West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 28, 1904, Image 1

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Seventh yeah.
Ml. IIawi-kv,
1'. L
iJent. ! rrvMidont.
Ink U. Iowku, cjasliu-r.
ria cui. iio,ooo
4. Campbell. I. M. Bimpsun. J. t. V.
row, K. H. Powell.
i..,-rl lUnkiav in J Kschanite butine.
LKJSrooihool the United HtaU and Canada.
Draft! sold
oapitalstook:, sbo.ooo.oo.
B.ri.n. towsTdeat. " ""aiTrAM NELMW , Vie. IWd.o
1 banking c).n bulnM tmmm-Ud. Loans mJa. BM
i "( i ( iinitierrii cnum nanwu. itui .
H'lUu4itef for f
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
m i iia. Irom cob
JfcIrr-tw od I tarn Mmhuro.
Sola r.nUto fw tlx hot dy.
Yon tn lwy wk-
The Yards Are Looking Green
And Healthy. The Qual
ity Will be Good But
Bumper Crop Not to
be Expected.
Yards Will be Cleanly This Yew
And Already Grower are Look
ing Out For Their Quota
of Pickers.
Three Thousand People Now
Rusticating: at Newport By
The Sea and the Season
Has Just Opened.
Many Polk County People Taking
Their Outing: Where the Ocean's
Murmur if Heard Day
and Night
Wry, feed and boarding stable
Good Rics for Commercial Men ft S rciaH
S S2SodUonj. Hon..
rigs. Horses boarded by day, week or month.
- . .1 ... WlAtl
Wl... on.i wan"
'n- Nnrmal School
m m ru m. m m u m m . m m m m m a . m. m m m m w w
ii l .aw aa mav w
o . . "
Monmouth, Oregon
tr 20. m. terma in "JJfcTt-iB.
""r", rV i,..i. .bout the aivaoceu
On Sbert notice
Plows and all Kind of
dflc"d CMl$
Ground Olbile Vou mail
Indpir.2tnce er.d monawtft'
WATER and LIGH1 w.-.
Tbe hop ysrds how tha good
effect of the recent rain. The Tine
present a dark green healthy ap
pearance, and the proopecta are
much more premising than two
weeks ago.
There will not be a bumper crop
however, at baa been predicted. It
i very cany to go wild on estimat
ing the hop yield of the state and
the estimate before harvest is more
oflener over than under the actual
Two weeks ago some were esti
mating the states yield as low, as
C5.000 bales, but il now is generally
put higher.
Hop men will sport, and some
wagers have been placed on the
yield at 75,000 Tbe estimates at
this time vary widely, and perhaps
more agree upon an output equal
to that of last year than on aoy
other amount. That means the
yield per acre is less than last year
as the acerage baa been increased
some 1S00 to 2500 acre. The gen
erally accepted figures for last year
are 88,500 bales though it is claim
ed the real output was 92,000.
A conservative grower ventured
the opinion this week, that this
vear's croD would De bu.uw to oo,-
000 hales, and this may be consid-
mk! & raisonabl estimate, based
on the present outlook.
Spraying is pretty well done in
theee part, and wbera it la not,
nravina continues, The yards
-r-- " ....
... ..tii-l v trHA from weeds tma
year and lice have not , put in an
in alarming quanti-
ti in anr Quarters, and tbe yards
ill be in a cleanly condition for
picking., . . ... ...
Orowera are already looting out
for pickers, a lew having engaged
for their vards. .and others
a part of the hands they will need.
The hop reporter or tne oaiem
Statesman, after making a inp
throagh Marion county yarda ana
interviewing growers ana aeaior-
generally, has tbe following to ssy.
"Aa harvesting season is wuu.j
.nnrnhinir. and within a few
short weeks the many hop yards of
the Willamette valley will be en-
livened by the thousands of nop
pickers working equally hard with
.w.!. ,an1a and their tonBues, nat
tUDU 4s- -
orally more interest is being await-
In th ffrowina crop, ana ep-
alation is rife as to the size of the
coming crop. . . , .
