West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, July 07, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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Rube Dickinson was in Corvallis
oer Sunday.
Mrs. Sarah Young came up from
Portland Sunday.
J. L. McCandlesf, the brick ma
un, has gone to Prineville t j do
the brick work on a 123,000 public
school building to be erected iu the
thriving eastern Oregon county.
Irma Burnett of Portland i via-iTlltt coutractor for the building is
iting relatiyes here,
Cecile Wilcox visited friends in
Corvallis the past week.
Mr. nd Mra. J. Robinson were
in Portland this week.
Fred Chambers was in Indepen
dence the first of the week.
7.l Rotendorf attended the
Caroiyal at Portland this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kutcti
spent the Fourth at Carleton
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Clodfelter July 3rd a daughter.
Miss Fredrica Baacove left Inde
pendente Sunday for Eastern Ore
Mabel Ellis and Maggie Hodge
viaitAil in Dallas a few days last
Miss Kate Jones has returned
from her trip in eastern Washing
ton. Miss Ona Baker left for her
home in Portland the first ol tne
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Messner and
daughter spent the Fourth at Mc
Minnville. . Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson of
Salem visited in Independence
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson were
passengers to Portland Sunday for
a few days.
Mrs. Henry Waller and daughter
Louise were down from Luckiamute
.Mills Tuesday.
Miss McDevitt, of Portland, vis
ited her sister, Mrs. George Conkey,
the past week.
' Gordon Baker and Carl Mathaw
of McMinnville, were in Indepen
dence this week.
Mrs. Fred Chambers and daugh
ter, of Eugene, are visiting relatives
in Independence..
Mrs. W. S. Wilson anddaughter,
Miss May, left Tuesday for . their
home at Reno, Nev."
Mies Bessie Butler and Helen
Cooper attended the Carnival at
Portland the past week.
Arthur Moore and Will Craven
left Sunday for Slab Creek to enjoy
a well earned vacation.
Mrs. McLaughlin and her brother
Lee Fluke and Miss Opal Hart
were in Portland this week.
.Will Middlebam recently pur
chased the Gentry farm three
miles south of Independence.
Wod Butler and Layton Smith,
with their families, camped . at
Humbug lake over the Fourth.
Geo. Conkey, Rily Crayen. Lorin
Wann and Willard Craven spent
the Fourth fishing on the Luckia
mute near Falls City.
Will Mattison, Sam Irvine, Hen
ry Kelso, Fred Ireland, Roscoe
Staats, Ivan Woods,
Chas. F. Gray of Salem.
Pilot Knob Gold Mining: Com
pany Has Made a Rich
Strike in Nevada.
The White Pine News, published
in White Pine county, Nevada, has
the following concerning the Pilot
Knob Gold Mininir company, a
corporation of Polk coimty citizens:
"An astonishing discovery was
made last week by the Pilot Knob
Gold Mining company, ol Mon
mouth, Oregon, on their Pilot Knob
The tunnel bad been driven in
but fifteen feet, when a blind quartz
ledge, three feet wide, was un
earthed, containing gold plainly
visible to the naked eye, and the
assay yalue 6f the ore is supposed
to run up into hundreds of dollars
to the ton.
"The Pilot Knob company has a
group of ten claims in the district,
and it is asserted by those in a po
sition to know, that every mine in
the group will yield their owners a
dividend as soon as the facilities
for testing the ores are arranged.
"Ten men are now at work de
veloping the properties. The grade
for the mill and concentrator is
finished, and the machinery is ex
pected on the ground this week.
All of the necessary timber and
building material is on the ground
Tt will only be a shert time when
the mill, which will be situated
two and one-half miles from the
mines, and run by the water of
Willard creek, will be turning out
'its bars of bullion.
The Pilot Knob company, which
was incorporated at Monmouth,
Oregon, last fall, with a capitaliza
tion of $250,000, have the necessary
funds with which to prosecute the
deyelopment work in a careful and
systematic manner, while at the
same time treating the ores from
the mines with a small plant first
and preparing the properties for a
larger output and the realization of
greater dividends.
"Other prospects now being de
veloped will make good our asser
tion that our connty must lead
them all. Others must follow."
. W. T. Hoiiman, of Independence,
is on the ground superintending
the work. . ...
Claude Vox
and Ed Owens comprised a bunch 8e the .hr"e
that took in the Fourth at Port
land. Mrs. Martha Singleton and
niece. Mrs. Thompson, and the lat
ter's little eon, of Roseburg. are
visiting relatives here. Mrs. Sin
gleton is a sister of Harbin and J.
