West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, June 16, 1904, Image 1

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iNi)ioi'KNi)i:N(;i:, J'olk county, Oregon, junk kj, ioo-i.
NUAinicu 2a
Incorporated. -
,t., i Grangers' and Hop Men's Pic-
MONMOUTH, j - . OREGONj nic and Convention a two
Days' and Nights' Affair
j. II. IIawi.i y,
liu (.'. IWki.i,, Cahhicr.
!'. I,. A M I'M I, I.,
ui I'rcHidi'iit.
rt4 Capital, 190,000
piHKtTOK J. If. Ill,y. I'. L. "ampin. 1 1, I. M. Simpson, J. U. V.
Jliitler, John Hiump, J. A. Wilhrow, K. X. Powell.
Trammel General Banking and Kxthange business. lrafts sold
yaiUIl lIlMUulloUl ill" t'lliti'd HttltfM Mini Canada.
ii HlkSllllMid, l'faJo'it- AHIIAM NKIXI.N, Vim Preaiileii
' C. W. IUVINK, C'aliior.
l)i-KlroH. H. Htraclilwrg, l. W, r-ar. II. K. bmllh, J. I'. Itl'icle and
' A. NtOaoil.
A finer! Hanaltiit and irliaitKti bnitra traiiwtrted.
ilawmll- t'oliiiiiereUl crwlita gianted. JrHlta rtxt
lmu rniole. ltillt
rwelfed on current account
t. I Uadquartcn For !-
Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies
fiptt la r4Uw varWiv from cofc
tobftfr-rou andllort Mrhum.
Fountain lot Ih bo( dyt
You arc lwy welcome.
- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam
(Uhh KtgH for (ToimniTcial Men a Scialty.
J(mm1 nroouunodatioiiH. Horns well fed. Kmc
lUmvH ImardtU by uay.wi-ek or montii.
Telephone Xo. AJ.'Mf
Jiuleitfiulcnre, Oregon
1L D. VHITMAN, Propfktor
x7A Home Industry Institution-
WorK Called for Tuwdtr Delivered Saturday
Josse & Bice,
Fin. Parlors in connection. Day or night
callH promptly attended to.
Day j.hono 273 Nights
Main St, Independence, Ore
. 1,. HICK, i:inl..liiM r iui.I Imier.il IMrector.
l'lsAsncoi's iiki:.
-I ... . .1 ul..ui.n awiiV II riU'U u
.1m. l.v ..lion". Several men who
.... ... j , i i
fm. tho narlor and front bod room.
Tho family were away from home
at tho time ami bow the fire origi
nated i unknown. There bad
hern no fir-in the stovo since noon.
There was no insurance, the policy
Laving expired three days before
and had not beeiwenewed.
A disreputable man giving his
name as Lewis Drowns was brought
before Justice Wiison Saturday on
the charge of indecent exposure
Ho was started off toward atnhil
county without any punishment
being administered Drowns bad
becu stopping with Jack Nelson.
David I!oj1.hh Lom-n IIoukc ami J happened to hi near by succeed!
Nearly All the Coiilcuts. jjn aaving most of the furnitu
Monday afternoon between .r and
5S0 p. in. tho alarm for fire was
given twice. The first alarm was
given for Hillard t Plymalo's
blacksmith shop, on the lower part
of Main street near the wagon
Iridgn. Firo caught on the roof
and burned several feet before the
fire company had the flames under
The other (ire proved to be of
more serious nature. The dwell
ing house of Dave Boydson in West
Independence burned to tin ground.
Fire was firnt noticed in the upper
4try. Mrs. A. Nelson, living
Address by Governor And Lectures
by Prominent Speakers Inter
i per ted by Unique Events.
The program for tho big picnic,
the Granger' and Hop Men's Con
VMitinn, to liu hnld in Indepen
dence Fridiy ami tfutnrday of next
week, June 21 and 2V is now com
plet. The following is a lint of the
Friday Forenoon I'litile. limn! Mimic
on Main at tel. lirmid March to (he
nmvi- Ii-. I i.y Him I ihuI. Mn.io at the
Krovt-. IiiViii'ulloii, Hole Miei Haiiia
Craven; Imtnl actm pi n I rm-ot . Ail
itnoNof Meluiiiii J)r. I;. J. TliomrV
oil, l'realiliil of thfltrtV. miuii
Jol.ii While of (,i( drove (irany.
