West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 21, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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Mrs. F. H. Conkey
Dallas tbi wmI.
Mrs. A. M. Hurley returned from
a visit to Lafayette Monday.
Clarence Watrooer came op from
Portland the first ot the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Uus Sperling and
little daushter are rusticating at
Prof. A. F. Campbell, of Mon
month, left for the MacKeniie
Mrs. H. II. Wagoner returned
from a two weeks' visit in Portland
Miss Sadie Craven. Mies Lulu
Wilcox and Van Dornsife were in
Newport over Sunday.
W. G. Bharman and family left
Monday for their annual outiog on
their place twenty miles south of
How Farming is Carried on
and Money Made at
Scientific Fanning in
Polk County
George Whiteaker and family
left Tuesday for a several weeks'
anting at Ocean Park.
Hon. I. L. Simpson ex-representative,
of tne county and a sub
stantial farmer of.theAirlie neigh
borhood was in town Saturdry.
Silas Pinnev of Fargo, N. D.,
and Miss Ida Riep, who came to
this city last spring, were married
in Dallas Saturday evening. Miss
Rief has been Conducting a dress
making shop on Monmouth street,
and as Mrs. Pinney will continue
dress making. Mr. and Mrs. Pin
ney intend to remain in Indepen
dence for the rummer and winter.
Miss Brown has returned from
her eastern trip having attended
the S&. Louis Fair and visited
friends In Minnesota. Mrs. Dink
ahan, Eddie Brown, a brother-in
law and John Bomister, nephew
of Mr. Simons, all of Winona,
Minn., accompanied Miss Brown
home and will live here during
the summer.
J. C. White, master of the Oak
Grove Grange was in Sunday.
Crops look.better in the Oak Grove
vicinity since the rain, Mr. White
reports. Oak Grove Grange con
tinues in a flourishing condition
The hall has been painted this
summer adding greatly to its
appearance. During the busy sea'
son meetings are held at night
instead oi the day time. The next
meeting will be held on the second
Saturday night in August.
One night last week at Newport,
the driving horse belonging to Sam
Goff took a stong dislike to the sea
breeze and started for home in
Independence. After traveling
several miles he came to the place
belonging to Dave Williams.
Mr. Williams promptly tied him to
the fence to await development. In
the meantime Mr. Goff, missing the
animal, succeeded in tracking him
to the William's ranch.
. It is said that the mail order
business is somewhat on the wane.
It is well if this is so. The United
States has too many great depart
ment stores drawing trade from all
parts of the land and flooding the
rural districts with circulars and
catalogues to the detriment of home
trade and borne prosperity. It iff
to be remembered that as a rule
the mail order goods are not up to
the mark in quality. Close analy
sis will snow that in many cases
the orders can be filled by home
quality considered, for less money.
Often the patron of the small or
der houses send his cash away and
permits his account to remain un
settled with bis horn merchant. It
should not be ao. " 'Home trad is
wumu n M1V urn vail. -ailwu J
Erection of Buildings.
The erection of buildings con
tinues at the Krebs Bros, big hop
ranch. L. L. Carter, architect and
contractor, this week began the
construction of a house and barn
for the Tune Lea Chinese company
leases of 90 acres of the yard. The
Chinese company is cultivating 67
aorea of new hops besides 26 acres
of old that were already on the
place when u was purchased by
the Krebs.
Besides buildings for the Chinese
company, the main residence on
the ranch will be remodeled this
vear and according to plans and
specifications that have been
drawn up by Architect Carter, it
will be an imposing structure.
worthy of a place on a 400-acre
hop yard. It is a two story build
ing and will have a porch on three
sides supported by fourteen col
umns. On the front the porch will
be 30 feet long and on either side
43 feet.
The Krebs began the hauling
and distributing of trellis poles for
their big yard this week. It will
require 9000 poles and all have
been cut on the Krebs place. None
are lees tnan nve incnes in dia
meter and they will be 17 feet high,
allowing for re-setting. The trellis
wires will be 11 feet from the
ground. The end of the poles are
being dipped in carbolineum avena
rius, a preservative.
The young hops on the Krebs
place are looking fairly well. The
vines are from three to six feet high
and the per centage of missing
hills is about 15 per cent, leaving
about 85 per cent stand. It is not
the intention of the owners to try
to attempt to save any first
year hops from the vines set out
this year, but there will be con
siderable activity on the big bop
ranch of Krebs B-os from now on',
The Stump Farm where Cottwold,
Lincolnshire, Short Horns.
