West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, August 11, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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rwcilinao A. 8. Lock wu in
Portland the last of the week.
Misses Sadie Craven and Lucille
Burt rt iHlng at Yoncalla,
southern Oregon.
Ruth, the little daughter of Key.
D.V.rol.ngdied at The Dallea
last week. UtUa Ruth waa but 4
year old. ReT. Toling waa pastor
of the Congregational church her
number of years.
Sunday services at the M. E.
church next Sabbath. The pastor
will give two addresses aa follows:
11 a. m. "The Carpenter of Naxar
eth" 8 p. m. "What ia it to be a
Christian?" The service will close
within the hour. You are spec
ially invited to attend.
Merritt Thompson, the post-
... .t Falla Citv. accompanied
by his f.ther and brother, of Green
ville. Mich., were in town Saturday.
tk. f.iW and brother are looking
over the country which is a pretty
..- hp will live her
some day.
n - fJoodhue. . the Salem
Jl cvi 6 J
creamery man was in Independence
the last of the week. Mr. Goodhne
has just returned from a inp
eastern Oregon and he reports
prosperity is holding high carnival
in that section as well aa in Idaho
and eastern Washington. Every
farmer seems to have everything
he wants in the way of wheat, grass,
bay, fruits and everything raised
on the farm, says Mr. Goodhne.
Still Reckless
Nearly every newspaper coming
to this office within the past week
has made editorial reference to the
reckleBB manner in which drivers
of automobiles rueh .through the
streets and along country roads
.,ti,rlv regardless of consequences,
either to themselves or to others.
Have Yon Received a Souvenir?
TKa A. & C. R. R. will mail to
your address free, copies of their
booklet containing 30
t half tnna enzravings of
Columbia river and Clatsop beach
scenery. Address J. C. Mayo, U
TP. & P. A.. Astoria. Ore., or C. A
Stewart. Aeent 248 Alder Street,
Portland, Ore.
Soldiers Attention.
All anldiers who wish their pen
-sion claimato receive prompt and
faithful attention should at once
place them in the hands of Joseph
H Hunter, pension attorney,
Washington. D. C, as I know from
experience. He is the proper party
such cases. B. F. Owen.
Judge's Awful Mistake.
At Hotel Gail Wednesday Judge
Coad performed bis first marriage
ceremony, uniting W. U. fporw
a Mrs. Tda Crowley, of In
dependence. He was so excited
that he foreot to kiss the bride but
says that mistake shall not occur
again. Itemizer
G. A. Hurley and Secretary Reed
Give Some Statistic on
Hop Raising:.
Extract from a paier by G. A.
ITnrW. secretarr of the Indepen
dence Improvement League for the
State Improvement League organ
ised In Portland last wees:
First cost 20 acre yard 11,000.
Two plowings
Two harrowing
Peg for marking
Labor for marking
Setting out hope
Cultivating, aeason
Hon roots.
Hop house, stove, pipe, labor, etc.
Toul . 1,84a
The above, the actual expense of
getting the yard started.
The crop from 20 acres good hop
land, estimated at 1S00 pounds per
.rA SfiOOO nounc's. At 25 centa
per pound, the price reached last
year the crop would bring J,wu
Deducting original cost of pro
nntinn 1340 and $1800 for pick
ing and taking care of hops 3140
leaves a net profit on investment oi
The above is a very reasonablees-
timate and can be verified by prac
tical hop growers.
. a i1
The booklet just issued Dy me
Lewis and Clark Fair Commission
gives the following on hops:
Oregon is the first state oi mo
ITnion in hop production. Its crop
of 1903 sold for $2,900,000, netting
a profit of $1,776,000 to the growers.
The hop plant will grow in any
omrrfttfl climate, but its produc
tion Is most successful in climates
-Kr the winters are not too long
. ,iinw tha nlant an early start in
the inrine. where the weamer in
fnr anv extended time,
wWb there is plenty of rainfall
" - . .. J .
i :.. K onnsnn. lOIIOWea uy
ear i j u . " - -
rm rfrv weather as tne crop u
.1 . ,. A as
velops ana oegins io iuu".. .
the plant is a rapid. grower, a com
T,rativelv rich soil is necessary to
s onPPHBfnl culture. Western
iw jm
Oregon presents ideal conditions for
hop culture, while in JNew iiok,
the plant has been so suc
cessfully cultivated, the winters are
frequently so Bevere as to kill many
of the toots.
In the hop yards of lew York,
in wnicn me uim
rlant has been carried on for years,
a great quantity of fertilizer is ne
cessary, while m Uregon, wnere ine
land is new and rich, but very lit-
tlhas been thus far used. Ihe
average cost of production varies,
but it is estimated in JNew iora
tw a fair average is 10 cents per
pound, while on the Pacific Coast it
is about 7 cents per pouna.
r uuuun.
Production in 1850
Production in 1860 493
Production in 1870 9, Re
production in 1880 244,371
Prpduction in 1990 3,bl6,7Zb
Production in 1903 15,850,000
R. P. D. Carriers Notice
TViere will he a meeting of R. F.
