County Correspondents Sweep The Field WILLIAM WELL Fortmost Amonf Polk County Successful Farmer! U Com missloner Rlddcll. Owntr of 45 Acre and In Addi tion to This he farms TJ) Acres of Rented Land MONMOClll. work ( rut airt. mm! at IJpimwm' " MHn4 an mV liomi, ulaM,'llliM, or utlief tminM ufUiiuu itl I rlt bjf Mr. l-um Jlk county, tha land of fin farms, blooded mock and luscious fruit ls( receiving much attention from other count! ami states. Foremost among the aucersaiul , 'farmers of tliia favored locality is Count ComUaloner Wm. RiddU. Sir. Kiddoll waa born near AUr dnhir. Hcotland, w years ago, At an early an h moved to Can A and than to California. II returned to California in a fa mfi where he waa married. Aft hit marriage ha moved to a farm i Unn county whera he lived for fr roars, lin ally buying the farm t)pr Monmoutit where he no lires. tuning in life with hit chi resources a strong determination to succeed and burked by braina an rugged constitution, ha baa dem witrated tht farming (diversified farming) pays In Oregon, and pay all tht tuna. At tha preeent lima he owns 450 acre of land and in addition to Una he and bia aoni are firming U50 acres of ranted land Hn beautiful fiolil of rat, velrh and dovr show that hia system of dirtrsifl! farming haa kept the Und in eacellent condition. An a breeder of Angora, goata Mr. iliddoli baa been particularly suecensful; at tha laat goat ahow ild in Dallaa bo won . the Aral prlia in every claaa entered except oos, At tha aula fair io baa also too many premiums and will bo Jo line thin year with Colawold and Lincoln sheep and a flock of goata imported direct from Angora Province, Turkey. me man from Missouri or any other plac that "wanla to be bown" what can b done in Polk county, can well afford to take the time to thia model farm, for thre may be seen tha belt of every wing from blooded draft horses iown to fancy poultry. MOMMOt'TII NtlTKH. ar. I. X. Mulkey. of McCoy a bu sines, visitor Monday. Ed. Huflani and wife of Vanoou t(r, Wash., are viifiting relative iters. C. L. Hawley of McCoy is v''ng at the home of J. II Hawley, v- H. DrtHJeuburg of eastern Ogon is here looking for a loca tion. Mr. and Mra. L. L. Palmer hav It. Palmer and gone to Koos ' Idaho, where they will make "" luture home. H. Johnson haa moved to bia n k . . . uino, me Airs. Uattron prop- "i which he recently purchased la r. and Mra. J. K Johnson of -fvllis spent Sunday .here with Johnson's parents, Mr. and Wr-L. Ground. J H. llnrreo has bought the 0UM across the street from the AorM dining hall and is having Amoved to bia lot just south of ri- Cell's on College street. "-ai r.tate tran.f.n for the wak artaafollowi: 8. K. Crowley to 8. C. L. Moore bouaa and fjur loU on College atreet; 0. Nelson to A. T. Croua reldence on north Col I'ga atreet; M. Kacre to W. II. Pier on residence on Independence traet; A. Uglow to J. W. 0Uh reaideope on Main street. Several other salei are partially made and others are preparing to build, as tha demand la audi that more houses must be built. Will Leonard and wlf of Kent pent Saturday and Sunday at the borne of C, W. Leonard. Their adopted aon, Italph 8hellon, died at their home in Kent last Tuesday after a abort illness, and tU r. wains were interred in the Oak Grove Cemetery Friday. Col. II. L. Day, organizer of the W. 0. W. spunt Friday and Satur day hers working in the ialereat of the local camp. Col. Day ia a thorough drill master and the in struction given the drill team will rove cf great value to them in the future contents. Among those going to Newport this wk to enjoy the delight of1 an outing are Dr. and Mrs. Crowley rrank Fisher and family, Ira C, Powell and family, V. J. Morrison and family, Mra. Guthrie), Mra. McMiltuu and Agnrs Campbell. Orville Buchanan, an employe of the Charter Oak Mill Company, suffered the losa of three fingers from bis right hand last wet-k while iu charge of the company's engine A. N. Halleck and family and Mra. T. II. Halleck returned from Newport Monday. Henrv bchmwt ot 1'ortlanU is visiting at the borne of 0. K Whetlock. George Murdock has returned from Maekeburg and is workiog hoto. C. L. Hawley of McCoy spent Sunday here. rAICKKlt. Mr. Powell was in Salem Friday. Will Kobinson wss a Parker visitor Sunday. Mrs. Conn visited Mrs. P. T. Peterson Suuday. Mrs. Brown, of Airlie, visited Mrs. Fuqoa Sunday. L. L. Shirer, of