West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, June 09, 1904, Page FOUR, Image 4

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'4 I
:z 11 I
West 'Side Enterprise.
WALT EH LYON, Kpitoh and PRorHinvK.
Subscrption Price. $1.50 Per Year.
(Strictly In J )
Per jrr
BIZ montht
Single oopr ,""
Hiding nollc.ICwnU per lln..lmlhl.
' Jiramr,S ELECTIOX.
The election Monday was a memorable one
in the history of the state and county. The high
water mark in republican majorities was reached
and the passing of the direct primary nominating
law and the local option law is epoch making.
The manner of naming candidates has been
revolutionised as will be found when the direct
primary is put in operation. The loca option
law is founded on the majority rule, which is the
basic principle of our government, and extends
the application of that rule to the various sub
divisions of the state county, district and munic
U, matter of the retail sale of liquors.
ty, a nmrtioAbilitv of the law is yet to be
jb. aj v 0
TKo Polk county election was the most
mniiVn ever waced in the
on.l nrpsented some novel features. The
Polk county campaign furnished the spectacle of
a prominent candidate for the repuDiican nomin
t;n fnr Rtate senator, who was unsuccessful and
republican paper fighting the ticket from start to
finish. E. C. Kirkpatrick, tne aisaneciea cauu
... . . I Uiminiout.
One of t ie iurprises ol Monday wiecuou of
was the success of Win. (lalloway over B. I'. 0llforui cvumy f '' 4H
Eddy for circuit judge., Judge Galloway is woli V. S,iiugl liuMffi 8uul
known and Oregon produces no better citixcns va um,ln
t. . k I.a la,. I. 1,a trat'nin.r lliat fiia a m All AIHAUUA A. (,;.,.Uiil :
for tlin r rpuit bench. Tho Judire makes no tre- lu m uaiueui iu v' .r. " ...
. a a 1 am 1tti.vK nil rt i A.I i (Ka huP
B. L Eddy is also well known and is a practicing iJirrt'lSak. from The
attorney with a fairly good reputation. The re- date vt me i pubiio.tiou f tut"
J - ut il ou or In-fore ue iu
suit can only he attributed to the choice of Judge
Galloway as a man over Mr. Bddy.
Herman's plurality in Polk county, 312;
Lougharyks 123: Coad 4.V2; Cooper 354; Smith r0;
Beezley 157; Graves 205; Starr 257; Vats Orsdel
317; Hiddell 280; Moore, for supreme judge 490;
Bailey for food commissioner 440; McNary for
district attorney 521; Ford, democrat, for sheriff
357; Fawk for representative (. Sqme one will
please figure out what tne republican majority for
Polk county is.
It is time the summer band concerts were
provided for. The evenings are pleasant now
and large crowds are in town every Saturday ev
ening. Still more people will spend their even
ings here when they can be entertained with band
Eleven men were killed by the explosion of
an in infernal machine under the railway station
at Independence, Colorado, Monday. That town's
namesake in Oregon has no desire to compete for
The farmers' and hop men's picnic and con
vention June 24th and 25th will furnish enter
a jUinment.for everybody.
The imported editor of the Independence
Enterprise, who was sent into Polk county to help
carry out the schemes of undesirable and broken
down republican office-seekers, endeavors to criti
cize the course pursued by the Observer in the
the campaign. Polk County Observer. The
democratic committee did not import an editor.
It just picked up Carey Hayter, bag, baggage and
print shop, and set him down in their midst.
And how the Observer did make republican can
didates hustle to get elected!
A little rain is good but more would be better
for hops just now.
Thft Oreconian leaves its readers to wonder
finish. 1-,. u. ivunpaifiuik, u.o.. v. o
hv the Polk County Observer, had where it is "at" on the direct primary nominating
' ... . j . aIIi.i. cisallav
men at the polls wno unea up ou mo
and fought the republican candidates more vigur
ously in many instances than did the democrats
Th dpmocrats were practically united and the
...,n tho nnntput was the election of all but
iCOUl V a v
iwnnf the remiblican candidates which is the
best showing the republican party has made in
the county for many years, the republjcan can.
didate for sheriff, under ordinary circumstances
would have had a hard fight, as the returns show
principally for the reason that his opponent had
served but one term and had given fairly good
oo.-ofonfinn nf thft election ot Mr. ivevi ior
representative under ordinary circumstances there
an be no doubt. To the KirkpatricK and kjd
- - 1 1 1 - 1 It t,Ayvv
it is, the gratification, if gratification il
is. and the responsibility of Keyt's defeat
With all but one of the county officers
and all but one of the legislative ticket
elected, thoueh by small majorities, the republi-
cans are left in good shape for a more united
nartv and larger majorities in the future, lnougn
Mr. Kirkpatrick, a republican of a few years
the Observer, claiming sixteen
Vvu.. , J "
venrs to its credit, have kicked and read them
. . ....
selves out of the organization, no considerable
TinmhAr followed tham over the dead line. There
is no daneer of their influencing any more to
--' o
desert and with the republican party so strong in
the ascendancy, with good management new
acquisitions will be made. In fact they already
have been made since the election. Besides those
who see their mistake by being led off by the
Observer and Kirkpatrick, one democrat an
nounces himself this week as a follower of Roose
velt and worker with the republicans hereafter
lu iu uniue oi ilia
you . IW :''LZrL tou
oiou-,uJ 11 ou foil I
to tu MtJ court for th relief
for In miU coulpllu ud will uh !
ilM;rv aimluil ou tliervfor to H.
a"rd.orid.H.lvl..K lb. I""'!
