West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 28, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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T7t(t Sldl Enttrtrllt ' 00 Parker route, a number People u
lihhcu kvkry thi'rmday. I of other families not on. that know it wt
En tared at Independence. Or poetonte
nwronJ'tliK matter
Subscrption. $1.50 Per Year
rotito csin be serve J.
(Huicily la advance)
81 X
tttnglt eotr..... M
Reading nolle 10 easts per Una straight.
Ratet o tflantay advertising mad known
on appnoauou
Dr. E. J. Thompson of Inde
pendence married his 1253rd
couple last week. This probably
in the record for Oregon. The
doctor is only G7 years old and
is good for a number of weddings
yet. Besides a number of
couples married iu Minnesota
while preaching and teaching
there, he has tied the knot for
couples in Independence, Dallas,
Corvallis, Albany, Salem, Wood
burn, Roseburg, Eugene and
Portland, Oregon. All the
people married by Dr. Thomp
son would make a congregation
of 250(5, enough for two regi-
The Independence remedy-
whale oil toap and quassia chips.
Now is the time to spot the
yard where you want to pick i
The city council has met and
acted. It's time the Improve-
njfnt. League was heard from.
ireparea dressing room on
the river and organize a swim
ming school. Do it quick
n this way didn't
was hot Monday till
they read the I ortland papers.
At Portland it was hot enough
to scorch a feather while here
the sun's rays were tempered
by a frisky breeze and the
weather bore dared not ask, "la
it hot enough for you?"
Ladvbucs iutroduood into'
southern Ore con orchards to
destroy scale are not visible, but
it is believed they are doing
their work well. Portland Jour
nal. There is no question of
doing their work well if they aru
reftl Jiiilv htis.
in ., ..i- . I . o
me prettiest ming ou earm
a pretty woman.. The, ugliest I ...a he public gambling housei
thing on earth an ugly woman. ' Portland have been publicly
closed for the benefit of the
n a a - . I
fcaiem has selected a principal public. Anyone that thinks
for its first high school. A lit- eamblinc has been souelched in I
lie slow but the Capital City is Portland is well to say the
a I
crawling up.
.... ti i III
KI.R8 V A It II N K r.nv
NK. the Mei.uNlcan earn"-
f..r vl. nrealdent. U the
tallest nun In lit 1'nllcd Watee
senate ami the most dignified. II '
over tlx feet In height and v'ry WW
prtately aucceeded to the fimlorUI
toga Yf IVau Voorhcea. tli "Tall Hyt-a-lnore
of the Wabash." IU as I""" "
Ion m bin In I'uloii county. O, and he
now b on mansion, in Indianapolis
ami another In Washington. II ws
IHK.r farmer's loy. so poor that l
a follow student rooked tllr own
nice In at colleiie, but today b la worth
several millions of dollars and as a
lawyer haa received atngle fees amount
lug to UK.00t. I.IWe other men who
have achieved prominence li la known
will. the foundation of the wl
" ...... t,.. ha settled lu
Ionian), nmrnm.,
Nothing letter Illustrates the "trohg
wilted character or una pio.,
an entry lu the cnurvn mwi.
Junathsn rarrtn. BolHsU.tdlioj
rnh and r eovnanl. yl aflar liwa
mi n ana ,h hlm h, mad
,ov"1" r f.im a..d
hole churvh ld-m -1
Charlea Warren ralrbank. I eliihtb
i.. ,i..H.nl from Jonatliait I ayeruanar.
The aenato'fs fl'. LorUtoo Monroe
Kalrtiank. HUV ,,r ' wmcmi,
lo Uod and P f V' u'"a.
I readily idlr
least, over credulous.
The most appropriate thing
the mind can conceive this
weather-A woman in a bandanna
shirtwaist. .
The. Russian navy is having a
gay time capturing the mer
chant marine or other nutinns.
. i
metus ana more man enough but Oh, the day of reckoning
to nil me largest auauonuni in
the country. Allowing an aver- According to the best author-
age of five to a family would ities on table etiquette, biscuits
make an assemblage of C2Go should bo opened with the
How many of fingers. In extreme cases, how-
unions have proven ever, an ax is permissible.
marriages nd how
have developed in V ell, we shall see next Nov
compatibility, domestic troubles ember how the eastern financial
and divorce, are questions that bugs come out in running the
s bring serious reflections to Dr. Democratic party. Portland
mnsnn Anrl thm.anv hnmpr-l Journal.