Cliar. lt r H.oi Tin. Ixm 1ml! u.
or II. e J.m.I of liiw Trllw, lv ( liar lea
K. Ilunlley. Aililnnii I.y Hon. (leo.
K. I'liaiiiU'rlalii, Joveniorof Oreou.
Muolo by (lis band.
Friday Noon Jti banket diuner at the
Frlilny Afternoon Ilanil concert for
the Hfurnoou at (h comer of Malu
and (' almt. I. Jlori-eltwi carrlaire
race aval n Hi time, prizo $j uaj.b.
2. Half ml In bieyeln rai-e, amateur
rhaiiiplou.hii ir Folk county, Iowd
Mainalreel to C, U I n.liion(eno
hleyellau barred; prize flue gold watch
now on ili.inlay at (). a. Kraoier'a
Jewelry alore. 3. 100 yard loot raca.
Frtw for all: prixa lr ahoea 4. Free
for all pony raca, boya under 18,
nrie, A cah. 6. Trick bicycle ei bl
bllloii, I'rof. Miaw of Haleiu. 0. Oue
block wbeelbarmw race, boy under
Is, raclt boy to be bllndroldcd; prlza
:t bat. . Fifty yard fixt raoe.
winding barrel, barrel aunpended
from a r(; each runner niiml uo
Ih roil nh one barrel. Hllver watch,
prlD now on dloplav at O. A. Kram
er 'a. H. Fat urn n ' rac (not to
welRh lewi (ban 'AH) pound a ) Winner
ecurea a flmt claaa ault of new sum
nier underwear. U. Pie eajinir cou
teat, boys under 14, baud tied be
hind tb bnck: winner aeon re a pair
ol tcnuia Iiim, L'imI prize 60 cent.
10. lug or war. (JraiiKera v Hop
(irowera, ten men to a Ride. Winning
team, each man a pair of overalls.
11. Hack raw, each boy in a aack,;
prlzeagood kaife. 12. Handsoinent
lady, prl.e pair of kid rIovcx 13, !
HaudiionieHt baby, prize high chair.
14 Hoinlient mail : prize a mirror to ;
mm) hliiiwll with. 1l. Hex I matched
country team, ri.e nice lap robe or
bntnry whip. Id. lioat rac, 1 mile
akill rac, aingle, from up river. II n
imi at fi rrv alio, prize unit cane or a
trunk. 17. '1 ho Itig IIhko Jiullfrume
culled at 3 o'clock tc-tweu the Mop
lluyeraand the Hop (Irowera. Prl.e
Ihu Hop Miiii'm Favorite.
Flmt pi'lnn of 'he Farmers Conven
tion Friday nluht at 7::0. MuhIc
by the urelicalra. ntroduftory re
murk by 1'r. Jumea Withyco'inbt.
8olo m. McAdimiH. Jtcmluii; pa
pcr, ''The (J range'' by Mm, C. K.
Hdoiln, of Mono (i range. Keeilatlon
(iH-lH'ti'd) Mra. (leo. Burton. Music
orehculni. Addreaa to the conven
tion by one of tho tcuchem from O.
A. (!. lciiHion. Violin (VloSolo.
Mi-f Florence itowden. Addreaa
"The Hop liiduciry," L. L. Liu h
mmid of Salem. UiHciiHHion. OrchnH
(ra mimic, AildrcH by teacher In
Agricultural College. Music.
Saturday Juno L'Mh. 2nd Session Con
vention. Hand Music. Jveci till ion
Mr. Wine, ot (.ink (irove Grange.
Addrena by teacher in the Agricult
ural College. lUacUrtMion. Violin
Solo by Frank Miller of Kickreall.
lU'iKliiirf. "lUauillylur the Home"
by MtH. I, M. Sl'mptioli of Mono
(liaiige. JtuiKl MiimUt. AddrenH by
AKrleultural College Professor. IH-
oUNHlou. Aliiaiu.
Salurdav Noon. Dinner at the grove.
Saturdav Afternoon Seeeion of Conven
tion. Jtand mimic, ryramid uyn
by boya of tlie public acliool. Ad
d'ivi on tranHportation by represent
alive of the railroad. Solo, Jay
Powell of Moiiiuouth. Addresa
by Profc.HHor in Agrieultural College.
liiM'iixHion. Cornet Solo by Frank
Lucas, Address. Discussion. Mualc.
Saturday Niglit Session in Auditorium
8t 7::iO. alusio uy t lie orcnesua.
Calistbenlo drill by glrH of the pub
lic school. Song with guitar ac
companiment by Chan. K. Huntley,
lieclliitiou by Miss Lora Lewis, ol
Oak Grove Grange. Address by
teacher In the Agricultural College.