R. Cooper. She has not been in
Independence before for thirty
Rev. W. E. Turner will preach at
Highland school house the 9th
inst, at Monmouth on Sunday at
11a.m. Rev. Turner is young
minister recently from Idaho, and
may locate in these parts.
Ducking' on Horseback.
A ducking on horseback is what
James Jones baa in Brown's lake
south of town Saturday. Believing
swimming to be good training for a
horse, Jones mounted his animal
and plunged into the depths of the
lake. Upon reaching a point
where the water was eighteen to
twenty feet deep, the horse sank.
Then he rose and upon reaching
the surface, "turned turtle" and
sank again. The second time he
was on ms DacK
kicking wildly with Jones between
his fore legs. Jones succeeded as a
matter of life or death, in freeing
himself from the horse and swim
ming ashore, and the horse, reso
lutely, refusing to swim, sank
again and walked out on the bot
tom. It was a narrow escape for
horse and rider.
of our fellow townsman. Mr. six
Mrs. Taylor traveled a long way to
attend the function, and it was a
memorable affair at the beautiful
home of Mr. and Mrs. James
The golden wedding day dawned
clear and fair; the bright sunshine
and beautiful flowers served o
welcome the guests who came from
near and far to welcome the happy
event. Fifty guests sat down to
the wedding dinner. The table
was beautifully decorated with
col Jen lilies. Before partaking of
the bountiful repast a short address
and word of prayer was oflered by
the pastor of the IVinpsry Baptist
Church, of which Mr. and- Mrs.
Taylor are members, the beauti
ful old Paraphrase "Oh! God of
Bethel" (which is a favorite of
Mr.. Taylor) was sung at the din
ner table. The good old times
were discussed, and many merry
thrilling tlea were told. After
dinner the children presented their
father with a handsome gold watch
and chain, and the narrow wedding
ring of long ago attached to a new
and handsome gold-band, made
glad the mother's heart. The af
ternoon was spent renewing old
Besides Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of
Oregon, other places represented
were: Cassburn, St. Eugene,
Woodstock, Vanbleet Hill, Geneva.
Carellon and Isle aux Chats. The
presents were handsome and select
ed with good taste. A circum
stance worthy of tote and often
mentioned by Mr. and Mrs. Tay
lor is the fact of there being four
marriage between their respective
See Mrsaucr a ad for cut price
in summer waistlngs.
A good second hand buggy and
wagon for sale by Fraier it Rice.
Fine line of summer skirti at
Messner wants all your chick
i ens ami eat. lbey are just an
! giMxl as cash here.
i A B'K)d place to stop for a meal
in Salem is at Strong' restaurant
Meals at all hours.
A very neat and choice line of
parasols at Messners. Something
entirely new and a little diflernnt
from what others have.
Moore's Hair Invigorator and
Newbro's llerpicide for dandruff
and fulling hair or diseased scalp
sold In bulk, 50c 8 or.., or applied if
necessary by Moore it Taylor's, the
barbers on C street.
The Corvallis Steam Laundry
makes a specialty of gents goods
and lace curtains. Your laundry
called for and delivered at your
door. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Goods called for on Mondays and
Tuesdays aud delivered on Fridays.
Orders may be left at Craaen &
Correspondence of the West
Side Enterprise discovers Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Taylor of this city
at St. Eugene. Ontario, where on
June 21, they attended the golden
I wedding of James Taylor, a brother J
I would like to be president
aeain; but I would far rather be a
whole president for three years
than half a president lor seven
years. Remember that.
In the the long run, the moht
unpleasant truth is a safer com
panion than a pleasant falsehood
It is a good thing to be a good
halfback; but it is a mighty bad
thing if, at forty, all you can say of
a man is that he was a good half'
The millennium is a good way
off, yet.
When you mcke it evident that
no man shall be excused from vi
olating the law, you make it ev
ident that every man will be pro
tected from violators of the law.
Exactly as yon need in war the
man behind the gun, you need in
peace the man behind the plough,
the man at the machine.
It is a good lesson for nations
and individuals to learn never to
hit if it can be helped, and never
to hit soft.
Hardness of heart i3 not much
more destructiye in the long run
than softness of the head.
Any generation fit to do its work
must work for the future for the
people of the future, as well as for
The abler, the more powerful any
man is: the worse he is, if he has
not got the root of righteousness in
The fact that a man talks loud
does not mean, necessarily, that he
fights hard. Sometimes you see a
man) that talks loud and fights
hard, but he does not fight hard
because he talks loud, but in spite
of it.
