West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, August 11, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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I7e:t Cldt Cntcrprlst
Rntfrrd at liwlixmlruor, r poalofflc
hmiwihiu mtiw
Subscrption, $1.50 Pet Year
(Hirl.uly In aitTance)
tw jrar
HI muntha..
tMuglt copy,.
.I M
Rradtng BotlKM Wcvnli per tin straight.
Raiaaon dUplay advtrtUlD( Budt knows
vb application.
The wheat crop of the North
west for the year is estimated at
4.",O00,OO0 to 50,000,000 busbels.
Where harvest has commenced,
theyiekl is much better than
was anticipated and while acre
ape is greater than a year ago,
the increase in production is
more largely due to increased
yield." According to the best
statistical knowledge obtain
able, the crop last year was 35,
000,000 bushels; hence at a low
estimate the crop this 3'ear i9
one third greater. Iu the Wil
lamette Valley the spring-sown
grain was almost a failure, much
of it being cut for buy, but the
Oregon lias rested long enough
jto now go forward by leaps and
The' supreme court has de
cided In an opinion recently
handed down that the police are
the proper authorities to enforce
laws against gambling. in Tort
land. fYrhaps the next legis
lature will tell the Metropolis.'
Quarterly Examination Now oo t Dalla
With 44 Applicant! For TmcIhi
Pi part.
The anxious faces of irettv
school manna have been in evi
deuce around tht court house and
ou the streets of Dallas this week.
It is the time of the regular
.i.. I quarterly examination and when
0 I S 11 r "InUnHnnl fit... an...
. ...j'.-.lliviiuvtll UtHII
HOI. I .... . ' ,
nunuT morning
Starr announced
that the
The Tolk county rur.l mail " T renter .PPli
... . r. Icants for examination. 44 res no ml
earners will hold a meet- L,
dered that contract be awarded l
Morrison A Cosd.
The firs Insuranos companies
agreed to pay 'he arsed damages
130 on buildioff and 124 on furni
A Strong Suspicion That Mr. D-
Vamsy Has Designs on
Entering The Capital
The Salem Journal lays a stran
ger was in Salem recently making
viiy iiuii ni .nuepenu. cants for state and 20 for countv nn..iriMr.UilM t. .urin. afran
ente next ounuay. l.ood op. Mpert. Four took th, -xamln- 0Ma for establishment of an hide-
portunity for those who get ation to have their papers forward- nendent telephone svstam.
... . . - I - ' r - - - - ,
meir mail every day of the year ed to be passed upon by boards of The identity of the man wai not
wirougu tnese launiui servants omer counties. diclod but there is left a in-
Ueuhen Hasting hmU
,rt Htmday at Sulphur tyring.
Alvan IJneUok and party have
gone to the co"t for a two wk'i
Mits Uoa Wli.R who went to
Portland a few weeks ago, has a
portion at aalmlady with The
Kastern Outflting to.
Clsy Fox and family of Rick wall
acoompanM by Mrs. Katie fUsl-U
ml Mi.. Wla CroM of halem
spent Sunday
W U Uristow
rith ths family of
to put up a chicken dinner.
threshing is how in full blast
and fall bown grain is turning
out well. Harvest is on in the
AValla Walla country and the
yield is good. Harvest will be
in full swing in the Palouse
country next week. No wheat
is being exported at this time.
Milling demand at home and in
California' and Eastern demand
accounts for it. Tho export
price has not yet been estab-
lisneu out tne conditions are
audi as to warrant hope for a
good price as well as a big yield
Foreign crons. however r
It is an admitted fact among
students of politics that the op
position party always modifies
the policies of the party in
power. Bryan has liberated the
Republican party from its pluto
cratic control. Salem Jpurnal.
Thrice mistaken.. The 'Repub
lican party had no plutocratic
control. Bryan never liberated
the party from plutocratic con-
trpl. If the Republican party
ever had plutocratic control, it
was Parker and not Bryan that
stole it away.
