maple
3. pionol3.
Cliamhrrlain's Colic, Cholera
mill Diarrhoea Itemed y
Thla remedy I certain to be needed
III alifloal everv liuina tfnra llm aiim-
marl over, It can elwaya badepouded
4 With Bmrmt Straw ' n"r " 0 ' ' can eiwaye u uepnuueo
V.oTTbou rent- Jsp.ne' uw n ,n nt eav.r. end da...
A l a " . ... Kii . imroiu raiMi. Ii eaiieclal v valueb a for
. . nrm IM w w
of itn m
S3-wh it 1. uj.
oumla. sad -nc
Jorbeot ou.ntl". generally aSact
rapid cure.
Tkaaaaear. '
of Thsrsetay Cerlyle wrou; Thaea.
J,, .o,1 tola two girls ware with ue.
iked never hUB W,U b,or
L u r( fltal of taWmt In Mm.
IVnlt anal of MfwIWIMj. UritaWlliy,
LL.ialliy. vanity wMlaowt M"ll-n4
olivine or Utile but ..KTiMOtalUw
pt.y artw to rrM It ll wltb,"
- Th.t irtt II Im Wllklna
... nulta a nunjlyf f vllgl
V: ... m la hi train. JarH-T,
!od If only matr of tliua until
ihaM will ! aialP to tut train.
LmV oolr aunrWor.-Illutratod
lUta. '
ula lalalMia.
.v-u.-ws.ra mr brolhnf gua b'a
it. m.1 to call aaata. Dolly-
... mu.i ba arf Ptolr, DaUy-No.
Ufa blU collwfor.
aa ainvkad only Urn ara on your
araddlof irip-ttial m 7.
-v T.a on tha laat aj."-nar.
a llaaar. ".
u. Ua aav4 Ml u
.. ...n,.t faliuw aaad ma from
- . . .
bankmptry. Jitt-Ho
B-vttttla rrtd tha gtrl I waa ao-Ma4a.
Kmu raaoa. la rti'lally valuabla for
auioinar dlaordcra In children. It la
iaaant to laka and nvar falla to give
lroiiitn taiiar. uiy not buy h nowj
It may aava Ufa. For aala by all dtuic
Mlartllnr Kvldtnre.
Krrali Imtlmony In graat Uantliy la
conntanUy outulog l, ,lHnf lr.
Klni'a Naw piM'ovary for Onaurup
llnti, iiiUKha aud enlria to ba uurqualled.
A raia ulfXiraMon irom . aiurvr.
laud nairtorvllla. Va arrvra aa an ti.
ampt HawrllKa: "I b brouchlila
for thrra yrara and dotored all lha
lima without bolug bani-niml. Tlieu 1
bfuan takmir lit. KIiib'b Naw Dlaoov
ary, and a faw bottlaa wholly cured in a."
Finally airwtlva In curing an mng
aifel throat troublea, cooaumption,
piiMiiiioula and K'lp. Uuaraolaad by
A. H. Locke, Prugglat. Trial WHtiea
bolllva, regular alwa 50o and 11.00.
C'urrd vt thronlo DUrrlioru.
"I wlah loaay a frw word In pralaa
of CliainlMrUln'a Colic, Cholera and
I)arrhfra Kfniady," aaya Mra. MaUle
Hurga, if Martiuavllla, va., I aur-
fared from chronic diarrbufa for tn
vaara and durlna that lima trlud
varloua nmllclnaa without obtaining
any Darmanant rll(. I .ant aumtiii-r
.na tf m chlldrttn waa takrti with
cholera morbua , and 1 pracurad a bow
tla of thia rmady. Only two doaaa
wara rriilrrd to glva bar antira roliei.
1 then daeldKl to iry tba mrdlclna my
wlf, and did not ua ona bottle before
1 raa wall and have never ainca been
troubled wttW that complaint. Oua
cannot aay loo mucti In favor of that
wonderful medicine." Thia remeoy la
for aala by all drutfgiile.
