WEST BIDE ENTERPRISE, INfENDENCE, OREGON FIVE County Correspondents Sweep The Field. MONMOUTH. turn .Mi-Ill" and rM'tlnl tltk W'FJt MrMIl "- '" ,u. "' r'raM I.Uewa. villi 11'. ;.....( IUIImmmI niHVla. u.t.lvi ir Mr. i.u.. J,,, Ireland l "P " Rortland ,,burt visit. ... U' M. Cooler nd wn of :.mok 11,9 wwi here- . if. Johnnon has oU "' .'kl,l autl residence to Dallaa mr. j C. K. t'lodfclter of Portland ,,itinK Iiit mother, Mr. A. A. '.run. ll-tl I vi.lllnd mill. ii. ,,r, iiiiii". H a . 1 .. l.ttll.ltnfff a tVjlliam rug"" - ,Jiry Urn cm Hi !" just huftown. ....v,rj oi .iurlt Nawln,, M Csleb, w.a unveiled Sunday by Monmouth Camp No. 4'J. ,MH,. motor carryli.g nrn.tM.ra of the camp, circle, hand and tmny cltl i.a, Ult bereft 2 U0, running out In I Km .a . ' , " ' u" lry.i landed ...arv.iing iroiti place lo ttn cemetery the. beautiful ceremony in "mr of tt.U tichU youmr h..,.' whone promising career waa brought to ut ti an untimely end, waa Kiyp uy mo ramp, erter which thegravea of nil deceased luembera wero dec. orated. Monuiotilh Camp tin lout five luembera aince Iti organisation l is;;. '(l team won in the tali game plated at Amity Sunday. Hoore wan 34 to 21. lOOlT.lt IIOI.I.OW. Cherries and raspberries ar get ting rljMf and are quite plentiful. (ieorge rliillivan and wife r. turned Wednesday frum a visit with 1U itcr at Hodavllle. t a, I . LorwVlMH-l..k has returned! '.wI.iId tmk county. where bej'''"'. T I If.. ! . .. .... ... .urn. I own vinllftil With Mrs Maying Monday. quite HI, I'ICDUK. Feveral of the young people at tided the Ice cream aordat at Kings Valley Saturday evening. W. J. Hooker and wife of -liar- rlaburg who have been visiting hia pnrenta hre the pant week have re- turni'd home. Mr. Clara Willlarna and Mra. H E. HuhIi of Jndftperidence vioitcni at the homo of Mra. Uuah the laat of the weik. ten traclung. t)vrrll Murnwl from , Hi.rt, v'h , where he ha : for the ' TulT.ifl of IVrlland l via t ii the Io'iijb i ler grtnd- ,fr, Mr. Ju "olvrrlon. lr.Pai'l Fuulkw of Portland iiiDi at tli" iiotne of hrr par I, Mr. and Mra. L. C round. ,n X. Wlifalilon aiul wilo oi Dillia allPiidml cotnnifiite ; fKiei. M r. VJtaldoi L.r elv t from Watco county, i L A. K iliiinon ha bougl J; n. lump rJdnce on Motor t!i(iwi!l liar it paintfd and v for owupaucy tna hort lime. other rural trlphon line wil be iii niir ration from lhi place :!l fiicn l Mont lakitu in Ihe . Stmni an 1 Win. Riddell Mra. E. Clarke and family have returned from a finning trip to ltnlon county They caught aUut 1W troit U l,uc aint .Sunday hore leaving here ten ytfare agi Lucaa haa been In the employ t rt. I'. H. ft. Co. contlnuounly j eiiftinwr. . A. Wannapcr.t Friday mom w. In tHiiiiiany with J. E y and C, Hryaut he epent il dnya !lhing above Fall tod w returning to hia home :gn. d UU ia yiaiting here, lie !ilirig u rponaible ponitioii tb( Portland (ieneral F.UK'trlc mil hai received several pro Jin during the time he ha lit) their employ. annual conference of the g Men'i Chr.Ktiati Aaaociation held thia year at t!earhnrt from May 27 to June 5 y-one institutions wnre repre' I md 111 didegateo were prea coming from Waaltington, and Oregnn which atatea 'i?o Xortbweal 8tudtut'e Con Dimrict. The local naaocia- w reimscntecl l.y McaxrK II - Rih Clarke, Fr.-d Crowley, Pettoya and (i. L, Nurn- A numUr of people from here attended the cloning exercixta at the Normal echool at Monmouth. Nellie hhipley ia viaiting with her aunt Mra. Farley near Monroe, Hvtikui county. Ue. Sullivan and Geo. .Sheldon t.Kk a trip to Willamtua the limt of the week. , Win. and John Yeater and Geo. and Jirrt Hale went to Silott Llaain Tueaday. Orra Towna ia again at home lor a few weeka. Mr. IIU1 ia having hia house re Mr. P. A. Johnson and aon were veiling at (Jeorge Mndornan'a near torvallia lout Huuday. Mra. P. 0. Iluah and nephew, Mr. Ciroahong, vialte.1 relative at Kheridan lout week. Mra. Philllipa