WEST BIDE ENTERPRISE, INDEPDNDENCE, OREGON TIIItEB 9 XVy.i J nil"."" y - SALEM, OREGON. Great Sale of Men's Suits Why not Ri't your null rW Sunday? Tlmr'ea nothing to bo Ruined dy delay. AHSOI.UTKLY KVKHY hllT, TO I' COAT mid OVKKCOAT (xcit liluii mill tiliickM) lu tli house ia radically rrducod In jirloci. The mtli) iiidudi all of our flue uniiucr clothing. No need to be ixKirly dress ed now. Jtny $8.30 $10.00 $15.00 $18.50 Suit or Overcoat. $7-00 $10.00 $13.50 $6.50 $20.00 $22.00 $21.00 $25.00 $15.00 $16.00 $17.00 1 Ladies Underwear Heavy undergarment that served to good purpose during the unus ually long drawn out winter are all together unaultud for thin weather. Consequently our eouuten are thronged by seeker for lighter knit underwear. Our stock lucludes the tandard makes In many varieties The combination auita art ao full o' warm weather comfort that great many will not oonaldur any thing el hc. Enough atock to quickly sup ply the multitude. ' Salem, falls City $ Western Railway go. TIME TABLE, Effective November 23, 1903, Jso, 3 Nl milks , STATION'S. No. 4 Mo. 2 1'. M. '.. T. M. A. M. 1:20 . . 0 Lv DALLAS Or. Ar 5:10 9:55 1:36 8x " Teats' Siding " 4:54 9-39 . 1:39 8:0b Gilliama " 4:51 9:36 1:45 8:10 7 Bridgeport " 4:45 9:30 1:55 8:20 9.25 Ar FALLS CITY Lv 4t35 9:20 L. Daily, except Sunday. Trains stop on Sinul or S Special Prices 4B n Violins, Banjos and Guitar?. Call in and we will explain why we are making these cut prices. If you can use any of the instruments 2 now is the time to buy. ' Respectfuliy yours, S O. A. Kramer & Co. d km THE SILK SECTION Look good to summer shoppers. A great quantity of new things tor summer wear. Silks .that have come out late design and colollnga direct from the loom. A number of new silks for shirt waist aulta will make their first appearance this week, together with an Im mense variety of tiew novel Ilea. Jiraud new patterns snob, as others atore sell for dollar yard. 69c GERLINGER, Jr., GENERAL MANAGER. L if I 1 l A :; ( f . " V i ) V fialkclt s Poole Contractors and Builders All work guaranteed. Estimates furnished on all kinds of carpenter work. Cation or addrti$ fialleck and Poole menmoutb, Ore. BLOOD CELLS. IN HEALTH. IN DISKA.lt. Man U a millintialrt many timrs over in the pcMnrtkiun of blood cells. Woman is not quite so rich, for scientists hsve proven that tlie tiornml number of red blood cells in adult men is five million; ia women four and a half million, to the square millimeter. 1 The normal ceH is not absolutely round ; In health, but, in disease, becomes ex treniely irregular in shape. livery one can be in perfect health and possess the mil lions of rirh red blood corpuscles if they only know bow to go about it. Dr. R. V. Pierre, consultitisr nhvsiciaa to the Inva lids' Hotel syid Surgical Institute, at Buf falo, N. y., advises every man and woman to prepare for a long life by observing na ture's laws. In the first plac. if your digestion is faulty, and the food you cai is not raven up oy me uioou ana assim ilated nronerto. you need a tonic and (litres. live corrector, something' that will increase the red blood corpuscles; he believes in going- about this in nature's own way Years ago, in his active practice, be found that an alterative extract of certain herbs and roots, put up without the use of alco- nol, would put tlie liver, lungs arm nean Into fuller and more complete action. This medicine he called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By assimilating- the food eaten, it nourishes the blood, and, in stead of the ill-shaped corpuscles, the per son's blood takes on a rich red color and the corpuscles are more nearly round. Nervousness is only the cry of the starved nerves for food, and when the nerves are fed on rich red blood the person loses those irritable feelings, sleeps well at night and feels refreshed in the morning. KNOWLEDGE 19 FOWBK. If yon wsnt to know about your body, resd Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, which can be bad for the cost of mailing, 31 cents in one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound book, or 31 stamps for the Ssper-covered volume. 1008 pages. Ad ress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the sluggish live PA UK Kit. ! Ttf I , Tam.a fta,k afar., n TV.vt . iUlPC ucuinc.ituira ti v w u. land Friday. Mrs. Lacey, Mrs. Krr and Mm Emmons were in Buena Vitta Thursday. Jaa. Ilelmick and boo Willie are yiaiting in Albany. Misses Lillian and Jessie Cox were passengers to Portland. Mr. Geo. C. Bolter assisted Mr, Fuqua in handling hay a few days this week. " 1 . ( Mr. A. B. Lacey is home on a visit and presented his neighbors with ia delicious treat of the finest mountain trout, fresh from the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sleele visited her mother Sunday. Mr. Chester McClain called on friends here Sunday. Mr. L. L. Shirer of La Fayette spent Sunday visiting friends in Parker. Mr. Fuqua is furnishing Mr. Nelson with beef cattle. Mr. Chas. Allen spent the Fourth at Corvallis.. ; Mr. J. O. Davidson was a passen ger to Corvallis Monday. Sirs. Dorr Is' First ilouors. j To Mrs. Lottie Hedges Dorris be longs the honor of receiving the highest grade in vocal music from the musical department of Willam ette university the past