THREE WEHT Hi 1K KNTUHPKIBK, INDBI'DNDEXCK, OKECiON - SALEM, OREGON. Ladies' Suits ; Hiiiiineuon " . Kbrrt value, at -It li"- vi ur iuil. 4 jailor , ill 10 I 'S "', Jill" r"- run- , . $15.65 $17.85 .. $1965 . $26.60 Shirt Waists mru'i dainty White Bhlrt Wii.l Tim awelle.1 von ever M. K f nlJlT NVit thinR t pmv ll; Kl ietly what we'll Jo '" V ifotion f avery caller. 5?c ro 5.00 mammocks Prattitr l'ltrn than r. Van loilfti t chK ffOIH ..,.1 'i.i.i what VOU want to pay, Ixwk them oyor. 68c to $5.00 IShoes QUEEN UALITY FtnwHit Shot lor Woman hhuj. Ru J.vw For Business Wear .... You rUbl prefer Mu-k .tilt (ur bualiiPM; the common lrl lur everyday wear. There' no twton, though, why Vuti ihuuiil tint have Hi trl tyl which ) chara.'l.rlir. Ihv Hart, SthaHiwr It Man .ark olu. J 11 t txr.niMi aark .uitf are aorl of Maple lyl i noreeaon why thev aliimld he common la.-n. Whan have urh h in mfi-r 1)110' no ifuod t.awiri lin mring enyuung mm itt-aimble. All Styles AO Prka. r. $t0 to $25 g n 11 . McLaughlin and Italph KF I. litvti their ticket ur- II I f ir Nkiiic ami will Mart 011 a (5. A Itichari'l their lournnv Buiulnv llm 2'Jlli IiinI. They Mill go on the ale mer Oregon MliichMil. from HcaUle, June 1. Mr Mcl.utigliliit nuii l.icliard hio iiilrn .lmj iu claim on lluby uml lliKliUiul crutki 00 mi!i!i ix VoikI Noiihi. TIimkj U h comnttnv iifcibt l.iur Ki'ttl iiikii it nd twu ' - - t&.toru men lcniiliiii McLouitliliu nd Kicliftrdu thttt r working their claim tuglluT. Tlioy will Uk tho ii(.'.ii hIiovhI. up front Honlllo. All but on tuetnUr of liio .rt will go up thin Kprinx Hud ul 111 tlio Huuuiiur on the ground. Th proipi-cl aro re ported good. Tho Fruit Crowm' t'nlun f Moriun county pnjtiiring for iiuoinek. tho coming mmiiou and ex- I !'( ( to dmMiro of the crop to gKl iidvaiitBifo. A t-crUry Ima ucn tk'Cled ami ho will travel to varl- oun citif for th puriioKe of mak- ' ing tifclorjr trrangi'ineiita for luudliiiK the fruit. Already over 175 am of cherrie. Iigan berriea, Uawl)frrie and rmioberrieii re controlled by tho Union. Dau Patch U tho fuetret hurneM loroo in the world, holding the fol j lowing world rvoordi: Mile record, half-mile record, :6; roile ricord on half-wile track, 2:03; mile record to high wheel sulky. 2:01 J; two-iuilo record, 4:17. Daa Patch holda more world recordi than any home that ha ever lived. Miiu nl Wife Wanted. Wanted Mau and wife to work on raech. Everything furnished. Inquire at thi oflice or call up George Wbiteaker, phone 15, Monmouth. ennui For the Floor For the Wall Do not fail to visit our store and sec what we have. ill Silver Plated jj Knives, Forks & Spoons j v. 10 8 I An 1(1 wt. Knlv, pT dox f lrt dwt. Forki. er doi.... ? f HterliuK Stiver Plate Co Koiv-, p)r lp. . 2 00 iiruiig cuver 1 w. a --i i -- t jui . . . . . - 1 95 2W 2 M ..... 3 25 .... 3 25 Tea Hpoona a 1. per eel Tea Spoon XII Tea HKKim 6 or triple, per . . DenKcrt HjKKjnH a 1, p' t ..... Deaaert Hpooim XII. per et ..... Deenert Hpoona 12 , per eet Table Hpoom 12 . per tet Table Kpoona a 1, per Mi. . . . . Table Spooi.a XII, per Ml Table Npoona 12, per ae. For Hale A good U. 8. cream aeparator. Call on or write, J. Bkckeh, Buena Vista, Ore. Cured lint Blotlier or Uheunm tlatn. Mv miilher btm leen a auflerer fur many yenra with rlieunialUru, aaya W. II. Howard of HuaUand, Pa. Attluiea aliu waa unable tu move at all, w hile at tlniua walking wan painful. 