WE8TSIDE ENTKUrmSB. lSnKrENPKSCK. OKKOON TWO ..ir nnniil DDICT1 CTO 'Slleh S v INUtrtNUtNUt OUOIAL DfilLrLLI U A. Wing of LewisvMe u ia the itr Monday. , Tbanon Mr. and Mrs. Clifford AlMien wwriocn i t . . . Joe Hubbard. At the last meeting of the lew Honor. Mrs. Georgia Walker was m . 1 r & nm elected ueiegaio aim - Oberer alernate to grand Mire wbich meets at Portland in July. the poet week. Dr. W. R. Allin was in Portland over Suuday. Mim Wagner was in Salem the Ust of the week. Trivas McDevitt of Corvallis was in Independence Sunday. Henderson Murphy left for astern Oregon last week. Attorney J. N. HmI of Dallas ipent Sunday in this city. t M. M. Porterfield of Parker was in Independence this week. T. D. Campbell of Corrallis was In the city the first of the week. Webster Holmes of Salem paid Independence a business trip Monday- Ckas. Martia. of Lebanon visited hlg mother, In Independence last week. E. V. Daltou, county treasurer, was an Independence visitor Mon ay. Harry Wagoner ot Portland was in Independence the last of the week. Miss Marie Shafer was a passen ger to Portland Monday to be gone several weeks. Mrs. I. .L Smith and Miss Ollie Hastings were passengers to Salem Friday morning. Mrs. M. B. Terrell, of Newberg. visited with her son, L. W. Charles, this week. Mrs. Geo. Hawkins and son Hermann of Dallas, were in Inde pendence Sunday. Mrs. S. A. Mulkey, of Corvallis spent several dayB the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Fen nell. Mrs. Carl Roe returned to her home at Enterprise last week after an extended visit with relatives here. Attorney Oscar Hayter, demo nrotiA run didate for state senator, was shaking hands in Indepen dence the first of the week. Miss Ethel Lemon arrived in In dependence Friday from Silverton and has a position in the telephone office. Miss Lrmon is a sister of Mrs. Wm. Barnett. R. E. Ferguson attended the Odd Eellows grand lodge at Astoria the past week. Dr. Ketchum and A. S. Locke were also named as delegates bat were unuble to attend. Miss Rena Norton of Spokane, Wash, is visiting her parents near Airlie. Miss Norton is a stenog rapher, and she with a number of other young lady stenographers from Spokane will start . soon for the St. Louis exposition. ' . Hon. John H. McNary of Salem, republican candidate for dis trict attorney, was in Independence Monday in the interest of his can didacy. He went from here to Yamhill county where he will epend seyeral days. The Eastern Star lodge of this city pleasantly entertained the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Claud Gatch of Salem, Monday evening. A large number of the members were present and a very social eyening was spent. Hon. G. S. Wright, of Mc- Minnville, republican candidate for ioint senator for Tillamook.iamniu and. Lincoln counties, passed through Independence Monday. Hon, J. 8. Cooper joined Mr. Wright " at this place and they together are canvassing Lincoln county. , of of Misses Zela and Flov Henkle of Portland were guests of Mis. Thos. Fennell he first of the week. Mrs. John Alexander of Ana conda, Mont, is visiting at the home of her fathar-iu-law, James Alexander. Mf. and Mrs. Frank Butler of Falls Citr spent Monday night in Independence on their way to the state grange meeting at orvauis. The Hill boys of Salem have purchased a little gasoline boat that is doing service on the river at Salem. It carries half a dozen pas sengers. Forty-five people went from In dependence on the excursion to Salem Sunday, and a smaller num ber on the conductor's excursion to Portland. The day was ideal, one that an excursionist would natur ally enjoy. Wm. Reevea Dead. , W. M. Beeves died at his home in West Independence Wednesday afternoon, May 18th, of paralysis at the age of seventy-six years. Farters! servies were held the fol lowing day at the residence, Rev. Edmondson officiating. The re mains were buried in the 1.0.0 r . cemetery. Deceased had Uvea m the vicinity of Independence for a number of yearB. He leaves a wife and five children. Two of the four sons are residents of this city. I am prepared to drill tubular weils on short notice. Water guaranteed- Arch Sloper, Independ ence. The Charter Oak Mill will be removed to a Dew setting within a few days, having cut all the timber within easy reach of its present location. Report of council proceedings, crowded out