KIOHT THIIRrH CONVENTION. ! Mr. ami Mr. !. S. Palmer re j upending the week iu I'ortlaiid. j Rifi'cte HrU District Meeting:! "rirt. " lawn S"1" "l r . . . Craven it Moore'. . f ..Won l.,ff T nildluinf; DIliHt j Tuesday for Nome, Alaska t Iw ! gone several months. 31 to June 3 ... ... t , ThethlM.n..u.."B-j-j Ba(lheU of fun. The new lawn Wert Willamette t Craml Moore!, tion will mwt in Independence Tuedav May ol nJ continue in 1 1. L. rattrnon, co.icior oi cu- . . i . r .l 1 a ....... i tension until Friday morning June The meeting will be Iielt in 3 the Paniint church. Following is the program: T u e t d a y Devotional. J- M Green; A word of welcome, Joseph Craven; Response, Mark Noble; Address. An efficient Sunday characteristics and ac complishments, Mrs. Scott; Ad dress, How to make an ordinary Sunday school efficient. James Ed munds; Discussion; Address, Faith ful and efficient teachers, how se cured, D. A. Snyder; Address, Dealing with the little folks, Katie Shreve; Question box; Prayer ami praise. W. H. Latourette; Address, Sunday school expansion, James Edmunds; Introductory sermou, J H. Douglas. Wednesday Devotion, A. J. Huneaker; Reading of Church Let ters. Short talks on local condi tions by representatives ot the churches, in response to roll ca.l; Address, Characteristics of a grow ing church, B. C. Miller; Address, A means of power, the B. Y. P. U., Miss Millspaugh; Addrees, A means of power,, the Prayer Meeting, L. W. Riley; Women's Session; B. Y. P. U. rally; praise and prayer, F. II. Adams; special music; Address, The genius of Christiau greatness, F. W. Cliffe. Thursday Devotion, J. H. Doug las; Address, Experiences of the Bible man, J. L. Whirry; The Kingdom of God in Oegon, L. W. Riley; Isorth America for Christ, J. M. Green; Address, To every creat ure in alt the world, A. W. Rider; discussion;' demotion, B. C. Miller; business, election of officers; educa tional report by E. Northrop; Ad dresses bv A. M. Brumback and others; Praiss and prayer. L. W. Riley; Educational sermon. F. II. Adams. jrriday Minister's Conference Informal; Women's meeting; Con secration Service led by, L. W. Riley; Minister's Conference, infor mal; Women's meeting; consecra tion service led by L. W. Riley; Address, The Surrendered Life, Jas. A. Clarke. The officers of the church are: President, R. O. Jones, Amity; vice president. C. G. Scott, Carlton: secretary, F. C. Stanard, Newberg, tremirer, Margaret Stanard, New berg. Each church is entitled to five messengers and an additional one for every fifty members or fraction thereof after the first one hundred. About fifty delegates are expected to be present besides other visitors. tom of the Portland port, was in Independence this week. C. L. Fitchard, who has been East for several months, returned to Independencn today. Something new at Craven k Moore's. Call and see the Boome rang. Prof. Raymond will give a dance at the auditorium Saturday night. Come out and enjoy yourself. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give their anuual rose show this year between the 10th and 15th of June. Wait for the rose tdiow. Boomerang, the latest thing out better than lawn tennis, at Craven & Moore's. The Polk County Wool Growers Association sold this years clip of wool in Dallas yesterday. There was 200,000 pounds in the pool and the price received 19 3 10 cents against 17 3-8 received last year. The Oregon City Woolen Mill was the purchaser. IMvOEHLKK 11KKE. Southern Fad lie Manager aut IJesident Knglueor Donald Visit Independence. A free motor to the republican rally at Dallas Saturday nignt will be run for voters and their ladies only". All the republican candidates and most of the democratic candi dates are in town to attend the re publican rally this evening. A. L. Sharman, brother of W. G. Sharaan, died recently at his home near Montreal, Canada. Mr. Shar man was here some time, having spent the spring of 1890 with his brother in Independence. Hops, fruit and grain are looking fairly well but a shower at this time would be most acceptable. Though it has not been many days since rain fell the ground is be coming quite dry. There is some -om plaint of the hop bore in the older yards. The bore is an insect that enters the root of old hops and some years is disastrous. R Vnahlor. manasrer of the IV. r Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, and Resident Engineer Donald vis ited Independence Wednesday. Thev looked over tne prospect of opening up a gravel bar in the river oDDOsite Independence, view ed the needs of improvement at the S. P. station, the condition of the company warehouses and the rail road situation in these parts gener ally. As to the gravel bar, the water is vet too hish to ascertain the char acter or quantity of gravel to be had or to project the line out to the river's edge though the Burvey has been made. The probabilities are the water will be low enough forj track building within a month. The indications are a big gravel bed will be found at low water and 40u car-loads have been engaged to the Falls City road. Mr. Koehler observed the need ot additional granite at the station so as to enable people to walk around the train in coming to town and iu reference to the proposed extra, train said that matter is still under : consideration. , ' j In his conversation here Mr.! Koehler seemed disposed to meetj the people half way in the matter; of transportation conveniences. j Decoration Day Exercises. Decoration Day services will be. held in the G. A. R. Auditorium Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The program is as follows: Salute to Flag by school. Address. . .... - Rev. Edmondson Reading of Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg Prof. Newhill. Short tales by Ministers. Strewing of flowers to unknown dead. Monmouth choir. The motor will leave Monmouth at 10 A. M., returning after the exercises. AH are cordially in vited to attend. Having sold out my grocery business, I would be pleased to have all who owe me call and settle at once I will be at the effice of Justice of the Peace Wilson. Yours truly, C. D. Calbreath. WEST 8IPR KNTKItrMSK. INPKPKNPKSl'K. OKWSOS and Dwy, feed Boardin WE DRIVE CLARKE VEHICLES FOR Commercial Travellers A Specialty Good Accomodations. Prompt Service fiorses well cared for I ftl. DicRinson, Prop. telephone 2u independence, Ore. - hvt:"7j AV y Ys X A7 y Front Gear of Ruahford Wnjjon Good Timber nnd Bono Dry R M BEST IRONED WAGON MADE & CO. Independem Big Bargains in Furniture All Next Week, Week After Next and Every Week Follow ing mmm " ..,..,. C-:$ "i VII Vext ytP Week, flTfi Week jQ Alter tlXU Next Week -i:i;a-T.;v"Fllov Take the Boat and Come to Salen You Will Save Money on Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper and All House Furnishings. Carpets Our Carpet Department is a busy place. Why? Because we have the best stock of Carpets in the Willamette Valley and our prices are below those of the larger cities, hence we get trade from other towns where prices are higher and stocks smaller. Our Special Sale of Iron Beds Offers the FowcKt Possible Prices. All I ron Pels goin at marked down figures to make room for a large shipment on the way. Full size Iron Beds $2.50 We Pay the Freight Go Carts , fcUn Do not buy a ('art un til you H' our lint' A 1 I the modern im-prove")1'"1-Foot Urakc, g inch Hub' Cusn- ber ion Tire, Patent Parasol Clamp. (Parasol is always in propel p081' tion) Construction simple and ea?J to operate. QfTuixki Salem -WXL-233E&y Ore. s