West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 07, 1904, Page SIX, Image 6

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Painless Dentistry
Of Salem will be here every Friday
at Little Palace Hotel where he will
Extract Teeth Positively Without
Pain. If you want your teeth out we
do it painless. If you have a tooth to
be filled or crowned we do it painless
Gold Crowns
Porcelain Crowns.
, , 1 1 1 m
Jit Half the Priceyou have
Paid in the past
Our work is first class, and at prices from
one-third to one-half less than you have paid
before. Now when you know that it wont
hurtandalso thatthecostis less, you should at
least come and talk . it over. We "have the
largest practice in Salem, and which has been
built up in nine months' time, and in Port
land we have the largest practice on the
Pacific coast. We merely state these facts to
let you know you are dealing with reliable
people. Our prices are:
Portland Office, 342J Washington street.
Salem Office, Steusloff Building, corner Court
Will be at Little Palace hotel, Independence,
1 : - i ill I
Plates $5.00
and Liberty streets.
CeasvMtea at
J. W. BARROW, Chala.st. N. Y,
Fnm OmtvomUnl Km i'mk SUU
Haiirr of Vtranl State Grans naa
foaathle taaaldata For tlnvaraar.
Tho lion. C. J. Hell o( Kast Hard
wick. Vt.. stands at tlio head or the
Order of Patrons of Husbandry lu that
itate and l also serving second
torm as a member of the national
grango esfcu-
tlve commute".
III grange on
!( began iu
My. ih-'J. when
lie been mo a
charter member
of Caledonia
grange, No.
nnd was eleetcxl
Its first master,
In which oifliT
lie served eight
year. When the
Vermont state
C. J. DELI..
grange was pr-
gnnlicd In July,
IS72. he wan chosen It treasurer a'ld
: nerved In that capacity for twenty-
three year and wan present at every
session of the state grange during tuit
1 period. On relliuiulsulng the nltloe of
treasurer lie was chosen master of the
state KrunK and Is Herring his fifth
biennial term In that poHltlon. In 11W0
be became a member of the national
grange executive committee and U still
one of Its most otllclent ineinliers and
Its secretary. lie Is llkewrso secretury
of the Vermont state board of agrlcul
ture. So popular Is Mr. Hell with fbe
farmers of the CJreeu Mouutaln Slut
that they have persuaded him to stand
for the office of governor next fall, ami,
If we are correctly Informed, he will
yield to their wishes.
Th Apple. With Soma Practical
Questions About It.
The topic for discussion lu the siih
srdlnate granges of Michigan one even
ing In March la the apple, and the fol
lowing programme is suggested by the
state lecturer. We give it for the ben
efit of other granges:
Roll call. Responded to by naming a
favorite fruit, living a fact or quotation
about it
Topic. "The Apple." Bee special bulle
tin prepared by Professor U. P. Hedrlck;
also reference reading In "Practical Agri
culture," pages 103-107.
How are apples propagated T
What are the differences between the
crab apple and the common apple?
I What are the merits and demerits of
Russian apples?
Nome the Russian apples commonly
frown in this state.
What is hybridisation and how would
you hybridise apples?
i Discuss the age at which different va
rieties of apples come into bearing.
i Make out a list of apples growing in a
particular neighborhood.
I What is the formula for bordeaux mix.
What pests infest apple orcnarasT
How is each treated?
What purposes do cover crops serve?
Uniform Conntr Programme.
At the last session of the Jefferson
county (N. Y.) Pomona grange It was
voted to have a unirorm programme
for ail the subordinate granges In tha
! county. The idea prevailed that it
would tend to draw the subordinate
' and Pomona or county granges closer
together and systematize the work of
Instruction In the county. This is cer
: talnly an advance step, and yet is in
the nature of an experiment The plan
' Is, however, not compulsory. If a
subordinate grange prefers to arrange
Its own programme It may do so.
Once Had 3,200 Grange.
Look at the state of Iowa. Once It
had almost 2,200 subordinate granges.
On the ground that all persons inter
ested In agriculture were eligible to
membership It commenced to tnke la
lawyers and all other classes and pro
fessions. What was the result? To
day It is one vast cemetery of dead
and buried granges. Obadlah Gardner.
We have an Idea that If the Ceres.
Flora and Pomona of state granges
would propose uniform programmes
for the observance of tbelr special
days in subordinate granges something
would be accomplished that would
Oil a long felt want
Lewis Smith, past gatekeeper of the
Illinois state grange, died riot long ago.