Portland nd tUtnrn "lr
Tt'i8ootbern Pacific Co. in now
..fli... .Anr.il lrir lickela to I nrt-
jland from Iiidepcndenc. lor 12 40,
rixxl going Batoraay or nu..
returnintt Banday and Monday,
giving all day Huoday and Moily
in rortlnrci. in au
merit apnliea from Portland, glv ng
Portland peopl chance to- yUU
Valler polnta' at greatly reduced
One Ijuly'a lUcomnieuflaiioii
Hold Filly Itoi?aof CliamlKsr
ImIii'n MtoiimcU and Liver
t k.u. i iu.ii.va auld Hftv boxea of
HB" a -- ar
ChamberUln'i Moniaith and Liver
Tablet on the recommendation of ona
lady here, who flrat bought a box of
them about a year ago. Hha never tlrea
i.f t-lHi.ir her neltrbboia and frienda
about tha good qualltlea ol theae
TablaU.1'. M. Haoaa, Drugglat, Booh
atnr. Ind. Tha pleaaaot purgative
effect of theae Tableta makee mem a
favorite with the lad lea everywhere.
For aale by alt druggwla.
Buckeye Pump" are built with
ventilating etand and the bit cyl
irwlora which are eauipped With
patented braea valve seat and pop
valve. It. M. Wade & Co. agenU
Acut ItheuniatUin.
TWn lurlm or wrenching' palna,
oocaeloued by getting wet through
worae whan at reat, or on Aral moving
the Jirnbe and lu cold or damp weai oer.
la cared quickly by Uallerd'e 8oow
Llnlaiect facar OUaon, Oibeon City,
rillDola, wr'tea Feb. 16. 1902; "A year
... r troubled with a imln In my
back. It eonn got ao bad that I could
not beud over. One bottle of Ballard'a
Hnow Liniment cured ma." 25c, 60c,
and f 1 00.
i -.1-1..
When Mli.-oa lHa nam
by all drujrglala.
Ml lit Waa Her Terror
'I would rough nearly all nigh
long," w.ilea Mr-.Cb". ArP'-K1' "
Aleiaudrla, Ind., "and could hardly
get any aleep. 1 bad cooanmptron en
bad that If I walked a bl.k I would
cough frightfully and aplt blood, tot
when all othar medldnea failed, three
(I no bottlaa of Dr. Klng'a New Dla
oovery wholly cured me and I gained
Mpounda." Ita ab-olutely.guaranteed
trfcure cougha. it.lda, la grippe, broo
chltlx aod all throat and lung troublea.
Prim Me nd 11.00. Trial OoltUe fne
at A. 8. Locke'. .
lUxluced F.ieurelon lUtra.
On and afiet June I. If lb Hut
trn ferine, n oonoartloo with the Cor
t.lltaA F4ile" railroad will have on
M, round trip tl. kela from l-'lnla on
...... i.. K.,rt. Yaqulna,I)etroit
at vary low rate, good .r reluru until
October 10, 1804. .
lree-day llrkala lo Newport and
Va,ulua, Kxl go Haturdaya and rt
turning Monday a, are alao on aaie from
alt Kaal HWe point, Portland to Kugana
' locluri va, aud from all Waat Bide poln ta,
enabling peop" vl"U lMt tMm
and nd Sunday at io rw,
Beaxm ticket from Kt PW PlnU'
rertlaud to Kugena, Inclualve, and from
all We.1 Hide polo I, ere alao oa aala to
Detroit at very low retea, wllh atop
over frivlhgea at Mill City or any point
et. enabling tourlat to vlall the Kan
tmm aud Hrletobueh hot aprlng In
the Caacade mruoUlna, which can be
reached In one day. .
Bea-ot. tlcketa will t d for return
from alt hIU until October 10.
.i,w.i. .-ill ba.good going
ou Haturdaya and ralurnlna: Monday
i ri.,t.i. frr.ni J'ortland and vl
etnlty will be good f'r return via the
Kaal or Wet Hide at the optlorf ol Hie
DM-rnger. Tlokete (rom F.ugene and
vlcU.Uy will K" r V. .
Lehanou-Sprlnitn-IJ " r(U
Badtfiigtt on Newirt tlcketa checkea
llmmgh to Newporlj on Yaqulna Uck
at to Yaqulnaouly.