and daughter Nell atarted for Michigan laat Haturday lo viil relativea. Andrew Hannum la preparing to erect a new houae on hia place. T. I'. llevena ia planning the erection o: a new barn. Miaa Eula Haley and Jack Hoi man were married in Portland on Jane 7. The bride bus many frienda and relative! in thia neigh borhood who wiah them much hap plnpaa. Tin young couple reaide in Tacoma, Wash. 8. II. McElmurry and wife re. turned from Lebanon last Thura- day. yallia ia visiting Mn. E. Armond. E. De-1 Note the ad a in thia laaue. NUVKie Mica I-na Kidder has returned home from Mt. Angel where the haa been attending achool. Mra, Bert. Harper and children are viaiting ber parent Mr. and Mra. Jatnea. Orley Allen ia building barn. a new .0 H DeArmopd home from Albany. Mra. II. Mazfield and daughter Minnie went to Independence the laat of the week to eee the latter' uncle who recently suffered a paralytic stroke. Lloyd Flickengc has his new houne about finiahed. Mix Ona linker of Portland is vieiting relatives ani friends here. There are several from here w ho are going to the carnival at Albany this week. Notice of Final (Settlement. has returned Notice I bereov riven tha I tbm on. deraigned etteo or of the Ute of Cliarlea (4. J-lb dot-anel. bave filed in the offlne of t i county clerk of I'olk ooonlr. Oreeop ay. final account and final report to Id enlate matter, aod the honorable uoty court baa flxed the IHth Oay of July, A. D. J904, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. of aald day at the eountr court houne In Dalian, rolk county, Oregon, aa the time and plaee when and where aald final account will be heard. All neraon Interested In raid ettate are required to appear and file ohlectiona, If any tbey bave. there to, and to ehow caune' If any there be, why laid final aooount and report nhould not be allowed and aald eetate finally nettled. Dated thia 13tb day of June A. O. 1(04. CHAKLEH 9. FISHER, Kaecu'orof the entate of Cbarle O. Finher, deceaaed. CI TV. Henry Dorton has been elccteJ director and F. Uutler clerk for district No. 00, It is their tenth year to serve. Albert ami otto leal have re. turned from Portland. The Falls City achool cloned last Wednesday. Thone graduating were Fern Raymond, Clara Montgomery, Francis Lucky, Willie Tice, Jottie Mover and Lulu Miller, ninth grade; Cora Page, Mabel Stoddard Petty Milne, Alma Huceloy, Willie Montgomery, Ralph Herringlon, Oacar Ellis, eighth grade. Prof. Reynolds with the pupils of the Dallas school, eighth grade, attended the graduating exercisea of the Falls City achool. Normal base ball team do- Salem ten m lunt Saturday, Normal Ccmpua. The game wand aiiiritleM. as it waa f'om the li r t chapter that " wore badly outclassed. w was 19 to .). The Normal " record for '0-1 that ia nlJ credit to them, playing llf and never beine defeated. J? Ihe teamg that were do- b7 '.hern is the Chemawa Rich ia conceded to be the Mwteur team in the state. monument erected P of the World by the to the 1IAM.STOX. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Craven and slighter, and Mr. and Mra. Al 'ernon and son have gone to Woods for Beveral months. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook were in lick real 1 laat week. The hop yards 'and crops here are looking well considering the drw weather. A 'rain would be of great benefit to the gardens. Mr. Long and family left Tues day for tfalmon river, on the ooaet, for a two weeks' outing. Van B. Sears is erecting a large barn on his farm. Mr. and Mrs. J, P. Fetzer visited relatives here over Sunday. The new hotel oporated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilson is now open the public. Petsr Cook has receutly pur- chased the G. W.Clark place, while the latter has mored on his farm. I'AKKKIC. A very pretty wedding occured at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. T, Jaiuea near