West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, August 11, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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... ltd rvtMtriMi ri
P""' ,!T.a III lit U.mm ttll.lll tf
j,C. Kramer and wlfa Kulli
Cit; are viUlng ,,er0,
Mri. Mumpers of Salem u vill
iuj l ' r'
MiAliH Fisher of Drain U
tidUing l 'lom f - alej.
j ii, Mulkey of Colfax, Wn.
1ui Monday and Tue-day here.
iJia Craven, I-uciU and John
ai Hurt are visiting In Koseborg.
Mrs. Klla St'bft"Ur of Orient
m Urr on bu-ines during the
Mi,. Fay Fulkerson returned
Ntunly from ait ntcnded visit In
Kui-m Oregon.
II j?, Porlixl and family have
floni lrii month's outing in
?ouliirti Oregon.
I.C. Powell a nil family have re
lurtieJ from a two work-' outing
it Newport
Burn Powell has returned from
i two month' job playing with t he
Arnold Carnival Co. lnd,
Mr. and Mrs. IVmabup of Port
iwd ars visiting Mri. Donahue's
tini. Mr. and Mrs. H, C. L.
Ma Dimmkk and Mi Flora
Jaor. tormer students of the Nor
o;l and now living in Hubbard,
re here during the week on busi-
Tunece Jingle of K'mmi in via
iting at borne of A. N. Ilalleck.
Mr. Jingle i an uncle, of Mia.
Ilil'ecl and they bad not met Ur
Mi I.euh Jloleingv'r, who baa
btmJcd out the mail at the general
d-lirery window in the Salem
pfctoflice for many yean, visited
WnJ here during the week.
Siuihi Hauler, Olen Pereival,
EJilh Fugate. Carrio Force. .Mm. P.
U Mulkv. T.niiitt nmi Vi!niu
Ground and S. W Dauahtv are
ifflong thot-e going u Newport thU
Soma excellent yield of wheat
rerprid. J. II. Mulkey got 37
Wib-U per acre from a field hat
stnl had in clover for two years;
t0f th, i-rni,,' .0j, f,,,,,, 20
p25 bu-hfU, however.
L S. l'erkina. II. Fuikerst.n
Vfi E. B. Jamison have Bold their
r"iutu-ea. H t. -.. nf Imil.l
"up out or get out of town for
' who do not have houses aa
'Houses in town are all occu-
K-Hie Edna Simpson.
filler of II. II, and Mrs. 8imp
18 ai born in Lewi-villa, Polk
"J, Oregon, May 12. 1882;
"u m Monmouth, Oregon, August
" lW, auod 22 v-nr 1 mnnlh-
HMit-iA, Cl. i.-J i:-
-V". tttc linu ubuii Jin-
rinJ between lifo and death for
flln3"efka. Althoni?h hr death
"hourly exnedlwl for manv (lava
fllien the final end came it
M shock to the entire commun-
Mr. and Mra. Simnaon are
. i
r "Hff tnnrn 1 1 -
rro- A little 1cm aban three
1nth "go they km their oldest
t and promising young
,n-nd now their onlv dauirhter
" umii uieir B.imrc ui
I1 none from them. Miss Esuie
t ieet, pure sirl, loved by all
""'new her and her untimely
County Correspondents Sweep The Field
death ia mourned hy the ontira
community. The fune.al services
ware conducted by Urv. J. A.
Urown at the ChriatUu church.
8li young ladiea, dreaeml in white
acted aa pall bearer while a quar
tet oompoaed of Me-daoie Powell
and Conkey and Men-ra. Powell
and I.unaa rendered mnm very
beautiful hymna A Urn con
courae of people followed the re
malna to the Odd Fellow-' ceme
tery near Indeendence where they
were laid to real beeide the rental m
of her brother.
(ieorge liwin, who had been eick
for many yeara, paaed away at tha
home of hia mother in Monmouth
on Augot3rd, ajwl 37 yea'i and
2daya. Mr. Uwin had beeq a auf
ferer for mure than ten year fmrn
the e (Tec la of a tuimtrok. He bad
haen in the hoepilal for a number
if yeara but waa brought 16 hia
houw laal aprinit aa it waa thought
that he coold live a very fow daya
at nioet, but he aeemed to rally
and waa apparently on the road to
recovery whan a relapae, followed
and the final end came on the 3rd
of Auifuet. The funeral aervicca
were conducted by Ilev. J. A.
Urown at the home. Tha body
waa interred in the cemetery aouth
of town.
K. Kvana haa commenced threth
Bobs to Mr. and Mrs. Inane
Complon, a baby,
Mr. llenton came: up from Port
land Friday.
Percy I'ickiimon ia having a new
reaidence erected,
Erneet and Clifton Pelereou were
in Portland I nut week.
Sam MoKImurry vi-ib-d in Linn
county last week.
i '
J, C. Pcleraon and family were
yi-iting friend in Airlie Sunday,
Kdith Alexander went to the
Waterloo Springs Tuesday for a
few weeks' outing.
Mre. Kva Shanglu and children
of Portland are vieitina at the
home of Clarence Tedrow.
Francia Helmick ban returned
home from Linn county where she
baa been leaching school.