of ii.Atrl.nouy ex.tli.K Wwm
.ud i.uiuiill ujh.u tiio gaouua uf your
wildul dMriiuu And imudouuiwul ol ;
uWullir lor wore tbuou yer prior,
to the ttliuK of hU Mid oouiuUlnt, ' ;
for tuoh oltmr Kf ueri reuei -'
deeutfd Jurt And eiultble lu the I'"
bra. TuedAteoflbear, l'1'0111" "
of thU euuiiuou i the Wh dy o( J
A I). 14. ThU uimuuiM I u
lliliKl by order of the Hou. J. I". wo
ley, Judge of the couuty court of 1 o k
county, Owkou, duly wde end en
tered therein t CbAiutwm in the eiiy
of Dalliw. 1'olk oouutv. "'Kou.
the 7th dAy of J uue A. U. 1U04.
X.D I. UJAl'i
Altoruey for i'Uiniin.
xi.ii- to Crmlltom.
Notice U hereby lveu tht 1 hAve
been duly eppoliueu ru.i .
theetteof E.O. Keyt tSr. deoijjd,
by order of the county court of I oIK
oounty, Oregou. All pcreou. hev.ug
olAiwe m?ttlUHt wld eelAte Are required
to present tbe nine duly verified to t he
undereiKued executor At J'errydAle,
1'olk couuty, Oregou, wltblu tx
wonthefroiudAteofliie id AUolut
went. 1- I Kkt.
Executor of the eetAie of K. C. Keyt
Sr., deceAed.
Otis Duree, who spent last sum
mer in Independence with relative
is now traveling out of Chicago fof
one of the largeet wholesale gro
cery hoiiBM of the "wiodr city."
Sexr lloy Balrr.
HaTina purchwed a new hay
baler, partes having hay to be
baled will do well to ee f. u waiter
or W. F. Campbell at Independ
ence, Ore8on
W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S.
Palnletm Kutruction
Special t.
Cooper Building,
Indpn)Doe, Or
L. T. Harris got married immediately after
his defeat for the nomination for congress. The
fate of Mr. Harris is commended to Oscar Hayter.
A republican mixes water with his whisky;
a democrat mixes whisky with his water, and
that's the difference. O. M. Idleman.
The vigorous scratching at the polls Monday
o m
would indicate that the body politic of Oregon
has the itch and nas gratined itseit.
Hermann's plurality nearly 7,000 and he
stole only 4,000 acres of land according to the
Portland Journal.
The Observer, like Tennyson's brooklet,
This paper congratulates the successful can-
4 H 1 it Lta lu mvuuav o cicibiun anu wuuuuco nibu . ,
the, AefeateA ones. Both Darties in Polk nut out threatens to to on and on forgoever. Ihi9 is
v w a i j
onusuallj clean tickets. 1 ne county nas selected awiui i
been chosen Polk still would haye had worthy
Ed Coad, for county judge, must hav worn
a pair of W. A. Meisnr' Walk-oyr sbe.
Attorney at Law and
Notary Public.
One of the most interesting and gratifying
features of the campaign just closed has been the
admirable work of State Chairman Frank C.
Baker. Originally chosen for his business ability,
wide acquaintance, tactful address and his pos
session of means and leasure, he has developed in
action a remarkable amount of energy, ability
and skill. He has correctly apprehended the
true issue as the endorsement of President Hoose
yelt, and has especially bent his energies to har
monizing the party with excellent effect. Through
his personal letters to voters, he has induced
republicans otherwise disaffected to get into line
for the republican ticket, especially legislative
nominees. Mr. Baker's original appointment was
made without his solicitation, but his signal suc
cess abundantly justifies the confidence of those
who recommended his selection. Having estab
lished close connection with the state organization Eaat Side Main Street,
and county and precinct committees throughout IvDEPENDEVCE ... Oregon.
Tin atnfs nrvcaiVilv 1 ftOO ttipti in nil h 19 in first. I
class shape for the Fall campaign. Mr. Baker
has made one of the best state chairmen the
party ever had. It would be hard to find a better
one. From Oregonian, June 7.
The republican ticket fared pretty well in
Polk countv. considering it had all the democrats
and half the republicans to fight, remarked an
on-looker after the election.
Collections Promptly Made
Barber Shop.
Onn flnor south of Post OITio..
Fine Baths in connection with shop
w . -N
Undertaker, Embalmer, and Funeral
Director. Lady Assistant
when Desired.
PArtiei wishing work done in tbli line
will please cell at my residence one block
wt an1 half hlrwk nn.lh rx4 D.I.
Hotel. Carpet Wearing 10c per jard.
1C McCormick
frprwnt tho hiRhM t .n.,n,.t . In the
faclurc of harvesting iimchmeif. I
if, I ual.ties that have brought lh McCormick
Kl. -oventythroo hurv.mt. w.lt hr ng juc
to the new Wormick machinery In 11K)I.
Tho name
it the farmer' protection tliat
name th nymmym of uccit
and tho foreruiuir of pronperity.
Ask for tho new McCormick book cnlillfJ
"It Take tho Tnlm."
Independence, Oregon.
Plumbing Bone
On Short notice
Plows and all Kinds of
Edged Cools
Ground While you Wait
Independence and Itlonmoutb
Dtilc palace Hotel
Independence, Oregon
RATES: $1.25 to $2.00 per day
Special Attention to
Mrt. W. II. Warner.
R'e,,, . or Single P.on. by
WeeK or Month
J. M. STARK. Proprietor
lor the Enterprise,,,.