WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE, OREO TW INDEPENDENCE SOCIAL BRIEFLETS JViu.rd and Bessie Ireland wore imiT) l nj AQT1 -lUliiiV ii UUVOU. The Contwt for Prizes Offered fcy the Wist Side Enterprise Drawing to a Qose. Iw!pDdence visitors Saturday. Mist Afi' Btemn of Mc Tills is yieiting r&lim At!.. Riliel Valkef ii saleslady to the People's Cash Store. Dr. Butler look a patient to the Good Samaritan Hospital Sat urday. Miss Helen White of Portland, is visiting her cousins the Misses Wilcox. H. C. Merwin of Kalama, Wash., brother of M. Merwin spent the week visiting in Independence. Mrs. Singleton and neice, Mrs. Tona Thompson have returned to their home at Roseburg after a visit with relatives here. Mr TUve Calbreth and Little daughter left for Montana Sun day accompanied by Mr. Cal breath as far as Portland. The Misses Leda and Agness Rice visited at the home of J. A. Wilcox over Sunday. They were passengers to Newport Monday. The family of S. Goff are rusti of Vsivnnrt Mr. and Mrs. Goff drove over Friday, while liss Vena Goff and Olive Williams left by train Sunday. Henry Patterson, Charles Irvine, George Kutch, Hank Madison Pearl Hedge and Clarence Ireland comprised a party leaying Tuesday by team for the Alsea yalley, for a two weeks' outing. Quassia chips, whale ou soap and hop epiayers are three articles much in ose this week. Spraying began in many yards this week and will begin in many others next week. Most yards look green and healthy and the vineB arming out. JSxception is made as to white or oorlw tilled lane. Th sprayers ' were called out by the appearance 'of vermin which, while not at all alarming are plainly evident in varrta The armearance of bop lice this season is in contra vention of the generally accepted theory, that they do not thrive in hot weather. A SEWERAGE SYSTEM. mHHMtHKi BUSINtSS LOCALS. I The Septic Tank Seems to Solve the Problem Wherever Thor oughly Tried. Th's Septio Tank, if successful, should sol vs the sewerage prvblem for Independence. Frank fisher, at Monmouth baa one and it work well. They are being adopted ul Salem and vicinity. William Manning built the Orel mall aentio tank in the city a a t t t-j... rvfJ nl News of Used it in connection with a ,a,.ii. Ull VI v - ing house. i ne lana. made of Those Leading In the Contest This Week. JPostoffice Improvements. The debris piled up around the poetoffice this week is due to im provements under, way' to make more room for handling the mail. The Independence National Bank, wner of the building, was notified by the government, that the room was inadequate for the mail service it this place, and the bank decided upon the present improvements vault formerly used by - o - the First National bank, has been removed materially increasing the rtnnr Rnace and a new floor has been put in the entire building. This gives workiDg floor space for the postmaster and clerk of 10x30 or 300 square feet, besides a small lobby space. Under the new arrangement the mail can be handled much more ixpeditiously. The general deliv ery can now be placed within reach f the clerk at the wiudow, so that when mail is called for it can be landed out without waiting for the olerk to walk across the floor. Off for Cascadia. I. L. Smith and family and Miss Olive Hastings, 0. D. Rider, W. S. Rider. Fred Oberer, Fred Rider, 0. U Madison, G. Burton, and N ent P rather left Tuesday for Cascadia where they will, camp for several reeks. Fish Lake is not a great listancefrom Cascadia and most (f the members of the party will pat in their time fishing. Th rtrt nrixe in the West Side Entrttrise correspondent's contest III iBVT iwui." r - , dia Britanica, has arrived direct 0u,ug , .L T n. is no offensive i sists of twelve well bound volumes "P " off the tank. of useful information and maps. It would make a valuable addition to any library. This encyclopedia goes VO vne correepouucu v. . , , . , . s .u uo nnmhor of This tank is abou 15 by tor receiving the highest number of noints in the contest. It will not be long until the contest is brought tn a olrmA and the DHZe 18 Well worth workinir for. As it now stands Wm. Fiehback leads and Alda Frum is second. Both are ambitious and deserving, and as there is remaining but a few weeks in which to run up points, those wishing to favor either or any of the othe contestants with the benefit of their orders, should do so promptly. The second prize, a