of last issue, included mention of the adoption of a resol ution ordering sidewalks put down in different parts of the city. Appli cation of T. J. Gilpin for Baloon license was received and the matter is under consideration. Council' man Taylor was granted a two months' leave of absence. Orville Buchanan, engineer at the Charter Oak Mill, lost the index fintrer of his left hand and the sec ond and third were badly lacerated in a mishap at the mill Monday. In looking after the the machinery Mr. Buchanan allowed his fingers to eet caught between the pitman and the disc of the engine and it Gost the loss of his fingers. Miss Nellie Burk, teacher in the second erade of the Independence public school met with an accident at the school picnic at Kicfcreall Saturday from which she is tempo rarily disabled. Her injuries were received as the result of attempting to go to the rescue of little Rutb Hodee and Gretchen Kramer whea they were driven over by a FalU City rig. Miss Burk with a party of school children was seated on L. Damon's hay-rack wagon, when she observed the imminent danger of the two little girls under the horses feet of some picnicker who to sav the least was absent-minded. In attempting to alight from the hay rack to save the children Miss Burk fall and wrenched the knee, rendering her helpless. She was brought home Saturday and has aince been confined to her room.' It is thought however, she will be out in few days. J. A. Mills of Salem, formerly of Independence was elected last week at Astoria, liranu Mawr oi wr I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of Oregon. for the coming year. The total regUtration in the two Tndnndeiic preoinctis, revised and up-to-date is SiW as compared to 343 two years ago; a gain ot .j. or about 15i per cent. Attorney lIrW roistered 159 voters and - - 4 o Justice B. Wilson turned in papers for 2fi3. Airlie was in danger of bein destroy ml by fire Sunday afternoon when the home ofThoinaa Wil liams caught bro. A space ten feet square on the roof was burned before the flames were under oon trol. Hard work on the part of the citizens saved the hous. from further damage. There will be no morning service in the M. E. Church Sunday owing to the memorial service in the G. A. R. building. In the evening at 8 o'clock Mr. Edmondson will give an address on ''Art thou a Roman?" or "Recognition oi vnnsun vur tenship " He would like to have the voters ef Independence preeent. An earnest invitation .is given to all. You will be welcomed. J. W. Streit, train agent, and J. P. Jones traveling passenger agent of the Southern Pacific Co. passed through Independence luesday. Mr. Streit is the eagle-eyed man who examines your railroad ticket on trains out of Portland and if it's a scalpers ticket or defective in any wav. like Candidate Bob Veatch, objects, makes you pay full fare or puts you off the train. . The campaign opened in Salem Tuesday night with a rousing re publican rally. Senator C. W. Fulton and Congressman Hermann were the principal speakers. They will speak at Newberg tonight (Thursday), at Corvallis tomorrow (Friday) and at Dallas Saturday nizht. Hon. L. T. Harris of Eugene and Claude Gatch of Salem will speak here tonight. On Sunday evening May 22, Rev. Tiffanv of New York ad dressed a large congregation in the Baptist church. The theme of Dr. Tiffany's lecture was local option. Ha spoke upon tne existing conui tions in our country from the economic standpoint. He does not, as some temperance lecturers, uhnHp thn saloon-keener but stands an avowed enemy to his business. Dr. Tulany is a torceiui ana eio quent speaker and held his audi ence from the nrst. in" rnunie fnr tha rwasinn wax furnished bv the male quartet of Philomath col lege and was greativ appreciaieu. I BUSINESS LOCALS. Take your wool ol,lr 10 Messnera. Mock pastured by C.W.LH,nrd at Monmouth, Oregon. Young mm buy your suits at Messnere. Wanted Wool and mohair. Top prices paid in cash at Messners See Mrssner s ad for cut price in summer waitings. i l lunrcv and wagon for sale by Fraier A Kite. Wool sacks can be had from the Peoples Cash Store, Independence. Wanted, wool Top cash price. Peoples Cash Store, Independence. Messner buys wool and pay highest market price. Will you help us get ten car loads of wool? Peoples Casn eior , Independence. Fine line of summer skirts at j