Jerseys and Angora
Goats Thrive
In stalking around over Polk
county, the editor of the North
Pacifio Rural Spirit, runs on to one
real live stump and after punning
on the name for awhile relates some
facts worth knowing about this
stump and the country that pro
duces that species.
The Rural Spirit says:
"There ar a good meny stumps
in Polk county some oak stumps,
some fir stumps and some ash
stumps but there is one real live
stump over there; it doesn't sprout,
though, because it movrs about too
fast; there is no moss on it either,
but it is sometimes covered with
andt of dollars worth of fine stock,
"On the farm is a herd of well
bred Jerseys as well as a herd of
Shorthorns headed by a fine bull
imported from Indiana in 190.'!.
"Mr, Stump is still breeding An
goras, although not quite so ezten
eively as formerly. lie has gained
quite a reputation with his goat
and they nave made nlui enough
money to buy a pretty good farm
He still keeps a small select flock
of them.
"The Cotswolds and Lincolns
are the idols of his heart, aad
when Mr. Stump is not talkin
about them you may well suspicion
that he is sick."
Portland is preparing for one
the longest race meetings eyer at
tempted in the state. It will be
held on lrvington I art tract and
will last from August 8 to the 2'
Bicycle and Stage.
Attorney-General Crawford came
up from Salem on his wheel Sun
dav evening and remained over
till Monday morning. In consider
ation for his feelings, alter a spin
over Polk county on Sunday, he
returned by stage Monday morn
ing. Among the matters claiming
the Attorney-General's attention
now are the direct primary nomi
nations law, and the foreclosure
suit wherein the state is plaintiff
and defendant. Some $20,000 is
owing the irreducible school fund
from the State Board of Agriculture
and the statute of limitations will
have run before the legislature
meets. Rather than permit the
debt to become outlawed, the At
torney-General commenced fore
closure proceedings to protect the
school fund against ihe agricultural
board fund. General Crawford is
also devoting some time to the
checking up and familiarizing him
self with the workings of the di
reel primary law under which noni'
inations will have to be made for
the next election after the presi
dential election. The Attorney
General advises that no changes be
made in the law until after it is
tried once.
Excursion Bates to Yaquina
On June 1st the Southern Pacific
Co. will resume Bale of excursion
tickets to Newport and Yaquina
gay. Both season, and Saturday
to-MondaV . tickets will be Bold.
This popular resort is growing in
favor each year. Hotel rates are
reasonable and opportunities for
fishing, . bunting and sea bathing
are unexcelled by any other resort
on the Pacific Coast
0 Fran Ellis, of ; Dallas, . Visited
b!l mother the past wet a.
wool and mohair. It is a J.
Stump. There are only two other
stumps of this particular variety
in tne county, une or these
only nine months old, but it is
very handsome tnrifty young
Stump, and J. B. thinks it is about
the finest young Stump on earth
"Polk county is supposed to have
been named after the late James
K. Polk, but we hardly think this
is true. Oregon was, no doubt, the
last state that was made when this
country was put together, and
Polk was the last county in the
state. After making all the other
states and countiei they had a big
lot of rich land, fine country and
beautiful scenery left, and after
poking it all into this county they
just called it Polk.
"Since traversing this beautiful
county, nearly 25 years ago, the
writer has traveled many thousand
miles and seen much of the beauti
ful, fertile land of this vast do
main, but for pretty farms, attrao
tiye home sites and delightful
landscape, we can recall notbiDg
that quite equals that of Polk
county. To drive over the good
roads and see the pleasant farm
homes shaded by the dense foliage
of their shapely maples, surrounded
by their fruitful orchards, fertile
gardens and broad fields of waying
grain, beautified by the handsome
groves of stately oak, ash and fir,
to see the fat, sleek stock continu
ously grazing in the rich pastures,
to see the rich clover blossoms and
scent the sweet fragrance of the
new mown hay, to expand your
lungs with pure ozone on a perfect
June day, is an experience at once
inspiring and intoxicating.
