West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, August 11, 1904, Image 1

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ei.kvkntii vbah.
rrt'HUit'iiv. no i r vn iuu in
lit A C. I'owkll, Cahicr.
ru cui.
DniEtTOH J. H. lfawley, P. L
lulls'. John B. Htump, J. A. wittirow, r. b. roweii.
T,.n..ti General iUnkluR snd
reliable' throughout the United Htetea and Canada.
a-A-I'TrTA-Ij 8TOOK, S50.000.00.
u HlkHlinKKU. t'nw.ler.l- AIUUM NKLKON, Mr. I'rMl.len
8 " O. W. Ill VI SB. Ct.ir.
M.'fTOK.-H. lVi".'l."w71Ti. r."mUb, J. I'. Jllxx'" "
",ir A. Nelu.
4 nrl Unkln7mlVic.ni( bu.lni trnctd. In made. Bills
lbA)u4Ki For
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
rijn w fMi- V. .
tobrttrrtxtf to4 ltat Mr:tuwTU
f 1r,iiitnrrifl.l
r' wwT nminodations.
.. i.....i.i
Tclejhon Ao. 3
Oregon State Normal School
- i i -- -: i ' i a j 1 1 I
J. V. Bill Appointed Hi Successor
local Politic In Sieht For
Next FatL
Andy Tuoner marshal of Inde
pendence for the past 14 yeara, is
nhal no more. Hi resignation
been tent in and waa accepted
b7 the council at its last meeting
J W. Ball hat been lected to
Woceed Mr. Tupper. A leave of
Ueoce waa granted Marahal
Topper a month ago. 8 i nee that
bbu been in California where be
deciaed to locate on a iruit
f'ampUIl, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V.
Exchange busioees. Draft sold
Sod FoonUio for it hot 4y-
YOtt Art wy ww.
Men a Specialty.
ea well fed. Fine
1 Iowa veil fed. Hno
i. .Uv.woek or month.
Independence Oregon
far fll IWH, terms in each school ear
w. Ivrl e for catalogue con.
Jlin n lull information concerning
taining run tn,lnn(t (n otual
Vltag attach' A,,lr"w .
ranch. The family
shortly. t.
Under the new cuaric.
.mi .r. Wion of a new marshal
Will uv" - ,
in November, by the people. Mr.
... . j:J-.. J , K.
Ball will te a canuiuw "
-n!. h.. said itis hie inten-
. b. .n effort for me
none id ui" -
pUce. There will, be eometh ng
doing in local politics in the fall.
J. R. Mulkey of Colfax Wash,
yisited his Polk county friends
this week. Mr. Mulkey lives in
Iho biggest wheat producing county
in the world. It estimated the
ield of Whitman county this year
will be 10,000,000 bushels.
The Independence Improye
ment League Takes Up
Live Issues and Ap
points Committees
Monday Night.
A Large Attendance Present to
Hear Discussion of Additional
Outside Telephone
The Independence Improvement
League held a mreting in the city
hall Monday evening and directed
its secretary to forward the requir
ed five dollar fee to the secretary of
the Oregon Development League,
which entltlrs the. local league to
membership in. the state organ
ixation There was a large attendance
cut Monday evening, every seat
n the hall being taken and stand
ing room utilized. The unusual
attendance was due to the tele
phone axitation now on. Patrons
of the Airlie and Suver line over
which there is now some conten
tion were present. W. II. Dsncy,
manager 6f the Pacific Stales sys
tem for this district, Wm. Barnett,
manager for Independence, L. S.
Perkins, Pauitio States man for
Monmouth were present. W. D.
DeVarney representative of the
Independent system, and Robert
Johnson, secretary of the local
Independent system at Corvallis
were in 'attendance. Frank Butler
of the Falls City-Dsllae Indepen
dent line was also present.
The meeting was addressed by
C. E. Staate, B. F. Smith, Frank
Butler, Gip Thurston, James With
row; L. E. Perkins and W, II.
Dancy on the part of the Pacific
Slates Co.and Messrs. De Varney
and Johnson on behalf of the Inde
pendent system. Questions were
interjected by members of the
League and it developed that there
is friction between the Pacific
States and Independent people on
the line trom Monmouth to Airlie
and their conflicting interests in
volve "some of the patrons. The
line ws constructed by a corpora
tion and the Bell instruments have
been in use. Dissension arose and
18 of the patrons took out the Boll
'phones and are seeking to have
the Independent 'phones inBtalled.
The League elected to take no
part in the contentions of the two
rival telephone systems of the Mon
mouth Airlie line, but voted to
appoint a committee of fiye to in
vestigate the expense and practica
bility of connecting with the people
who are now left without service
nd to connect with the rural lines
This committee was instructed to
report at another meeting to be
held next Monday night.
David Calbreath reported that
the county court is awaiting a re
port on the proposed new road from
Sidney to the Independence road
and a committee was appointed to
view the proposed loute.