Following are thoae examined picion that it may have been Mr.
for state papers: D Vamey who attended the tle
Lola I. Dale, Monmouth. phone meeting here Monday night j
Bessie Mar Foster, Monmouth, nd will be iireoent again nx
Leola Charity Foster, Monmouth Monday evening.
Kveret Turner, our efllolent mall
carrier on the Alrlie I'edee route,
has gone to Eastern Oregon. Ills
place is filled by his brother, Andy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis and
t!Mi KtM Mcleod who re cal
led to flie bedftidsof Mr. Mcl.eotl,
The health officer has made
some suggestions along the line
of better sanitarv conditions.
he unusuallv drv summer.
a tf - - r
Atta Gibson, Monmouth.
Lottie M. Roche, Monmouth.
Inei M. Warner, Independence.
Frances Cooper, Independence.
Ellen E. Johnson, Silverton.
Jennie Neal, Monmouth.
Vara Stewart, Monmouth
Ada Aldrich, Independence.
' Roy Smith, Independence.
Harry C. Seymour, Ivickreal.
Joel Wilson, Independence.
Fred Crowlev. Rick real.
Ivy Burton, Independence.
Maud B. Wills, Newberg.
Eva F. Wash, Dallas.
Ada M. Byers, Independence.
Irnia Hall, Monmouth.
Portland and report hrm out of
At Salem the unknown gentle- injured while working railroad
iu.j m,... u'...,- ....I. carpenter, have returnrU irom
Ulwll vwnvu vis tMsyvi n i m esuvi :
when interviewed the mayor said:
"Vee, a man claiming to represent
an em tern telephone company has
talked to me regarding the new
company. one lie dul not go
into details, he gave m to under-.
stand that the avslein would be
one that would have connections
with other lines now operated In
the valley by the independent com-i
pa nies and would soon prove a
favorable rival or even eupurior in
point ot the number of aubucribers
reached. !
"lie informed me that the inxtru
a rn iai rn o
here oocurrinl t rlday tfta
when about 4l)i. the ff,,of MJ
and Mrs. lUglry snibi-j '
anawer to invitations to n u
cream social. The lin h,j .
ea-ioii but aa the evenl,,, ,)fot(j
Um vhllly the tablmi wrs riuon
to the house where ddloloii n
cream, rake and lemoiuj. wtr
serH In abundance. Ah..
frt'-hmenla ths gueets wrs treaty
to muaio furnisheHi by Mr. Hlrupio!
snd Asa Stsals with thlr gup
phones. At a lata hour the eom.
papy departed for their lmtn
thanking their boat and hoti ff
the very pleaaant evening ue,
they had provided.
Nlop That Cough J
Wlien iNHiith, likrlliitf M
IrrlUUIiou mmkim you r-l unn...
I.irlatile, lake HrlUrOa I l.rti.HB
Hyr p. Iirl wilt mull in. di,
Imi fii twymiil etmiriil. nr
mtit Mr. J. A. Atnlpraou. xu
W..I Oth HI. Hlt Umkm lily. l'Uh
writ..: "We think lUIUntt Idml
h.Kin.i Hyruy the l-t niwllciua u
ruughi ml etU We bva uaM n
r yrr; it alwtyi glVM Imniwli.i,
rMtl.f I. vrv lilnatuoil .m.I f.luu
I fc(lii,M n, boo, and ll.uu Hold tr
I A. I-ooh. '
Baking Powder
I the increase in population and
made this Pn1 "J " ' . na4 ne spoae oi was me new
-'-"f 1 lieatriPB Hiirlthfinrl mnni. i:u. ...
