WKHT flIDK KNTKIU'RISK, INDEPENDENCE, OUEOON SEVEN JfjlE pEMOCRATIC TICKET Hiiiir iihCAII HA YTKIl JUrrMMi KHANK KAWK Joint Kpr -ulMllv A. II. CI.AKIC Jul- j. i. HMtrii iiiiiMilUMitr j, . MIXKKY Clrrk r;. V. DAI.TON Mmrlir J. T. FOUO Tmuiurrr K. U. JAMISON Hitnx'1 hu'elliilmlelil j. W. lIl'TI.I'lt K. K. MYKIU4 Hurvryol UUItOUM) t'urolier IL W. 8. I'AltKY "lmliiWU t'oiiMy Ticket. 8UU henaior WorreKOIt MKTHUKIt Hr)irrnnlllv I. K. lAWkl fjnty Judge Mmimlaatorier f T. J. I'KTIIT Courtly Claik 0. a. C1.AKK tll.eriiT W. P. Ml U.Kit i wmlKir A. M. ItWl.K tlcliu tidprlnledkl U. A. rOIUJ Treurr J11X)H ItlloDAIlAKXIt fiuryor WILLIAM I KK Coroner , UKTOK CAKHY Made Yuiiiiit Again, L- (ln i.f Uf, Kins' Hr ,IU rail) uiKin n.r iwu I.. ,H ,, M B1V Wool I'ihiI Arriiele. ! H. M. 1'anlil Iihm in-i-n appointed Till: VHVHVUl. tern attain, writes j, 1J. Tur,,,r nr. "M""! for inn I'olk Cuunlv Wool ""hw.i, I. They're lb. Im lh orl fr Hvr, eiotiiarh u. bowel, Purely Vriretahle. NVvrr fl . Only i-,0 at a. H. I.' ilruu BUire, Orowrr AModallnn kt Monmouth and K. K I'NililiH'k agent fur Inde pendencc. They are authorized o receive wmI Jnlu Ibn Aeaociatiun . . , pool. MemWe can get a:k fur Wind Vmiirl. j nialied free by applying at either 1 am in tli market for wool at 'Bnry. (, I,, Kchton. higheat rah iirici'R, io. K. IWy. A HUrilluir Trt, To ev a llf, Dr. T. II. Mrrritl of No, Mrhoomriy, mailt a alerting lot rvaiiltliig In woinlnful mire. a write, a petlant wae aiterkrri with Violent liemorrtiaK, eauet-il liy uloria- Hull uf III KtolllMll. I lltMl often fiHIIIll Kleclrlo Hitler eswllent for kruu UHumh and liver fmutiU-a a I pre a'illil llirm. Hi petlriit Balner! from Ilia Ural ami Im hot liml kit attack In 14 niuntlm. I'.lMitrlo lUltrra ara poai lively tfuaranlard lor dyepepela, I mil geallon. ron(latlnn and knlmy trou ble.. Try them, Only ftoo at A. H. IM-kaa. Keo'y I'olk County Wool (Jrowert Annotation. Hick heaihtch rrault from k die ordi rad atornartt and la iuli:kly cnrel ty tliamlterlulir aloinaoli ami liver tablet. For le by all druKgUt. IV onil for Mkle. 8. ('ox, tho wood dealer, ia ready to deliver hihmI at your door on hurt notice. Itig fir wood MM er cord; aeoond growth 13; maplt l.'t. I'bono 1-t'i. V kit ted, ?eial repeaentalivea in this county and adjoining territory, lo rrprraoiil and adverliim an old ea lahlUhed tul(ltwa liouak of kolid financial atandiiiR. Halary 121 weekly, with fijwnnea from h"ad ijuarleri. Hone and buggy fur n la tied when tiecrMary; iaitioi) eruianent. Add real lilew Iiro. Si Co., Moium lilJa., Chicago. 111. r.rtland Only muI Itrturn The Southern Pacific Co. la now tfllitiK round trip ticket lo Port land from Indei-endcnc, lor 2.40, fwd going Saturday or Sunday, Murning Sunday and Monday, giving ail day Sunday and Monday la IVtland. The .ui. ment applif from Portland, giving Portland pepl a chance to vlait V.llrv loiiiU kt greatly reduced rili. Her blue. Will overcome ludigeallott and dya (ewla regulate lit bowel and cur liver and kidney complaint. It I the Ut blwKl enricher and lrvlKnUr In fli world. It la purely vegetable, er fectly tiarnilea. and abould you be a aulTrrer from dlaeaoa, you will Uea It If youarewlae. 11. N. Audrewa, lltor and liianKr Cocoa and Itockledg Newa, Oicok, Kla., wrllea, I hav uacd your llerbln In Uiy family aud find It k moat ex eel lr lit medicine. It effect upoa toyaelt hav been a marked W-oe-flt. I rwonunend it uiilieitailiiRly. I Wie. M4d by A. H. Itck. (irowlnif AclieM auU kln. Mr. Joele Numner, Breroond, Teiaa wrllea. A ull 12, 1102, I have uaed Hal- lard'a Know Liniment lo my family lor three year, I would not be with out U u tlie houae. I Lav uaed It on my Utile girl for growing pain and ache In her knee. U eured her right away. I have eUo uaed It for fmt bit ten feet wltb good auooeaa. It I tbe beat liniment I ever uaed. 