West ide Enterprise KI.KVKNTl! YKAU. POLK MONMOUTH, INDKPKNDKNCK, COUNTY BANK. Incorporated. OREGON J. JJ. Jhvi.ky, "rrHulont. FOLK COUNTY, OREGON', JUNK 9, 1901. HUMMER PICNIC. NUMHER IlU ('. I'oWKM., Cilhliirr, rl4 Capital. ttO.OOO I'. L. (AMI'liKI.I.. i PrcHidi'iit. ItKH.TiM J. H. llaw)y, I'. h. i m Hlinpson J V yuwi.T, Jefcn H. Hlunip, J. A. Williruw, F, H. 1'owull. Traut Orimmrit.uiki.K stut Kttlmngo lmnin. available throughout the VtuU-.i HUU mill Cnnudti. Draft sold THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL GTOCK, $50,000.00. It lUKhlll'JUW, IW.JpiiI. A 111! AM NIlhON, Vi.-e Prem.len I ' l Cl picnic on Friday v, n.iKM,t, tjulilrr. Grangers and Hop Men will WW. Mold a Picnic and Conven tion at Independence June 24 and 25. Governor Chamberlain and Other Prominent Speakers to Take Part. State Agricultnral College Co-operate. The drangers and Hop Men's Picnic and Convention ut Inde pendence Hih and 2.'th will U a luimnnr. Arrangement aro now well un der way. I lime will be night and dar f"hiinn. (itivemnr (ieortfo 1C. Chamberlain will Hildrt'HN the poo- A.V AXCIIINT KELIC. TOTAL VOTE IN POLK. The Following is the Total Vote Cast in Polk Counry June 6. Illm-Miertf, I. W. hPr. II. Hmilli, J A. NV.imu. DlIKOTOl:. - I bait llitf and nHiaiifo Inmium UUMilml 4iMiaU-4. tottiwprvial rrtwllln granted. b)rt la cluw1. 1 tie evening and afternoon sea- P. Ill-odes and H,",' W1" charge of Dr. James Withyonmlm. imkikUh! by other of IvuiriH liiuili.. Illlla I till! Infill V ill I Iih uliifsi anriinlln.. I Hru rll oN current aeen.mlL,,,, Prominent farmers, spe- cislinu iii tbeir line, will give- the will I Nerved on Iwth day being spread in tho beautiful groye west t:iii.. -i! . . Janics Alexander, a native Ken "iuii)i)r picnic ana con- ,.... ventloii. .!.... 4 -..,1 vr. ... ,,i ny years one oi .va ar-s as o IIIV I II It. ....... 9 . a ,jttVl, county a most stable citizens, - - 1 i i .i . 1 1 I lias iniuiru Kill JIBJwr Willi U -"Py of tbe Ronton Gazette of March 12, . ImO. The paper is yellow, with Dr. W. II. Aliin and Mims Flor- age and is ready to fall to pieces. ! I ... .... I mem oy getting married without and it is full of matter of historic . .... . . . announcement on u eunesday or interest. Tho ieue is devoted this week. The weddinir took lurielv to rerort of iiie.(r;,.. l)lm: at I Im liiiiun nf 1 r sr.. I M--. I . . . l . . II. ii. ttugoner the brides parents resolving against tbeuae of imports' I"'' dew. circuit juiKe jtK) at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning from l't,lar,.I 1..,. . i Kurnett rep. circuit judije '.'.'..lMi Rav J. A It M ' ,. .7 V. " . ' l" "a" rSr W 5,"U. I "".f ,- -.- nw .".i vi ..,u,UUm iicijiobh on tea arid to protests I l,B""WBJr circuit jutfe i;mu fida.mg. Only relatives of the against the quartering of troop, j wStV"'"-1 Ooulil pro. for conjfreM.. iiciiuaiiu rtp. mr miJKrena 1354 i U mp oc. for congrea lirtKht pro supreme cort!.!!!iii.j79 Mlkkehten oe. supreme coan 04 Mnore ren. tunrcniu miiri i mi O'Day dern. upieme court.!!!!.'