West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 28, 1904, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Tl, fl.liWHM'tt of Newfoundland poe
fT. ,h curluua faculty tf being ante,
ITtBry MT. ,M,,, u''lf' "i
ikrel r-M n'"11'
theiu. ' s
U,t Ui approach of a b.t U hi.
Idnl by anl1M ami dirtN cooling
of lt atmosphere, which three
mtU'ih-mI mariners eoun perceive and
1 iixt ljr. oftentimes a vee
will run I"10 nr"t
r, b ,ow,,j b' brr
busts. A frequent cu of disaster
(hut, I" euiniri " a
twin raugni in in arm or a
fvrrriit. b "frrr ieanny
usliist wind ni crashes !'
k. mrt More aba ran erei.e. The
Mtu rtrimtance reuse tlia remark
(lt lit ftoiuetlmea wUnreawt of floe
4rlrn one way by lb wind, while
briT rut a wide awalb through thrni
In uo(bf direction. Impelled by lit
rarrrnta. Tba le of a Urg la often
, rorl( shelter from atrm. and
arrlir iamera. northern whaler and
jsfouwllsnd eswlere frequently adopt
U aovrl rxiltit of em-boring lo
tfa wbk-b eipretHW ehowe them to
p surely balanced.
BUS It r..
pr, John Kerr. In bla book of mam-
air, rwall a numw vi muiuutuds
a.trh aiirM. . Fur es ample, there la
lb r ' "arguiuenlatlly
Upsr" Htt. who, calling on lb minis
ter and l"'f 0, DOW -od
lorn tba wt day bo be waa eoher,
rrpltrd. "Man. minister, when I'm ao
tw I (llnru rara for raiUflooa conversa
tion." Then tbe la tba story about
Thomas Tborp. wbo diro leaving bla
fortune to pr relative oil fomlllloo
tut a btiltorta with tba nam of Ua
tU Tbutnaa Tborp and a Terse t
jorirj be erected beside tba grave,
fMilng "an inmb a word to rblwl M-!
fm In tha atonai, tba poor ralaUva or-j
A4 matt vourf boull tf- J
lm bla rr(u2 to pdwi on ar
rowit of tiiplr" too gral lngtb tba
, lr 11m tn eora
' of TlMMa Tbon.
tba folloarttig waa finally offrrad and
Vmii for Nnla.
8. Cog, tha (Nul ilralar, la ready
I. I t!
mu-iivar woikI tl your dKr on
nori iiotiua, llg flr wornl 3.r0
r cord; moond ror. maple
fi. riiona 143,
t'liNinttrrlMiu'a :llc, f liolrrn
! iMnrrliornltriur.ly
Tbla rauwdx It earUlu to ba mwdad
In ahnxat avery buma bfora tba turn
mar la or. It can al wavi ba drrwudnd
UMn avn in tha tmxl aawra aud (lu
gr.ut oawt. I, m,oly ubla fi.r
aunimar dlaurdara la cbllilran. It la
plawant to laka and Davar falla to glva
rmni.t rallcf. Wby not buy It now?
It may aava Ufa. For aala by all drug-(lata,
I'urril of t'lironlo Iilarrhorn.
'I wlh toaay frw words In pralaa
of ('baiiibarlaln'a Collo, Cliolara and
Marrhora Ruidy," taya Mra. Mattle
llurga, of Martlnarllla, Va., "I auf
ttn from cbronlo dlarrbora for tan
yaara and during that Ulna tried
arlciua inrdlcluvt without obtaining
any prrtnaiivnt rrllrf. Iat aumnicr
on of my rbildran waa Ukeu with
rlxilvta morbua , aud 1 rwurfd ft boU
tla of tbla rmNy, Only two dinr
wara rrqulrad to glva bar antlra rallaf,
1 than dldd to try tba roadlolna my-
If, and did not uaa ona butt I befora
I waa well and hava never alnoa xu
UouMmI w It b that oouiplalnt. Ona
canuotaajr too much in favor of tbat
wondvifal mdicina," Tblt ramady la
for aala by all druggiita.
Ntitrtllur P.vlrfrncM.
r'rrah tmllnmny In graat Uantlly la
oniiilaully coming In. dMlarlng Dr.
Klng'a Nrw DiM-ovcry fr Ciiuinp.
lion, roiiubi and colili to bo unrquallad.