year. Mrs. Dorris completed the course under Dean Seely the past year and the highest marking of the entire class at his hands is very complimentary to her capability and progress. Her selection at the closing exer cises Wednesday of last week was "Love's Philosophy," and her ren dition was heartily encored. New Hay Baler. Having purchased a new hay baler, parties having hay to be baled will do well to see E. L. Baker or W. F. Campbell at Independ- j ence, Oregon. if J. IU vStbcKton SALEM'S BEST THE Old White Corner, The Hub of Salem, always looked upon as a big dry goods store; grew too small for us in much less than a year's time. Our beautiful new annex gives us a half more room in which to handle our mammoth stock of goods. We carry the most reliable stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc., in Salem. Our prices are always reliable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Great Clearance Sale of Wash Goods 8c Buys our regular 10 to 15c grades of Lawns, Dimities, etc. 10c Buy9 our regular 15c to 20c grades of wash goods. 15c A great assortment of 20c and 25c wash goods. Splendid values. 3c Embroideries formerly sold fof 5c to 7c a yard. 4fj Embroideries formerly sold for Cc to 10c a yard. We will move our clothing in a short time, and prior to See us for Trunks and Bags, Quilts and Blankets and all kinds of wear ing apparel. Headquarters for Ladies' Suits, Wraps and Skirts. Th e O Id White Ask Ik Agent' for Tickets VIA TO SPOKANE ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO ST. LOUIS AND ALL POINTS CAST AND SOUTH. 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 12 THE FLYER AND THE FAST MAI SPLENDID SERVICE UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT. C0UKTE0US EMPLOYES DAYLIGHT TRIP ACROSS CAB CADE AND ROCKY MT&8. For tickets, ratea. folders and full in formation callon or address H. DICK SON. City Ticket Afrent, 123 3rd St., Portland. 8. G. YERKES, G. W. P. A. 612 First Ave., Seattle, Wash GL Hawkins Dallas, Ore. Marble and Granite Monuments and Head stones Cemetery work etc. WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE $1.50 Per Year if Jit the Old White Corner, STORE-GROWING BETTER EVERY DAY Great Clearance Sale of Clothing and shoe stock into our new annex to the White Corner that time we will sell all the goods in this store at sacrifice. SALEM OREGON SlIOJplilfsE Union Pacific AND TRAINS FROM PORTLAND DAILY TKmiifrh Pullman flt.anrturd And tmir lat. aloomnar ATfl rlAllv m llmana. tnl eagro, Spokane ; tourist sleeping-car daily to Kansas taiy; inrongn ruumau wur iat sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago and Kansas City ; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the Uast daily. 7(1 PorttanJtoR Chica g 7fl 1 J Mr Chanim nf Cars V DEPART roa TIME SCHEDULE FBOM PORTLAND ARRIVE FROM Chicago Salt Lake, Denver, Portland Ft Worth. Omaha. Special Kansas City, St. 4.30pm 9:15 a m via Louis, Chicago and Hunting- East. ton. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Express Ft Worth.Oniaha, 8 : 15 p in via Kansas City, St 10:30 a m Hunting- Louis, Chicago tun. and East. St Paul Walla Walla.Lewis FastMail ton,Spokane,Wal 6am via lace, Fu 1 1 m an, 7:35 am Spokane. Minneapolis, S t Paul. Duluth.Mil- waukee, Chicago and East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE For San Francisco Every five days at 8:00 p.m. For Astoria, way points ana North Beach Daily, except Sunday, at 8 :00 p. m : Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Daily service, water permitting, on Willamette ane Yamhill rivers. For fuller information ask or write your nearest ticket agent, or A.L.LKA1U, (jeneral Passenger Agent, The Oreeon Railroad & Navigation Co., Porriand, Oregon. Osborn Reapers. For Osborn vetch reapers, Ihe only vetch machine, Osborn Bind ers, Mowers, Bakes and Extras, call on J. H. Moran, Monmouth. ' iSt Go. SALEM Great Clearance Sale of Wash Goods 11c Embroideries formerly sold for loo to 25o a yard. 25c Embroideries, formerly eold for 35c to 50c a yard. 50c Embroideries formerly sold for 75c a yard. 58c over Embroideries, Tuckings. etc., worth 75c to )f 1.00 a yard. i. 98c All overs, formerly sold for $1.50 a yard. and Shoes Cor ner Corvallis k Eastern Railroad TIME CARD NO. 24 No. 2 For Yaquina: Leaves Albany ...... 12:45 p. M. " Corvallis...... 1:45 p.m. Arrives Yaquina. L. 5:40 p.m. No. 1 ReturniBg: , Leaves Yaquina ..... 7:15 A. m. Leaves Corvallis , . . . 1 1 :30 a. m. Arrives Albany..... 12:15 p. u. No. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany ...... 1 :00 A. M. Arrives Detroit ...... 6:00 p. M. No. 4 Irom Detroit: Lea ves Detroit 6:30 p. M, Arrives Albany..... .11:15 p. M Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect wiih the S. P. south bound train, as well as giv ing two or three hours in Aany before departure of S. P. Noith bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvahia and AiSany giving direct service to jNewport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1:00 a. m., reaching De troit about noon, giving ample time to reach the Springs same day. For farther information apply to Edwin Stone, Manager. T. Cockrell, Agent, Albany. H. H. Cronise, Agent, Corvallis. Geo. T. Rogers $ go. WHPLESAL APER DEALERS IVERflHiiW L: PAPER S&lsa . Oregon