scholarship in the Scranton Correspondence School, including books is also a valuable one. It cannot be pur chased for less than $30. The hsmmock offered as a prize is a 15 article and the album is worth $3.50. The fifth prize is a portrait of all the presidents of the United States, and the sixth, the West Side-Enterprise one year. Any of the above prizes are yours for the earning, and either of the first two is well worth a month' work. ,. - s NOTICE. , : Independence, Ore. July 5, 1904. Notice is hereby eivn that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co., will be held at the office of the company in Independence, Oregon, August 6th at 2 p. m., for the pur nnu nf eWt.inor riirertnra Tor the o - year following, and for transacting ' Buch other business as may prop erly come befoure the stockholders. W. T. HOFFMAN, Pres. Card of Thanks. I take this opportunity of ex pressing to the boys of the fire de partment and others of Independ ence who so valiently and kindly lent their assistance on the occa sion of the fire at my residence last Saturday. CLARENCE CLODFELTER. Have You Received a Souvenir? The A. & C. R. R. will mail to your address free, copies of thei summer booklet containing 30 napes of half tone eneravings of I o Columbia river and Clatsop ' beach ecenery. Address J. Kj. Mayo, l. F. & P, A., Astoria, Ore., or C. A. Stewart, Agent 248 Alder Street, Portland, Ore. concrete and with a 'capacity of about 125 cubio l The outlet leads to a ditch e the side of the street, but Urn pipe used is ordinary tiling and the water soaks away the ditch. Thert is no offensive odor, even when the All sew erage from the premises passes through the tank. The largest eoptio tank . in this vicinity is that in use at Chemawa. 30 feet and eight feet deep. The wall and bottom are of concrete, but the roof is wood. All the sewerage from the school, where .000 persons live) is turned into the tan It., At the outlet' a stream of clear wai ter runs continually, and there is no odor that can be detected. In side the tank there it only a very slight odor. Before this tank was constructed the sewerage from the school was permitted to Mow into a gully which contained a small stream of water The odor was very offensive; and the owners of property adjoining threatened an injunction suit, un less the nuisance should be abated The t-ewarage still flows into the same stream, but after passing through the Beptic tank. There is now no cause for complaint and none is heard. Though this tank has heen in use about a vear. there is very little solid deposit in the bot torn of the tank. ' At the asylum farm the sewerage was formerly drained into a low place' into a field near the road and it became very offensive to the traveling public. About a year ago a septic tank was constructed and all the sewerage was turned in to it. All that comes out of the tank is a clear, odorless liquid, and upon examination it is found that in a course of a year less than an inch- of solid matter had accumu- ated in the bottom of the . tank. Very little odor can be detected at the top of the tank when the lid is removed. Experience with this tank was so satisfactory that septic spstems have been built at the re form Bchool and the blind school. , Wood for Sale. S. Cox, the wood dealer, is ready to deliver wood at your door on short notice. Big fir wood $3.50 per cord; second growth ? maple $3. Phone 143. cost during the Miss Edith Owen, Excursion Rates to Yaqnina Bay. On June 1st the Southern Pacific Co. will resume sale of excursion tickets to Newport and Yaquina gay. Both season, and Saturday- to-Monday tickets will he sold. This popular resort is growing in favor each year. t Hotel rates are reasonable and opportunities for fishing, hunting and sea bathing are unexcelled by any other resort on the Pacific Coast. , r , - r ' ' - - Fir. ash and maple wood for sale. Inquire of Henry Hill. To Kent. A good farm with improvements to rent. Contains 243 vacres and lays two miles north of Monmouth. M. W. Mix. Salem brad fresh jily, at the Star Grocery. Cocoa Cola 5 cents a glass at Craven fc M,rVe F. 8. (twin, at the Star Grocery px)m new arrivals in summer ifoods at Messners. Trv a fflasi of celerv and iron at w - . Craven & Moore's a great tonic Messner is still selling shirt waitta and summer skirts at cut prices. Millinery at month of July. Monmouth. Ice cold Shasta Water direct from Shasta Surinss: 5 cents a glass at a a i w Cray en & Moor's A good place to stop for a meal in Salem is at Strong's restaurant. Meals at all hours. Before going for your outing ge your boy one of those outing shirts at Messners. Just the thing for a coast trip. Considering the lateness of the season we have decided to continue for a short time, the sale price on our summer dress goods. 