! U71 naiiey rep oalry and mod com. . . J3, Jierry pro laijy and fiKi.i coin... . !. m )OUirlHH (It-Ill flulrv mwl fn.,,1 'c-i IUmiuud ttie. dairy ao! Uxxi eom.M - - I 6 'j' contracting parties were present, among citizena in times of ieaee. Hie bridu was tastefully gowned One page bordered in mourning is in a loyely creation of .champagne given to accounts of clashes be voila over taffeta. After the wed- tween the eoldiers and eitii,H ding dinner Dr. and Mrs. Allin and killing of citizens and bora were driven to Salem where they that aroused the blood of t, !?.. boarded the Overland for SunFran- olutionarv j . , ,4 ,M IMWbVD 111- Cisco to he gone until July 1, after teresting reading yet. which time they will be at home to Mr. Alexander sIpo hrought with their many friends in Indepen- him from Missouri a Dair of bullet " a aaa I - uence. ur. Aiiin is a well known and buckahot mnnlda wl.inK f.., ( lark dem. joint rep. joint rep rep. DAVIDSON & HEDGES I iituim For Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, Candies Sola Fountain (of lh hoi diyi. You am aiwayt wclconu. IX'Otilo tbn iMHieflt if their elite ri j . ...... Bi.vnuiauu uuv.touui luuuiun WUICD JUm- ence. The Jliiijr hon men ot the i dentist of this citv. It was here h laliprl tha laaln m!..t.. ' - m I - aa-uvM IMtrciCO 1UI ViiC ri ta4 latirl frm I liontt.) nnnn ffrurliniilnn I I , 1 a DAVIDSON & HEDGES C STRICT INDEPENDENCE, OREGON count will be hurd frjm Many promioent viniuirs will he present. ConU'hte and sports of various kinds will be provid-xi Huch men at Arthur Moore. Verd Hill, Ceorge Kutch and Wm. Itarrett, compriae the committee on sxrts. Music, vocal and instru mental will he interwpersed through out tht program. Daskel dinners locaieu upon Eraauatintr irom a dental college and hy strict atten tion to his profession has. buiJt up a lucrative practice. The bride is on of Independence's popular young ladies and commands a wide circle of friends, Dr and Mrs. Allin will reside in Independence upon return from their honeymoon trip. Revolutionary war. A local option rally will be held at Independence Saturdav. Jnn 18. Look out for program next week. The Polk county W.C.T.U. meet ing will be held in Falls Cilv Xbursuay, June 30. 1137 ....Ufll ...1211 ...1334 ....169 ...:m ...1332 1H4 ...HM ...1047 ...1458 131 ...1101 108 1271 1.127 Cooner re llavter (Into ihi mr..t,.J ' Iouijary rep. atate aenator., Metzier pro, state senator . . Kawk dem. repreaeutative.. ! Kevt rep. reprewntaiive. Hulz nro. countv fnHi. t'oad rep. county Judge.'.!!!!! Hmltb dem. county Judge.!!!! niru ukui. anerur Miller pro. aljeriir! !!!!!! Hcrafford rep. aherin...! Clark pro. clerk "' Dal too lem. clerk ' 8mitb ren. cAertt Beezley reD. treaauivr ' loe Jamiaou dem. treasurer. 1191 KbodatMtrger pro. treasurer..'! '.' ' " 137 i raves rep. auieagor ! ! ! 1382 Myer dem. anteaaor i'j Poole pro. assessor " Butler dem. school aupt. . . . .'.' .'. .'.iliiO Htarr te n. aphrml nmt (imnnti tifm uin.A. v.n. j V vju, l(f. VauOradel rep. surveyor 1413 Chapman rep. coroner .!!!!! 1861 M 11 J key dem. com miseioner.. ! ! ! 1064 Tettlt pro. commissioner..... 157 Klddell rep. commliwlonar, . . 1344 Local option yea, 1447. no, 941 Direct Drimarv. m iako nn Am , , , . " ' ""1 v, -nrs State printer amend., yes 1336, no, 243 LIVERY, FEED AND BOARDING STABLE I. W. DICKINSON. Prop. Good lhgn tor Commercial Men a Scialty. Good ammtuiodations. Hornes well fed. Fine rigs. Horn lardel by day,wwk or month. Jetri'hone Ao. 29.7 OFFICIAL VOTE IN FOLK COUNTY, OREGON ELECTION HELD MONDAY JUNE fi iqoi RETURNS BY PRECINCTS. . ' h b' W04' NAME OF PKECINCT "S Inleitulntce, Oregon F.r Congress 11. Koiiin. rro liiniror Hertnaon.rep. Itauip, Hoc . , K