Bouthern Pacific tralna conne.rt with
.theC. A K. at Albany rvallle
for Yaqulna and Newport. Train on
theC.A K. for Detroit will leave A 1
bany at 7 a. in., enabling touriaW tothe
hot aprlnia to reach there the nie
Full Information a to ra tea, with
beautifully lllilKtratwl booklet of
, i iinliv. timetable, etc.,
' .... .n..llnat loll tO
can le obtaiuoii -r " .,
... . t & K. rail-
ro..l, Albany; W. K. Coman, O. P. A.,
o ....in- iiiiiiiv. Portianu,
niiiiuirril j .
t, f jl v, .cent, tvaie
or in any o. r. v -
fmiu Independence to Newport,
. . . ..i to Yanuma.
raie irom inue'M"' -
... ' . T.l..nrlance to V"
tram U.60; three-day rate front Inde
pendence to Newport, U-oo.
Uurea Old Rorea.
Weatmorelaud, Kana, May 6, 1802.
llallard Hnow Liniment Co.: our
Huow Llalmeot cured an old aore on
the aide of my cblo that waa aupoaed
to. b a cancer. The aore waa alubborn
and would not yield treatment, until
I tried Hnow Liniment, which dia me
work lo abort order. My alaUr Mra,
Kunbla J. CaraoB. Alleoavllle, Mlllln
(k., Pa, haa a aore and mlatruata that
It U a eanoer. Pleaae aena ner a
bottle. For aale by A. 8. 1cke.
See II. M. Wade &
JUplay add. .
'Co'a. apecial
a av " ' -" " ' ' " '
. , I
Fine .Wines,
Cigars, and 13eer
on Draught,
or in Dottles, at
United Evangelical.
Suirday achoo! at 10 A. M.
Morning rvic at 11 oclock.
Keyatoue League of ChriHtian
Endeavor at 6:30 P. M.
Evening eeryice at 7:30 o'clock
Miai Ethd Brown, inperinten
dent of K. I C. E.
To all of theae eervicea the pub-
lio if ioyilnd.
Hecond and foarth Sunday!, In
dependence, firm and third Sun
days, Buena Yl'
Rkv. Chester P. Gates.
Get our prices on Pioneer White
Ui, Oil, etc., before buying "-elee-where.
R. M. Wade & Co.
A... ft.la Tina of R. M.
Wade it Co
m. .. Tiriul Keellnir.
languid, denreaaed and
II JWi a v
Incapable lor work, It Indicate thai
... h... I. nut or oroer.
Will elel nature w iui- i
achea, rheumattem and allmeuu akin Independence, - KJtlgOtU
to nervouaneea and reeiore iu
aud vitality of eound and peneci neuu.
w t ii..i.i..rt Tamole. Tezaa. writes,
M.,'nh 22. 1902: "I have uaed Herblne
forthepa-ttwoyeara. It baa done me
h.n all the doctor. When
luuro uw". " .... t
t . .nA have that tired feeling, I
. a, of Herblne. It la the beat
nn. .v.r made for chllla and
iuv. hnttle. Bold by A. H,
llrtitally Tortured..
a .... .n. to llu bt that for peraia-
tent and uomercllul torture haa per-
bap never beeu equalled Joe t.oio
blck of Colu.a. Calif, writes. "For 15
years I endured Inauflerable pain from
rheurnaliam and notning rr.i.
thich I tried everything known. I
came acroa Electric Bitter and It 1
the greatest medicine on earth ror mai
trouble. A few bottle of It completely
relieved and cured me." Just as good
for liver and kidney troublea and gen
eral debility. Only 60c. Batiafactlon
guaranteed by A. B. Locke, Druggist.
No Pity Shown.
"For yeara fate waa after me continu
ously," wrllea F. A. Gulledge ol Ver
bena,Ala. "I bad a terrible case of
t..,.na ix tn mora. When all
failed Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cured
o Vr.n.il irood for burne and all
ache and palna Only 25c at A. H.
Locke'adrug atore.
Wnrklnir Nleht and Day.
The bueleat and mightiest little thing
.i... ... ,ade la Dr. King' New
n. phi. These ollls change" weak
ness Into strength, llstleesneea Into en
ergy, brain-fag Into mental power.