I would plead with my country
men to show not any special brill
iancy or special geneous, but the
ordinary humdrum, commonplace
qualities,rwhich in'the aggregate.
spell success for the nation and for
the individual. i
Have You Received a Souvenir?
The A. & C. R. R. will mail to
your address free, copies of their
summer booklet containing 30
pages of half tone engravings of
Columbia river and Clatsop beach
Bcenery. Address J. C. Mayo, G.
F. & P, A., Astoria. Ore., or C. A.
Stewart, Agent 248 Alder Street,
Portland. Ore.
Wood for Sale.
S. Cox, the wood dealer, is ready
to deliver wood at your door on
short notice. Big fir wood $3.50
per cord; second growth maple
$3. Phone H3.
To Kent.
A good farm with improvements
lo rent. Contains 243 acres and
lays two miles north of Monmouth.
M. W. Mix.
Tearing' up
Putting in now lloor ami
ri'pnporingour walls, but
road' to bono you with
now groccrioa ami fresh
vegetables every day,
McCready Sr Earhart
Independence, ' Oregon
H. D. THITMAN, Proprlttor
j? A Home Industry Institution-?
WorK Called for Tuesday Delivered Saturday
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phono 273 Night 893
Main St, Independence, Ore
W. L. HICK, Kmbiiliiier and Funeral Director.
'. W. KNOtVLMJ, Mgr.
urefl Hmn On If
01. OO 91.10 0M.OO
Excursion Rates to Vaquina
Bay. s
On June 1st the Southern Pacific
Co. will resume sale of excursion
tickets to Newport and Yaquina
nay. Both season, and Saturday
to-Monday tickets will he sold.
This popular resort is growing in
favor each year. Hotel rates are
reasonable and opportunities for
fishing, hunting and sea bathing
are unexcelled by any other resort
on the Pacific Coast.
Some new arrivals in summer
goods at Messners.
Something new in lace curtains;
latest Art Arabians at Messners.
A Positive NecfiSHity.
Having to lay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, I on
ly found relief when I used a bottle of
Ballard's snow liniment. I can cheer
fully recommend it as the best medi
cine for bruises ever sent to the afflict
ed. It has now become a positive ne
cessity upon myself. D. ft. Byrnes,
merchant, DoversviKe, Texas. 25c, 50c,
$1, Sold by A. 8. Locke.
Call and see the new line of sum
mer skirts at Messners.
leaves Indepen
dence for Alon
inouth and Alrlie
7:30 a. m.
8:30 p. m.
Leave Indepen"
dence for Mon
mouto and Pallas
11:00 a. m.
6:15 p. m.
L'yen Monmouth
Tor Alrlie.
1v a,
8:.0O p.
I'Tes Monmouth
for Lialla.
11:30 a. m.
fcSU p. m,
Leaven Alrlie for
Monmouth and
:0 a. .m,
6:05 p. in.
Newly Equipped; Over 100 Rooms, Steam Heat;
Gas Lights; Jill Modern Conveniences.
With every purchase of a 25c pack
age of our Special Tooth Prepara
tions,: Kosafoain, WhitohooJ'a
, Listerated, or Turkish Myrrh Tooth
Powder, wo will present you with a
fino too til' brush free of charge. '
Lpavra Dalian lor
Monmouth and
1:00 p, m.
7:30 "
I L'vea Monmouth
I for Independence
Mt, m.
!:) p. m.
2:) "
6: "
Vnrm Indeprn.
1jm for Mod,
p. m
How About Your Hummer
Newport on Yaquina Pay is the
ideal seaside resort of the JNorth
Pacific coast.' T'.ound trip tickets
at greatly , reduced rates on Bale
from all Southern points in Oregon,
on and after June 1. - Ank agents
; for further particulars and a hand
somely illustrated souvenir dook
let, or write to Edwin Stone, Mana
ger C. & E. It. R.. Albany,, Ore., or
V. E. Coman, G. P. A;, S. P. Co.,
There are thirteen stray Bheep at
my place. The owner will , please
call and settle the bilh y
' Jacob Ueckeb. ,
J. W. Whitaker, of Suver is Re
ported very low as a result of in
juries to the spine sustained when
he was thrown from a buggy three
weeks ago.
At the II. E. church next Sab
bath the pastor will Rive two inter
esting addresses as follows: At
11a. m., ''Jesus Christ's Gethse
mane Prayer;" 8 p. m., "Fopular
With One Man."
Mss Isa IsaGilbaiigh of Portland
is a guest of Miss Ethel Whiteaker
Mrs. Claude Skinner was a pass
enger to Portland Tuesday.