The Elmo fHrm has len sold.
F. N. Slump sprayed
his hop.
yard lftt t
rt llecker is visiting at the
home of W. P. Collins.
U, L. Collina returned home
from the Hay Monday.
Mies Florence Maxfield of Cor
vallis is visiting hero this week.
Ruef visited her
cousin Mrs Anna Carter of Wells,
Mrs. J. M.Larson and daughter
... . , T 1 .1 n D.m.tlV
VtSlleU in lliuepcuuonva uii
J, T. James and family left last
Wednesday for a two weeles' stav at
the coast.
Mrs. Geo. Steele and children
went to the Bay Saturday return
ing Monday.
Miss Jessie Frum returned home
Sunday after spending a week with
ber grandparents at Junction City.
Mr. and Mrs. Moehinke of Ore
,. ..laiiincr fhnir son
eon uuy "" ;
John Moehinke.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Maxfield
of Albany are spending a few daya
with hie parents.
M. M. porterfleld ia at Bodavllle.
Mr. Powell of Salem waa here
Mi- Sarah Helmick ia visiting
at AHiany thia week.
Mra. Cyruaof Salem ia visiting
her daughter, Mrs. (Join.
Ed Steele and wife were visiting
her mother Mra. Kerr Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Boone made a busi
ne-a trip to Itdt-pendence Tueaday.
Andy Torgiaon ia hauling baled
Wiay to the depot building here for
Mrs. Coin of Boenits, Vista e-
turned from a visit in Albany
Tuesday, ,
a - an
itooeri lunmons nas rentea a
house in Buena Vista and will
move there.
J. E. James and wife and little
son Delbert were visiting with Mr,
and Mr. Claude Itoone Sunday,
Mr. and Mra. Fuo.ua and daugh
ter alena have gone for a few
weeka recreation at the Springs
near Detroit, Linn county.
P. T. Peterson is certainly a for
t una to farmer, lie haa two sons
twins, riot ten year of age who
have ahocked alt his grain this
Sam Morrison expects to .start
soon to" eastern Oregon.
Charlie Carton is running a beef
wagon in our neighborhood.
George Rhodes of Montgomery
worked iu Kings Valley last week
Bush tfc Ilitner Bro4., started out
with their new threshing outfit thia
Mrs. P. A. Johnson and son,
Fred, visited Saturday and Sunday
in Lewisvill.
T. P. Bevena and family are
rusticating at the coast and will be
gone for a week or two. ,
Mrs. Ada Hooker, of Airlie visit
ed over Sunday at the home of Ira
Jim Miller and family, of Falls
City have moved to Will Millers'
bop yard.
Frunk Bush has been helping
erect a new barn for Mr. Alcorn in
Kings Valley,
W cream -ocial at the old
church at Kings Valley Saturday
Mrs. Anna Tedrow. who was
taken to the Salem hospital, is
much improved in health and we
hope for her speedy recovery.
One of the litt'e twins of Rea
Cravens died Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Peter Cook were in
Portland on business last week.
Orville Price has returned from
the mountains.
0. W. Clark has commenced the
erection of a new dwelling.
Cliff Ball came up from Portland
Sunday and spent the day with
hia family. ,
The whistles of three threshers
, i ! laliftr mnrninffR
are nearu m nun yv..v w -
now. the grain is turning out
better than was expected. Hops
are looking well.
The store building at this place
owned by Mr. Wilson caught tire
from some unknown aouroe Satur
day but by prompt action was put
out. The laiuwy iimg
game building had been without,
fire during the day.
. That
printing done?
I will sell at Public Auction on August 22, 1904, at my
residence on Cottage St., half block JN or th ot Normal
School, the following described articles, to-wit: '
I Bedroom suite, 3 pieces: -
1 Extension table; walnut.
2 Couches,
6 Cane bottom chairs.
2 Leather seated chairs.
3 Rocking chairs. .
1 Small Rocker ,
1 Clock.
1 Kitchen Treasure, with top.
2 Nickle lamps. s
2 Hanging lamps. '
2 Glass Lamps.'
1 Piano lamp. -
2 Lanterns.
1 Square center table, oak. -
1 Black walnut bedstead.
1 Good heater and pipe.
2 Commodes. .' .
1 Square stand.
1 Ash bedstead. v
3 Toilet sets. '.
1 Music rack. , .
And other articles too numerous to mention.' A fine
chance to supply yourself with
Cash . ' .
You IQiotv
has one of Die Best Job Printers
That we h ave one of the best
ed offices in the state? That we guarantee
satisfaction? Tliat our prices are
now is the best time to have your
make a specialty of Poster
Get our prices on Hop Tickets. Our
ivill suit.,
household goods. Terms
' on the
right? -
and Brief
Will be glad to get your order
for all kinds of bread, pies and
cookies, and family cake. All or
ders promptly attended to.
, Mr, W. Turner, of Truhart. Va.,
says that Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets have done him more
j Rood tnan anything he could get from
the doctor. If any physician in this
country was able to compouud a medi
cine that would produce such gratifying
results in cases of sjomach troubles
biliousness aod constipation, his whole
time would be used in preparing this
one medicine. For sale by all drug
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