Suver Sunday at high noon, when Miss Julia James wss married to Claude Boone. As Valena Fuqua played the 'wedding march the young couple advanced and took their places under a large floral horseshoe of white ronea. The bride was attended by two httlo girls, Gladya Reuf and Lenora Jamea, each holding a boquet of pink rosea. Hev. F. C. Thompson officiated. After congratulations were given a sumptuous dinner waa served to the guests who num bered about twenty-two. Mrs. Reuf and Miss Lizzie Jamea assisted in serving, ihe young couple took the train for Portland 'midst a shower of flowers and rice. The young couple have the best wishes of the community for a happy soil on the matrimonial sea. Mr and Mrs. Drexel arrived here last week from Dakota and a few days later the car containing their furniture came. Mrs. Huey of Wells was a jas- aenger on the south bound train Monday. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Lacey were Independence visitors Saturday. Fred Quick of Tillamook, an old resident of Suver was here Satur day, Mies Jessie Uox ot rortland is vii-itinfl: with Mrs. J. O. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steele visited the latter's mother over Sunday. P. J. Peterson and wife visited with Jap Rhodes Sunday. Mr. J. 0. Davidson is spending a few days in Portland attending the pioneers' meeting. Mra. Logsden who wag on her way to Amity, visited with Mrs, I acey Saturday. HIGHLAND Miss Bertha Osborn who has been in Eastern Oregon for several months returned home Saturday. Mrs. Chris Peterson visited over Sunday with her husband who is working in Portland. Percy Haley of Gresham is vis iting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Davidson were visiting friends in Uorvailuv last week. Miss Ella Allen ha returned homo from Albany where she has been attending college. J.J.Thurston is putting up a new barn. Mra. dimming and baby of Cor- Mr, J. W. Turner, of Trubart. Va., aya that Charuberlaio'a Htomacb ai:d Liver Tablet bave done him more kood tnan anything he could get from the doctor. If any phynlclan In thin country waa able to compound a medi cine that would produce ucb gratifying reooltn in eaueti of atonmcli trouble billousneen and cotiktipatioti, hia w hole Notice For Publication. Drpnrtmentorihe Interior. Land Otllm ut On-iron Clty.Oreitoo, April Itt, li(. Notice In hereby given Hint Iho followlnr riHmwl witixr ha (lied notice or bin Inten tion Ut fimke ttul proof In nunport of hi rial rn. and II, at aald proof will I made b. for the County Clerk 01 1'ulk nmnlv (i.,n at Dalian, Orison, on June 3. l'JX. viz: i i.Kh.M B. MAHKH 11, K. No. 121 ( for lot . H!. 4. 1 k n r t w. nv niinn me lonowinir wiiueuea to nrava time would be uned I., preparing thle KTJXr, r",? fJS JtS&VZ: ior tale by all druir- Mrla7"-urton-J-' Mar-,J M. Hewitt, 8 I 3. 11. tiround, of Monmouth, Oregon. Algernon s. ireaer, KgUter. one medicine, glata, I Bio Doubt mm t No doubt but Salem as a point for economical buying in all lines of mer chandise surpasses all her sister cities. nOWHEREare quantitj and quality more univer sal and prices so uni formly low. Few peo ple realize- that al most a duzen stocks of furniture are ex hibited here. Salem is known through out the west as the town where furniture is sold cheap. No doubt there is more truth than poetry in our statements. It is an undisput ed fact that Sa lem's furniture in terests represent more capital than that of any simi lar city. CHISis a partial view of first floor of the House Furnishing Co.'s show roojiis. l'eople who trade at our store know why we have grown so rapidly dur ing our three years in Salem. You will nev er know the full pur chasing power of mon ey until you trade with . p -----frfy,-. .v-vP" -aw ;.. a. 1 . ..IK,.,,,, i " jt4 i I ! t .If a. I- Yunu, f alT"""' MA41 fit " 1 a - .S. t ;i i i i rrv. irj. 26 liberty Street, next 3o$. Ifctyers $ Son.