-o,,...!!,, ., I "v i "g rri')?wii)oiMe. t nen
geuerauy are laKiug tne sen- Christie Burkhearf. W-no
I -t t . . I j . , ,wvi i v io ictiJUi CU ItUIJIl HIC IJLfUlk
siuie course oi trying to act in Mrs. F. H. Buchanan. Yamhill the drot to rental t n,w, r-iu
iarmony wun ,tne suggestion, county. without the usaleaa rinina of th
i Ti ? . i ... I ..... I o n
Tood inere,saDS01ute aander to the the examination is being con bell every time you want a number
O . 1 . .... . I "
-can hardlv hon to stinnlv , thAfPUD1IC nealti! ,n failure to ob- aucted by bupenntendent C. L. A emnll electric lieht also ehoa
" ' ,i . ... ... C. .. t : . ... ...
export market to the extent 0f e ve Uie warnm 01 ine "eau" iuornson ana miss tne number ot the phone which
Those taking the examination menta would be the very Iatotttnd TV5T-w f ' pl TJ 1
ncLivco xwJtGcim. ajiuglu
warded to other counties were: exnrena evstem. One miint miim.
t . .
and requeatinu their papers for- best make or what is known at the I
officers as well as that of the Pora Ro' comprising the board.
-overcouiin!? the favorable con
ditions, prevailing, Asia is eat- local Physicians at this time.
irxr mnr uhpnt thnr. vpr Ko. ls to hoped 110 citizen will
Iteal Estate TrauNfera
fore and other countries seem to
be doing the same.
Tom Kav of Marion countv is
getting a little touch of "praeti
cal" politics in his candidacy
for speaker of the bouse at the
next session of the legislature.
Tom is very much exercised be
cause one member of the Marion
-county delegation, J. U. Uraham Mrs. Belle Sullivan and danghter
loes not see ht to support him. Bessie are visiting with her mother.
bring upon the community the U S to Harvey E Guthrie 1(S0 a;
undesirable and unnecessary in sec 29, t 85, r 8, w.
advertisement that resistance of U S to Dora A Guthrie 120 a in
the plain laws of health as pro- 8ec Sa 1 85 r 8- w
millo-Atorl Jw tha l,floltK ffi- U 8 tO G N WoC
f J VUH.C(5, J
WOllU B.lrnW KrJno- I v tJt T d W
oodB 1G0 a in sec
Geo Sullivan is working with
Riddell Bros, thresher.
Mr. Kay affects surprise that
Graham should at this time
have the temerity to oppose him.
He expected the support of the
entire Marion delegation. The
fact is everybody but Tom knew
all along that he would not get
' the undivided support of the
Marion delegation. The Marion
delegation never did stand to
gether. It perhaps never will.
According to some of the sen
timents expressed by some of
the leaders of the Prohibition
people, there will be an effort
made to have all the counties in
Oregon vote on the local-option
plan in November. I. H. Amos
chairman f6r the State Prohi
bition Committee says that it is
not the sentiment of the Prohi
bitionists of the state to consent
to omit any precinct from vote
by agreement with the opposing
parties, and that it would be
likely to be a vote of all sections
at the same time.
Tom Kay should try a dose
of whale oil soap and quassia
chips on J. G Graham. That
might bring him into line.
Ira Sullivan and Wilbur Rhoades
are hauling bay to Dallas.
Mr. Dodson was in this vicinity
last week trying to secure hop-
Mrs. Boots and Miss Flora Jones
visited with Mr. Calbreth last
Mr. Riddell
being aunstruck
last week.
Our Sunday school bus closed for
a month on account of harvest and
Quite a number of
here expect to attend
Salem next month.
Frank Clarke and family of Sa
lem vigited with Mrs. E. Clarke
and family last week
There is not much threshing to
be done in this vicinity as many
have cut their grain for hay.
Mr. Johnston and family, Mr.
Grooms and family and Mrs.
Wonder and daughter Minnie are
at the coast.
U S to Wm Hayes 160 a in sec
20, t 75, r 6 w.
U S to C L Fisher C4 a in sre G,
U S to Hardy Holman 100 a, sec
35, t 75. r 7 w.
II H Jasperson at ev to M I Bab
bitt lots in Monmouth $1450.
Albert Meier to E. Hvde 75 a in
t 75, r 5 w, $2000. '
J II Collins to J R Beeshe lots
in Monmouth $950.
Maggie A Clark to Peter Cook
lots in Ballston $500.
J R Wyatt to C S Cooper KJO a
in sec 11, t 10 e, r 6 w, $800.