"Amid such surroundings it is
natural to expect the most perfect
development of human character
as well as the highest type of ani
mal growth. It is in the heart of
this rich and scenic country that
Mr. Stump lives and produces his j
famous Cotswolds. Lincolns and
"Mr. stump commenced opera
tions here about seventeen years
ago with 500 acres of land. What
was not covered with oak grubs
had been continuously raising
grain until it was about grained to
death and was not supposed to be
worth much. By a careful system
of rotation of crops in which
clover, vetch and rape have been
the principal factors, be has
brought his land up to a high state
of cultivation and productiveness
and by , keeping good stock of
almost all kinds common to the
farms of this cenntry to graze his
pasture and consume the product
of his fields, he has been able te
save money from, the profits of his
farm : and add . to his possessions
ntil now his farm contains 7 1400
eras and has upon it many thous-
Have You ltecelved a Souvenir?
The A. & C. R. R. will mail to
your address free, copies of thel
summer booklet containing 30
pages of half tone engravings of
Columbia river and Clatsop beach
ecenery. Address J. C. Mayo, G
F. & P, A., Astoria. Ore., or C. A
Stewart, Agent 248 Alder Street,
Portland, Ore.
Independence, Ore.
July 5, 1904.
Notice is hereby givn that the
annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Oregon Milling & Warehouse
Co., will be held at the office of the
company in Independence, Oregon,
August 6th at 2 p. m., for the pur
pose of electing directors for the
year following, and for transacting
such other business as may prop
erly come befoure the stockholders.
A Positive Necessity.
Having to lay upon nay bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, I on
ly found relief when I used a bottle of
Ballard's snow liniment. I can cheer
fully recommend it as the beat medi
cine for bruises ever sent to the afflict
ed. It baa now become a positive ne
cessity upon myself. D. R. Byrnes,
merchant, Doveravllle, Texas. 25o, 60c,
$1, Bold by A. 8. Locke.
Tearing up
Tutting in now floor and
ropaporing our walls, but
ready to servo you with
new groceries and fresh
vegetables every day,
McCready 8r Earhart
H. D. WHITMAN, Proprietor
j& A Home Industry Institution 7
WorK Called for Tuesday Delivered Saturday
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phone 273 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Ore
W. L. HICK, Eiubatmcr and Funeral Director.
fun,, Pimm Oalyr
01. OO 0I.0O 0M.0O
' '
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public.
Collections Promptly Made Titles
East Side Main Street,
Independence, -:- Oregon.
Barber Shop.
One door south of Post Office.
Fine Baths in connection with shop
Independence, - - Oregon,
-Atto rn ey-at-La w,
m proved for Season of 1904
One half box for pickers.
Full box bottomless ba
ket for measuring. Cor
' regpondenoe solicited.
Newly Equipped; Over IOO Rooms, Steam Heatr
Gas Lights; Jill Modern Conveniences.
Cooib Brushes free
With every purchase of a 25c pack
age of our Special Tooth Prepara
t i o n s, Rosafoam, Whitehood'a
Listerated, or Turkish Myrrh Tooth
Powder, we will present you with a
fine tooth brush free of charge.
Undertaker1,' Embalmer,' and Faaeral
Director. '' Lady Assistant
t r vbci Desired. '
Leave Indepen
dence for Mon
mouth and Alrlie
7:80 a. m.
8:80 p. m.
Leave Indepen
deno for Moo
montnand Dalia
11 KM a, m.
t:lt p.m.
L've Mod month
for Alrlie. .
7:St a. m.
t-M p. m. '
1tm Moaraoata
for Dallas.
Leave Alrlie for
Monmouth and
frOO a. m,
:U6 p. m.
Leave Dalla lor
Monmouth and
JrflO p, m.
7:80 "
L've Monmouth
for Independence
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S.
Palnlew Kxtractlon
a Specialty.
Cooper Building,
Independence, Or
How About Your Summer
Mai i
i:S0 p. i
Laavea ladepea
0mwm Sat Mm.
Newport on Yaquina Bay is the
ideal seaside resort of the North
Pacific coast. -F-onml trfp tickets
at greatly reduced nites on sals
from all Southern points In Oregon,
on and after June 1 Ask 1 agents
for further particulars and a hand
someljr illustrated souvenir book
jet, or write to Edwin Sions, Maas
ger O. E. R. IU Albany, -Or.? r
W. E. Coman, O. P. A., 8. P. Co..