He had served continuously as gate
traoruip for twentv-one years. We do
! not believe this record Is equaled by
any one In that position in any state
In the Union.
The grange arouses a social feeling
among farmers by providing stated In
tervals for their meeting together, by
holding the same principles, by striv
ing for the same object and by recog
nising the same teachings.
Grange education has made Its mem
bers better farmers. They know more
of soils, and fertilizers, of Improved
stock and cattle foods, of diseases of
animals, trees, plants, etc., of markets
at home and abroad.
Ceasustoa b
i. W. DA It ROW, Chelhsa, K Y.
Fnm CvrwiMtuUnt Km l"ur SbK
Wherein It IMsTers row Ik Brews,
law Meaaara llefore tongreas.
Notwithstanding a good many subor
dinate granges have adopted rcanlu
tUms approving of the Hrownlow gsod
roads bill It is only reasonable to as
sume that many have done so without
understanding Its details fully.- The
legislative committee of the national
grange not long ago met In Washing
ton and went over this bill curefully
nnd also certain others bearing on
farmers Interests nnd discovered there
in some feature tlmt th grange could
not afford to approve; consequently
they have had drafted and Introduced
In congress what Is known as tho
grunge good roads bill. Some of the
mnrked differences between tho two
lire outlined below:
The Itrownlow bill provides for twenty
two members of the bureau and necessary
asalntunts. on a total salary ami expense
roll of 176.000, as "compared with only three
commissioners provided by the grans bill
on a total salary of Jl&.UW and necessary
assistants, thrlr aliry and tho expense
total not stipulated, but left to the tlls
rrntlon of the bureau and the secretary of
agriculture. The grange bill does not. as
the lirowtiluw bill does, prohibit the one
f funds for road building in municipali
ties of 15.0UU or more people. This la also
left to the bureau and secrelary. Hotli
Hlls leave to these authorities the de
rision as to the necessity for the hlsli
ways applied for. The main point of dif
ference between the grange and the
llrownlow bills la thnt the grange bill
provides thut lh applications must come
rrom tho states or territories through
proper public road offlclula. while- the
Urownlow bill would allow any civil sub
division of a state to ask for aid If the
governor does not ask for It. This might
place the township or county over the
state In some cases and thus glvs only
local Importance to rod building enter
prise I nder the grange bill this objeo
tlon is eliminated and th stats must help
In the undertaking.
Subordinate granges hereafter, In
passing resolutions relative to roads,
will do well to distinguish between the
HrownlciW and tho grange good roads
bill. The latter Is ouo they can ap
prove beyond a doubt. One feature of
tho bill which we consider decidedly
better for the farmers' interests is that
the secretary of agriculture is really
made the chief executive otlleer of the
road commission that tho bill calls for;
indeed he has almost supreme control.
Knowing Secretary Wilson as most
members of the Order do, by reputa
tion at least, bb being most heartily In
sympathy with the farmers and work
ing for them In every possible way,
they can feel safe In trusting to hltn
and the commission over which be
would preside to carry out the pro
visions of the bill.
A BnsTSTestloa Pop Pomona Orange
We do not know that it la the cus
tom generally for masters of roinu
granges to make annual addresses nt
the last meeting of the roniona in the
year, but we think It is a good Mop.
This is done in the national and state
granges, and the luitRtera are thus en
abled to give concise statements of the
work accomplished through the year,
with outlines and suggestions for the
year to come. This is quite ns essen
tial In the Pomona grange as lu the
state grange. A conclso statement of
the work of the Order In the county Is
beneliclal not only to the grange as
sembled, but, if published in the local
papers, enables those not members of
the grange to see at a glance what tho
Order is attempting to do In the coun
ty. We commend the suggestion to
the consideration of Pomona masters
throughout the country. .
Soma Facts Relative to This Impor
tant Feature of Grange Work, i
From an able report presented at the
last meeting of the New York state
grange on the above subject we make
liberal etracts.
The district deputy system is In op
eration in New HaoipBhlnyMassachu
ietts, Maine and Michigan. In New
Hampshire and Massachusetts tho dis
trict system has been in use for sev
eral years and has proved its great
value In promoting the growth and
welfare of the grange. Its establish
ment In Michigan and Maine is more
recent, but the results are very satis
factory. New Hampshire has a general depu
ty, two Pomona deputies, foar special
deputies and thirty-three district depu
ties, each of the latter with eight sub
ordinate granges in charge. The sys
tem has been in use twenty years.