M. Veach. Dem H. rujtoi THE MONMOUTH LAUNDRY H. D. WHITMAN, Ptoprktor a?A Home Industry Institutions GOOD WORK, PROMPT DELIVERY OUR WATCHWORDS WorK Called for Tussdsr Dllvrd Saturday Josse fe Bice, UNDERTAKERS Fin Parlors in connection. Day or night calls promptly attendod to. Day phono 273 Night 393 Main St, Independence, Ore W, I JUCIi Kmbalmcr and Funeral Director. For Justice, of the Sup. ft.... u. J. might, rro C. C. Mikkalsen, Soo.. Frank A. Moore, ltep. Thos, O'Day, Dem For Dairy and Food Com J. W. Hailey, Kep Ira W. Berry, Pro.... 8. M. Douglas. Dem... N. Itaimuaaen.Hoe.... For Circuit Juditet. It. r. lioise, Dern George H. Burnett, Kep... K. Ij, r-ddy, iisp Wm. Oxllowar, Dem.. For District Attorney Jonn 11. Aicisary, Hep.... j. j. vvnitney. For Joint Jtepreaentatiye Aimon 11. Liarke, Deoa. Jamas 8. Cooper, ltep... For State Senator Oscar Hayter, Dem U. W. Ixiugbary, ltep...., D. M. Metzaer, Pro. , For Representative Frank U, rtwk, Dem.... Jtepubllcait Now. I have voted the democratio ticket all my life up to Inst Mon day when I voted the republican tioket straight. I like it and be login accord with the principles of the republican party hereby serve notice that I shall continue to rote tho republican ticket and upport republican measures. ' H. II. Webtacott. Itose Service. At tin M. E. church next Sab htth there will le two special aer ices the church will b beauti- .1 . 1 ... mi . uucoratea wim roses, ine pastor wil preach; subject at 11 a. "The Rose of Sharon," 8 p. m., "The WildcrnesB and tho Roae. There will be special singing. Ev erybody welcome. Seats free. Notice to the l'ubllc. I will be absent from town for a few weeks but will be found at my office on and after June 25. Public will plonse take notice. Dr. Wm. R. Allin. The friends of Thomas Brunk ... 1 1 1. Via Olid. Will De giau to iuru " cessfully stood an operation In the Salem Hospital and has been broueht home again. Mr. Brunk took interest in the election but was unable to take part this year. He kept posted, however, while I.!- .nm ot ill con tinea 10 um hospital. ifra. Davidson la having her residence and cottages painted aid improved. D. L. Keyt, Kep . For County JadKe. If. 8. Uutz, Pro.... Kd F. tJoad, ltep James D. Bruitb, Dem ... For Hheriff J. T. Foid, Dem W. P. Miller, Pro M. Hcrallord, ltep For County Clerk O. H. Clark, Pro K. V. Dalton, Dem E. M. Hmlth, Kep For County Treasurer J. K. Beezley, Kep K. B. Jamiaon. Dem Jacob Kbodabarer, Pro.. For Assessor C. 8. Graves, Kep F. K. Myer, Dem A. N.Poole. Pro For Hcbool Superintendent j. vv. nutier, vem C. L. Htarr, ltep For Surveyor Li, Ground. Dem J. P. Van Orsdell, Rep. . . . For Coroner It. Li. Chapman For County Commissioner J. II. Mulkev J. T. Pettlt, Pro William Kiddell, Kep For Local Option Yes No For Direct Primary Yes No State Printer Amendment Yes.. No .. 3 80 4 87 6 4 83 61 08 3 55 6 37 86 67 88 74 62 64 87 I 79 71 84 63 3 66 64 93 1 57 2 84 66 73 74 Q. It a. a 8 131 6 85 7 5 142 62 125 0 76 8 46 150 122 US 139 71 75 155 118 108 6 117 110 11 144 83 S5 K o 3 5 o 8 83 64 I 65 72 66 68 103 63 4 70 80 69 105 10 73 10 124 6 111 8 95 128 112 110 11 144 81 9 91 129 . 88 129 133 90 7 I 113 107 100 146 24 119 17 11 50 5 40 13 6 53 35 50 3d 6 26 72 63 44 64 43 40 63 43 52 12 45 56 8 63 34 69 6 32 2 2rt 77 38 67 2 54 88 45 59 69 34 o a B 3. 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