W C Brown to M F Hastings
came very near lots in uermantown $50.
while binding GA Wells to Harvey Scaton
lota in Bnena Vinta $250.
Elizabeth Manston to J A Laur-
eneon lota in Dallas $200.
Abel Uglow et al to F M Fisher
lota in Independence $15.
people from J R Brown to (Robert Quinn 55
the fair at a in t 65, r 6 w, $1350.
G W Powell to D W and Dollie
James 20 a in t 65, r 6 w. $1000.
D A Coovert et ux to Newton 8
Smith lotG In West Salem $75o.
W F Midplebam to Jennie F
Jasp-rson 21 a in t 8 s, r 4 w, $650.
it 11 Jasperson to F. W Middle
ham land in Independence Fruit
Farma $650.
C O Mitchell lota in Dallas $1.
Co CRT Proceedings
You will need hop tickets an
the West Side Enterprise is
prepared to print them. Place
your order now.
ft as called, it you are on a party
line and if more than one is re
moved the corresponding number
ed light at central shows, thus out-
ting off all possibility of eavesdrop
ping on the party-line."
The improvement will be , a
great one contiidoring the present
out-ofdate instrumentH in u in
this city, and aa far aa l am con-
cerned I am in favor of the new
franchise being granted. The peti
tion will possibly be presented at the
next meeting of the council, and I
think the parties are willing to
guarantee to complete the system
in a short time."
"Whether this in the DeY'arimy
company that has recentely enter
ed Coryallis and has a frat.chiHe to
build lines in Albany is not certain,
but from present indications it
probably intends to make connec
tions with that line at any rate.
Ihe "Independent company." as it
is own has recently abHorhed th
west de independent farmer's linen
and only lacks about eight miles in
Polk county to complete the circuit
into McMinnvi'le. The line U
already established in Monmouth,
and will contract into Independence
at an early date."
With Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing with the hands, no sweat of
the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest
facility, sweet, clean, healthful food.
Full instructions in the " Royal Baker tnd Pastry Cook"
book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit snd ctke
with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address.
ovL aiN(j "owora'eo., ioo whium it., kw vok.
Salem, Tails City Western Railway go.
TIME TABLE, Effc'cthTe November 23. 1903.
iM. . n 1 MILKS S ATIf!V ,V A i v..
1'. M.
8.. .
H :(:
' TcaU' hid ins
i illia i.ss
I- V. M.
A. M.
9 :.'?()
Daily,' except Sunday
Trains stop on SLnal
9- 'A i r-AUm- Lv
Aug. 5th: In the matter of the
written offer of Morrison fe Coad to
repair the damages to court house
caused by fire on July 4th 1904
and the furniture, fixtures and lin
oleum for the sum of 1154. Or-
LumberTo Sell.
Thia is the time to build your
new house. Your can get all kinds
of lumber. Moldings, Jamba, Stops,
Water-table, etc.. of fine soft Yel
low Fir from us at lowest prices.
l 3 r i.:n. . i
iiu iu jruur uuim ana get our
figures or call and see us.
Bryan-Lucas Lumber Company.
Falls City.
Haveyour watar melon put on
ice at Craven & Moore's. No extra
charge. -
Itye Wanted.
WANTED fall geed rye. soon.
State price. A. J. Whiteaker,
Independence, Ore.
Knowledge Ts Power
II Is Hib (in thing we alt
strive for it nmv . 1 ((A
not be book k
unowned that fits J
us lor our everyday business. Tha
aredoing-concntrrtingall our efforts to the
uying and filing of watch. lWt
think Ihia ,.,...!..,) . -.
" "ul" wun practical watub
ing for 20 yeurs would be a help to you i buy VL
ng a watch, of course it would. Now it us help ID
... ien you which in the bent watch
for the money yoi, wih to expend and why it is
HO. Tf If rail n 1 . '
ur" nuereaiea come and
mil your time. Prices
figures and the Mn.e price to all.
Youra fr Watcbea
ae ua, it
O. A. Kramer & Co.