"Although the fact is denied by
many, the recent drouth has greatly
jrad the vield in many yaruo,
those on low ground and where the
cultivation was intense having sui
fered least Authorities wno nave
nil investigated, crop conai-
4 w-j
tions assert that a conservative es
timate of the yield Plc
.u.,t ia name as last year, 88,000
bales. Some expect the crop to fall
far below these figures, wm
ers believe it will reacn iw,
lbs recent raina were of vast
benefit to the hop crop, aa although
the yield was not materially in
creased the quality was greatly im-
a Th bloom will practically
all set, and tha hops will be large
. .nmt aa dalieht . the
buyers. The river bottom vardsl lDfi! Am DflQART
are in the best condition, and will j UilCii 1 UUOUiV 1
give the best results, while on
higher ground tbe yield is sure to
be light, many growers estimating
tbe yield from their yards at one-
half that of last season. The many
young vards, which were expected
to make good yields this seanon,
and greatly increase tbe output of
tbe slate, are not comiug out in
good form. It was reported yester
day that of the HO acres iu llorst
Brothers' two year old yard not a
bale of bops would be picked, and
many others are in the sumo con
dition. Tbe youtig vines have not
yst become deeply rooted, and were
more susceptible to tbe warm dry
,4V. II. Searle, the hop dealer,
vesterdav returned from a tour of
the west side vards in Polk, Yam
hill and Washington counties, and
report most of tbe yards yisited in
good condition looking as well or
belter than last year. He esti
mates tbe coming crop at fullv 25
per cent more than last season, or
110,000 bales."
Eastern Oregon Aroused Over Ir
rigation Takes Step to Secure
Government Co-operation
in Malheur.
Those who have taken up lands
t .! 1 -
in Eastern Uregon in paruvuiar
and every citixen of tbe state in
general ia, glad to learn that the
government and tne people oi w
... a . a
Malheur district are aoouv w ge
twfttheron an irrigation, project.
wr. ... , , .
Of the meeting neld at vale ias
week the Malheur Gasette, publish-
ul at Vale, save:
"The Irrigation meeting neld at
the court house Baiuraay was largn
and enthusiastic Ontario turned
out en masse as also did Dead Ox
Flat, carrying a banner with the
inscription, Dead Ox Flat Solid
for Irrigation." Vale also present
ad a banner on which was inscrib
ed, "Vale solid for government
irrigation," These were the only
Knnr disDlaved. nevertheless all
other delegationg were enthusiastic
and nnanimously in lavor ol tne
inauguration of the great work of
government irrigation, iubf"'
..nt.iinn from Ontario was larg
anthiiHtaiitio. The Deople of
auu . - ,-. . . , .
our sister city are tuny anve in me
Tn fact all sections are
putting forth their best efforts to
get matters in Bhape so as to in
Bure a speedy construction of the
reservoirs. -
"Representatives were present
from Owyhee, Nysaa, Arcadia and
Weiser, and many other points all
of whom were fully in accord with
the Government's planB and clam
fnr Immediate action. Such
. ,,.nnnt wan never before wit
nessed in Vale. All of the old pio-
.i.lnir'D were here. They
fully realized this to be one of tne
most important meeiinga sin"'"
M.lKonr mnntv. A VOte being
taken showed the meeting to be-
unanimously in favor oi govern-
'Among representatives of tne
-..... man t nrAnanL Were John T.
Whistler, engineer in charge of
this district, and C. J. 'Blanchard
-.k .ui.mitinn service. Wash-
Ul I UD . v..t.." .
ington D. C. Purveyor Newbill,
.rm nt thn survey here, was
.1.. n..rx hAaidea a number of
R1DU ivww
others connected with the Govern
Mr. Blanchard addressed the au-
j: . in r nrettr sneech.
He paid a great compliment to this
section of Malheur county."
t. a smith. rnrmeriT w xauv-
J.-- nnv nrMiriRnt Of the
Malheur County Board of Tra
..11.4 ntMtin to order. Mr.
. .
at.V alan mid Chairman OI
. . tnri7 innoinwi war
t mMna fnr eirrnn( on tha pre-
izlmrw wmtV fAnd 1-ADOri tO a BOMB
mating to be held at Ontario Aug I
There never was a larger crowd
this early in the season. Nearly
all the cottages are occupied and
numerous tents are spread. Tbe
hotels are well patronized though
they have not been obliged to turn
away people yet. At Newport,
Nye Creek and Oleonville there are
fully 3000 people.
Manv Polk county people are
making their summer home here.
Claude Fryer and G. L. Zumalt,
after popularizing themselves with
a spanking span of bays and rubber
tired rig, left the first of the week-
Mrs. W. L. Bice and family are
camping at Nye Creek.
Dr. Crowley and family of Mon
mouth are domiciled at Nye Crsek
August Sperling's family ia at
Nye Creek. August was along
until the first of the week to do
the foraging.
Mrs. J. II. Bohannon and
daughters, Mia Bertha and Hazel,
are living at Nye Creek.
O. A. Kramer and family have a
home at Nye Creek overlooking the
- a . 1
ocean. Mr. Kramer wnue nere
gives a daily imitation of how a
fisherman fishes.
The family of D.. A. Hodge are
ensconced in a home in the popular
summer town of Nye Creek.
Mre--H L. Kenton and aon.
Carl, of Dallas, are stopping at the
Abbey House. , Floyd Daly of lai-
.. IT
las ia a truest at the cay view.
