West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, June 09, 1904, Page TWO, Image 2

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Guy Walker was Salem visitor
MUa Orbie Taylor was at Well
tbe past week.
R. M. Fowle, of Airlie, was in
town Saturday.
Jessie Ivie returned to her home
in Sheridan Saturday.
Miss May Kennedy was up from
McMinnrille over Sunday.
Mrs, Geo. Kutch was in Portland
and McMinnville Iat week.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Ilannah Sunday, June 5, a son.
Clarence Wagoner of Portland
was in Independence over Sunday.
Ross Nelson was a business visi
tor to Falls City the last of the
Mrs. Ellen Smith from the Luck
iamute was a passeuger to Portland
Mrs. llattie Townsend of Port
lind is visiting relatives in Inde
pendence. Mrs. Lark Hall of Monmouth is
making an extended visit in East
ern Oregon.
Chas. Brant, night foreman on
the Oregon Statesman waa in Inde
pendence Monday,
Miss Nellie Harris of Portland
came up Sunday to visit with her
parents for a few days.
A number enjoyed the pleasant
dancing party given at the opera
house Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Lynch of Mc
Minnville were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Stansberry the past week.
Miss Maude Patterson, who has
been teaching for tbe past year in
Washington returned home Sun
day. Mrs. M. Smith, mother of Mrs,
Hurley, returned to Lafayette Sat
urdaj after a several weeks' visit at
Salem and Independence.
Mrs. J. E. Hubbard and Mrs.
Babbit go as delegatss to the grand
lodge of the Eastern Star which
meets in Portland next week.
Minn Edith Owen is visiting in
Lola Stark returned to Falls City
Mrs. Ed Owen is visiting friends
in Portland.
Abel Vglow of Dallas was in
Independence Monday.
Claude Skinner left for Portland
the first of the week
Sam Damon returned to Corval-
lis the first of the week.
Gale Sanders a former Indepen
dence boy was over from Dallas
Monday. ,
Chas. McCauley has commenced
the erection of his new home on 5th
and G streets. .
Myrtle Scroggs returned home
Tuesday after spending the winttr
teaching in Tacoma. Wash.
The Mcssncr Store Will Be
One of Polk County's
Largest and Mos4
P. M. Kirkland to Occupy Nw
Brick Building, His Present
Quarters Being: Leased by
W. A. Meuner.
loo 1 wit per pound at I'ravfii A
Tski yo.
ai i
mohair to
buy your uit '
Claude Estes of Walla Walla,
Wash., viaited old friends in Inde
pendence this week. He will leave
for the Philippines the 14th of this
Mr. Harmon, brother of Clint
Harmon, accompanied by his fam
ily arrived the first of the week
from Texas and will permanently
locate here.
Mrs. Louis Freeman, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Hopper of this cityf
and her little daughter returned to
Baker City Saturday after an ex
tended visit here.
Mrs. C. D, Calbreath and child
ren left Independence Saturday for
Montana, whee they will spend the
summer with relatives. Mr. Cal
breath accompanied them as far
as Portland.
Mrs. Mary 0. Tottem and family
from Muncie, Ind., arrived in Inde
pendence the last of the week.
Mrs. Tottem is the mother of Mrs,
John Jones of this city.
The trainmen s excursion toos a
laree crowd of people to Salem
Sunday and Independence con
tributed her quota. A train was
rnn from Monmouth via Portland
and an excursion boat from Al
bany. About twenty went by
train and near a hundred by boat.
The entertainment consisted of
track bicycle riding and racing and
uch sports at the Fair Grounds
track. Several thousand people
attended, and the ideal weather
made the occasion a Try enjoy
able event for the xoondooiata.
The family of B. F. Whiteaker
will move this week to their farm
three miles northwest of Mon
Rev. Henry Spiess, P. E., will
hold Quarterly Conference at Lew
isviile Saturday June 11, at 2
o'clock p. m.
B. Vamilion and family of south
ern Oregon, who have been visiting
at the home of Mrs. L. Baldwin for
several weeks left for Great Bend,
Kan., Tuesday.
The third annual session of the
West Willamette Baptist Associa
tion closed its meetings Friday
night. The convention will be
held at Carlton next June. J. H.
Douglas of Amity was elected presi
dent and F. C. Stanard of Newberg
secretary and treasurer.
There was a barn raising on John
Burton's place north of Indepen
dence last Thursday, and Mr. Bur
ton now has a barn that is a model
of strength and convenience. It is
48x60 by 45 feet high and the tim
bers are hewed and mortised to
gether. They were put in place by
means of capstan and cable and the
raising was no email job. The barn
is located near the old tile factory.
on the oDDesite side of the road
from Mr. Burton's new hop house,
W. 1 N. " Alexander lost three
calves suddenly, Saturday evening,
At 6 o'clock, the were fed skimmed
milk and at 7 all three were dead
The cause was mystifying to Mr,
Alexander, as the calves had teen
fed on the same kind ot milk for
two months and on Sunday one of
the, carcasses was taken to the
Agricultural College at Corvallis
and without examination Dr.