Each subordinate grange is visited
twice each year by the district deputy
and instructed in grunge work. A de
tailed report of each Inspection, for
which printed blanks are furnished, is
made to the general deputy, In which
the efficiency of the degree work and
literary work of the grange Is recorded
by the deputy on the scale of 100. The
Pomona deputies also make similar in
spections of the Pomona granges and
report to the general deputy.
The state grange offers annual prizes
to the Pomona and subordinate granges
for excellence in literary work. A series
of comsetltlve programme la arranged
wheivby tba Vnlttifcta grange fi
each deputy district compel"!' j. Ira.
each grange being ropitMieiib'd r
members at alternate meetings. Ibo
district deputy scores tho work. Prises
are also offered tfot degree work in
both Pomona and subordinate districts.
The deputies are paid fJ for each of
tho two visits they make annually to
each granite, they paying their own
expenses. The atate grango pnya "
deputies actual expenses for attend
ance at two general conferences, one
day la January and ona lu October, for
Master Idd says of tho deputy ays
tern In Massachusetts: "I consider our
deputy work as a very fssentlal part
of our grango work. We have one
general deputy, three Pomona deputies
and twenty state deptille, who have
the entire charge of the secret work.
My deputies have the work very nearly
letter perfect, but we meet once a year
for drill, etc. Knch deputy Is asslgued
eight or ten aiilKinllnnte granges to In
spect tho state muster milking the as
signments. Tho principal feature of
the system 1 having the deputies and
state inasUT know tho secret work
alike. Wo used to have, year ago,
more or less friction because no two
iu the state could give the work alike.
You would Indeed bo surpt Imnl to note
the Improvement of the work of
granges since we have begun to be
tborongb lu our unwritten work. At
our statu session I have four of the
deputies give tho secret work by de
grees." Master Ilortoti says of tho deputy
system as organised In Michigan: "W
have had such a large growth of
granges and inouiltors during the past
few years that a new department has
been created which Is entirely free and
Independent from the organising part
of our work. This new department Is
called a supervising or supporting do
pnrtment Tho state 1st divided into
thirteen districts and a visiting deputy
is selected for' each, and the whole is
under tho charge of one general dej
uty. These district otllcers are to visit
all of the grangws. giving necessary at
tention to the weaker ones as different
cases may require
Master Gardner of Maine lu speak
ing of the deputy system says: "The
state deputy system is In force In our
state uow, and every deputy acts di
rectly under orders from the master,
with a sutllelent number to thoroughly
compass the stato. We get the very
best results we ever bud under this
system, for the master knows where
each deputy Is at work and where and
what the results are, thus keeping bis
hand on Uie lever at all times."
There are pome points to bo gained
from the study oC the district deputy
system, the principal features being
the blghor attainment reached In de
gree work and the greater uniformity
of tho unwritten work. This Is largely
brought about by tho semiannual state
conferences of the deputies, which aro
devoted to the Interchange of Ideas and
drill In the unwritten work, at which
the deputies' actual expenses nre paid
by the state grange.
Co-operation Fandanientnl.
Co-operation Is a fundaiiieuinl grunge
principle, says Worthy Master linunt
of New Jersey, l'atrons believe In
meeting, talking, buying and selling to
gether and in general working together
tor mutual protection and advance
ment To do this successfully mem
bers must understand and have confi
dence in each other. Circumstances
must determine to whnt extent and in
what ways this principle can best be
put in practice. It has been thorough
ly demonstrated in our state what can
be accomplished by co-operative effort
There Is grange Are Insurance, now
twenty-three years old, which has been
the cheapest best and safest in the
National Lecturer N. J. Bacheltler
made the statement In his annuul re
port to the national grango that every
grange In his state conferred degrees
without using the manual.
A Progressive Grange.
Stockholm Depot (N. Y.) grange li
doing good work. It has a well or
ganized literary programme for the
year. It has a membership of 200,
owns a building lot and has $340 In
the treasury. At a recent meeting it
was unanimously voted to unite with
other organizations of the county to
form a county dairymen's association.
The Kansas state grange reports show
that the balance In the treasury is
greater than at any time during the
last twenty-five years. At the last
meeting, held at Arkansas City, Hon.
E. W. Westgate was re-elected master
of the grange.
There is nothing that will add more
to the attractiveness of the grange than
good music, and every grange should
make it a matter of first importance to
secure a good choir to lead In the sing
ing. New York state has, approximately,
60,000 members of the Order; Michigan
second on the list with nearly 44,000,
and Maine third, with over 42,000.
Michigan state grange will have
headquarters at the next state fair
where meetings can be held.