Other Dallaaites here are Mr. and
Mrs. B. Gilduer, Thomas Stock
man and James Hoi man.
Frank Mulkey of Monmouth is a
runner for the Abbey House Hotel.
Frank Miller and Kank Kersey are
emDloves at the same hostelry.
Patriot Tallon is a gues at tne
Pearl PtnnAr in recreating his
frail hodv at Newport.
D. C. Calhreath and Mr. Shaier
..uJ thrniiffh tha first of the
JTSIODVU fMtwwfj" ..
week. They are doing the coasi
TVm ITitz-Vvorfl ia clarkm? in a
AVM A t.VUM. , 0
vrncnrv store.
Miss Pearl Cooper is improvea
in haalth and is eniovinz the surf
daily at Nye (Jreek.
rv.i ft Fishr and family are
vu ... ; -
enjoying the luxuries of life at Nye
E. Hofer and family live in their
nnttniTA homo at Olsonville. Claud
Gatch and family are spending the
. V. At,
aiimmt,r in the "booner nesi
home at Nye Creek. The distance,
hills and Balal bushes intervening
between the two illihees make it
easy for Messrs Hofer and Gatch to
avoid meeting hence peace reigns.
Mr. Gatch'B bad eye that noier
never blacked, is much improved.
His sight will be saved.
The proportion of ladies to men
thisseason ia ten to one. Hence,
men as escorts are at a premium.
The central figure on the beech is
Mrs. Michell. Mrs. Michell is
from Lexington, Ky. At present
she has quarters at the Abbey
UAnaa Kill will furnish a
oottage ai Nye. Creek and enter-
Uin. , She is attended by a colored
maid and has two saddle hones at
her command. With . a, .nattjl -
di.idftd-akirt suit and cowboy hat,
he makea a rood fignre and is tha
eynoaur oi all eyee when aha take
her daily rides. Her surl-batbing
costumes are triumphs of the silk
weaver's art. Young, pretty, viva
cious Mrs. Michell possesses an
aimiable disposition that makes
friends wherever she goes and
many frequenters of the seaside at
Newport will hope for her return
next season.
The Alderman Boys, Hostlers for
), C Rote at Monmouth Ar
rested and Released.
H S Alderman and brother Ed
were arrested in Salem Saturday
evening at tbe instance of J C Rose
the liveryman at Monmouth, The
Aldermans are young men who
have beeoin Ihe employ of Mr.
Rose working in his livery stable
tbe pest month. ,
It seems that one of them decided
to leave Saturday and was taken to
Salem by his brother. Upoa
reaching Salem they were arrested
upon instruction from Mr. Rose.
Monday they were brought to In
dependence by Constable Moran
and lodged in the city jail. Yes
terday afternoon they were givea
a hearing before Justice Wilson,
resulting in their acquittal. The
state was represented by J. N. Hart.
The defendants employed no at
torney. Witnesses were examined
and the evidence showed that one-
of the young men owed Rose $4-80
and that Rose was indebted to tbe-
other one. It was the arrangement,
so the defendants claimed, that the
one to whom Rose was indebted
waa to pay tbe debt of the other
one to Rose. Hence the case was
dismissed. "
' ExTrssTeaaa Banal
Dave Boydaton's express team
took another spin yesterday morn
ing, starting in front of Mrs. Bab
bit's residence and stopping at the
river. Luckily no teams were en
countered in their course. They
were hitched to a dray partly load
ed with furniture belonging to Mrs.
Babbitt, who was moving to her .
new Monmouth home. Mr. Damon
and another man stopped the fright
ened team at the river. The only
damage was to the wagon. Danger
attends, a runaway team through
the streets and this team has ac
quit ed a reputation that should be
sufficient warning to the driver to
never let go of the lines.
From Polk to China.
Miss Nellie Clark, of Salem, a
daughter of Alexander Clark, has
been appointed as missionary to
China by the Christian church, of
which she is a member. She is now
iu Salem, but expect to leave for
San Francisco in time to sail for
China on September 21. MiBB Clark
stands very high in Salem circles,
where she has spent most of her
life. She iB a graduate of the Col
lege of Liberal Arts of Willamette
University, and during the past
year has been teaching in . Polk
county. She is the first foreign
missionary so be appointed from
Oregon by the Christian church.-
Statesman. ' .
J H TownBend, formerly a well
known lawyer of Dallas, died at
hie farm home hear Perrydale yes
terday. Burial will take place in
the cemetery north of . Dallas to.
morrow, Friday. "
Just received 400 cloth bound
books 15 cents and up at Craven &
MiBB- Canna Robinson waa .a
passehger to Newport today.
Calling cards in six sizes lOcenta
a package at Craven dt MoorVi. ""
ana - - .