1 j
ous incidents that have occurred
during the ceremonies would The Democrat notices that
make a large and interesting que an item in the Lewis and
book that will never be written. Clark business is salaries, eom-
The city council has taken up
the matter of better sanitation
in earnest and Mayor Cooper's
executive ability in the carrying
out of new laws is in a fair way
to be tested.
Some very fine specimens of
early peaches grown on the
bottom lands of Polk are now
on the market. Ihen rolk
county has peaches that do not
grow on trees.
The putting in of septic sew
erage is not progressing with
remarkable rapidity.
"I don't know whether I shall
meet them all in Heaven or not"
remarked tho doctor, but he re
alls with pleasure many happy
families that cherish the day
upon which he performed the
ceremony that made man and
wife of the head of the , family.
Dr. Thompson' is pastor of the
Presbyterian church of Indepen
dence and is popular as a min
ister, as a man and his form of
missioners expenses
bany Democrat,
etc. Al
1'olk county is entitled to
big representation in the Oregoh
development convention in Port
land Tuesday and Wednesday
and a good selection of repre
sentative men has been made.
They should all attend.
What has become of the dis
trict fairs? The state of Orecon
marriage ceremonies are popular appropriate8 raoney for two dis-
nauey upon wuom uevoiTa trict fairs in southern Oregon
uC uu u, mKiug ioiwuyv, and two ,n eastern Oregon. It's
x3o not neglect their opportunity time fof the officer8 of the8e
he remaining five months of institution3 to bestir themselves
the year, Dr. Thompson's mar- if they want a continuation of
iriage list will be materially in- these bienniai aDI)roniations.
I t.r n . t l
craseu ueiore anoioer new
Mr. Clements, having charge
of the rural deliveries in the
Northwest was here last week
and took under consideration
the matter of extending thel
Parker route by having the car
rier start from Independence
instead . of Parker. There has
been a petition, also a remon-l
stance in favor of extending the
route by making Independence
the starting point instead of
Parker. In order to get at the
the real sentiment of the patrons,
Mr. Clements decided to write
each one a personol letter, ask
ing each to state his preference.
There should be no misunder
standing in making reply to Mr.
Clements. It is not a question of
discontinuing the JParker route
but merely enlarging it. It a I
change is made if will not mean
that anyone now on the Parker
line is dropped but that all
will be served just as they
' are served bv the Parker
carrier but their mail will come
by way of Independence. By
this change in addition to those
Miss Bird Sappington, of Hills-
bcro, has been visiting her cousin
Miss Ethel McLeod.
Mrs. Dora Morgan and child of
lone, Oregon, have been visiting at
the home of F. M. Lewis.
Rev. Winters, of Dallas, preach
ed to large audiences here Friday,
Saturday and Sunday nights.
The Misses Bird Sappington and
Ethel McLeod are visiting in Inde
pendence this week.
.V w ...
Air. iioisingion anc lamily are
enjoying an onting at the coast.
Mr. McKinney aud family visit
ed over Sunday in Independence.
Elks' Charm Lout.
Lost, in Independence, probably
in coming from the dock up town,
an elk's tooth charm, with the in
scription "T. A. Rigfs, Salem
Lodge No. " on the back. Finder
leave at this office and get reward.
Mr. Kalrbanka bxatH ln M "
i fur Ihu raotu- i.f nw lB
Ilia early rafeeaUma ,
niiK li the Mine ar that uf jh, , ","
aa a allent man. He baa little to any,
and lie doe not wear bia heart on hi
leeve. Me la grave, calm, courteuui
and forceful, and a model wuaior In
deportment. Coniparatlreiy fpw aena
lorn now urate witn I lie aiiKnteat re
gard to their euvlronirii'iit, but the In
aianian im an exception. lie la very
well rroomed and la the beat dreaaed
maa in the nper branch of coDgreaa,
It la not that be baa a paaalon for good
clothea. He believes that the United
Statea senate la one of the nioat Impor
tant legialatlve bodies ln the world and
that In drena, bearing and comlurt
senator should be faultleaa. Thla Idea
Of bla nianifeata Itself In other wars
It la said that when tie became senator
be at once ceaaed pracUdng law, be
cause be thought bis time belouged to
too nation and because he did not be
Ueve a senators services as a lawyer
snouia be for sale.
About a dozen years after Boston was
settled a ship from England brought to
tne colony one Jonathan Fayerbunke,
bis wife, four sons and two daughters.