Withycombe pronounced it a case
of indigestion. The milk, he stated
was probably too sour which
broueht on immediate indigestion
with the fatal results.
There was a school picnic at Pop
Corn school house Friday aad
Woodmen picnic at Kidder's Grove
Saturday. Friday's picnic had a
fair attendance with the usual out
door sports provided. There was a
tremendous crowd at Bidder's
Grove. Polk, Benton and Linn
counties contributed to the attend
ance. The candidates of both par
ties of Polk were present and niany
of the candidates from Benton.
There was the merry-go-round; the
"nigger-babies" to throw at, and
confectionery and small venders
stands galore. A program was ren
dered from the stand and there was
a game of amateur baseball on the
grounds. The rigs tied up around
the edge of tbe grove covered sev
eral acres of ground. Basket
lunches were epread on the ground
at Boon and 1800 t 2000 people en-
joyed an old-faehieaed picnic
A. Meaanvr h-s leaned the
drug store building now occupied
by P. M. Kirkland and will enlarge
his general merchandise buninetts
accordingly. This will give Mr.
Metsner an immense tloor and
shelving space and every inch will
be utilized.
The corner building now occu
pied covers a space SOxSO feet be
sides a back room. The drug f tore
room will give an additional ppuce
of 20x80 feet besides a large cement
floor ware house in the rear.
The drug store building will be
used exclusively for groceries while
dry goods, clothing and like articles
will be kept in the main corner
A laree archwav in front will
connect the two departments.
Under the new arrangement for
increased space the stock ol dry
goods and clothing and shoes will
te materially increased, giving the
proprietor the opportunity to carry
a complete stock of both lines,
which he proposes to do. In fact,
large orders have already been
placed and as soon as tbe new
goods are put in place Indepen
dence will have one of the most
complete general merchandise stores
in Polk county.
The P. M. Kirkland Drug Com
pany will occupy the new brick
structure now being built by J. W.
Kirkland on Main street between
the A. S. Locke drug store and the
Peoples' cash store.
MiBS Minta Taylor is visiting her
cousin Miss Rena Walton at Jeffer
son this week.
According te the ruling of the
supreme court of Oregon in the
case of Pleasant Armstrong for the
murder of Minnie Ensminger, Nor
man Williams will be hanged in
the jailyard of The Dalles. The
crime he is accused of was com
mitted prior to June 17, 1903, and
therefore it devolves upon tbe
officials of Wasco county to exe
cute him. All crimes committed
after June 17, punishable by death
will result in execution at the state
penitentiary. This is provided for
in the new law dealing with execu
tions: The confusion which existed
at the time of the Armstrong case
was tried was settled by the su
preme court. The new law failed
to say anything about crimes
committed prior to its passage.
consequently it was necessary fer
the supreme court to settle it. Thus
it is that Norman Williams, con
victed of murder in the first degree,
will hang id the jailyard at The
Dalles in July, unless he is granted
a new trial or an appeal is taken.
The date of his execution haa been
set, and preparations will be made
before long for his execution.
Young men
.1- Moore are now aervuiK
ice cream at both More.
Wanted Wool and mohair. Top
prices paid in each at Meaner.
See Meaner ad for cut prke
iu summer waiitlnRtt.
A good second hand lW ''
wagon for salo by Kraier A lMce.
Messncr buy wool and ar
highest market price.
Fine lino of summer skirt at
The very latest de.tigns in Horal
crepe paper at Craven A Moore's.
Messner wants all your chick
ens and ejus. They are jus, as
good as cash here,
A good place to stop for a meal
in Salem is at Strong's restaurant.
Meals at all hours.
I am prepared to drill tubular
wells on short notice. Water guaranteed-
Arch Sloper, Independ
ence. Phoenix Paint is the heaviest,
purest and best bodied paint made.
It U especially adapted to tbe
western climate. B. M. Wade A
Co., Agents.
Clark and Parry vehicles are
high grade goods at reasonable
figures. They have many special
features not found on other vehicle.
Sold by II. M. Wade A Co.
Frazer & Rice have on exhibi
tion at their store a Side Delivery
Clover Buucher and Hay Wind-
rower which is a success in vetches
and clover. Fits any mower,
Bonita ball-bearing sewing ma
chines nre guaranteed for ten years
Fitted with adjustable ball-bearing
stand and celebrated Griest toot
attachments. Sold by R. M
Wade & Co.
Moore's Hair Invigorator and
Newbro's Ilerpicide for dandruff
and falling hair or diseased scalp
sold in bulk, 50c 8 oz., or applied i
necessary by J. 8. Moore, the barber
on C street.