Discussion. Music, by the Orchestra.
Address by O. A. C. man. Discuss
Ion. Orchestra music.
last Thursday evening tho youg
ladies club, the horosia, gave lit
erary program in the chapel, and
were followed Friday evening by
the I'hiladelphlariH, the young
mens society of the col bye. After
an excellent program the club
members gave a haiiiiot at the
Hotel Gail. On Saturday evening
a farewell reception was tendered
l'an Poling, the popular young
college student by his friends.
On Sunday the baccalaureate
sermon was preached by Hev. 1).
V. l'oling of The Dalles. Monday
evening a lecture was given at the
college by Kev. Kantnerof Salem
Tuesday evening a joint literary
program was given by the college
literary societies, and on Wednes
day the coMegu alumni gave an ex
cellent program. Thursday even
ing the graduating exercises for
the college and academic courses
were civet! their diplomas.
President Poling and family
leave Friday morning for the east
to te absent a year or more. Rev.
A. A. Winter, dean at the faculty,
will probably act as president Id
his absence.
A spirited game of baseball was
played on the college campus Tues
day afternoon between a team from
the college students and a team
picked up from the town boys. The
college won by a score of 15-9.
Ed M. Smith the newly elected
county clerk was in town Tuesday.
Mr. Smith has quite a number of
applicants for the deputy-clerkship
but has not yet announced his selection.
Oak Grove Grange Holds
Picnic and Has Gen
eral Good Time.
A Royal Feast is Served and Many
Prominent Farmers of the
, County Attend.
Oak Grove Grange held its semi
monthly inciting Saturday in
(j range hall at Oak Grove. There
were thirty-two present includn.g
visiting members from Mono grange
at Airlie.
The weather was ideal anU a
baseball game and a spread under
tho o.ika at noon were features to
attract outside of the grange work
that was transacted behind do.ied
doors. A granger's spread in Ore-
, t ... i
gon . means a royal leasi unu a
glimpse at the Oak Grove spread
Saturday was sutlicient to arouse
the envy and excite the appetite of
those accustomed to hotel and res
taurant cooking. Home cookine,
direct from the farm brought in
baskets and heaped in smiling
plenty on a long table told the
story in brief of prosperity in Ore
gon and conveyed some idea of
what life is on a Polk county farm.
There were tender reasts of beef,
boiled ham, chicken stewed and
chicken baked, rich salads and
pickles. There were home made
biscuits made into sandwiches with
yellow country butter, ham sand
wiches and chicken sandwiches.
Tiiere were , fresh boiled eggs and
Miu Ella Robinson Leads
Eleyen Votes.
At the Stato Normal Saturday will be given up to
baseball from 2:30 p. m. In the evening at 8:30 the
drama "Esmeralda" will be given by local talent in
the chapel. The play is a highly entertaining one and
the parts are well suited to the players, so this will be
one of tho most interesting numbers for the final
Hartley Mulkey to Mary
College Commencement and
Legal INews.
Dallas college commencement
. i . i.n i..
exercises nave oeen ueiu iu mo
college chapel durmg the week. On
Physician's certificate to Jas. W,
Cole and Mary T. Cole.
In the matter of the estate of C.
G. Fiulwir deceased, sale of real
property confirmed; jwtition to can
cel mortgage presented and ordered
that the prayer of petitioner be
granted. Final account filed and
set for hearing July 1G, 790-4, at 1
o'clock p. m.
Iu the matter of the estate of
Marion Brower-Weider deceased,
inventory filed and approved; pe
tition to sell personal property pre
sented and ordered that prayer of
petitioner be granted.
Maria L Kelso to Ella McLaugh
lin Its 7, 8 blk 4 Pattersons add to
Independence 1500.
G V Johnson fc wf to S II
White & wf It 22 blk I West Salem
Chas F Fisher executor to C C
Pitzer land in t7sr5w $650.
C M Syron et al to Ralph Adams
Its 1 2 blk 22 Ellis add to Dallas
A J Martin & wf to B Gildner
land in t7sr7w $771.
Almira Rebekah lodge IOOF to
J A Sevier It in cemetery $10.
V C Brown to E P Shaw It 4 blk
7 Levens add to Dallas $1.
II D Foster & wf to J S Cooper
land in Independence $1. .
EPShaw & has to Volney E
Holmes Its 4 2 in blk 7 Levens add
to Dallas $850.
M M Ellis & wf,to J J Wiseman
land iu tier5w $500.
stuffed egg salad. There was apple
pie, strawberry pm, gooseberry pie
and whatever kind of pie the differ
ent housewives elected to make.