1 preaent ed her with a bottle of Chamberlain' pmu balm aod alter a few application he decided It waa the meat wonderful pain reliever ahe had ever tried, lu fact, ahe la never without lUiow and I talltlmea able to walk. An occa sional application of palu balm keep away the palu that ahe waa formerly troubled with. For aal by all drug- glal. Carpets and Rugs from one of tho mont prominent parti of our bunini'Bs, showing as we do rnoro patterns and a greater variety of grades than any other store in this section. Wo also have the latest and most approved appliances for making Carpets and Rugs. Wall Paper At this time many people are looking for 1 Wall Taper, our new spring stocic is now in and includes many new things shown ex clusively by us. While we aro proud of the fine papers we are jshowing, we have not neglected the cheaper and medium grades, in fact, we can please you regardless of tho king you waut. Frta Samples Sent by Mall. We pay freight to your nearest landing or station We are next door to Jos. Myers & Sons. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. 269 Liberty St., Salem, Ore. Ask the Agent for Tickets VIA GjSaV OREGON Shor t Line AND Union Pacific TO SPOKANC ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO T. lOOia AND ALL POINT (aT AND aOUTM. 3 TRAINS FKOM PORTLANU DAILY Through Pullman etandard and tour ist Bleeping car oauy m umaiin, v"- - t..nhnnB tnnriatBlAAninfrCa.rd&llV to Kanaaa City ; through PuUman tour ist sleeping ears ipersonnny touuuckuj 1, i. r".hi.o nn m.nA Kans&a Citv: reclining chair ear (seat free) to the East daily. 3 75 3 00 3 40 3 75 . 75 ID ) Nickel Te Spoon, Ikat, per aet If you wiah anyttlng in table ware call and examine thee Q ly S00- They ar bargalna. jj J O. A. KRAJVUiK 1' . . m i"s SS fr, 0 $a!ea, falls City $ Wtem Railway Co, TIME TABLE; EffcctlVe "Novgmtxr 23, iw, , ! o. z i MILKS No. 3 No.'l M. A.M. 1:20 7:45 y-ib 8:00 4 .1:39 8:03 ,5, 'H5 8:10 7 Jj558:20 0.25 0 iLv'DAlXAS Or. At Teats' Siding Gilhams,; u' 'Bridgeport rFAIXSCITYLv P. M. 5:10 4:54 ,4,51 4,45 4,35 A Me 9:55 0 39 0:36 0:30 0:20 i hp HUNGER. Jr.t ' "ny Mpt Sunday LlGENERAL MANAGER - H3D1GE5TIO? I tu troakM wtlh Mb IroubL. Thadford a Black Drauiht aid m. awr. rwl la m nt ttu all U. tor' a BMdiela. I took la a . rar'-HRI. lAHiH B. aiariBU, ntttarm, lad. Tbedford' BlackDraughi quickly inTigorate the ae tion of the stomach and caret even chronio ease of Indigoition. If you iwill take a iraall dose of Tbed ford t lltack Draught occa- .i..M. will katn Tonr luiiaiij - - tr tomach and liver la pf (ct aoadiuea. ; , ',.1 THEonnw,;;: M-DRAWHT Man IckM i eaad by eonitipation than by any othet diKaaai.