'Z'm, Me, l. Hol.l by A. W. Un-ko. ) MethtNllat Klconl ( Inircli Corner of 5th and Monmouth latreeli; Bev. NV. Kdrnondaon, paalor. Hunday acliool 10 n. in. Morning acrvice 11 a. in. CliMH meet Inn 12 rn. j ICveniiig aervicei H (JO p. m. Prayer meeting yery VVednnedtty evening kt 7:30. The paraonage it next door lo the church and the prnitor will lie plenaed to aee you and render any helpful eervicM. Culvary rreabyterlan Church. Sunday acliool at 10 a. ro. Morning worabip 11 o'clock. Endeavor meeting 2 p. tn. Evening worth ip 8:00. , Prayer meeting Wednesday even ings at 7:30. Reg. No. 25531 SEAL IUc.2;J0 Nifti:op joi; hkau 2.h Mired by ICrd Heart tliei aire of Chain Shot 2:XM, Kid Sr '2t0t Kte. Dam Al.K'K f. (lrll) 2:2S by Mark Field, (aon of Geo. Wllke), liani of lied Heal 2:10, Allwood elr of laiy field !tii-, Maw :U l.rtno Field 2:111. eto. Heoond dam DAY URLl by Advanc.alreof Malrakk25el" l)ii of Veriu 2:W4'. Vlndei iH. Third dam daugbter of Tlppo 8klb, a thotoughbied. Hexl Heart la by George Wllkeef out of Hwetheart. bv Bultao; eoond dam MluuebMba, the dami of lleaullful bell, etc Jted Seal atamta 15 1, compactly built, wltb ret quality and a aure alraof great ieed. lie will make tbe aeaaon of l!4 at the , , OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS Term $40 Meaaon With tbu uaual return privilege. Mood put urn at reasonable ralea to marea aent from a ditiUDee. Addrea HAM CAMTO, Fair Grounds, Ore. Htray HhtHp. There are thirteen ilray sheep at my place. The owner will please call and acttls the hill. Jacob HucKpn, Kxpoure To cold draught of air, to keen and cutting wlnda. audden change of tern perature, scanty clothing, undue ex iioaur of tbe thrnat and Deck afler public aieaklng and a nglng, bring on cough and eotd. fialiard'a horehoud ay ru p I the beet cure. Mr A. llarr, llouaton, Teaaa, write, Jan. 81, KW2: On bottle ol Ilallard'a horehi.und ayrup cured me of a very bad eougb. It la very pleaaaut to take. 25c, Ado, f I. Hold py A. 8. Locke. 01 If you would dress well Keep your eye on Dotity & Irvine i 01 i i (I (I Bedrock prices... Up-to-Bate Suits .Call and See for Yourself. Peerless Clothing Store United Kvangellcal. Sunday school at 10 A. M. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Keyatone League of Chrmtian Endeavor at 6:30 V. M. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Etbel Urown, superinten dent ef K. L. C. E. To all of tbene aervices th puh- llo is inylted. Dam it A. 1'oUNa. p r. Christian Church. Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sundays by Rev. E. C. Wigmore. Sunday school 10 A. M. Y. P. 8. C. E. 0:30 P. M. Subscribe for the rest Side Enterprise, $1.50 per year. Cadies' exclusive Store A beautiful line of Tailor-made Hats and Other Dressy Creations that add to the charm of Femininity. Complete line of Ladies' and Misses' Suits, and Ladies Furnishings. IF YOU WOULD DRESS IN STYLE AT PRICES THAT WILL DEFY COMPETITION CALL AT Mrs. Frasers, 27 Commercial St, Salem Free ' THEv 4heronHohe ' U Jl J) J 1 . J Free to all Subscribers at 16 Wtst ill latisptse Th pbllKr of thin papor. by aprcUl rnml witK th publUher of THE AMERICAN HOME. N-w Yorh City, N. Y.. will for ahort Um. ABSOLUTELY FREE A YEAB'S SUBSCRIPTION , TO THE AMERICAN HOME JUST THINK OF IT! GRASP THIS UNPARALLELED OFFER t DO IT NOW i THE AMERICAN HOME the leading rtory paper, giving it reader in a year'a lima , oTer 1 5,000 inchea ol good tetding moltef, conuting of Look Srll Stort 8. Lons CompUta Stori. IS ol Popular Mualo 49 r''V? . . , oO Short Storl. ISO Arttclo rotdod on r.et 130 Carafullr $.laetd ro . aOOShortHuoroJoK Fill thU im mmd Mmll ml- Bring w tarft ft CanUtmmn. - Encloaod ind t p.y for on. y.r'a .ubcriotion to THE AMERICAN HOME and ajv yfl gntS!J?lS3 '': X I