A ri ntiprrwiun from T, J. McKar.
laud iWn torvllle. Va rv aa an t.
nud HrUiru
Tlio Southern Taciflo Co. ia now
telling round trip ticketa to Port
land from Iudindence. lor 12.40,
gM)d going Saturday or Humlay,
returning cnnday and Monday,
ani.la, Jla wrlttw: "I bad bruuchltla : giving all day Hunday and Monday
for llirre year and dmstorad all tba
lima without bring bncflud. Than I
begin taking Dr. Klng'a Naw Dlacov
ary.and afaw bot tin wholly cured ma."
K(ully enV-tlve In curing all lung
aill tlirnat troulil, conaumption,
pnauiiioiila aud KHp. Ouarautead by
A. H. Lock, Drugglat, Trial bottlca
bntlliw, regular alisra 60o and 11.00.
Italurnl Kieuralon lUtra.
On aud afur June 1, 1004, the Houtb
aro I'aflllo, In oonUMtion with tba Cor-
nllia Kaalor rwllr.d will bave on
alt round trip llrhata from potnla on
Ibtir linw to Newport, Yaiuliia,Delrolt
at very low ratra, good fur raturti until
October 10, 1001.
Tbrtwlay llckata to Newport and
Yjulna, gtwd going Baturdaya and re
luriuug Monday a, are alao on aala from
all Raat Ride polnta, I'ortland to Eugene
Incluaiva, and from all Weat Side polnta,
.tnabllog people to visit tbalr fatnilice
tod apend Suuday al tbe rWalde.
Haaaon tirketa from Eaat fide polnta,
Portland to Kugene, looluaive, and from
all Weat Bide polnta, are alao on aale lo
Datrolt at very low ralee, with atop
em prtvllrftve at Mill City or aoy point
ewt. enabling tourlatt to vlalt the an
Uttn and Itrtrtanbueli hot aprlnga In
tbtCaaoade niruntalua, which can be
neehed In una day.
Btaaon tlckete will I good for return
from all polnta unlil October 10.
Three day UckaU wilt be good going
oo Raturdeye and reluming Monday
only. Tlckete from I'ortland and vl
dully will be good for return via the
Ewt or Weat Hide at the option of Hie
tmtutr. Tlckete from Kugene aud
vicinity will I mi rood imltitf via tbe
LtUtK.n-PprlnKllrlJ branch II deaired.
Baggage ou Newport tlcketa checked
through to Newporti on Yaqulna tlck
U to Yaqulna only.
Boutbern Paclflo tralna connect with
that". 4 K. at Albany and Corvallla
'or Yaqulna and Newport Tralna on
theC.4 K. for Detroit will leave Al
bany at 7 a. in., enabling tourlaU totbe
not aprliiKK to reach there the eanie
Full Ititormatlon aa to ratee, with
beautifully lllutratd booklet of Yft.
quint bay and vicinity, Umelablee, eta,
o ha obtained on application to
Edwin Htone, manager C. A E. rail
road, Albany; W. K. Oman, O. P. A..
Bouthfrn Taolflo compauy, Portland,
0' to any H. P. or C. A K. agent. Rat
from Independence to Newport, 4.20
rate from Independence to Yaqulna.
W-TOj rata from Independence to De
tr't, U80; three-day rate from Inde
Pondeiice to Newport, $2.55.
i'urce Old Hortt.
Westmoreland, liana., May , 1902.
1 la I lard Hnow Liniment Co.: Your
Know Mnluienl cured an old are on
the aide or my cliln tbat waa auppoaed
to be a ranrt-r. The eore waa alubborn
and would not yield to treatment, until
I tried Huow Liniment, which did tbe
work In abort order. My elater, Mra,
Hophla J. tamon, Allenavllle, Mlfllu
Co., Pa., haa a aore and minimal tbat
it la cancer. Pteaae and ber ft 50o
hot lie. For aala by A. B. Locke.
Oct our pricee on Pioneer White
Lead. Oils, tc., before buying lelae
where. R. M. Wad dt Co.
Iluyyour Bale Tie of R. M.
Wade, A Co.
One Iudy'a IleconimeHdatlon
Sold Fitly Iloieaof Clmmber
luln'a Htwnmrli and Liver
I bave, I believe, aold fifty boiee of
CbaiulM-rlalu't riioiuatb and Liver
Tablela on tha rexyimmendatlon of one
lady here, wbo It tat bought ft box of
them about a year ago, Hbe never tire
of tellina? ber nelgbbora aud friend
about the good qualltlae of these
Tabltta.P. M. Hiioaa, DruKgIt, Koch
eater, I nd. The pleasant purgative
eflect of 'these Tableta makea them ft
favorite with the ladle everywhere.
For sale by all druggiala.