A report was made to the League
that the piece of road near the
Rickreal bridge on the Salem-Iode-pendence
road is in a fair way to be
in worse condition than it was last
winter when it was well nigh im
passable. A fence has been crowd
ed out into the road for a consider
able distance from the bridge
toward Independence. This will
force the road nearer the woods
which insures a bottomleea mud
road for the coming winter. A
delegation was appointed to wail
pon the county court and ask
that the public be protected in th
The proposal of the Williams
Bros, to remove their saw-mill
from Grants Pass to Independence
was brought up and the secretary
was Instructed to gather inform
ation concerning a site and the cot t
of logs'dehvered and communicate
with the Grants Pass firm.
Prssident Butler named commit
tees as follows:
To report on Telephone connec
tions Riley Craven, W. A. Mess
uer. V. L, Fmer. W. W. rercival.
E. E. Paddock.
On Sidney road W. W. Perci-
val, Dr. E. L. Ketchum, Marsh
tn Independence-Salem road-
John McCready, . Walter Lyon,
August Sperling.
Iireitonbunh Hot Springs.
(Special to West SnR Enterprise)
The Breitonbusb Springs are 16
miles, over the mountains from
Detroit The springs are
reached by trail or horxeback.
If a pack-horse falls ofT a grade 80
or 100 feet it is never mentioned,
except by one who happens to be
along. The man who does the
packing for the camping outfits to
the Springs is an experienced man
and yery accommodating. There
are many springs in this immediate
vicinity different in chemical pro
perties. , Some . are quite saline,
ethers more mild. Many are very
hot. The campers set rice, beans,
eggs, and many things in buckets
or kettles to cook in the springs.
The batbinrt faculties are as yet, not
folly developed, ; though good
enough. Many claim to be greatly
improved in health. Rheumatism
is greatly relieved or cured, also
skin diseases and stomach troubles.
There are all kinds ot costumes
worn. The ladies wear bloomers.
overalls or common druse as they
elect, and seem to be attractive
still. They ride horseback in the
latest and most approeved style.
Fish and game are scarce. Some
berries to be found. The springs
are certainly a wonder, hot,
strong, niumerous, healing.
Mrs. Wm. Fio.ua.
Growing In Favor.
The 40-acre English walnut or
chard at Dundee, which has been
watched with much interest and
which bore a light crop last year,
will bear heavily this season, con
sidering the age of the trees, which
are rugged and healthy. Captain 1
G. W. Peters, who is in charge of
the orchard, is very enthusiastic
over English walnut prospects in
the vicinity of Dundee. He says
the nuts from this orchard have
been compared with samples from
over the United States and even
foreign countries, and found very
much superior. They are large
and of much finer flavor. Mr.
Peters is well acquainted with tbo
California walnut district and looks
for this part of Oregon to surpass it
if attention ia turned toward the
new industry.
J. B. Stump has an orchard of
English walnuts near Monmouth
the same size as the Peters yard.
Mr. Stump expects to put out
about 100 acres more.
A Positive Necessity.
Havtagtolay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, I on
ly found relief when I used a bottle of
1 it- llnUiant T Mm AhflAI
hilly recommend it as the best medi-
... ... A3 ! I
cine for bruises ever sent to the afflict
ed. It baa now become a positive ne
eeaaity upon myself. D. B. Byrnes,
merchant, DovenviUe, Texas. 25c, 50c,
1, Bold by A. 8. Locke. '
Record Crowd Now Surf Bath
ing and Digging i,Gam
on the Beach.
Hofer in a Summer Suit and Oth
er Observations Equally Strange
Over at Newport.
(Newport Special.)
Driven from the valley by sum
mer's heat and attracted hither by
Newport's charms, there are not
less than 4000 people on the Penin
sola now. Cottages and tents are
filled and for the over-Sunday vis
itors the hotel accomodations are
inadequate. A noticeable feature
of the season ia the large number
of first-timers. For years the same
crowd boa been here season after
season. This year strange faces
haunt the beach. Among the
crowds are many new-comers to the
country who are enjoying their
fi ret trio to the Pacific ocean. Of
course such old landmarks as Rues
Wyatt, E. C. Kirkpatrick, Edwin
Stone and Editor Hofer are here
and will be until Gabriel makes
his final round-up. But there is
danger of these charter members of
the Ancient Order of Starlight
Beach-Strollers losing their "Iden
tity in the throng of strangers this
The miniature railroad from Nye
Creek to the top of Newport hillyis
completed. The fare, round trip ia
25j;ente. It's business is not big.
The merry-go-round has been re
moved from Nye Creek to. Newport.
It's success has not been, phenom
enal at either stand. The pro
moters of the railroad and merry-go-round
hfcve learned that it'a to
escape euch luxuries that people
onmrt td thn coast. Such forma of
amusement belong to valley carni:
vals and have no place where peo
ple come to live close to nature
and the suborner girt
Editor Hofer of the Salem Journ
als the only one on the beach pos
sessed of courage to come out in a
real summer suit- With white
duck , trousers turned up at the
bottom, light duster coat, and tan
shoes, in , marked contrast with
flowing chestnut sorrel mustach, he
presents a really striking figure.