D. carriers at Independence, Ore
n Ana 14. 1904 to organize a
county organization. All substi
tutes are invited to meet with us
Ladie's Fall Hat8.
Miss Pearl Squire has just re
eeived a verv stvlish line of fall
hats from San Francisco. Call and
We are making a specialty of
hoD ticket work. Place your order
now with the West Side Entir-
pkibe. Tickets printed as ordered
on good cardboard and delivered
M. H Durst f W hallt ',
and on of the largest hop grower
in that tht wan through Polk
countv thia week on a tour of per
sonal inspection a to the hop out
look in thi state.
He vlited Horst Broa., bin
yards, Oltenhelmer , Rosea, and
Percival'a, and other in that vicin
ity Monday and went to Pall
Monday night.
'Until I reached the Indepen
dence dutrict, I had formed the
opinion that the Oregon crop would
be very light" Mr. Durt remarked
to the West Side Enterprise. "iw
fore coming here I wa through
the yard in the vicloity of Silver
ton. In that locality hops are
going to be light and every hot dry
day will make the yield sun
t:t.. irr tha eonditiona are
different. You need no rain in
thl. lUtaict in fact continued
rain would prove injurious. ith
.. - - at.!. tin.l nf
a conn n anion vi ui
weather, you will harvest ome
good hops in the Independence
district." '
Mr. Durst is of the opinion the
tnt.l vild of the stale will hardlv
be up to that of last year. He esti
mate the 1904 crop of Oregon at
80,000 bales. The Calfornia yield,
will be short. Instead of
55,000 bale produced last year, he
estimates a yield or 43,uuu i-r
this year.
The Durst Bro., have jhu acres
of hops in California and they ex
pect to harvest 4750 bales.
Mr. Durst expect a Deiier price
this year than last. I here win
not be as many hops raised in the
iritorl States this vear as last
while the consumption has incress
A anDroximately 10 per cent
r - .. i .
nr. twl haa two cable aavices
from London within the last lew
riavi the first one estimating the
. .
European crop at the same as iai
ytar and the later one stating that
the foreign crop would m per
cent short thia year.
"It look like the price will open
at 25 cents this year," said Mr.
Durst. "The California, offers
have risen from 18 to 23 cents
within the past three weeks." The
cause of the upwardtendency, Mr.
Durst ascribes to prospective crops
shortage. Picking in the Durst
Bros., yards began today.
In or in the v.cluUT ' '
,outh, a .lr Waltl'.". UjUb.
w.thhWr chain. Kinder plr.
leave .anieatKnlerpnseollW.
For Mule.
I have a choice selection ol gJ
milch cows for sal. Apply
W. N. McI..ul.lio. K. F. D. Houte
1 Parker, Orgon.
Mr. A. W. Stansbury returned
Saturday from a two wwk.vUit on
the Sound. She accompanied her
daughter, Mr, llattle Hewitt, or
Aberdeen, home and visited her
other daughter Mre.Beith Simn.i
While away Mr.
Stansburv also visited the cities of
Hmtulain and Seattle and went
. t k i..ulAHhin New otk
lying at Bremerton.
Farmers' Feed Stables.
. ki u will Urt h farmer. l .
On or about
, Wl,eru hriueri or other, may bring thtjr teami tL)
II " 1 ...1111 . V I
1 ave all .lay for from 10c up' www im, oc. my
. ... .. mi ). riaikonaiblo for all troiKrtv li.J
connection y t
... . ....... .1 t tiifl norm fiiu oi i ne hn,!....1
I Wo will to " " -(n
Main strwt.
i ir.it a.
fi. L. Fitchard.a hop grower and
dealer, is in receipt of a letter from
an eastern customer, that should
have the attention of eyery grower
before the hop picking season.
Writing to Mr. Fitchard the east-
rn brewing company says: There
has been some complaint of a raw
bitter taste on our beer, and we
sent some of all the materials in it
ta onr chemist in New York, and it
has been traced to the large number
of etem in the hops, and we would
be verv thankful if you would be
as careful as possible in eliminating
these stem for the future deliveries
of hop, i W hope the hop crop T
getting aleng in a satisfactory way.
. . J:.:.! of !1 In unnllfht
,TOlh of plnt nd anlmul llf. IM
SSlh? .At "uickl d.l"r
Z, ih or other oriinwm. Tht nT
CteM " W l the .Snltthl Into yof hooi
WuvJllrUnd W I--
tnte Buffalo. N. Y.. Ir. PiT. f
,h (r'm T.U ,Jn the 6r.t to .d.,.t
thU Trema k.ble cur. to m.oy which
tl Twm formerly .uppo-d of nec-.ty
Not'onlm.' V. Were aot.h.e fo,
hU Werner,.. .. hi. ho.p...l I.
. m..l .nd .ue-
Seded In put";, them up in . fonn llt
would be ewilr procured nd rrd to w.
