(l 2 We ENTERPRISE1 2 Hvl IND K l'KN DENC E, l'OLK COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 21, 1904 NUMBER' 34 Side ST vt i.'vrvTir vp.au. POLK COUNTY BANK. Incorporated. MONMOUTH, J. II. lUwucY, 1 L. Camh;km;, President. ' Vice President. Iua C. 1'oweu., CaKhicr. Paid Cltl, Diuectohh-J. II. Hawley, 1. L. riimpbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V. Butler, John JI. Stump, J. A. Withrow, F. 8. Powell. Transacts General Banking and Exchange business: Drafts sold ayailabla throughout the Unitml States and Canada. THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. II HIKRHBKItO, I'Vert'denT " AlfttAM KKLfON, Vic Pre.Men C. W.IKVINK, CiiHliMr. DIRECTOItS.-H. llHtTurrMV. railTF.liniltb, J. P. Kboctoi and A. Nelnon. a imneral ImnklnTandMuhwiige bneinww transacted. Iwna ramie. ' Bill dlufted. " 1.1 credit grated. XtoMNit r,I mi on current account subject to chec k. DAVIDSON & HEDGES -t- Htadquartm For ! Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies Pit, in nd! variety from cob Soda Fountain for the hot day. toVotf ud f in IvWhaum. You are always welcome. DAVIDSON & HEDGES r STREET ' INDEPENDENCE, OREGON LIVERY, FEED 1 AND . W. DICKINSON, Prop. Good Riga for Commercial Men a 'Specialty. Good accommodations. Horses well fed. line riga. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Telephone 2Vo. 293 Oregon State Normal School Monmouth, A ffr,"Y i ... IcourHMi of study, training it 1 r 1 Ai 't i'Vi 1 teaching in town and country V t i 'S "v J "' H.'land full details about the a y. J t ;,. McourHeof atudy with the additi " JHB . . I. ... 1 AdlK.ua P On Short Plows ana all Kinds or Edged Cools ground Ulblle Vou malt Independence and Itlontnoutb WATER and LIGHT CO. OREGON 900,000 1 I I BOARDING STABLE Independence, Oregon Oregon This school begins its 23rd year Septem ber 20. 1904. terms in each school vear utlordliiB equal'opportunlties for begin I n in K a course In September, November, ielruary auu April, iuo for teachers in the normal course with its assurance of good positions at Rood wtiKca. Write for new catalogue con taining lull information concerning 1U HUIUHI y schools advanced J course of study with tlie additional ad vantages attached. Address Secretary J. B. V. Butler, or President E. D. Ressler, MOMMOUTH, ORE. none 4 notice COUNCIL MEETS A Quorum Gets Together and Acts on Matters That Had Been Delayed Treasury Flush with Funds and More Coming:. Action Taken on Sanitary Conditions After several weeks vacation the city counnel git together Tuesday evening and took.up matters requir ing tlu attention of the local law makers. Present were; Mayor Cooj.er, and Councilman Craven, Meaner, Bo hannon and Kinch. In the absence of recorder Hbarnian, councilman Messner acted as clerk. The report of the finance com mittee was presented. It showed a little upwards of 11500 on hand and between $400 and $500 due in the city in taxes. Iking no out standing warrants and all bills paid up, a motion was made that $1000 In bonds be called in but the motion is held in ubeyance await ing the return of the recorder who is away ou leave of absence. The committee on health and police reported that the waste mo teriaLrom the creamery, accumu lated in a pool not far from Main street had become a menace to the public health. A resolution was adopted declaring the creamery refuse a nuisance, and directing the city marshal to notify the owner that it must be abated with in ten days from service of the no tice. The " committee on health and police was instructed to notify the proprietor of the Little Palace Hotel and others in the block bounded by Railroad and Main, Monmouth and C. streets, that steps must be taken to improve the sanitary conditions in that block. City Marshal Andy Tupper was granted a 20 days leave of absence. William Ball will act as marshal during the chiefs absence. Colonel -Tudsou Here, Colonel R. C, Judson of the 0. R, & N. Company was in town yesterday. He was met at the station by Mayor Cooper and driven over the country by way of Monmouth and Rickreal. "You have an ideal country" said the Colonel befor leaving, "and what a country it will be when some more easterners settle in these parts and go to farming on scientific meth ods." It has for yeara been Col onel Juclsot.'e mission to look after developing the resources of the country tributary to the 0. R. & It. line. Now that the O. R. & N. has been put under the same manage ment with the Southern Pacific,' his trip up the valleyat this time may result in the establishing of a model farm in these parts as has been done bv the 0. R. A N. in eastern Oregon, just to show what the country can be made to pro duce. Colonel