In Portland. I he aauie arrange
ment applies from Portland, giving
I'ortjanu people a chance to viait
Valley polnta at greatly reduced
Buckeye Pumpa are built with
ventilating Hand and the bent cyl
inder! which are equipped with
patented braaa valve scat and pop
valve. H. M. Wade & Co. agenta.
Bee R. M. Wade & Co'a.
display add.
Acuta ItlieuinatUiii, '
Deep tearing or wrenching palna,
oocaaloneil by getting wet through
worse when at rest, or on first moving
the limba and lu cold or damp weat her,
la cared quickly by Ballard'e Know
Lin I meet. Oscar Olt son, Gibson City,
Illinois, wr'te Feb. IS, 11X2: "A year
ago I waa troubled with a pain In my
back. It aoon got ao bad that I could
not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's
Huow Liniment cured me." 25c, 50c,
That Tlrenl Feeling.
If you are languid, depressed and
Incapable tor work, It Indicates that
vour liver la out of order. Heroine
will asjiist nature to throw off bead
aches, rneuniatlam and ailment akin
to nervouanesa and reetore the energies
and vitality of sound and perfect health
J. J. Hubbard, Temple, Teaa, writes,
March 22. 1902: "I bave used Heroine
for tbe nast two years. It has done me
more good than all the doc tort. When
I feel bad and bave tbat tired feeling, I
take a done of Heroine. It la tbe beet
medicine ever made for chill and
fsvnr." 50a ft bottle. Bold by A. &
First Fiuxi-Ency loped' Britannica Uevined, 1904 edition, Value 189.
fi." 1 o"..-aJi.,in. innludimr books. Scranton International
Correspondents School, alue30.50
Tiubo Phiek An elegsnt Album.
KSSf PreaidenU of the United
States. . ,
Sixth PKUK-West Side Enterprise for one year.
A dose of Ballard'e Horebound
8fup will relieve It. Have you ftooldT
A dose or Herblne at bed time and fre
quent small doaea of Horebound Byrup
fufing the day will remove It. , Try It
hooplng oough, for asthma, for
wjwmptloft. for bronchitis. Mrs. Joe
"oQrath, 827 fi. First street, Hatchln
n. Kan., writes: l liava liasd BsJ
"rt's Horebound Bynip In my family
ve yaara, and find It' tha beat and
tpalauble medicine I ever need."
Itr.H.to. lisle by A. B. Lock
CoorRR Hoi-bow
Mapi.k Grovk
Oak Gbovr
Bird Isund
Bukna Vista
Oak Point
Sunny Slops
Falls City
, e i
r .r.ns Contest commenced Thursday, Man
The present SbSB Fenn. Corresponden
,0, with od. P''t014""; are to be offered ao that no
Though other
since iuarcn iv,
3.Vsnitis holding back anything upon wmcn
3l ,P . Lrfectlv fair with each other by Bending in
School, vaiuea at eov.ou. - - BOthin.
will be urgad to put lortn exl? --- won - March 10, ig
orizes are yet to be ocrn j . oon
edited to the correponaen w aj--" " mnTthin uon which
1 ..J Aanlfl IK IIUIUW Sk J
teatanU are counsel "u-" " .... -
noints are given
require contestan
everything ecu
contesUnts. tm.tci
. . - r , Wkbt Sidr 1 Entkrprisr through
Tbecarrespondents W J n&0 other paper gives is at-
merit of giving the "J.g.n, J No country weekly i. the
in. .ttenUon and favorable oominou. al.. . The stand-
ie contest. For
ret 15 Dointa avowed. Fore every
Fine Wines
Cigars, and Beer
on Draught
or in Bottles, at
Independence, - Oregon.
I. L, SMITH; Proprietor.
VMi. ii ii.li.Mis Ck i liHiltlK-rlslii
MiMiMUii mikI Liver Tnl'ltfl. For fale
by all druggists.
Xlglit Was Her Terror
"I would rough nearly all nigh
long," wrltee Mrs. Cis. Applegate, o
Alesandrla, Ind., "and could hardly
vet any aleep. 1 bad consumption ao
bad that If I walked a block I would
couiib frightfully and spit blood, bnt
when all other medl-!nea failed, three
11 00 bottles of lr. Klne'e Jitw Uia-
covery wholly cured me and t gained
68 pounds." Ita absolutely guaranteed
to core rough, colds, la grippe, Lron
chills and all throat and lung trouble
Price 60c and 11.00. Trial bottles free
st A. 8. Locke'.
Hrutally Tortured.