Thi. he died 1. Fierce'. tUleii Medical
Dvo" ry. It m.imn. the pattrart
SilToa b7..blin, him t" "r
and aa.imil.te nutriKou. fd. It ov,r
come, cwtric irriubility and .ymptom. ol
"dise.T.on, .nd ia thi. w.y fiver, nt.ht.
iwhu. he.dcb, etc.. are done aw.y wilh.
It fortifie. the body .am.t th errm. of
eon.nmption. fr.p and maUria.
ap the tiMue. and puU on healthy B.eh.
Thow detirinn to know wmeth nf .btiut
the body in health .nd diae. .Uo medi
cine .nd .urgery. without technical, ra.
.hould read the "Common hen Medical
Adviiier," which can be had fi 31 cenw la
oneent .mpa for the cloth bound booh.
Addrea. Dr. k. V. Pierce, HufUlo, N. Y.
L D. THITMAN, Pf-iof
Home Industry In.tltullon
WorH CalUl for T.ly D.IU.rwd Saturday
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlor in connection. Day or night
call promptly attended to.
Day rhone 2T3 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Ore -
W. I- MCK, Fmbalmer mnd runeral Ilreclr.
Saraa Slu
t'.oo tt.fttm
Xeivlv Eaulpped; Over 100 Rooms, Steam
- ' " 1
Gas Lights; Jill Modern Conveniences.
Tk. MnMinnville NeWg flDU 146 I
porter, two Republican papers have
consolidated Messrs. Asbury ana
Estei having decided to work as
. . ? a aTr 4 Vk a iv an
one. in tneir nrsveuwiw
Dont 'knock.' Always help your
. a t J at, - a
Uwn, and neip every uuu mat
is in business -in the town. Don t
'knock.' Leave your little ham-
mtr at home at all times. A Tex
as editor hit the nail on the head
when he eaid: 'The sorriest fellow
on earth is the fellow who will sit
around and cuss his town. If I
lived astride the north role, i
would call it 'home' and be ready
to boost it up. IflconJd not say
anything nice about it, 1 would say
that mv ice bill did not come high.
I would not stay in a town I bad
to cuss, not while the world is as
big as it is now.' "
End Of Bitter Fight.
Two ohvstclans bad a long and
ttubborn fight with ata beam on my
right lung" writes J. F. Hugnes or
DuPont, Ga. "and gave me up., Every
body thought my time bad ceme. As
a last reeort I tried Dr. Kings New
Discovery for Consumption. The
benefit 1 received waa siriaing auu x
waa on mv feet in a ftV day. w
ti- ontiralv retrained mv health.'' It
conquers all Coughs, Colds, and Throat
and Lung trouble. Guarapteed by A.
8. Locke's Drug Store, rrioa owe, ana
fl.OO "Trial bottles free.
Oaborn Reapers.
. Vnr Oahnm vetch reaper, the
onlt vetch machine! Osborn 'Bind
ers. Mower;" JUke and Extra,
all on J, it Moran, jdonaoytb.
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public.
Collections Promptly Made Title
Eat Side Main Street,
Independence, : Okeoon.
Barber Shop.
flnp door south of Pout Office.
Fine Baths in connection with shop
Independence, Okeoon.
tunroved for Season of 1904
One half box for picker..
Full bos bottom le ban
ket for meaHuring. Cor
respondence solicited.
CooiD Brushes Te
With every mrcliao of a 25c pack
ago of our Special Ttoth l'repara
tions, Kosaftmm, Whitohowl'a
Listcratftl, or Turkish Mvrrh Tooth
l'owdcr, wo will present you with a
fine tooth brush frco of charge.
fur Mfn
mouth and Alrlie
ISti a. m.
t.m p. in.
month i
1 ndftx-n"
for Mon
and iHtllaa
1I:0 a. m.
t:!6 p. m.
Undertaker, Embslmer, and Fuoerml
Director. Lsdy Assistant '
-when Desired. ' '' '
L'tmi Monmouth
for Alrlie.
7a. m.
t.m p. m.
Ii'm Monmouth
for JUtkllaa,
11:91 a. m.
tM p. ra.
1'ivii Alrlie for
Monmiiiith and
a. in, ,
lift p. in.
Iavf. DhIIm lor
Monmouth and
IKW p. m.
lvi Monmouth
for lndpndnca
140 a, m.
I ) p. in.
: "
6:40 "
l.'W M '
LaavM lndpn
Seaoa for Mva.
tKS p. m
Plol. KKiraofoa 'B
aHpeolaltjr. ,
How About YoT' Summer
Newport on Y.quina , UJ '
ideal sesslde resort of W
P.nlflA .naat. P.OUnd trip W
st greatly reduced rate
from all Southern poloU i w
on and after June 1. AJk j,i
for further particulars na
somely illustrated nvnw
let. or write to FAi
VV. E. Coman, 0. 1. A.
Portland. "
,.Mmk for the Enterprise.