The Corvallis Steam Laundry
makes a specialty of gents good
and lace curtains. Your laundry
called lor and delivered at your
door. Satisfaction guaranteed,
Goods called for on Mondays and
Tuesdays and delivered on Fridays,
Orders may be left at CraAen &
McCready & Earhart
Succftiori to C. D. Calbr.ath
Announce to the public tliot they vj
keep on ha ml a full lino of fresh up
to date QROCERIE5. Call and boo us
McCready Sr Earhart
Independence, ' ' ' Orvgon
New Harness vShop
Horse Blankets,
And Everythmy Carried in on up-to-date
Harness Store. All kinds of Repairing
Promptly Done. Your Harness Oiled.
Jndepependence, Or.
A dog lost or stolen, the name
"Hud McCandlees" on the dog's col-
ar. Finder please return to J. L,
McCundless and receive reward.
A Positive Necessity.
Havlng'to lay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, I on
ly found relief when I used a bottle of
Ballard's snow liniment. I can cheer
fully recommend it as tbe best medi
cine for bruises ever seut to tbe afflict
ed. It baa now become a positive ne
cessity upon myself. D, R. Byrnes,
merchant, DoversvlKe, Texas. 25c, 68c,
1, Bold by A. 8. Locke.
For 8ale.
A fine Morgan mare weight about
1300 pounds, age 8 years, well
broken and a fine driver, a good all
purposed animal. Enquire at this
office. ' , '
Horse For Sale.
A 3-year-old chesnat sorrel stal
lion standard bred; well broken to
ingle harness. Will be sold at a
bargaia, F. M. Russell.
Leaves Indepen- leaves Alrlle 4itr
dence for Mon- Monmouth and
mouth and Alrlle Independence,
7:30 a. m. WD a. m.
8:30 p. m. i:06 p. m.
Leaves Iiidepen' if"Te" D a'lM ,or
denco for Mon- "oiimonth and
montn and Dallas Indrpondeno.
ll:O0a.m. iiSP-J"' ,
:1& p. m. 7:30 .
L'ves Monmontb
L'tm Monmontb for Independence
for Alrlle. MO a.m.
7:Wa. m. 1:80 p. m.
t-.m p. m. u
. . . &
I've Monmoatb 8:08 "
for Uailae. 11
Bar PlMl
01. oa HMtL
Cooil) Bruslw free
With very purchase of a 25c pack
age of our Special Tooth l'repara
tiontj, RoBafoam, WhitohfHxl'
LiBtmtod, or Turkish Myrrh Tooth
Powder, wo will preient you with a
fine tooth brush free of charge.
Jteriiiced Excursion lute.
On and after June 1, lUOt, the South-
ern Pacific, in connection with the Cor-
vallii& Kastern railroad will have on
ale round trip ticketo from points on
their lines to Newport, Yaqulna, Detroit
at very low ratea, good for return until
Octolr 10, 1904.
Three-day ticket to Newport and
Yaqulna, Rood going Baturdays and re
turning MoDdaya, are aluo on Rale from
all Eaat Hide points, Portland to Eugeae
Inclusive, and from all West Side point,
uaunng people to vialt their families
nd spend Sunday at the Heaslde.
Season tickeU from Kast Side point-,
Portland to Eugene, Inclusive, and from
an west Hide polots, are also oa sale to
Detroit at very low rates, with aton-
over privileges at Mill City or any p.iut
east, enabling tourlsta to visit the Kan
tiam and Erletenbush hot springs In
the Cascade mountains, which can U
reached In one day.
Season Uckeu will be good for return
from all pointa until October ie
Three day ticket, will be geoa going
on Batirdayi and returning Menda
only. Tickets' from Portland
olnlly w 111 be good tor relurs
KaM or Went Hll at the optics
paanenger. Ticket from KuM 1
vicinity will U good golnf
L-banoti-8prlig0elJ braitfb H
BaKKagoou Newport ticket
through to Newport) on YsmuIm8
eta to Yaqulna only.
Southern Pacific train soused'
the C. 4 K at Albany aad l"
for Yaqulna and Newport- I'""
the C. A E. for Detroit will I"
bany at 7 a. n... enabling touriU
hot sprloga to reach Iber t '
i-.,n i ... ti.. to rtt
beautifully lIluatratsKl bookW M
qulna bay and tlclnlty, UmeUW
can be obtained on appU""
Edwin Btone, manager C
road, Albany; W. E. Cornao, & r.
Southern PaoWo company,
or to any 8. I or C. A E. at 3
from Independence W WP.J
rat front Independence
to TW.
3.T0; rate rran Jader" 'J
. . . .a . mm9A Truant -1
iron, aa.oo; tnree-. "
pendenoa U Newport, f2-