Judson, under di rection of the O. R. & N. has pur chased and deyeloped what is known as model farms east of the mountains. Ilia efforts were very successful. If the railroad company should decide to nave Colonel Judson develop a model farm in these parts, it would eureiy he an eve-onener. not only to east erners, but to many of our own people. Oregon Development League. The Portland Commercial Club baa issued a call for a convention of the Oregen Development League, to be held at the Marquam Grand Theater in Portland August 2nd and 3rd.. All commercial, agri cultural, mining stock-raising and irrigation interest will be repres en ted; every editor in the etaU is invited to attend as a delegate; County Commissioners and Mayors of all towns and cities will also be called upon to name , delegates. The Portland Women Club will luok after the comfort of ladies accompanying delegates, and a- niotig other entertainments, have arranged for a trolley ride on Aug ust 2nd, taking in the most inter esting and beautiful environs of Portland, and on August 3rd ten street cars will be provided for a trip over the entire city. The Southern Pacific Co. will sell tickets at the very low rate oi one fare for the round trip, from all points on Oregon Lines to Portland and return, for this occasion, and it is hoped that every section of the state will be w ell represented at the convention, to work in harmony for the development of Oregon. THE DIRT FLIES Work of Extending Spur From S. P. to Gravel Bar in Willamette is Started Contract will be Rushed and Gravel Hauling: will Begin upon the Oimolction of the Road Railroad building is now on in Independence. It commenced this week and will not let up until a spur from the main ' line of the Southern Pacific to the river bed, ia completed. The track will be about half, a mile jong and will be an extension of the spur now having terminus at Main street to a point on the river bank a little north of the old shack at the upper boat landing Timber and other material and tools are being piled up along the route this week, and a gang of men are at work on the grade. Super intendent O'Brien and Fields will be here in a day or two, and anoth er crew will be put on for the trest le work and the work pushed to conmletion. There will be about (500 feet of trestlinst to be done. 4 Enough men will be put on to com plete the road, perhaps in 20 days. It is being built by the Southern Pacific and Mr. Hirschbe'-g of the Independence and Monmoutn Mo tor line. The river is now low showing a large quantity of gravel that will be made accessible by the new road, and the hauling of grav el will begin immediately upon completion of the road. The Inde pendence gravel bar will be the source of supply for a great many miles of railroad, and a number of men will be kept at work on the steam shovels and hauling of gravel here during the summer and fall. The I. & M road is needing gravel for ballast; the Dallas Falls City road is waiting for ballast and the Southern Pacific can use any quanity of gravel. DIKE. Miss Rena Walton died 'at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Jonee, in Jefferson, Monday, July 18th, at 8-30 a. m., at the age of 28, after a lingering illness of 1 consumption. Miss Walton was a niece of R. J. Tavlor of this city and has at diff erent times spent several months in Independence. At the time of the Heppner flood, Mies Walton i;in with her brother in that city and narrowly escaped being drowned. She was clinging to the speaker, was shown in the men branches whe rescued from tile tal pictures and illustrations pre raging waters. Her Drotner job k;. life. Deceased leaves a mother. i;.;,,. AlbanT. a litter and alt ,V4Jg - J I I brother besides a Dumber or other relatirea. - I STILL ON DOCKET Last Verdict in the Monmouth i Adkins Case Set Aside and new Trial Ordered Experts at Work on the Books of the Various County Officers. ' Real Estate Transfers Judge Burnett convened circuit court, department No. 1 long en ough Monday morning to render a decision on two motions he has had under advisement. One was a motion to net aside the verdict in the 'case of Laur? Adkins against the City of Mon mouth. The motion was allowed, the verdict being set aide, and a new trial ordered. The verdict was set aside on the grounds that the jury did not follow the instruc tions of the court in considering plaintiff guilty of contributory neg ligence. In ruling on the motion, the court stated, that the evidence ahowed that olaintiff was aware of th condition of the defective walk and knew that it was a part of ber duty to inform the city. The jury found for plaintiff in the sum of $2100. In a