There is real danger in the reckless
play Mr. Hofer is giving to his ad
mirative powers. The girl in pic
ture hat with long string and non
chalant pose catches him. every
time. He has reached that stage
where he goes into ecstaci es over
the evanescent seaside girl before
he knows the shape of her foot or
can tell if she wears rats in her
hair or other artificial parapherna
lia. Many ofthe impressoins Mr.
Hofer is now getting will appear in
the "Fleeting Fancy" and "Dress
Reform" columns of the Journal
next winter. .
C. A. Johns, once county judge
of Polk county, but now one of the
leading lawyers of eastern Oregon
is here. He rents a bathing suit
and walks to the ocean's edge but
never goes in. He hesitates on
the brink. His feet get chilly.
Indecision will some day be John's
undoing. He would be next gov
eanor of Oregon. He dreads, fears,
hesiUtes, There is Henry Ankeny
a nrobable candidate. There is
J. W. Bailey with a plurality of
24183 votes as food commissioner
at the last election, and he is not
averse to accepting the goyexnsbip.
m. m
There is T. T. Geor, who if ho does
not o before tho people again -for
direct nomination for United States
senator, may be induced to become
gubernatorial candidate. These
are giants. Mr, Johns cannot kick
up bis heels in the sands of ease
and hope to win. If he would ride
t swells of political success, ho
must dash through the breakers of
direct primaries. Mr. John
courage must yet be screwed up to
the sticking point, that will
strengthen him to don a bathing
oil though it ex pones bow-legs, and
plunge in.
Among the Polk comity people
here are:
Independence Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Craven; Mrs. M. W. Wal
lace; Mis Mollie Johnson; Fred
Griswold; Mrs. J. H. Bobannon,
Bertha and Hazel Bohannon; A.
Huston and family; Sam Irvine,
Claude Hubbard;Rors Nelson;Mrs.
Lillian Eaton; II. Hirschberg; Mrs.
Ed Owens and daughters, Mitises
Mildred and Nola; Mrs. J. R. Coop
er and family; Dr. E.J. Thompson:
Misses Pearl and Genevieve Cooper;
Dr. Ketchum and family; Walter
Cummins; Ora Clodfelter; R. D.
Cooper; Mrs. Gus Sperling and
family; Ed. Owens; Miss Canna
Robinson; Mrs. D. A. Hodges and
family. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. White
aker; J. S. Cooper; Mrs. 0. A. Hur
ley; Julien Hurley; Mrs, O. A.
Kramer and children; Mr.and M'S.
Wm. Whiteikr; Mrs. Jasper Ken
nedy and ' daughters, Misses Ma
and Hazel; Miss Mabel Creasy;
Mrs. A. S. Locke; Mrs. E. Kin
kle and daughter.
Monmouth Mr. and Mrs Frank
Fisher; Miss Maude Hwley; Miss
Force; Mrs. Philip Mulkey; Miss
Ruby Rees; Glen Percival; Dr. and
Mrs Crowlev; Mrs. McMillan;
Frank Molkev; Prof. Frank Camp
bell and daughters; Frank Miller;
Miss Lottie Grounds.
Dallas Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Eakin; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Biddle;
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kirkpatrick;
Miss Starr; Mrs H. L. Fen ton and
w-bl ivt'tl? If..
son, uarj; Kaipn wuuanje; mr.
and Mrs. Starr; Mr. and Mre. C. A.
Dunn; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunn;
Frank Kersey; Mr. and Mrs. B.
Gildner; Floyd Daly.
Senator Vest Dead
George Graham Vest, formerly
United States senator from Mis
souri, died at his home in Sweet
Springs, Mo., Tuesday, of general
debility. He ' was 74 years old.
Senator Vest had been ill for a
long time, and so gradual was the
encroachment of disease wpon his
strength that when the end came
he simply sank to sleep and did
not aweken. His final critical
illness began three . weeks ago.
Within the week the last of the
members of his family reached
Sweet Springs and all were about
his bedside when he died.
Low Kates to California
The Triennial Conclave Knights
Templar Will be held at San Fran
cisco, September 5th to 9th and
the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O.
0. F.. will be held at same point
September 19th to 25th. For these
occasions the Southern Pacific Co.
will place in effect the extremely
low rate of one and one third fare
for the round trip, not to exceed
$25.00, the rate from Portland.
Those who are planning a trip to
California should take note of
these rates.
Suicide Prevented.
' The strartling announcement that
preventive suicide bad been discovered
will interest many. A. run down iy
tem, orde pondency Invariably precede
suicide and something bas been found
that will prevent that condition which
makes suicide likely. At the firet
thought of self destruction take Electric
Bitters. It being a great tonic and
nervine will strengthen the nerve and
build up the system. It's also a great
Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator.
Only 50c. Satislatloa guaranteed by
A. H. Locke Druggist;