Messners. Messner wants all your chick ens and eggs. They are just as good as cash here. A ood place to stop for a meal in Salem is at Strong's restaurant. Meals at all hours. Put your wool in the Tolk coun ty dooI. Wool sacks tree. See E. E. Paddock, Independence. Don't forget we will buy for eash all the wool you can bring us. Peoples Cash Store, Independence. The pool obtains the highest price for wool. Wool sacks free. E. E. Paddock, Independence. Those Clark and Parry buggies are good sellers. They are the best good for the money. It. M. Wade & Co. Frazer & Rice have on exhibi tion at their store a Sida Delivery Clover Buncher and Hay Wind rower which in a success in vetches and clover. Fits any mower. Moore's Hair Invigorator and Newbro's Ilerpicide for dandruff and falling hair or diseased scalp sold in bulk, 50c 8 oz., or applied if necessary by J. 8. Moore, the barber on C street. The Corvallis Steam Lauudry makss a specialty of gents goods and lace curtains. Your laundry called for and delivered at your door. Satisfaction guaranteed. Goods called for on Mondays- and Tuesdays and delivered on Fridays. Orders may be left at CraAen A Moores. For Sale. A male hog, registered Poland China. Inquire of G. G. Hewett, Monmouth, Oregon, rHF DERY BEST CORSETS on the Market today are I JOYAL -WOnCKST KIl i rp Royal lW9 ! : Worcester fX7 S if S CoracU. ' V f ! f I 1 All Grades anb Prices CJ9KRIED Br E. E. Paddock Independence, Ore. Small Blaze. A fire started in the roof of the Bohannon planing mill on Main 6treet Tuesday morning The alarm whistle sounded and the fire department responded but John Bohannon with bis little Utica fire extinguisher had the Are under control when the boys arrived. A hole was burHed in the shingle roof but the damage was not seri ous. No insurance was carried. Fire started from sparks from the smoke stack. .... A second fire on Main street started in the Independence cream ery Monday afternoon but was put out promptly with the hose ' before it got under headway. Paraffine had been left on an oil stove next door to the office.' The melting paraffine boiled over and blazed up igniting loose paper. The alarm was turned on5" andu the fire boys were promptly on the grounds but Clarence Clodfelter had re duced the blaze with the hose. - 'A few. minutes more start would have been a disastrous fire. A Positive Necessity. Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days from a severely bruised leg, I on ly found relief when I used a bottle of Ballard's snow liniment. I can cheer fully recommend it us the bext medi cine for brumes ever sent to the a filiat ed. It has now become a positive tie oessity upon myself. D. R. Byrnes, merchant, Doversvil'.e, Texa. 25c, 50c, 1, Hold by A. 8. Locke. MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH ' RAILWAY CO. Jjeavea Indepen dence for Mon mouth and Airlie "7:30a.m. , (M SJ p. m, Imvu Indepen" dene for Mon moDtn and Dallita rHa.m. :15 p. m. i , . , . L'vtt Monmouth for Airlie. TsMa. m. ' 8:60 p. m. L'vm Monmouth , : for lwllu. ., 11:20 a. m. fcao p. m. Leave Airlie for Monmouth and Independence. - :00 a. m, i:06 p. m. Leaven Dallas for Monmouth and Independence. 1:00 p. m. McCready & Eahart Successors to C. D. Calbrelh Announce to the p ublic t h nt th ey will keep on hand u full line of fresh up to date QROCERIE5. ColLnnd see us McCready Sr Eahart Independence, . . . Oregon I) i I) to 4 I J I W W i New Harness iShop NEW HARNESS, Buggy Whips, Horse Blankets, Robes, And Everything Carried in an up-to-date Harness Store. All kinds of Repairing Promptly Done. Your Harness Oiled. GIVE ME A CALL. i C C J. KURRE Indepependence, Ore. 4 4 i i & W ai W vs lVve Monmouth for Independence :4Aa, m. , !: p. m. ' '-fcW " 6: " 8:0 ' ' dcoce for 2KK p depen-MOD, Suver Camp No. 7.132, Woodmen of Amrira will .v.: r.l i . . ...... i.uir otu annual picnio at Kidder s Orove, baturday, June 4th. Modern ! y Kobert Miss Fav Fnlkerson ii. dauir,.,! in Portlaud with a case of appen dicitis. She went to the motropolis Saturday on a business trip and was taken down while there. Her father has gone to her bedside. Veatch. . candidate r give congress was in Independent 7.'' terday hut delivered no a""'1 From here he went to Delia whert he spoke last night. Mrs. Homer Hill Is visitinf i tites ia Corf allia. ' Miss Alda Fruup Parker Wednesday. was in M i