former trial, ehe was awarded $800 dam- 8288. ' ' In the casr pf taleb Hughes vs Geo. E. Lewis, administrator of the ,. of R. L. Skinner, motion of estate of R. L. Skinner, defendant for judgment notwith standing verdict of the jury " was denied. A further motion for par ticular judgment jn favor of plain tiff for only $135 16 allowed. Divorce proceedings were oegu by" Viola Welch against Frank Welch. Heal Estate Transfers. Sherman Lemmon to Lucinda Baldwin lota in Independence $550. A R South wick to J R Chapman lot 1 in Highland Fruit Farm, $5 Geo, Bingham to James and Mary A Plant 68.96 acres in sec 21-22 tp7s,ofr4w $3500. f ' Luckimute Flouring Mills, to Gottfried Keller, mill and grounds (Burns Mill) $6000 " Agnea B Campbell to J S ABh baugh lots in Dallas $100 Mary E and J II Moore to C F Fisher, lot in Monmouth $160. ' Mary Smith to Edward T Plas ter 40 acres in t p 8 s, ot r 5 w $1450. - A A Catron to P H Johnson, lot in Monmouth $2000. Laura Frazier to Eugene Bogart, lots in Monmouth $70. Laura Frazier (guardianj to E Bogart lots in Monmouth $70. E A Thary to C P Cornwell, lots in Independence $100. J E and Lucy J Elkins to V A Hatch lots in Independence $400. A marriage license issued to S C Pinney and Miss Ida Riep. Special Sermon. A large crowd gathered at the Auditorium Sunday night to hear the sermon on "Heaven" preached by Rev. Wigmore. The choir was composed of the best singers from the several churches and led by Rev. Garmong. Rev. Wigmore proceeded to give his own personal views of Heaven in a clear and lm r pressive manner. 1 hat this sut iAct had received much attention and careful thought at the hand of sented, lie spoxe oi tne one view great many people had of Heaven illnatratad in the well known . t0nf , "I Want to be aa Angel and with the Angel Stand," "A Crown upon my forehead and a Harp within my hand." Mr. Wigmore thought this the moet nonsensical song ever written. lie saia that he earnestly believed one's lime in Heaven would be ued to a far better advantage than pick ing on a golden harp. Tbee meet ings have been increasing in Inter est ever since their opening. DEVELOPMENT . LEAGUE. The Big Greater Oregon Develop ment Convention Meets la Port land August 2nd and 3rd. A convention for the purpose of organizing an Oregon Development League will be held in Portland Tuesday and Wednesday, August 2 and 3.' Every editor in Oregon is a dele gate at large. , The Governor, United States Senators and Congressmen are also delegates at large and are expected to be present. The Mayor of each and every city and town in the stale, as well as the County Judge of each and every county, is urged to name ten delegates. The president or executive officer of every commercial, industrial, agricultural, horticultural, live stock, dairy, irrigation, mining or other similar organizations having for its purpose the development of an industry is urged to name ten delegates, and to add himself and secretary to the delegation, as ac tive workers are especially desired. An informal reception for ladies and gentlemen will be given by the '"'xtland Commercial Clulb at it 'foetus"' hv" ihe"!6vii5v tJL. Chamber of Commerce building,. Tuesday evening "from 8 to 11 o'clock. - The Oregon Water Power & Rail way Company have tendered the use of four large cars for a trip to Canemah Park, beyond Oregon City one of the most delightful trolley rides in America. A com mittee from the Woman's Club of Portland will have charge of this party. The railroads have agreed to make a rate of one fare, for the round trip. ' A program of brief but explicit speeches on various Bubjects will be arranged. The purpose is to secure the co operation of all parts of the state in the development of Oregon's resources. Mayor Cooper is making up a list to appoint as delegates from Independence. Ths Improvement League will also name a list. Here is your chance for an excur sion to Portland and an opportunity to take part in this big develop ment League. Mayor Cooper has made the fol lowing appointments: W. A. Messner, M. Merwin, A. J. Richardson, J. R. Cooper, J. M. Stark. W. W. Perciva), E. M, Young, Dr. E. J. Thompson, C. L. Fitchard, Dave Calbreath. J. Hirschberg has also been appoint ed by the State Irregation Com mittee. B. G. Leedy, master of the Ore gon state Urange, was in town the first of the week. In company with Granger Hirschberg and be hind one of "Joe's" roadsters, he viewed some of Polk county's farms Tuesday. The Grange, Mr. Leedy reports in a flourishing con dition generally, He hopes to see more interest shown in rolk. Fjom Junttw-X -Leedy Corvallis, where he attended a meeting of the board of regents of the Agricultural College.