Tt..,!r wonderful in building up the
" - . LI 1 k
Onlv 260 per ooa. ci j
A. 8. Locke.
Chrlatluu Church,
Preaching every 2nd and 4th
Sundays by Rey. E. C. Wigmore.
Sunday school 10 A. M.
Y. p. S. C. E. 6:30 P. M.
Methodist Bpiacopal Church.
Corner of 5th and Monmouth
streets; Rev. W. W. Edmocdeon,
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning service 11 a. m.
Class meeting 12 m.
Evening services 8-00 p. m.
Prayer meeting eyery Wednesday
evening at 7:30.
The parsonage is, next door to
the church and the pastor will be
pleased to see yoo and render any
helpful services.
Calvary Presbyterian Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Endeavor meeting 2 p. m.
Evening worship 8:00. ,
Prayer meeting Wednesday even
ings at 1:6a.
Correspondents Contest:
i ict nF PRIZES.
CorrespiindentsSchl, Value 130.50 -ibib
An eU'KSDt Album. . .
"' " . aRiv lll.tnmncr. . . .. .. ,1
ZM he Presidents, of. the Unnea
Sixth1 UE-West Side Enterprise for onejear.
GASH GIUEtl A7AY to Users of
K -f T
TTa v. J-' t
1 S '
In Addition to iho ncsular Frca Prcinium:
" v i
7 A- - J
Mam k Gbovk .-
Oak Grovk
Hib Island....
Ruksa Vista....
Oak Point
Sunny Si.orK....
Falls City
. n.n..j. ilorehound
A dose ot "'".- - ...
Hy rup will relieve It. Have you a eoldT
j,' ti..i.i. .t bed time and fre
quent small doaeaof Ilorehound. JyruP
during the day will remove It. irji
for whooping oough, for Mtbma, for
... . ... k,nnnhitla. Mra. Joe
ooumpiiow, io .l.,
MoGrath. 827 E. Klrat .treat, Hatchln
ami. Kan., write.: "I J.fT
lard's Ilorehound Pyrup In wyf "J
for nve year., and Una n " -
moat palaUble oedldn. I attr
96a60aS1.00. Forsale by A. o. ijoo
' 54
' 6
' 9
. 306
HAMlri II TtArtv IUvjlo J.:: fff
'V W:.-- ' wTto-'tWaw users' In ur Great World's Fair Contest-
Ya UaY lwtrtf:i $20,000.00 get t m ,
Voto uomosi
. . .menced Thursday, March
. i . a a a nil 1. juiua'v i i i
will U urgad to put forth extra M March iu, is
win im u B announced every p"'"" ... that con-
. . a ci
r-t I .1.11 V y L . ' ' .
riw. l ion-Heads cut ! from Lion
rnM Packatres and a -cent
tamp entitle you (In addition to
the regular free premiums) to
one vote. The a-cent stamp cov
ert our acknowledgment to you
that your eatlmate ii recorded. .Ui
You can aena n ,
mates as desired.
Orr-A First Prizt ef $5.000X3
will be awarded to tbe one who la neareet
correct on both our World's Fair and Preal-
dcntlal Vote Contests. i
-s arMAAACuAlal rath Priiaa to Groeara'
Wa alto onar -- . -
Oerka. (Patttculara la aaca ca "
VThat will be tbe total popular vote cast
lor Prealdent ' (.voiea -
dldatea coaablned) - at the eiecwa
November 8, 1904 V
In 1900 election, 13,959.653 people voted
for President. For nearest correct estl-
Wes received in Woolson bpice com
TJaetlCK IOVCMVU aea " . , M
pany'a omce, lowuu.v., v ------
i ' . c iqiu w. will irlve . hrst
fnr the nearest correct estimate.
nrize to the neat nearest, etc.,
etc., as toiiows:
rtrat rrla
Second frli . .....
rTtiaa 1600.00 oaem
lrrU.i- 200.00 , I
, rruae- 100.OO
i miea 60.00
i rruaa 20 00
, jrliaa- lO.OO "
i jfrUaa 8.0O
... l.OOO.OO
. . . 0,000.00
totai, sao.ooo.oo
How Would Your riarrio ?jl3Wrt
Complete Detauea i-am.-.-.- "
- V '
I j . -