West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 07, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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County Correspondents Sweep The Field.
Bust of Shakespeare Presented
To State Normal School.
NtlTll'K. Tho mciMiciY mill nrllKl work
if tint XV loir Hunt KNiKNrnii'K for Mon
iloulli U In Ihn liMtiala or Frank Lm-iia, with
liiwiiiliirli r In I In' pnalollh'ii liultilltiK i'r
llnr 111 lllllllt'lldHII'll Hlllt lUltllOMtt Mlr'ntA.
Nwlli'i ulii'rlillim, or utlinr uimlhi'iia
or ooiu plaint will tin mini! vml bjr Mr. bunis
Following the custom established
of lute year the June class, '01,
presented to tlio state Normal n
bunt of William Bhakespenre,
UnfVtunatuly tho piece did not ar
rive till after the commencement
excises had closed, so tho presen
tation wan delayed. It came on
Friday of last Week, milking the
trip from Boston without being
marred in the least. It in a beau
tiful work of art and i8 free from
blemishes. It stand", ahout two
and one half f et high and rents on
u bracket supported by a Corinthian
capital. Tho bust presents a most
' etriking resemblance to the autlien
tic picture of Shakespeare and
Hilda much to tho appearance of
the assembly room. .
J. L. Murnhv and fuuuly are
spending a few weeks at tlie coast
While on their way Miss Linnie
, Murphy was thrown from the wag
oa and sustained very severe
bruises, but after a day's rest was
able to continue the trip.
Miss Alberta Campbell has re
turtied from Portland where she
has been attending the Portland
Ming Clara Card of Albany vipit
ed at the home of Ira F. M. Butler
lust week.
'the McMillan- farm, located one
milo north of town wa sold this
week. This is one of lh beet farms
in this locality aud the price, $5500
for 100 acres, is very reasonable.
Miss ArtraikU Doughty has re
turned from Ashland to spend the
vacation with her inothet. Miss
Doughty has been tetiching in the
Ashland Normal school for the
past two years, and has been re
elected for the coming year.
Homer I. Watts spout part of the
week visiting here. Mr. Watts was
a member of the Ashland Normal
school faculty last year, but re
signed at the end of the year as he
desires, to take a post-graduate
course at Berkeley next year.
Miss Sarah Tuthill has gone to
New York where she will spend the
Messrs. Ressler, Rice and Allen
are attending the teachers' conven
tion in Portland.
P. II. Johnson has bought Mrs.
A. A. Cattron's beautiful residence
on Motor street. Mr. Johnson will
take possession August 1.
"Dean" Uutler is busily engaged
in mailing catalogues of the Nor
mal. Inquiry for catalogues is
much greater this year than for
several years, and the attendance
nromises to bo larger next year
than ever belore.
Mrs. J. M. Powell and daughter
Lois are visiting relatjves at Tur
ner. Quite a number from here at
tended camp meeting at Turner.
Miss Delia Tibbetts of Ashland
is visiting friends here. She is a
member of the Normal school fac
ulty, and was formerly a student ot
4he Normal here.
Mrs. S. Goodnight ot Vancouver,
Wash., is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Smith. j
Mrs. F. W. Kenton ofMcMinn
villn visited with Mrs. J. IMS. Dul
ler the past week.
.It. II. Simpson has purchased
the 8. C. L. Moore place near town.
II. K. Portwood and family have
gone to Myrtlo Point for a sum
mer's outing.
E. S. Coojier of Independence is
clerking in tho Daniels store dur
ing Mr. Portwood's absence.
George Sullivan and wife visited
with his mother Sunday
Mr. JIayues has moved t) tho
sawmill above Falls City.
Quite a number of people in this
vicinity attended the celebration at
Dallas. They report a good time,
fcidine of those who did not go cele
brated the day eating ice cream
and Fourth of July dinner at hoice,
Wilbur Rhoades and wife have
returned from a trip to the coast.
Claire Snrinur and wile and
Miss Lillie Hull of Philomath
visited with Mrs. Clarke and lam
ily last Saturday.
Mr. Cummiocs was a Monmouth
visitor Saturday.
The Monmouth butcher was in
this vicinity recently looking for
beef cattle.
A number of young people spent
Sunday evening at the home of Mr
Towns to practice singing.