Dallas, called on friends her Sunday. d Mrs. Ed Steele went to Sulphur Springs Sunday. U. W. Swink made business call here thi we-k. John Lee, son of Mrs. Kerr was a caller here Sunday. Will Steele and family went to Newport Thursday for an outing. Miss Catherine Gentry, of Inde pendence, visited friends here Sun day. Mrs. Clara Curry visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. U. Holier, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Richardson were passengers to uuena ui Sunday. Newt Prather and family are . . . a . i 1 camping at Fish Lake wnere us., and game are plentiful. John Vernon of Falls City is contemplating an investment in town property here. Mrs. McCIain and little grand- anohter. Fay Wilson, were pass- ngers to Buena Vista Monday. Mr. Tyler and Knighton are .. -!-- r.. 'inta for !iauiing day iiui" - the Pottery Company. WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE ikii:h. Harry Lacey and Jesae Yost will U-gin spraying their bops thia week. Mr. Hannah is hauling bay from Mr. Wome''a place to tbs logging camp. John Ritner and car pen tare will complete tha Fowls hop-houaa the first of tha week. Alex Lewis, the Alrlio butcher was In tbls vicinity buying beef cattle the last of the week. Farmers are about through with their haying in thia vicinity and and have begun cutting grain. There was an ice cream social at the Kioga Valley church Saturday evening and the proceeds will be usod for repairing the church. Quite a crowd fiorn here attended the ice cream social Saturday even ing at Kings Valley and report very pleasant time. Frank Turner and wife are stop ping at Mrs. Sarah Price's while Mrs. Price is away at the Warm Springs. AIKL1K. C. StaaU arrived home Saturday Hops look very well in this part of the county. , Miss Edie Grounds of Bridgeport was in town Monday. Wa.ntkd A good teacher for the public school at '.his place, W. E. Williams is building stock barn on his farm. Farmers are busy cutting grain here as it is getting very ripe. W. J. Lurdge of Crabtree is vis iting G. W. Horner of this place. ' Walter Prinkley and his sister Anna spent Sunday at Sulphur springs. 0. L. Buck nicham was in town Sunday from the Charter Oak sawmill. Oar road master has done some nice work in tms part oi me county. Airlie will soon be furnished with drugs at the new drug store by Dr. Cole. Mrs. Jane Iledaepeth of Lewis- ville spent Friday with Mrs. W. Williams. Jap Bagley and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Collins. Miss Bessie Ireland of Monmouth visited here last Saturday return ing home Sunday. Ruben Hastings of Pedee was in townj Monday. He reports there are half a dozen foxes near. his place. A. J. Johnson of Corvallis, and family are visiting with his brother uear Kings Valley. Ralph Williams of Dallas and Claud Lewis of Lewisville, passed through here Sunday. AsaStaats is training his race horse with Roeco Staats as his jockey. They are going after the money at Albany, Saturday. Maple Grove. Harvesting is progressing nicely. Hop buyers are getting thick around here. , Miss Mae Kemp of Dallas visit ed her mother over Sunday. Percy Lewis has gone to Eastern Oregou to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Evans from Dallas were visitors here last Saturday. 1NFENDENCE, OREGON J. Bagley and family visited- at Wm. Collins' near Suver on laat Sunday, Mra. W. C. Williama vtaited with hr mother Mra. Evaoa near Dallaa last week. Mr. John Ritner will complete the hop house for Maurice Fowl thia week. Mr, Batchelor has rented the Simpson hop yard for the coming year, and ia busy moving hay, etc., thereto. Mrs. Br is tow and little daughter attended revival services at Inde pendence last Sunday. Geo. Ad kin and aon Herbert of Monmouth returned horns this week from a few days outing in the mountains. Mr. Paul Roneo the veteran Cbittim bark peeler, hae quite a a large crew of hands at work. They are at work on tha farm of Marion Smith. Mr Ronco was for tunate in buying the bark on the trees last year before the unusual rise occurred, at a very a moderate figure. Ilia fiiends wish him auo- cens. CALVARY. Ralph Dayidson is visiting in Albany, Clarence Tedrow and wife visited relatives in Albany Saturday. J. Rhodes and wife, ef Bridge port attended services here Suuday Amelia reterson or Dallas is vi-iting at the home of C. Tedrow. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Simmons have a baby girl, born Friday July 22nd, Mr. and Mr. A. J. Richardson of Buena Eiata were guests at the borne ot E. Davidson Sunday. The citato Sunday School Or ganiser was through here Saturday, talking up the Sunday School work. J. Dickenson and wife spent a few days of last week with their aon George and wife. Oi Cittle Palace pofel Independence, Oregon RATES: $1.25 to $2.00 per day ID .Special Attention to COMMERCIAL TRADE Rates to Families or Week or J. M. STARK, ....Subscribe for SUV Kit. Fred Loy has his new barn com pleted, . Mra. E. A. Miller and daughter were in Corvallis Friday. There will be ice cream and free dance-Saturday eight. Mr. Frederickson will start bia bis ntw machine Friday, Miss. Minnie Maxfield ia visiting thia week at Mrs. E. E. DeArm onas, Several of the farmers will finish catting their fall grain thia week. It ia better than tbey expected. Mrs. Comba of California is vis iting ber brother Mr. E. E. Cham berlain this week. Mr. and Mra. C. Brown visited Sunday at the home of Mra. Brown'a father, Mr. Cade and eon of Salem spent Friday and Saturday with 0. H. and C. J. D'Armond. ' r, , , . - Airs. v. ej, dwiiiii iwuiniij vi . . , n . much improved in health since going there. Mr, McCIain eeeme lost without the work at the depot where he has been employed for the past twenty years. COFFER DOLLOW. John Sevier has been quite ill again. Retta and Lee Clarke have gone to the coast on an outing. Clarence McCaleb and wife vis ited in Monmouth Sunday. Miss Verna Walker visited at the home oi Mrs. Marks last Sunday. Mr.' Eggleson has bought Ed. Harmon's place on the Lnckiamute. Geo Clark, who has been visiting relatives here, left for Salem Satur day. Last Wednesday the thermom eter registered 93 degrees in the shade here. James Goodman and Mrs. Clarke and her son, Jay, took a fishing trip to the Siletx last week. Q Single Month Persons by Proprietor the Enterprise.... FT VP V 44 Melissa Rehwalt, formerly of this place, was recently married In Montana to a Mr. Johnston. Mr. and Mra. Geo. Sullivan and daughter, Bessie, visited at Salem Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Wilbur Rboades visited at the home of Leaoder Bilyea Sunday. Hitty McCaleb of Moro, Eastern Oregon, visited friends and rela- - 'im jn ,bi vjcinity iMt week Wm. Yeater, who for some time haa been very ill at on of the Portland hospitals, baa returned home. There waa a pie aocial at Antioch Thursday evening. Twelve pies were sold to the highest bidder and ranged in price from 23 cents to 75 cents each, the total amount re ceived being 15.10. . An ice cream social was given at the home of Wm. Yeater Sunday. Quite a number of Iriends and 'neighbors were present. Aftercake , , i , , , and Ice cream had been I . L . oaD' foIk8 weni for a Peasant .boat ride on the lake. AMTIOCH Miss Hattie Herren is visiting a t Suver. D. A. Hodge of Independence waa in these parts last week. Mr. Smith of Portland is visit ingC. E. Wheelock and family. Miss Mabel Wheel ock has re turned from Dayton. William Martin ot Dallas is head sawyer at the new Oak saw mill . "Grandma" Herren has returned from Oregon City. : H. R. Fish back attended meet ing at Independence Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grooms and daugh ter, Flossie, late of Idaho, are vis iting Mr. Wonder and family. Charles Murphy and Jesse Simp eon of Monmouth passed Antioch Friday enroute to Fall City. Monmouth Bakery Will be glad to get your order for all kinds of ' bread, pies and cookies, and family cake. All or ders promptly attended to. JOS. RADEK, Prop. Mr, J. W. Turner, of Truhart, Va.. says that Chamberlain's Stomach acrt Liver Tablets .have done him mow good tnan anything he could get from the doctor. If any physician in thb country was able to compound a medi cine that would produce such gratifying results in cases of stomach troubles biliousness and constipation, Ws who) time would be used in preparing tbk one medicine. For sale by all drug gists. C. Li- KESTEE, CARPENTER AT THE PICNIC GROUNDS IN Independence, Ore. LIPPIIJCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE x A Family Library Tha Best In Current Uferatura 12 Complete Novels Yearly . MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 per year; 25cts. a cop !NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMSER COMPLETE IN ITSELP