There was pound cake, angel cake,
black cake, cocoanut cake, fruit
cake and cake with no name but
that of deliciouB. There waa clear
black coffee and coffee with cream
and there were stacks of oranges
and nuts. There was a richness of
flavor about it all that would be sat
isfying to. the most critical epicure
and it was entirely free froin the
taint imparted by Chinese cooks.
It waa not served on platters by
negroes bowing and scraping with
claw-hammer coats, but each guest
guided by his own appetite, helped
himself or herself in his or her
own way.
The farmers' life of Polk county,
as reflected through the grauge, is
one of generous plenty and the
social feature as developed through
the order strengthens the position
of the farmer, makiug his an envi
able lot.
Among the substantial Polk
county people who belong to Oak
Grove Grange and who attended
Saturday's meeting arer Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. White; Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis of the beautiful "Roanoke
Farm;" Mr. and Mrs. Wise; Mr.
Morrow; Hon. Frank Fawk; Mr.
Osbovne. Hon. I. M. Simpson,
MrB. Simpson and Mrs. C. E.
Staats of Lewisville were also in
Notice to the Public.
I will be absent from town for a
few weeks but will be found at my
office on and after June 25. Public
will please take notice.
Dr. Wm. R. Aixin.
A voting contest was started yes
terday to select the lady or girl
who shall act as as escort to ride in
the carriag with the Governor
next woek.
Interest is growing warm in the"
content. Votes ecu be deposited in
town until the first of n;xt week
when th contest will close, the
one having the highest vote being
declared the cboi :e of the people for
th honor.
The firt count was made last
night and ehowed as follows:
Miss Ella Robinson. 101,
Miss Ruby Kelno 00
Miss Florence Burton 52
Mies Grace Jones 33
Miss Bessie Butler 20
Mrs. Florence Allin 4
Mies Ruth Mulkey 2
Miss Bertha Bohannou 2
Scattering 3
Mrs. Sophronia Quivey died at
the home of her son in West Inde
pendence Sunday June 12 at the
age of 92 years. The funeral ser
vices were held from the home Mon
day afternoon Rev. Edmondson
officiating. Interment was made
in the 1. 0. O. F, cemetery. Miss
Sophronia U. Storey was born in
Grafton coupty, New Hampshire,
November 25, 1812. At the age of
three years she moved with her
parents to Meigs county, Ohio. In
the year 1831 she was married to
William Quivey and in 1840 she
with her husband moved to Wis
consin. It was at this time she
united with the M, E. church, of
which she remained a faithful mem
ber until her death. In 1853 she
crossed the plains with an ox team
and settled twelve miles southwest
ot Corvallis. Deceased wan the
mother of four sons, one, John
Quivey survives her, with whom
she has made her home for the
past two years. .
At Independence, in the State of Ore
gon, at the close of business,
June 9. 1904.
Loans and discounts ... fit;
Overilrans, secured and unsecured - I
IT. 8. Hunds to secure circulation - u
Stocks, securltien. etc. -
Banking-house, turnitr and fixtures 17.
Oilier Real estate owned - H,
liue from Nat'! Banks (not reserve agents
Due rrom state Banks aud bankers . 15,
title frolu approved reserve agents - S9,
CbecWs and otlier cash items . I,
Notes of other Xutionul Buuks
Fractional paper currency, nickels ami
cents - . -
,117 M
.mo as
.KB 3t
.300 09
31 fl
411 ,H
5-H ftj
,0S7 tt
its 6i
Lawful Moxky Reserve is Bank, viz:
Specie .... 15.K9 3()
Legal-tender notes - - 170 00
Redemption fund with r. s. Treasurer,
(5 per cent of circulation)
,099 50
its oo
Total -
fSM.1457 i
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
t 30,000 00
0,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid - . . . - . - 7 6S
Xatloual bank notes outstanding - - 12,500 00
Dividends unpaid 350
Individual deposits subject to check 112.207 20
Demand certificates of deposit - - 8,237 42
t2W,S37 2
State of Oreeon, 1,
Cuuty of Poik,
I, C V. Irviue, Cashier of the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that th t.tmS.
is true to the best of my knowledge and tieliet
C W. IRVINE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me ttiiw i..h
of June, ikm. R.viiJ!iiv
COHBBC7 Attest: Notary Public
fSKiLJ j. W- ska as.
H. Uibschbkrq, Director!
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Nelson in North Independence,
Saturday J une 11, a daughter.