Mr. Dosley, recently from Mis
soiri, bus moved to the Ira Smith
Sunday Bchool officers were elect
ed at Antioch last Sunday as fol
lows: Superintendent, W. II. Maclc
assistant supt, Mr. lowns; sec
retary, Alice Mack; organist, Katie
Towns; assistant, Dolly Guthrie.
On the third Sunday in July at
the Antioch school house there will
bi children's day exercises in the
forenoon, a basket dinner at noon,
and church in the afternoon at 3
o'clock. Everybody invited.
I. Marks, who has been quite
sick, is now able to be around.
Tom Marks and Verna Walker
spent the Fourth with his sister,
Mrs. Lefly, at Whiteson.
Miss May Guthrie has returned
home from Gardner where she has
been staying with her brother.
Lee Clarke, who has been spend
ing a few weeks in California has
returned home. He says that the
train could not run fast enough to
bring him back and that Oregon is
Hood enough for him.
Chas Peterson is home from
Portland and is visiting with his
Misa Lula Locke was a Guest of
Mrs. Clarence ledrow last week.
James Tedrow and family have
come down from Corvallis for the
J. Ellis Burch of Pomeroy Wash,
visited with relatives here last
Fred Fetherson has ijone to Or
egon City to visit relatives.
Joe Laundree and family have
returned from the hop yard.
Will Middleham has bought
the John Gentry place.
The families of J. E. Rhodes and
E. Davidson spent the fourth down
on the bank of the Willamette.
Quito a number from here at
tended the celebration at Dallas
Monday and report a pleasant
J. Ii. Finhbaclc and family re
turned from the Turner camp
mooting Monday.
Charlio Iltynes and family have
moved to Falls City.
C. A. Puvis transacted business
in Dallas Monday.
Mitts Leo t u Foster of Monmouth
has been secured to teach the Sun
ny Slope school east of this place
for if.'io a month, school to begin
first Monday in October.
Mr. Claxtonof Portland has bee11
in those parts soliciting tor the Or
egon Daily Journal.
Farmers are busy cutting and
hauling hay ,
Miss Leota Foster was an Anti
och visitor Tuesday.
Johquinptct and Katie Towns
visited the Capital city Thursday
The church here has purchased
an organ from a Salem company.
Mrs. J. M. Larson and children
were at her mother's in Indepeti
denue several days the past week.
Mrs. J. A. McCann und Mrs. W
D. Collins visited in Suvrr tsatur
Miss Alda 1" rum has gone to
Lane county for a week's visit with
her grandparents.
J. A. Giger and Roy Frum re
turned home Tuesday.
Mr. McCready aud family visit
ed in Corvallis the first of the
week. " '
Miss Ona Bakei of Portland re'
turned home Saturday,
Mrs. II. Flickinger and Miunie
and Elmer Maxfield visited in Cor
vallis und attended tlie. celebra
John Ililtibrand fell oil his wag
on recently aud is very ill from the
injuries he received. ' v
A. Ruef's sister and her husband
of Salem are visiting at the for
mer's home this week.
John James and family returned
from Washington Wednesday.
Ross Chamberlain was a passen
ger to Portland Saturday.
Parties wishing work done in this line
will please call at my residence one block
west and half block north of Palace
Hotel. Carpet Weaving 10c per yard.
Mm. If. JL Warner,
mproved for Season of 1004
One half box for pickers.
Full box bottomless bas
ket for measuring:. Cor-
respoudeuoe solicited.
Undertaker, Embalmer, and Funeral
Director. Lady Assistant
when Desired.
Something new in lace curtains;
latest Art Arabians at Messners.
Nolloe to Creditors.
Notice I hereby given that I have
been duly apimlnted executor of
lh estate of K, (j. Keyt Hr. duct-aited,
by order of Hit) county court of 1'olk
county, Oregon. All persons having
claims against tub! estate lire required
to present the name duly verified to the
undersigned executor si Perrydale,
I'ollt county. Oregon, within mix
mouths from date of his ,ald appoint
ment, I), L. Kkyt.
Fxenutor of the estate of K. C, Keyt
Hr., deouused.