A case came to light that for persis
tent and unmerciful torture bs per
lisp never been equalled Joe Golo
bick of Colusa, Calif, writes. "For IS
yeara I endured Insufferable pain from
rheumatism and nothing relieved me
tbnugh I tried everything; known. I
came acroa Electric Bittern aud It Is
tbe greatest medicine on earth for tbat
trouble. A few bottle of It completely
relieved and cured me.' Jutt a good
for liver and kidney troublea and gen
eral debility. Only 50c. Satisfaction
guaranteed by A. B. Locke, Druggist.
United Eransrelical.
Sunday school at 10 A. M.
Morning service at 11 o'clock:.
Keystone League of Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 P. M.
Evening service at 7:30 o'clock
Miss Ethel Brown, superinten
dent of K. L. C. E.
To all of these services the
lie is inyited.
Daxikl A. Poli.no, pa
Christian Church.
Preaching every 2nd and 4th
Sundays by Rev. E. C. Wigmore.
Sunday school 10 A. M.
Y. P. 8. C. E. 6:30 P. M.
No Pity Shown.
"For yeara fate waa after me continu
ously," writes F. A. Oulledge of Ver
bena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of
pilee causing 24 tnmora. When all
failed Bucklen'a Arnica Halve cared
me." Equally good for buma and all
acnes and pains. Only 25c at A. 8.
Locke's drug store.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever waa wade is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weak
ness Into atrengtb, liBtlessneaa into en
ergy, brain-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building np tbe
health. Only 25o per box. Bold byj
A. 8. Locke. , .
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner of 5th and Monmouth
streets; Rev. W. W. Edmondson,
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning service 11 a. m.
Class meeting 12 m.
Evening services 8:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting eyerj Wednesday
evening at 7:30.
Tbe parsonage is' next door to
the church and the pastor will be
pleased to see you and render any
helpful services.
Calvary Presbyterian Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Endeavor meeting 2 p. m.
Evening worship 8:00.
Prayer meeting Wednesday eve n
ingsat 7:30.
A17AY to Uc:rc of
In Addition to ilio Rcsulsr Frca Premium
LiUe a Check iiUc ThiC ? s
ChccK iiUc im ?
w si B.U..J.J n 'ftft nf Caah to XOB Coffee nsers In onr Great World's Fair Contest
ill MY! IWtrCSSL ZUUHUaUU 2m people get checks, 2139 more will get them in the
Presidential Voto Contest
tracUng attenUon ana r "'.. thtn thia paper.
,rd of excellence w,u -r ftllowed in
.-. For every iu, ?r. 'n.
p or it"' j . - : aak r i :
isrstssssr jir -sassss
item w Vsnewal 75 points. TDree momns -au,,y.
poinU. Every J'"1." th.n a ysar 85 joints. For eyary dol-?5po5nU-
"Siii'S of .ubscripu'ona, turnad into th.
lar'aVarth of oa w business. in thil us, wara by Wm.
What will ne the total popular vote cast
for Presides (votes for all ' can
didates combined) at the eJectlow
Novesaber 8, 1904 ?
In 1900 election, 13,959,653 people voted
for President. For nearest correct esti-
mates received in Woolson Spice Com
pany s othce, Toieao, U.. on or oeiore
November 5, 1904, we will give first
priie for the nearest correct estimate,
second prize :to the next nearest,
etc., as follows:
Five Lion - Heada cut from Lion
Coffee Packares and a a -cent
atamp entitle you (in addition to
the regular free premiums) to
one vote. The a-ccnt atamp cov
ert our acknowledgment to you
that your eatlmate Is. recorded.
You can ' send as many esti
mates as desired.
CrtitJ First Prlzi of S5.000.C3
will be awarded to the one who la nearest
correct on both ear World's Fair aad Presi
dential Vote Contests. . .
W alto offer $5,000.00 Spclal Cash Prtass to Grocers'
Clerks. (Particulars la sack ess ot Lioa Coftss.)
How Would Your Namo Look on Ono of Thcoo Chocks?
. ... w : r ras fttrm-KK ions- anonaH to ret aconaintad with it too win be smited aad
KTerrooay a77thl money. Theft you will Uks no other-ad thafa why we adrert.s
IJZUU .5 well a. wwill ret a benefit. Heace for yoar U
Complete Detailed Particular In Every PacKaje 01
l rtrst rrlse
1 Secsad mil . . .
2 rt I6OO.00
6 Prlas 200.00
10 PrliM IOO.OO
20 FtIM eo.oo
6O Frlisa
260 Frlass
I8OO rrlasa
2139 rmiXES,
.. l.OOO.OO
...2.6 OO.OO
.. 0.000.00
TOTA1, S20.000.00
:ise. Aad