15c grade 11c, 20o grade 15c, 25c grade 19c, 35c grade 25o, etc.. clear through the line. - W. A. Mesner Moore's Hair Invigorator and Newbro's Herpicide for dandruff and falling hair or diseased scalp sold in bulk, 50c 8 oz., or applied if necessary by Moore & Taylor's, the barbers on C street. The Corvallis Steam Laundry makes a specialty of gents goods and lace curtains. Your ,laundry called for and delivered at your door. Satisfaction guaranteed. Goods called for on Mondays and Tuesdays and delivered on Fridays Orders may be left at Craaen & Moores. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. G. A. HURLEY, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Collections Promptly Made Titles ; Investigated. East Side Main Street, Independence, . Oregon. E. T. IIENKLE, Barber Shop. MAIN STREET, One door south of Post Office. Fine Baths in connection with shop Independence, - - Oregon. Band Concert. The band concert given on Sat urday night was a grand success. A crowd was on the streets some time before the concert commenced. A large number came over from Monmouth, while not a few drove in from the" surrounding country. After the consort a dance was given by Seeley's orchestry at the opera house, which was very well attend ed. A Positive Necessity. , Flavins? to lav upon my bed for 14 days from a severely braised leg, I on ly found relief when 1 a sea a Dot ue or Railard'a snow liniment. . I can cheer- full v recommend It as the best medi cine for bruises ever sent to the afflict ed. , ; It ban now become a positive be- oeesity upon myself. D. B. Byrnes, merchant, Doversvle, Texas. ZM, we, 1, Bold by A. 8. Locke. . OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney-at-Law, CAMPBELL BUILDING, DALLAS, - OREGON. HOP BASKETS. ni proved for Season of 1904 One bair box for pickers. Full box bottomless bas ket for measuring. Cor- 'respoudence solicited. , V ALTER MORLEY SALEM, OR. n.n. eJASPEnooN Undertaker, Embalm, and Fnaeral Director. , Lady Assistant when Desired. INDEPENDENCE OREGON. Tearing' uap Tutting in now lloor and rvpapvriiiKtmr walls, but ready to vorvo you with new groceries ami fresh vegetables every day, McCready 6? Earhart Independence, Oregon THE MONMOUTH LAUNDRY H. D. V HITMAN, ProprUto Home Industry Institution GOOD WOJUC, PROMPT DELIVERY OUR WATCHWORDS Work Called for Tuesday Delivered Saturday Josse & Bice, UNDERTAKERS Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Day phone 273 Night 393 Main St, Independence, Ore W. I 1HCK, Kmbalmer and Funernl IHrector. H l MMTJCHJtM, Prm: C. W. KKOWLES, Mgr. Kur?m Pimm Omit 9I.O0 11. SO 0M.OO THE IMPERIAL HOTEL CO.. SEVENTH and "WASHINGTON STS. PORTLAND, - - - OREGON Mewty Equipped; Over IOO Rooms, Steam Heat:: Gas Lights; Jilt Modern Conveniences. . - f 00(1) Brushes free v With every purchase of a ,25c pack age of our Special' Tooth Prepara tions, Ilosafoarn, W hitch ood's Listerated, or Turkish Myrrh Tooth Powder, we will present you with a fine tooth brush free of charge. ' CALL AND SEE. A. S. LOGKE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. Leaves Indepen- Ije&ve Alrlie foA dene for Mon- Monmouth and month and Alrlie Independence. , . 7:S0 a. m. , ;00 a. m. 8:30 p. m. ' :06 p. ni. r An-. t,,j..- Leave DnTla lor V montnand Dalla Independence. M 1:00 p, m. 11:08 a. Jn. -. t. ftlfi p. m. , ... - 1. Ive Monmouth ITea Monmouth for Independence for Alrll. t-.4m, m. p.. ..'IS.- I'vm Monmouth fcW ... . tor Daltata. uTna lndp. . i 11:90 a.m. CM Jbr Mom, , W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. Jentist... PalnleH Kxtraatlon a Specialty. Cooper Building, Independence, Or How About Your Summer Vacation? ' Newport on Yaquina Bay ia th& ideal seaside resort of the North Paciflo coast. Round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates on sale from all Southern poiidx in Oregon, on and after June 1, Ask agents for farther particulars and a hand somely, Illustrated souvenii : book let, or write to Edwin Stone, ttfana gerC. 4 It Rl. Albany, Ore., or W. E. Com an, Qk P. A., S. P. Co.,. Portland.