Mr, J. W. Turner, of Truhart. Va..
says that Chamberlain's Btomach acd
Liver Tablets have done liliu more
good tnan anything he could get froifi
the doctor. If any physician In this
country was able to compound a medi
cine Miut would produce audi gratlfyiog
results in eases of summed troubles
biliousness and conslipulion, his whole
time would be used In preparing this
one medicine. For sale by all drug
Independence, Ore.
Bo Doubt Bout It
No doubt
there is
more truth
poetry in
' statements.
CHIS is a partial view
of fi,rst floor of the
House Furnishing Co.'s
show rooms. People
who trade at our store
know why we have
grown so rapidly dur
ing our three years in
Salem. You will nev
er know the full pur
chasing power of mon
ey until you trade
with .
269 Eibertv Street,
next 3o$. Itteyers Sen.
Iu the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon fur the county of I'olk. De
partment No. 2.
Charles p. Darling, I'.aiiilllTl H(Jm.
. r.-n ......... i ...I IllOnS
To Amanda A. Oarllug, defendant!
In the name of the si his of Oregon,
you are hereby required to aar and
answer me couipiniiii men sgaiost you
In the above entitled suit on or belore
the expiration of six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons, to w it, on or before the 2ti)
day of July, A. D. 1U04, that Mug th
dste of tu lust publication of tbis sum
mons, and If you full to answer, for
want thereof, the plulntlll' will apply
to the said court for the relief prayed
for in said complaint, and will take
decree against you then-for to wit: a
fh'creff tif divori-f. fliMMolvlnir the honda
of matrimony existing between you
ami putinim upon uie gjouuo or your
wll fnl desertion and abandonment of
plaintiff for more than one year prio
to the filing of his said complaint, and
fur unci, oilier eenerMl relief & mav be
deemed just and equitable in tlie prem
ises, i lie aaie or me nrsi puoiicauon
of this summons is the 9th day of June
A, I). 11104. nils summons is puo
lished by order of the Hon. J F. Hib
ley, Judg of the county court of I'olk
county, Oregon, duly made and en
tered therein Mt Chambers in the city
of Dullus. I'olk couutv, Oregon, ou
the 7th day of June A. I). l'.K)l.
V.n V. Co ATI.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Note the ads in this issue.
''It ftfravrrr S
Notice or Final Settlement.
Notice Is hsreqy given tha I the un
dermgned okee or of tlie estate of
Charles O. Flah deceased, have filed
lu the office of t i county rlxrk of Polk
couuty, Orrgoo ay final account and
mial report In Id estate matter, and
the honorable unty court has fixed
the Kith day of July, A. D. at the
hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of "ild- dav at
the county court house In Dallas, folk
county, Oregon, at the time and plaoe
when and where said final account will
be heard. All persona Interested In
said eitata are required to appear aud
file objections, If any they have, there
to, and to show cause' If any there ba,
why said final a.tcount and report
should not he allowed and said estat
finally settled. D&ted this l.llh day of
June A. 1IS4.
Kxecu'or of tlm estate of Charles O.
Fisher, deceased.
Notice For Publication.
Oepartmf-nt of the Intrrlor,
Land um mcinvun City.Oregon,
April IK, HUH.
Notice In hereby alveo tlmt tlie following-niimt-d
sctller Itan tiled noitca of bin lntn-,
tion to imike nnal proof lu Minport of lila
clMiia, and thai nald prorf will bt made b
fore tho t'ounty (;ierk ol Polk county, Vrefoa
at Dallaa, UrK.in. on June 3, viz:
B. K. No. I'.'i-tO fir hit 3. (- 4, t H r 5 w.
lie narneH the following witness to prove
hlw 4inilnuonii rtldeuce UKn arid cultiva
tion ol said land, viz: C ('. Mark of Inrte-
riidenoe, Ort'ifon, J. I. Marks, I). M. Uewltt,
11. Uround, of Monmouth, Oregon.
Algernon a. breaker, lleglster.
No doubt but Salem as a point for
economical buying in all lines of mer
chandise surpasses all her sister cities.
quantity and
quality more univer
sal and prices so uni
formly low. Few peo
ple realize that al
most a duzen stocks
of furniture are ex
hibited here . Salem
is . known through
out the west ""as the
town where furniture
is sold cheap.
It is an undisput
ed fact that Sa
lem's furniture in
terests represent
more capital than
that of any simi
lar city.
W T 1 1 - l j t -