They were Puritans, and their anres-
.Absolutely Pure
For the third of a century the
standard for strength and purity. It
makes "the hot bread, hot biscuit,
cake and other pastry light, sweet
and excellent in every quality.
No other baking powder is
"just as good as Royal," either in
strength, purity or wholesomeness.
MRB. CHAKI, Wl W. rAIIlllAWKa, fKltelDaXT
OBNKBAZ, or TUB l. A. B.
tors for many generaUons bad been
farmers, a part of the yeomanry of
England. In the struggle between the
crown ana tUe people the Fayerbankes
followed Cromwell.'
They came to America, like the otbt-r
PnrlUns, ln search of rellgloua liberty.
' Jonathan PuTerhnnka . . 1
i, , nuo a 1)13 OI
I the New England rurltan of atrong
' mma. strong prejudices and an u-on de
tTmuuatlou. Ills name la Identified
but U-fore reni'lilng niaiihotxl rmlgrst
ih! to .luwunliii'(l. At Ware, be
U-n riled tli wakdii nmkrr'a In. In, and
when be emigrated trm Maaaachii'
wtt to Union county, U., It waa to k i
up In the wagon making btMlneaa and
The aenators mother, Mary AdelaMe
Falrbiiuka, came of the Kiulllia of Co
lumbia county. N, V, They were early
rialgranta to Ohio. Her brother, the
late William Henry Kmlto, founded the
AstKx-latetl Ireas.
Senntor rairbanka' earliest re.nl
leetiona date from the log cabin lu
which he was born, on May 11. 1HT.2,
and which stood on the edge of a farm
or 210 acres In I'nlon county, O. Thla
log Iiouhh was the scene of the8rt
and only tragedy of bis life and came
near ending him at the aire or fi.nr
Workmen were engaged In bulldlug a
new rrame house aud were occupying
the old log house aa a workahon. The
plure waa filled with ahavlnga. and the
rutiire senator atrayed Into the build
Ing lu the ahdence ef the workmen, and
while repletilithiiig the fire In the atove
ne ignlt(Hi the ahnvlnga on the flour.
me llumea cut off bla retreat, aiul
when he daahed throuith them t. n...
uoor tne laicu wa beyond hia re..i.
With thoughlfulnega eilraordlnnrv i..
ot ma age. ne seised a Urnrd from
a carpenUT'a table, brnced It agalnm
uie wan, ana, mounting it, rained the
lutch, pulled open the door ami es
caped lu the nlrk of time.
The aenutor'a boyhooil life waa audi
aa fell to the average farmer boy. He
was early taught the value of Indus
try aud frugality. n worked ou the
farm and attended the country schools
during the brief terms until be reclicd
the age of fifteen, when i,u -,, ...
Ohio Wealeyau college at Delaware
()., a few miles away.
The career of younif Kairi....L.
a """nguianwl for sincere
and diligent application t0 ,,,, ,,,
.m .or ee1 enl and Self relliu,-e,
1IA si ml t.xii ...
.. ,;11UW auiueut of eotiullv
"eager mea.e, .bared a room and did
ooiung. He won iin.1 l...
youug lawyer, lis and bla ym,wT?
la'gan life lo a Nmollng houat, ij?
.ractU grew they furiiUhad ( awj?
lioine and later moved Into oaTj
pretentious. Their present bmua.il?
which they moved about thr.!j
ago, la located at ire Nortb UauJ
at reel. Indianapolis, tin un of thaJ
aomrat bulUIIng sites la tb fit,
Heualor I'alil.anka' entry aa i
live fr lu ttepublkaa natkm,ir
IW may Is said to date from u?
Letila Keputillcaa coiiveutluu a i.-
amt tU tents lead lug up ,
aud Major McKluley bad ben trttnA .'
ef many )-esrs' standing Hot, t
Dlilo horn, latih ardent ineiuhert f
MeihiMllat Kpleoopal rburcb attd
act Hcord In their pollttral vtvwi, jjj !
Falrlwnka bad many rllents a (u
aud knew lbs state, and its lieoublH,
leader and traditions eppd U H.
It waa natural, therefore, tint Uf
Fairbanks atkould attach himaeif
fortunes of Major McKlnley In tUt.