-Xhedlord'aj Black-Draught aot only ra liTontipatioakutcura diarrhaa and dyaentery and keep the bowal regular. , ) ,s All r.fttoa adl Trhaiferd Uk J Draught ia the beat medj. oine lo regruUta the boweU 1 bar ew mied." MRS. A. M. GRANT, 8ad Fany.K.C. ,; ..A m 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY THE FLYER and THE FAST MAI 12 7 I Portland to Chic g vr Mo SI'LEHDIO PERVHK UP-TO-DATK EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS EMPLOYES DAYLIGHT TRIP ACROS8 CAB- CADE AND BOCKY MTKS. For tickets, rates, folder and fatl in formation eallon or address H. D1CK RON. Oltr Ticket Aaent, 1M 3rd St., Portland, . ' : V ' - ; s. O. YERKE8. G, W. P. A. J . 612 First Ave., Seattle, V aen. Mm. McQoery mother of D. W. ' - i i a tt S-.rB. who ha been quite, m wr everal days ia elowly improving, cifio Univewity and; Monmouth ,. KAn arrantred to take plaoe on the Monmouth grounds next "Mon day. It will be a game wortn awinB. Tha O. A. C. enior claei exeur- aipn last, Saturday- was the first excursion of the season to Hew a Tkaa hundred and forty pori ....... - students and townspeople went from CorTallis. ! TKa annual meeting of the state grange waa held in Corfallis this week. Change of Car 70 pkpaet TIME SCHEDULE abbive FOR FROM PORTLAND FBOM Chicago BU Lake, DDvert rori-iauu r ui hi, vuinut Special Kansas City, St 4,30pm u ' i n i in v i ft lAuii. vu lonKU auu Hunting- East. ton. ' -i : - ' ' ; Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, i c-a ViWnrth.nmiha. S; 15 p in via Kanaaa City, 8t 1050 a na ton. . and f-aet. : 8t Paul Walla Walla.Lewie- FastMail ton.epoaane.nai- Bamvia lace, Pullman, 7:55am Spokane. Minneapolis, 6 1 ran i, , waukee, Chicago ; i and East. .. ; i ' ' ' Corvallis k Eastern Railroad OCCAM AND RIVER SCHEDULE. Fer 8a Francisco Every five day at 8 :00 p. m. For Aetoria. way point ana w.K -RmMi-h Dailv. ezceot Sanday, at 8 :00 p. mi Saturday at lOfOO p. m. Daily aervice. water permiwn,, w Willamette ane Yamhill nvera. TIME CARD NO. 24 No. 2 For Yaquina: Leaves Albany. 12:4i p. m. " Corvallis..:... 2:00 p. m. Arrives Yaquina 6:20 p. m. No. 1 ReturniBg: Leaves Yaquina 6:4o A. M. Leaves Corvallis .... 11:30 A. m. Arrived Albany. . .. .12:15 p. u. No. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. Arrives Detroit. . . . .. .12:20 P. m. No. 4 from Detroit: Leaves Detroit ....... 1:00 p. M. Arrives Albany. . .... 5:55 p. K " Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with , the S. P. south bound train, as well as giv ing two or three hours in Albany before departure of S. P. North bound train. 1 " Train No. 2 connects with the 8. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct, service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m.; reaching De troit about noon, giving ample time to reach the Springs same day. For farther information apply to Edwin Stone, ' Manager. T. CocKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. Cbonis, Agent, Corvallis. For fuller Information ask or, write your oeareat ticket agent, or ' ,, A. L. CRAIG, Ni t: . ,r s;(i,..-j General Paeeenger Agent, ti.. nMnn Railroad & Navigation A J " V Co., Porrland, Oregon. , ; i ( B. L, Eddy one of, the, candi dates for eircuit judge was in Inde pendence yesterday, passing on to McMinnville 'last .night: Mr. Eddy's candidacy Is being favorably ceived in this district. Geo. T. Rr$ $ Co EVERYTHING IN PAPER ; . f f Silm . Ortgca i .aaaaaBaamMaaaaaaaaa "