Ilmlimry organlMtlon leading up ant,.
campaign of l"fll, t
He tou4 charge of the work la I.J
liana and waa Influential In othbIum
the state and In roiniulttliig th iu!
publican party In Indiana to tht
alandartt. He was cboavn a 4i4mt'
at large to the Mt Iiila contanti
snd n afterward It was annum
that Major Wclvluley, wbuae twutss.
Hon waa then a foregone coucliulj.
bad Invited Mr. Fairbanks to bt te.
porary rbalrwan of the ronvcutk.
His aHMi h as temporary rhalrminii.
tracliM wide attention, la Jsoaml
IW7. Mr. Falrbsuka waa immlmti ja.'
'nltil Mo tea senator on the dnt UlM'
over a fleld of strong eaudldatra. (
. Mr. Falrlwuka at ouce tk ktfkj
rank In the senate. H snterrd sliw-j
ly Into the work of the eitra s.;
nun i nwq mii. ft'tiiflf-y (ana IN4
ami was equally pMiiilneut In the wot
of miKiicinl legislation w birb follusnl
In the sgltntlmi which preceded us
dtH'laratloii of war with Hpaln Hetutnr
Falrbahk was one of Itealdent Xp
Kiiiley's rfclef advlaer. as be 4tt,
Ing the pear negotiations wbk b
rltMed that war. He was at one tits'
Invited by rreakletit McKlhley to Ji'a
bla cabinet and waa appointed by dim
a member of the Joint blgb commlaaloa
to afitle the Alaska boundary qomtlua.
rVnntor Kalrlmiiks was a delegate (
large to the I'bllsdelpbta couventlua af
llasj aud was chairman of the ronirai!
tee on resolutlotia which reported lb
latform. f
He waa r elected to the senate Is
UC1 by the Joint assembly of the ll
dlans legislature with the largest mi
Jirlty ever given to a Itepubllcaq cs
dldate for Vnlted Htstes senator la lk
hUtory uf the slate.
Mrs. Fairbanks prior to tbs nomlna
Hon of the senator for tbe vice presJ
their own
UHU ma reHtwwt on.l
I IT. "nd fnculy- " was ..
:v Tre ,i,,t "e t-or
tiw. .n '.. """ors or
tmin-r. me frlendshln tl.i.
formed rliw.n,i i-. .... . .UP Uiu
IIIIU IflVs asn. I a.
aa Mr iv ...... .
i " Uaa p""ted from
profession they were married.
un leaving colleee
went t.. rt.u. ' " iim
arle.1 " " " ue
" u " As,K-lateil Tress
After remaining lu Hit-burg for .
year or more, daring which be appHe"
hliu-lf eMl,luouMy u, the HtZv ,1
law, be went to Cterel.nT 1 . '
bis atudiM .n7 CteTel,nd "oniilrted
i,.e e M. J w" a,,"lttHl to the
bar of tbe supreme court of tha ... !
after attendlna . ,r. U,
land Uw school.
banes' osxr uavuiitkb. 1
dency waa almoet aa conspicuous la
'Ul.llc life as her bualmtul. Bhe l
iresldent general of the daughter of
the Amerlcnn Revolution a ad Is re
gurdeil as probably the ablest jinrlln
menturliiii In that orgiuilwtlon. U'f
biiNbnml's aiiHtorlnl exiM-rleme has
greatly nlded her In her study of psr
llniiieutnrv Imp.
Sir. nnd Mrs. Fulrhnnks have fl'
children. Their only daughter. Ale
lulde, wna married Inst SeptemlK'T to
Ensign John Wesley Tliiimoua, I'. H. N.
Mlsi l'ulrlmnks was one uf the most
bountiful girls who bud ever figured
lu the society Uf of the capiti'l nnd
was blKlily popular She Is a tall, dark
beauty, with a grent wenlth of "per
sonal tmigin..tMini" and knows how to
Tho eldest son Is Wnrren C. F"1
banks, who Is a director of the Oliver
Typewriter works In Chicago. He wai
married recently to mIks Ethel Ilelcne
Cassldy of Pittsburg. Frederick
Fairbanks, the second son, graduated
from Princeton In lisUl. He Is n
taking a law course In Columbian uni
versity In WuHhlnctoii. The third s-iv.
Itlchard, la lu bis Junior year at Y
and the fourth son. Itolert la a stmlt tit
at I'bllllps academy, Alidovor, Ma.-.,
frepurlug for Princeton,
dilator Fairbanks' motLer Is etU
living and Is nearly seventy-five years
of age. Khe aoends her wluU'rs wita
tbe senator's family la Washington.